\ N 1___________________________________________________________________ - ____!_- BURNS, HARNEN COUNTA.OREGON, APRII VOL X\ M). I<>. ------------------------------------------------ --------------- -------- ------------------------------------- ------------------- STAND OF THE PRESIDENT sident will be laid before th- [louse irrigation committee V1* FAVORS STRONGER CHINESE EXCLUS l-l.OV l.ro In. Year Six Mouth. three Mont - OFFICIAL DIRECTOBY B STATE—OKEooN j. 11 Mitchell J J.U. Seoatorb JuBeph 8iinou I AThus. Tongue. I M ■ A. Moody Canrresemeti D. R. X. Hla< khurn lrt Aturoey ...... T. T.Geer ...... F I Dunbar U s Moore J II Aekertuan G^~K£u.iIn.trucuon: .. \\ H Laed« tiLAW Printer i K. S. Bean, Pc f U. Wolverton »uprem« Jtodx * ) F. A. Moore NIWETil JUDICIAL DIS IHN T. n»«s^ M. D. C lifford "cl e. outrict Jmlg-I Win Miller "•“e. I'.i.rict Mloc'.'vy 1 s over laial-aepw- m»“’e JW Morrow ill. J».utSeu»iu. t oc ,a COCNTÏ —uARsrx : James A Sp.rrow ““•'I enmity Judge il. KicUtinlBon Clerk KA.MUler n Io; Treasurer J K Johnson t«i. aarreyur ... ..Geo Shelley on, »acrid ... - J \V Bucbauun be. ■q Aeeeeaur .. . j « HaGlett iri »caojl Superi I tendent ..........E J Xoble slock lue pee' A. Venator ... » Uuiual'Miuueo R J Williams ’ibi«;, J office ; HÀ1HVV D. ». LAND «!•> J ...Geo, W Ila OD rj-Jj Vegieter........ ..Uba« Newell Lec-eleer a ir * SOCIETIES. HYt.VV REBEKAH OegreeNo.lS « «.«..,«> i.i »"I- x. ... • «" ■> Frankie see», ».’.'nit-' ——------------ ht»i A.'O»V. W.Burui Lodge. .*u •*« l”i' «eel«»»'.' A 1>1)lar,i. M. W E ii met. Bee. Hl.'., 'rtt ¿15 ‘llltv. HAKNEr LOI1GE, NO. 77, 1.0 O ' ■ Jellu.a u Y King,secy- 7.«üpiu, PKOi’ ¿ÓSIU>AL cards . I AV. J . UuLEMAN, Stenographer and Notary l’ublie Bi HNS, - (Jiumo.N. Otlice .'J ui.izcuis Bank JTUihaiug. tl*'T . GEO. . S. SLZEMUKE, > fl'L. ATTORNEY, irtet ............................. O kkoon . (etoM UcKho, ftik . Land business, und lieu, righi. CeUttCJSe ' OD lt«j.| .i-.-w u<»»" prumi ha udeuacd w- DALTON lilGUB cewjifl J. . * BiMB” BAr-niùH »* W illiam * M.i . ;«• =*••»-»i.. combiwr »durar ì L ma . ■ billed d 1 Avuto»«. R..dl r.b ui. FubLt .ve A- - h leftist u len« ihoüidc I . trop i j attie, k j AVII.Ll.AMS à H l ZoEl.ALD Ufiit e m oi*1 Musonic i>ui .’-l'U« Mi kx *. - O..KG0N hin. ’ n the to k.spjij •- ip; rn e on < <21 il o«hî f S. AA MILLER, NOTARY PUBLIC. Burns, - - - Oregon. n the M HH________ 'r; '■etti . i»ht« ua led h ¡a«. r,.tnbi: err rtt» ear.u ] 1 I i on ;•* | < roprf on left F on th« . epMT 1er. I ft ti?t bff ABd f aOM th *»f» radei abito-’ ;be left ft MF in «tor- 1 to ■sf»r r ft>8- •vp i* -, B.» r: hi> ■ r tor tcrW v « I S a to J«»1-« '• «.LOA»- ' ‘ k’*” KICK Mr Inman is consideriti'" th-- mat­ ter. keeping hie own council the while. there is some question as to whether SUBSi lill’TION RATEN: nr on ‘ip: THE OREGONIAN HAS A Monday, but ION LAW THAN NOW. and Representatives Moody, of Of- gon: Metcalf, of California; Reeder, of Kansas.ami Senator Hansbroiigh of North Dakota, on the irrigation of Chinese report to minated from the bill. us, mid At the same ¿As the bill now stands, the sec­ retary of interior cnnr.ot withdraw lands o be embraced in proposed storage reservoirs until the < ontrnet for their survey ha« been let. der such a Un­ provision the President United States Semit r .lost ph Simon is .-till in Portia.al ■mi .-till in polotic.s. Oregonian says last Saturday’s Roth these facts be­ came apparent was found that yesterday, when it Mr. Simon, I y D that we duty assigned recommend that the fol- !"wing delegates be seated in this is positive that he himself has giv­ convention: assurance on which A Lhely Hut flood Naturell Fhht For The Burns II Richardson, (' AV Mc­ First Pla»c--Ckik. M.crirf and to base such a proplu ev. John M Clain, Dalinu Biggs, Henderson Treasurer by Acelomatioa, Gearin is another man whoso friends Elliott, A. I’earson, Hull Hotchkiss. ¡ire crowding around him just now Claud Motile, (’ E Mephecters, 1'1 The democratic county conven­ begging him to accept a démocra­ tion of Harney county met nt the B Beeil. Sam Mothershead, D M. tie nomination. It is believed that cou.t bouse lavt Wednesday. Il MeMinatnv. Mr Gearin would represent the I'oison Creek —J T Raker, Jap was one of the most ln,i'inuniotis democracy efficiently in the- next McKinnon. A G Littrell, Frank and enthusiastic gatherings of the legislature, but ns he is not a per­ party lenders. The one object— McClintock. petual candidate, he will probably Hartley—Steve llnwser, George that of putting up a strong and rep- stand but small chance of nomina­ •laines, A K Richardson Henry resentntive ticket —was accomplish­ tion. J. J. Driscoll, who «us elect­ ed. Every delegate realized that Goodlow. ed to the legislature from Multilo Bine Creek—T F Arnold, J AV’ it was a golden opportunity for a mah county on the fusion ticket Miller, lu T. !■' Arnold, proxy; AA’ clean sweep and therefore buried two years ago, is also urged by his II Gearhart, bv James Anderson, nil personal prejudice and nomi frien Is ns ii candidate for state proxy; J 11 Anderson. tinted a ticket that «ill win—one senator, and is said tube willing to Island—James A'arian, Janies that commands the respect of all make the run if tlu- convention is Brandon, J t) Cawlflt Id. The convention was called to or­ willing that he should. According Crane ('reek—-D Cary, AV*. H. der about 10:30 a tn, by AA’. Me- to the present plan, the makeup of C. i ¡1, I I’’ G Stauffer, proxy; F. ('lain, chairman of the county ceil- the legislative ticket is to be large­ -ntrated Alvord — AA ni Harris, by Bent ly, without opposition. on the city and county ticket, for Embrce proxy ; Chus Reed by Bent The following committees were here is where the m lehii.e leaders Euilireo proxy. then appointed bv the chair: have obs< rved that fences are most Wild Hoi m —Ed Carlson, by Order of Business—D L Shirk. in need of repair. All '.lie gentle­ Thornton AViliiami, proxy, W. E. Henry Ricliards in, !•'. (i Stauffer, men who looked forward to notnina- Allierson by W E. Trisch, proxy. J R Johns. hi , Bent Emhree 'i -n at the hands nt the convention J. E Carlson by Bent Embrce, ( re lential“—AY E l iisdi, AVm they hoped Mr Simon would con­ Rih v \\ . B. Johnson, N ¿A Dib­ Wooley, A K Riehardsoii, James trol will In- considered by him,with ble, ¿A L A’anderpool. Anderson. A G Littlrell. possible the advice of Mr. AA a linci Dr< « i v—T II Curl by J R John­ I’1 at for nl and re - nl lit ions—Thorn­ son, proxy; AA . D. Bilker, J. R. MeCmuiint, mid as many of them ton AAilliams, W B Johnson, A’ as the democrats will accept will be Johnson, E. L.Beede, by W. D. Bil­ t’awltield, AA D Baker, J O ('awl- nominat'd as fusions and reformers ker, proxy ; E Olsen. field, James 11 uti'llinsuti, Thug .Ar­ Mr. Cohen s position i* particularly Silviei—E. Hopper, by Win Ben­ nold. strong just now in the ev« s of the nett. proxy; D Craddock, Win. Finance—(1 AY McC'luin. l'red democrats, who realize that with­ Bennett. Otley, Dell Defelibaugll. out republican votes they cannot Il iiqiy Valley—V Cawlfield, J F On motion of AY D Raker the hone to win, mid he wi'l nuques- Mallon, I M Barker, by J I'' Million, chair instructed each delegation to lionnble be able to make some sel- AVarm Springt—O D Rusk, B M make their selections for precinct eetions for these places which will .1 C b ri emmi.liy Itov McGee.proxv. officers during the noon recess. be entirely satisfactory to him, and Catluw — D. I. Shirk, Rimkin On motion tliu convention thon incidentally to the statesmun i" Crow, by D. L. Shirk, proxy. adjourn«d until 1 p m. whose interi st and vineyard he is Saddle Butte—C C Cntterson, Al I I 11X00N HEHHIO.N. laboring. J II Jiiidnn, by Ercd Otley, proxy; en no one any Chairman Riggs called the con- b’red Otley. di m ieratic county and city volition tn order at I 30, and the Diamond—T. J. Shackleford, by convention will I«- held in Portland, first matter taken up was tin- hear­ W I. Wooley, proxy; Thon. Sharp, April 3 This limits the norklng ing of committee reports. The fol­ by W E Trisch. prox ; AA' I. AVooley. The t'lU" of the advocates of fusion.and very it is kkely that mine lowing report (Cuntiiiiii d on second page.) from the committee lively eon ferr i ng, selecting and rejecting « ill be do ie today. It is tile inten­ tion IP far as possible to tiling well started nt get every the t might to make a i bni J. W. IJhîG.s, Piti IIHNI AND Af I ING LJAMHDH. H < I.i v NH. Vu meeting fur n.i in- ty oilices Tin rest and residue of the slate will tie the week, and the fixed linve but a glance al it, J CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 shut their ev es and vote. I» hereby given that by order inaile and eii'ered •■n thè "111 day I’m hioi . nt . BURNS, OREGON. will NOTH E k i x< '< n.’i’t > ua i in i.) up during delegates L’ » The Citizens Bank hers nt the It g'slativ** tii ket and for the mote important city and coun­ In addition he < xpres»es regret anything hut his dutv tn nrve hir "f Eebruary l'.'t’J thè Iindersigned that the secretary of war should la­ constituents in the Unit'd States « a» appointi'd : Imi"i*trat■ ir of thè MARSDEU & GEARY. ator Hansbrough. The President under the impression that a propo­ senate. But the Uiiibd States ri-n- estate 1111’11111110 J 1 tavis deceused H ii sicians and Surgeons. .aid he warmly approved the gen­ «El Bl HNS, OUEOON. sition prompted in the interests of nte is not in Portland, and Mr and all iiermai» holding daini» eral provisions of the bill, but in its ili aili“t tic estate ari- lu rebv notlii- at rt i «O’- / ' ie A fu present form it* left a loophole for humanity would be regarded as i Simon n. ed lo presepi tip- sanie lo me al spectacular and ■‘sensational.'' large cattle-owners and other cor­ mv residenci m ar 1 *r» w»«-v .ni Ac i hvwntou. fur the mavor- must tie pnqierly and thi'im ughly for hitu(Miles) supreme command 1 )ENTls TS. safeguarded. He said he had been alty and that for atate senator,” of the allied force» m China and O«te. •'» I m .' »»• "I The ' *ÏW • MSI k advised repeatedly to Veto the hill »aid Mr Pennoyer to an « trogoli iati Unrau Oregon. that tnder these circumstance- NOTICE if it passes in its present form, but ii.an at hi» residence last evening. President 'R Kinley declined to did not assert he would take sueh "and have emplniti’ally declined I« In rebv niv- t> to whom it mav authorize the sending of Gemr;.! both. I am «mt uf p ¡ttie» 1 have action. The President fee!» that Hav ¡ng Gnight the Restau­ ft Mlles either to the Philipp • • » or said that if the nomination for Su­ ' Hiryrn timt l>v order of tin < ■ unty Federal control should govern in rant Lu sine-- if .“»inion Lewi», P> China. He save in the ititere-t» preme Judge were offered me unan­ Court of tie- Sta," of Oregon made irrigation work- that are construct* fully invite a continu» [ rea, and euti-zed July Gib 1HG2 the tin- of good uisctpiii.e and efT'Ctivi .-•■r- imously hr the dem«» ratic Conven­ ed by the government. arid that atioti f di Id p.tron*. n. w-ll d*rsigr rd wa» appoirit'-d adii'iiiis- vice General Miles' < ourse must tie Federal supervisicn will l>e e.w> - tion. aii i in am ii a way that the trat >r of the estate of Janie Sh' p M « Il E *MlTII aa ne VO«era Would ut I' rstatid that I was ard dead, and nil per»oii» having tial. not only to aoceesa, but to fair regretted. •' leu»* ar d impartial distribution of the representing th» principle that the claim» agmiiat her estate are here­ AA'x.hington, |>. C . March 20 — Supreme Court ba» not the right Io by notifie 1 to prewelit the .amw to water. the undersigned »I th" ri -id»nce of President Roo-eveli tn! 1 S»-uau>r i Senator Hanstrough told the hold tn oi -tut " a. law» parsed by roi I N M«-M 1 ELEN AA alter < re-« on Trout Creek in Hanslmrough -f N irth Ilak 'ta.tii.it th» state - r national leg: datnre. I thisruiinty within six month of PreaideBt that he and his followers he would veto the irrigation loll if slxiuld I m - willing toaecept. J have the dste of thi» iiotice. had consulted the best legal talent it p»..e. in its pr-«■•nt form He Dated at Burna. Oregon January •toad for that principle for IB years, available, ard had ccr.eluded that oljects innst strongly to the »'ate Bum ■ — — Gieg n no matter in what shape the bill and I »n-'Uld like to see it brought 11th 1902. control section. Even should the squar'd v le f >re the voters. I. W. Hitnraan. ] hare might pass, state control would ul­ Ct mir days preferred f. r president not interfere, the bill is Adinini.tratn little faith, however, in the likeli ­ timately result lie mentioned mak I.g sitting- I 1 t . fi - likely to b* beaten in the house, Attorney-Genrral Van de hood of any soeh I iking happening.'’ labe in c.»rb m and ¡1 annum owing tu the opp -it-. n of I ir he,ntif il Jpi-tr.-e«. framed Vanter, of the iute-i<>r department. Mr Per :. v- r (living di-fintrlv effe« ». Hersd^rton. ». e holding this view. The Pre­ Brown iV given the «lemoe rat. to urid"ist:-i April |«t and daring that rum -b nsing i lea, and that bo d. l not ap­ •aid J^nator Ha* -»»r -ugh bis dirrelim», they I and .tisfo. t i. g .a.- , t-. ■! prayerfully tu'R prove of it The views of the Pre t. Irman, and a ticket with every < i»h pure’ e . vour committee on creden­ h tials beg leave have preformed the points cut the lands to be benefited Solis Cohen, minister plenipoten­ would be taken up before the sur­ tiary and envoy extraordi:> i: v. had exclusion was introduced, by Re fi­ vey could be made, and a few in­ been negoitating with the demo­ resentative Metcalf, who sa id he dividuals or corporations would crats for the purpose of putting a had heard the President was op- thus practically control the irriga full fusion ticket in the field—a posed to the pending drastic bill. tion system when constructed. ticket that will begin with a demo­ ' On the contrary,” said Presi­ It seems to be the consensus of cratic nominee for State Senator, dent Roosevelt. "I am anxious to opinion that unless the bill is am­ give every alternate otlice after that see n law enacted that will effectu­ ended to conform with the idea of to the late Simon republicans, re­ ally liar out Chinese laboring class­ the President that it cannot pass at serving the mayoralty for a demo­ es— a law fur more drastic in this this session; but if amended its crat, who will be R. I). Inman, if p articular than the one now in force. chances are believed to be bright. M.. Inman gives his consent. ¿A At the same time I believe 'he Chi­ The President, in greeting Rep­ partial legislative slate has already nese merchant class and the higher resentative Moody today, asked been made up, and will Le coiliplet classes generally should be liber­ about his nominating convention ed far ratification at a meeting of ally dealt with. I heartily indorse When Moody said it would not be democrats to be held this evening. the particulars of the bill extend­ ' held until Tuesday the President T’he Simonites will be there in per­ ing the exclusion laws to our in-u- replied that he hoped he would lie son or inspirit. If it proves en­ lat possessions, and p-eventing the returned; that he heard th" leaders tirely satisfactory, as undoubtedly immigration of Chinese now in the of the House frequently refer to his it «lib Mr.Cohen will send it to the islands into the United States.” loyally to the administration’s poli­ Democratic convention for further The opponents of drastic Chinese tics. and otlieial ratification. On this legislatiun have all given up tile slate is the name of C. AA’ Notting­ tight. The Mitch-11 Kahn bill Ocn. Milet’ Filipino Scheme. ham for representative(if he will seems to have the approval of a take it) and either John M (iearin large majority in Congress The Presidi nl Roosevelt complied (it lie will take it) or some other m.'.n .er in which the Chinese Lav- with the resolution passed by the «ill be named for Stale Senator, evaded the Geary law during the house requesting the correspon­ the rest of the ticket has not yet past It) years has been a strong dence relating to General Miles’ been determined upon, but Mr. card in favor of a law which wilt recent proposition for bringing Ci'iien will without doubt have his make it impossible for them tn con­ aliout peace in the Philippines mind fully mode up when he meets tinue immigration No denials Ttie correspondence was aceompati- with the democrats this afternoon Give l.een enti ri d by those v. ho ied by a brief message in which the lie is not lacking in c indid it as are opposing the bill that there has president stales that lie includis Il can find ot.o « henei er lie scratch Ii-eti n great influx of Chinese « bib -ertain additional memorandum es a supporter of (lit- machine un­ ■hi Giari law lias been in force, added by General Aides since lhe tier which lie now lies buried. and th" inti res's w^.. !i v.i re loud­ passage of the resolution, together The H -Iect.i in of Mr (,'i'i-n ii < est pi the condemnation of the hill wiili the action taken there on. asli'-s from a Inch the Simon phoe­ plainly showed that tii-v «ere lu­ General Miles’ propo* lion wai» nix is to llv is i ll.tract ris i : of the ter«sted in smucgling tile Chinese to take representative Cubans and astute, if fallen, leader Mr Cohen into the country. The activity nl Porto Ricans to the Philippine* is nri'i lias been a cot. i.-tant and Minis'er AA’u, through his agents. with him to convince the natives cl mamlate abiding Simon m in. IL Old the combined efforts of til benefits *■( United States control is further a police Cornmissom r, in Pacific Steamsliip Company and ami to send back ri presi illative good stat.ding with tin- force, and I. Ciim.dimi Pa. ili" R;iii«av m r. Eililiinos to AA’as’ning'"'i to study is consequently in n |iositiun to -utfici- nt to con vir. 'e most -i n.itor.- governmental conditions here It promise the dem’. rats th" luil mid and n pri-eiitatiy.-M that they were was disapproved by Secretary unqualified support of the police- exerting th'-mselves for tin- Genrv Burnt on the gio'.md licit ¡1 was "pe­ men, together with tin- if riiz-ri.« of law “imply because it was easy to culiar and si-nsati null” nnd that the North End. wh im they have evade it It is believed that Loth General Chalice «as carryingout trained to vote nt their Lidding House and Senate «ill pas.- the operations it; the Philippines in a lie «ell understands th" desire» bill within 1vi-i in for state control of tit • in that division th- same as I liav that Ii" does not ark r<-> le< tion to lis:rit» itio i of water. If s state­ in respect to other p rtious of th> the United States »emit'-, mid does ments were made to representative not care a »nap of his fing'-rH for Moody, of Oregon; Metcalf of Cali­ a-my.” bill today, the subject AA be ’.All AND brought to bear on him before the A FILI. TICKET PIT IN THE FIELD convention, mid some of ttie initiai BRANDS IT SIMON. — A HARMONIOUS BODY. ed assert that In- «ill yield, but it bill-otijectionable to the President Opponents of Mitchel-Kahn Bill Ha»e (iiven will tie called up. which, it is al­ The Following \rtkle Was Intended to Throw Cold Water on the Prop« ¡on Uth lip the Fight, and it Will Probably leged. leaves room for much land The Hope of Defeating it. Pass Within Ten Days. grabbing. a conference between the President will pressure on credentials was accepted: the state-control feature will be eli­ FEARS FUSION IN MLLTN time another provision of the house AA’asliington, March 29.—During Heavy THE DEMOCRATIC MEETING A < Teil'Tal l'.uikiri-t 1 ! ii -ttu -s Trani*:iete1 l-« •,«| « a J - I. S hing, AV. E h Geer J Triwh, >!i< letl< e I Gen )ry, Wckotiie. lliviteil. fornia; Reeder, of Kansas, and Sen­ volp , Ph:t:?rapher. BAlLI.y A ANDREW <, Proj r tor. I'd HNS, OREGON. Special Accommcdaticr. iS for Traveling Men. This hotel is centrally l u lled ami nm'i r the mat ig-mef t of an renovated ex peri'ti<«-‘ l"in thoroughly are furin -lied with the la-st. F irst C lass B ar I n C onnection r»«r a* r. I I r i e u » jf r k t tcc .-»•»- "»«i" ♦ »«r ■»•«" "»•<". ."»«O I. ALt.xA.NUEK. Al. » l*BB»IDB*T. JOHN l>. IIAI.Y. I III MII'I »T. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oi ONTARIO, OREGON. \«.<-.«uni- of < k m.-. I'll in iiii«l liulivuliitklrt 4 * ? 4 5 >•<«liciti «I. » 11 e KII«H DEB'- -J m i> Di. AViihmu Jone», F rank R flin. Alm»r It■4«bu - B F Ol-b-i M A.nxander, N. U. C»rpen- Turnbull. 1er. W ilham Miller, E H Tret, Th< i: v J»<* --ne uct Jit acc I H. i ESI. < anbirr. X