■ ■■ ■UBI MT NOTICE. | through here Wednesday on !•><, DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. the building. He found most of way to Burns for treat#. «■ them favorable to bonding the Tilt co-p: rtnership heretofore ex- ! The telephone line seems in Uugt jju||,,irt wa< over frinì» city for $8,000 and owning the isfiiig lietw-en James Colw* d arel SATURDAY. APRIL 12. lfttl. 7Z4 ar6 ¿Prevar*d to o/totu our ¿Patrons t/t9 C. W ibiyifc h 1« this day been dis­ the building instead of a joint- poor working order today and our \yarU) Spring-. last week, p Dllt,.h,.r ,., ,11 shirt for solved lo Ultima! c uise' ,. stock company. The plans call reports from the democratic stale C W. H ay .« convention ate somewhat meager.^* rajiroaJ 0„ tl„. 18th ¡llSl J I L IA N H Y R I» M ah » í » t I ’ for a building of stone and brick, J ames < i . wh . l . i. |-i,v. Ore,, M ire i 3i. 19’>2 to cover all the lot except that oc­ However we are able to give the Heavy Underwear, Overcoats, Felt Boots, Ruy.. County Court Proceeding. The Times-Herald cannot take cupied by the bell tower. It is ticket nominated: Overshoes, Elankets, Hats, Caps, Etc. I '== •J* the credit for the article referred For governor, Geo. E. Cham ­ suggested that the building be fttftbn tar Liquor License. The countv *ourt decideU U.uu-* to by Col. John I’. Irish in a com­ We ¡nvjte the ladies to call and inspect the new thii.^ ;r . made the full size of the lot 5QX berlain of Multnomah county; U. a reward of +3' '> f .r thr ..rro-band line of fiew Dress Goods that we are now handling \y, munication on our first page. The I too feet and the bell be placed S. Senator, C. E S. W ood of I detention of Pat Moore, th mur­ T ’ the il ree.-ole ( unty Court of many new articles that are of special interest, to then» whole should have been credited Harney county. State of Oregon. over the engine house. We need Multnomah; supreme judge, B. derer of George Simpson. t' the Evening Capital News and We tile undersigned legal voters J= j 2ESG- c S c J. W Craw ord was apj.ointed the building and its up to the S. Bonham of Linn; secretary of m as credited at the bottom instead ---- ■ I property owners to devise ways stale, H W. Sears, of Polk; stale J ,-t,c- of the I' . • f ir Di m/'ii'l of the precinct of paddle Butte said of the first of the article. How­ pountv nnd state, pi. n speetfuily ¡and means. If a city hall is to be treasurer, Henry Blackman, ot precinct, to «erye until his sucie— M. F itzgebai . d , P resident ever, we are glad lie has giyen petqi a. v.iur Honorable Court to F. S R ieder , S ecyam , Ttl(, Morrow; Attorney general J. II. M , r s ^| ec ted.- | built this season there is no time * grant • lie.i s • t > N- J I.e vis A Co. his views on the land leasing ques­ | Raley, of Umatilla; state printer q* J. Shield« wa a. oneiJa - R iggs Ar T crner . A ttorney « to be lost. tion, us our readets were curious J. H Godfrey,of Marion; supt of tieeof the I’eaci' t r Curry ¡ir'-cini t, to cell spirituous, mall mid vinous to know if the supporters bad any public instsuclion, VV. A. Wann to serve until bio successor is liqu rs Hl their place of business The Lakeview Examiner says in said precinct, in less quantities new 'argument in its favor. I of— ¡congressman for this district l.-lected. - IX con POR ATKD. Paul was appointed ju*- than one gallon, for a period of six We haye not the honor of know­ that the Indians nt that place who , ! XV. 1'. Butcher of Baker; con-I 1 James A. str.icts Furnished and Title Guaranteed 'he pe ice for H ijt[>y x alley moatii-. commencing on the 9th. ing Col Irish personally but find ’ were quarinteened for «mal.pox 1 gressman for first district, J. K ' llte day of May 1902.' sena- l»rt?cinct, to serve until ms suCces- since investigating that the “per­ I bad made their escape and head­ Weatherford of Linn; joint t sena- To all Lands in Harney County, 0rr. S E Janie.-on. J LSitz, D I. f’ueu,1 ed for Warner Valley. It is pos ­ Iaor is elected. sonal characterizations” to whii h itor Harney, Malheur and Baker,' Sam llall was granted a liquor It It Sitz. N O Oaid, 1’ F H. ii.z, N he refers fit well. It seems h'.s sible they will come on to this Win Smith of Baker; joint repre­ i license for three mouths in Ptieltlo SOard, li E 1'aiker. Wn. Egiiart,1 Bought and Sold on Commission. county and we caution our citizens Office in Bank I!" character is like the land lease L | | - sentative Harney and Malheur lien Jordan, J C Gray, I I’Cochran, i precinct. to look out for them. This sec- bill—won’t bear investigation , E. H. Test, of Ontario. No fur- The offi.-ial b .nd of A. E Brown, John Carry, ♦» W Clark. Ira Clark, The gentleman has had the t. ¡lion has been very fortunate and I flier partii ulars. 1 as stock inspector, :t> the sunt of ,*■ Ed Silver. It Brookhouse, Ed Jor- same opportunity to read the so far has escaped the terrible ’ J J W Kelso, P L ♦ l(MX), with C. Cummins und I’. G. ‘T'tn, J ' A ’ Card, By using the proper ! many articles in this great tell- ¡disease. Card, J T Card, John Jordan, J II | .Smith as sureties, was approved. Narrows happenings. gious weekly on land leasing as: diligence we will remain free. The P.O. SMITH, Propt., - - _ _ Burng^ I C A. Haines and A. McKenzie Jordan, D W Jifrdati, V V Smith the one he refers to and w h.it I ¡•utborities at Lakeview must feel Notic is hereH given that on Mr. S. S Litchfield, who is trav- ’■■• re awarded the contract for seems strange is that he did not I good over the escape. Friday the 9th dav of May, 1902, ' ing hi.' Levi Strauss of San Fran- grading Meander line road for the answer some of the hundreds of we will apply to the above entitled sum of ♦2937.60. ¡ cisco, was here this week. Mr. We wish to impress upon the , Litchfield says he enjoyed his trip questions and arguments against F. Crowley was given the con- court for •* said license as specitietl in the proposed measure. We do minds of the voters that they must ' verv much and will be back ag.nn traet to build the approaches to the this petition. N. J. L ewis & Co. Lawen bridge. not “prefer personalities to a dis­ register in order to take part in this summer. The ¡M-tit; ai of J. H. and Dorcas the election in June. If you are cussion of the question” and our Mr and Mrs. Thomas Allen and' liles will hear us out in the stale- registered you can vote the demo­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Catlow passed i N. Neal, to change Ihe county road NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION cratic tic l$et and place the best through our town on their wav! 1 where it crosses their lands, was ment. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER TOR. ,j granted Lund (itlice at R utub , Oregon, April 10. 1902 J low much of the .six-hundred set of officers ever before the peo­ home last Friday Tom and Ed 1 C. A. Built of Wild Horse pre- Notice is 1 eroby ;riv'u that the following' million acres of public domain ple in power. i.air. .1 •: en, Dave iileJ notice their inteir both seemed very happy. I cinct was grarfted a liquor lice:.se th.it to milk' filin’ proof on their resref'tive t.¡ii:.is I vfore ihe Kogifer and Receiver at west of the Missouri rivet is ac­ Mr. John E Harper has ..een | for a period of three months, liuii. h O’-eoon, on May 20, r.,0'2. viz: 11. F. No. 1X44 for the NEl-4<»f tually grazing land.’' Col lush If other counties in Eastern quite ill at his home for the past | W. Ji. Huston was given the con- Fee. .'Ilhan T C. iijril. F. R. MJ E Willin':: ('. i-yril, II E. No. 1236 for the SE1-1 1 BURNS, — _ _ OREGON. assumes that all vacant public land Oregon h ad one-half the fight in j week. ; tract to expert the books anil ac- Ser. iy. T. . s R.:::E. Andeison 1 Hunter, H. E. No. 124ti tor the I Draws plan, makes estimates, ere. Buildings put up whhiu th. is grazing; he doesnot make al­ them that 1 lainey has, the land , counts of the county for the year bEl-l .-< • -.3, r. 2.'. s. I;, u; E. E T. Haley is again driving the er J. liopkinfi. II. E. No 1245, for the lowance for the extremely arid leasing bill would be put so far : Burns-Diamond stage. Pete is the ending June 30, 1902, for the sum Yen figures given in estimates. L^-zatisfaetiun guaranteed. I i .- ,-e. ’.s, i’. , K. ; 3 J . I Si< * utf i'-iiie fol'.»wit!!., v i'.ncFbes to prove sec lions, thousands of acres which “under the table” it could never i real thing for a stage driver, and of ♦150. thvirio lii. D iiH reekb'i're upon and m tivi;- ' i.i .,q;,i 'ai.;, viz: VV. ( . By id, A. 1.. Ilunle' would not keep a jack rabbit alive; be resurrected, Harney countv j itnderst'*.nds his business. J. E Johnson was awarded the I tank Brittinal.fiTn. Julian Byiii und V. J. iloj - kins, all of burnK, Oregon. the rocky hills, the alkali deserts, has led the fight from the start contract to grade and build cirl- Wil. FARRK, Register. Mr. I), f. Shirk, who has been verts on parts of tho county road, the vast regions that arc* inacces­ I visiting Burns for the past few i a« follows: R .ad leading son'll ible on account of the gieat dis­ ] | days, stopped over night with us. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATTON.. Prick and lime always „„ h,„,j at t)1. yard Republican Convention No. 2. from Harney for ♦1945; Howser Tflnrove I merits of the soitih half of south his lit- colliinii.t'.s r?Biderice upon Rnd cinfivatioti I sands of settlers who have filed w|iat was W’llS accomplished *1 */t i tA I xl I w R 1 •< ] we tt *» are Thursday for Idaho, where he will f-aitl laii'i. Viz: H 5i. 1 tiee:cv, of Riky. <»r- half, section 27. township 33 south, < lg..n,t» PO p. Ittih.,. Riekui.l King r.nd Lc Roy i homesteads and desert entries and ' unable to say. Those attending make his future home. range 34 to Mrs F. A. Wilson Thornburg, ail or Ruma. i'regoD. SV?». F a HUE. Repi: ’er , not yet proved up? 'These set- not very talkative, but we | Mrs. Warren Curtis arrived >»•• erroneous, »ml that the s ¡id i tiershave slot k, but under the understand the I land belonged f,, tho J. S. Devine proposition of home from Burns Thursday. provisions of the bill would not be I ncin inatin .................. g the same ticket put . — reserved for — Mrs. J L. llen'bree left Mondav ¡estate, it was ordered that upon r - entitled to a leasehold. Would 1 tip March 26th had nothing to do Ceipt of tho t ix -s for 1895, $661, PUBLICATION. for I.awen, f.oni where she will go ' '-'.'g. n, Man h 4. l.ir.. they be shut out? with the matter under discussion. to Portland to join her husband which included cost, a quit claim ■ii thn ¡Ft mt h F. Tv 'er, How is the reclamation going to While it is certain there will be Mr. and Mrs. Hembree will make ' deed to the property is* mil to . -rcg. it. i rs ii.v . 1.4. . pr «in li K <¡t ser! ’aiiu They will have Romelning ; j . . . , ., Vi •„ -l-'„ >E , . Lut be accomplished without fencing.' opposition to such a step, a maj­ their home in Portland this com­ t he present own, r. .en ••■ 11 L: t. Ni*. N w ’ i ..i ., r*i»< The «Culp« Counted r I I.-';, red W ? , 1 1 f rvl. T. j»., r . -¿ s e V M from Washington like lie was a mi eight-horsi load of goods for Mr. bv I’. C. Peterson as overseer this trator of the Estate of Jo-eph W ar NF. He 1-4 iiBin* * the foilowii.g w iìnt ‘ mh s to prove his contiiiuoiift rifiidcitee upon ~" i*ln Riley, uregou. G eo . W. H ayes , Reg; ■r. that lie is a paid lobbyist in then member ot the second congression­ ___ repu i «ide track of Willie Riggins. Don't with the prop, r vouchers ns In law employ. al committee, and the other dele get gay, Henry. required to meal the ollieeof Attor­ ney Thornton Williams at Burns. If land leasing is such a good g ite« «ent to Poitlnnd front Hurney t'rc».>u, reb. li*, r-oj. Mr Jack Collins has quit the Oregon within 6 months from the thing why don’t the small stock- county by the republicans returned n that tho following Dealers in oticeof hip intenti«.n expiration of tin* publication of th s dredger and will cook for the ditch iuDp«>rt «>f Iti» c'uim. n.i'ti of Oregon clamor for it and this week i < ma«le before thè crew. Mart Headlev of the Sod not iee. n i' 1 Burnc Oreg.:i. <>n ask their representative.« in con- i Mi E. Cays, who si.irted Io the Published in the Times-fl'-rald Tv No 7 *7. of JarneF House will succeed Jack as citok 4 full weeks the first puI iieatloo . -VV , NW , n* ■; i ot gress to get it for them? Why railroad last Sunday, left the 11 ir- r !•.. W. M He t miei on the dredger. being dated the 29th dav of March J call < io prove bis «cnunu- don't their local and slate papers n«v Hotel in eliarge of his sister- 'ft dei 4 cult iva» ioii <’i Rni»t 1902 The boys Were in from th** Sil '. sinun I vw > a. il F. I in-law. Mrs. Ca vs advocate it: How does it hap-1 lUwIrr. ..Í J ame « F M \ iiov an4 • n»pt*r ila s. House last Sunday, mining them X»rr>'».. Administrator pen that the polilical organizations Mr. A. K. Richards >n is nt Crockery, C-Iasswarc, Windmills, Pumps, Guns, 'I the village blacksmith. The smithy under as in dsvs of von*. 3 tive Moody turned down on ac-1 .„AMI... Mr Charles McKenaie will leave Solo a^nts for Ridcr-Ericsson Engines. counted his “milk and water" twenty four teeth t'xtr.wted list Cl in n few days for Cation valley, one stand on this one pro|W>silv n ? See week hi>* ju«t receiv' d a tvmpiirarv where he will take charge of the Only Tin Shop in Harney County the iditoti.d comment of the «tali ','t "huh she h using under d.lli- J R Hiring Spring ranch for the F G p»e«'. Was it not state legislati n I. S Co. AIT r Is Ole people ol F ist «nd Central /»reg n n’l o, portnnily of « that stopped the trailing of sheep! At this writing a great manv of «’»I h im modern Basine«- Colîeit •. i* >• » ■ '«eni.tion rover «u William C orbell left* Friday f >r eastward in iqoo and cannot state uur |H*.»|*tr r«}>eei illy the children, e»rry ..nr«e involved ni B>i-m tt. I; Im MI «H-.t:,e «MM Trol e Diamond valley. •• ehar«e i-* 1 ;,t« ndnnihd legislation stop the roving band« I are sutT.rmg with severe colds. Oc üimcs-lurafd. SAME OLD ST a \ Best of Winter Wearable; Sa.stexrx Oreg-on. Title G-TjLQ,xa(n.t3r! Co. ZTZEZ-Zi-T-, CITY M AT MARKET Hesii Beef Pork etc. in any quartity desired- Kesg Eofcgna and Sausage of all kinds always on hand Your patronage solicited Harry c. Smith Contractor and Builder Xy Specialties sre__. Brick Itaying and MILLER & THOMPSON. GEERJ& CUMMINS.; ■ • HARDWARE, MACEIIIVr Fi3? CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL or migratory sheep tn the same manner? 1« it not a fact that the object of this proposed nii a-uic is for the purpose of destroying completely one great industry to butld up an other ? The 1 imes-llerald would be pleaseil to hear from Uoi lii«h,l U. Lusk or anyone «’-< on this matter. I hey can hate many mote questions on the Mine hue it they d« »ire to discus* them. M.— srs Csvs I**s| an.I Crawford Jami*« Simmons left for Sheep 'tarlrd with he.ivv freight wagons Camp the early tmrt of the week | to the railroad l.i.sl S.Uitrd.iv Mi«« Julia Greek was a welcome Mr \\d • in H.ii.iry w.i« shak­ visitor m our town last Thursday ing han !•* with his frieniH in H.ir- Mr P H Ware and his brother I nut wr»‘k. Paul, accompanied by In« mother Mr« Alice Graham, a firmer and aunt.yiis« Sarah Itailev, will tesclier of this place, passed leave Kkm for Idaho, where they through here this week on her way mske their future home, We will lo burlai miaathem when they are gon«*. but Mr W m R u « m »I ha« junt 1»» »veil wi«h them jov and harpillera in !o hia Canyon home* whvrv lie* •a- their new home. pt*cu« lo »ow tfrain Mr Fred Cook will drive freight Mr. RoM. Irving, hia wifo ami «iauf hier. Ktalla, wrrr in Ihir»»« tli ia team for George Curtis the Coming W O. White ha» n mph teil "•*« baviug treih »xtracted summer tliv plans for tlie pmposed cil) C na« Rand and family are now Manuel Clark of the P Ranch h.ill and h»« intcrviewed ahnost occapying the hou«e lamlv ow ned by Iv’bi Evrlvtt I I.e latter « met wiib an accident Ia«t • Il ol our butine*« mm in regard fandiv bs« -r visi to the Rti’sel which resulted in the injury V» »h- plan for n>i»,î » • on ............................... 'l ■ ■ his hard. M- ris»k s »I any time. (num. t.on at Ihr i ..| ..... o, bv i >. i. unito, tile College will y. r.da.-t « Si MAIER Duri oc the «tiininer N ormal S chooi 7X. it rrv.a al. tv c<*nr«e THE CAPITAL SALOON, Mc( lain A Biggs Proprietors. Burns. Greco» « 5t«bU i« located on th» earner »f First «nd R Strec : tio hand H«« eom^tent br»j>. R mt a W,. » te r»y ptt of tke Coartry, «’ I s'* T»!«!* uf