i hr êimrs-'ücratd. HATt'RDAT. MAR< Il .? , ii li \\ it vi:i* Vf nnatf«*r The Journal is a new evening paper just starteli in It is republican in politics, Portland. and seems not only that tint anti»Ore- gonian in every particular. issue Oil our first page of this is some railroad news th.it interest to our is of This, readers, we consider, very ll.itteiing and will likely be the first into road Harney county, as the promoters evidently mean business. The survey, we are under the impres­ sion, passes through the south- eastein portion of this valley, ictil­ ing in through Crane creek gap and passing south of the lakes. The di ♦moci-¿it ic* pi im;ii it s a il! be held in the vaiiniH preuiix ts of therefore, to note thali Ellsworth Brown is in from his amount of $i«X) at present—or couraging, is «broad, i*eep camp and will be aceompam. the time it would be necessary, the spirit of reparation is ------------ jed upon his return by his family | seeking’to make good as far as possible, on a commercial basis, SUMMONS. The question of securing better lhe j,,sars induced by this willful: NOTICE ierbbip SAME OLD STAND. heretofore tljgling between Lee Caldwell and M. H. Brenton has been this day dissolved M H Brenton retiring from the busine»». The \\ insor or more nearly adequate pastur­ waste, before it leads to ‘'woeful jn (jjreolt Court of the State of Bar will hereafter be conducted un- der the firm name of Lee Caldwell age for the increasing Hocks and want.”- Oregonian. Oregon, for Harney County. William 8. Oittings, Plaintiff, vs. & Co. herds of the middle West is at­ L ee C aldwell . i Nellie Gittings. Defendant. tracting serious consideration and U. M. B renton . In the name of the Stale of Ore­ I Narrows Happenings. engagin',' careful experts in ex- • Burns, Ore, Feb. 17. 1902. gon: You are hereby required to ap­ periinent. The Federal govern­ Dr Brownton, of Hibbard A’ pear and answer the complaint ment has taken it up and expert-1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. itoi., against Brown __ , dentist, . came down to t filed ....... ,. =___ . _ you ___ in the above en ments looking to this end are now the Narrows last Wednesday and titled suit anil court, on or before Notice is hereby given that the being carried on in Harper coun­ is located at the Simmons hotel I,the 19 2, ibi» the 26 26 day of April. April, 1902. this be- be-1 undersigned administratrix of the ty, Kansas, for the purp.rse of de­ urn I ,r ing the last day of the time pre- He.s fully equipped to extract HC*ibed |n t|)e ¿,(|(.r : «publication estate of John Anders m deceased, termining what can be done to­ teeth without pain, an*, to fill cav- this summons, ar t it you fail so did, on the 21st d»v of February ward making buffalo grass grow ernous depth». Doc is a jolly good , p, gp^gr or answer Im w ant tbere- 1902 file with the County Clerk of thicker on the pasture lands of fellow and deserves the patronage of plaintiff wiir appl) to the court Harney County, Oregon, her final for the relief prayed for in plaiu- the state. Buffalo grass is of the ()f tj|e people, account in said estate and that tifl’s comvlaint, viz: most nutritious of the natiye gras-j The first seagulls and mudhen“ jhat the bonds of matrimony Monday the 23rd day of March ses of the western plains, but it were seen here last Wednesday now existing between plaintiff' and 1902 is the day set for the hearing docs not sod like blue gras»,grow- : Spring has come with laughter ami Defendont be . forever . L T‘- « “.' ,.‘d w objections thereto. Any creditor. held for naught and that p amtlff n (n fi,e mg instead in bunches and spots. song. 1 have cortH and difiburfeementa. } » In the culture of alfalfa it has > u dance .— w .» was — “out of This HununonH is served upon objection* to said final account ! The rag here been discovered that the use of I , sight.” Fred Cook taking the prize you by order of lion James A shall do so on or before said date, disks would cut and stir the top of Fre() waM a uiut.i Prank 'parrow. County Judge of Harney Jy^ted this 22nd dav of Feb., 1902. roots and , ' ...... t \ 1 county, Oregon, dated, made and . L ena A . n ' dehson . the soil separate the i roots anil Cawlfield one of the committee be- fi|e,| on (he 15tb ,)ay ,,f March,! Admx. bring out the alfalfa thick and i ¡n« oll (be sick list I and not able to j9()2, and to continue for at least, 7/4 are ¿Preoared to j / iouj our Matrons tAe Best of Winter Wearables Heavy Uuderwear, Overcoats, Felt Boots, Rubbers Overshoes, Blankets, Hats, Caps, Etc. c* > AA’e invite the ladies to call and inspect the new things in the line of new Dress Goods that we are now handling. AVe have many new articles that are of special interest to them. ZLTTTT.j&.SZSieG- cSz ID^ILTOlT. M. F itzgerai d , P resident F. S R ieder , S ecy and T rka « B iggs A’ T vrner A ttorneys Eastern Oiegcn. Title G-'CLSixarxt’jr 'Co. INCOR PORATKD. Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed To all Lands in Harney County, Oregon. Bought and Sold on Commission. Office in Bank Building. CITY MEAT MARKET lias been before I at find, his brother Albeit common-1 , Hix successive week*, beginning thin and weak. A suggestion ||y known as “Buster” took his, with the 15th day of March, 1902, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. catious ar»; that then- will be n«> I place ami done admirably well | «hi. dav of the ..... first ■Uli* being 1/viiip; the ill......... - pub-I P. G. SMITH, Propt., - _ _ _ Burns, Oregon. that this method be applied to I lication, and ending on the 20 day | i oiliest for delegate, in any of the buffalo glass was made to the winding up by singing “Those Goo- of April, 1902. the same being the rt the matter of the Estate of precincts. 'The candidates for date of the last publication thereof. . government, and upon it a num­ goo Eyes.’’ William Marrs, deceased. Judge, have all agreed on a del­ Dated this loth day of March,1 j Harvey Muller wouldn't dress in I ber of experts are now working, Notice is hereby giyen that the egation from Burns prei inct and it is slated that these experiments rags. As someone swiped his suit undersigned has been appointed G,, wan t C ornish , only one ticket will he put up Plaintiff’s Attorneys. Administratrix with will annexed, have proceeded far enough to land he wouldn't play. Although there arc several candi- of toe estate of William Marrs, de­ demonstrate the feasibility of the The following persons attended ! (li’.lcs for Judge, everything i’* ceased, by order of the County plan, the success of which, if it is the rag dance: Wm. Corbell, Frank harmonious ami cadi aspirant is NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Court, for Harney county, State of successful, will be of immense Cummins, Fred Brundel), Georgej willing Io go before the conven­ Oregon made the 7th day of Jan value to cattle-owners throughout Thompson of Diamond, I’ve Smith I Notice is hereby given that the 1902 tion without any pledges from the All persons having claims ; I the prairie region of the West. I Sr and Jr, Miss Wykander, J. D 1 mi idersigned R II Brown was on against the said estate shall pre-1 delegates, lilis clioii e will meet Detel ¡oration of the ranges from i Jenkins, Dollie Turner, Luther ,(le 21)(1 ()ay nf january 1902 duly the satisfaction of
the t he ci c tty , of Burns. di ill win k anil display . T ■ nation against range horse* that M artha M arrs . Mrs J E Harper arrived home, within six months after the date of the badges Worn arc the only re­ during the period of depression in Wednesday after a ten days visit ibis notice. Administratrix. . minder that Burns has a volunteer | the horse market, incident to the to Burns. Date of first issue January 18th 1902, | III e di-partnii nt. I lie old hand boom with which the electrical Brick »nd lime always on hnnd at the yard. ^“Retidcnce Hanley house. Trapper Nichols of Illi» placo R. II. B rown NOTICE. engine has not .seen water tor I age came in, w ere allowed to went to Burns Wednesday and will Administrator of estate of Ralph « months and wilh the l alves
  • t:ce is lien given that on thn: >aid proof will be < iole before Regiaier an.I Receiver at Burna. Oregon, on May;., i ■?. ills jail ociasionlv. The city owns I tains, noted the poverty to which Saturday, th - olh day of April, viz lid Enin No t. oof < arlton E. Parker for a« they me now lompellcii to Imv ¡9(12. I will apply to the above en­ »>*• -F' 4 SW1 4, avetion .1. NEI » NW 14. N1 2 NE. I »option ¿ h , I ». S . R. 2M E W. M a lot centrally locateti on wluili the ranges had been reduced by He name» the following uitneeave to prove ovi'rshiH's fur their children, titled court for said license as spe-. • • e • • hie cont in noti» residence upon and cultivation they an- paying taxes and ilei ly­ inconsidetate herdsman, and stat­ V Of »ni l anera- N otice KIR PfBI.lCATtoN • (or rent and that the city is now .thrive - NOTICE FOR PCBLICATION on the graaing basis. 0 Land <»fflte ar Bun a. Oregon, Feb. 19, 190? tion. i «nd Office at Burna. Oregon. March 4, 190?. 0 Dealers in Nottre if» hereby given that the following paying out money for office rent Sime then, though little has been 0 is bvivhv tfiven that £*tauV»u F. Tvlvr, vatned fi-ttk i han il,< d notice uf hit intention Frid.iy.14lh closed the fifth month ■ (Hu I r ll.trt . , . ouiiTy .Oregon, has fl!c<1 noth ♦• tnitmkftii h I prwof in mippvrt of bin claim, 0 anda plaie to house the lire ap done m lines suggested tow aid the 0 of ititv .iLm to make proof on hia dvavrf land and thm t>ata t NW, \F'4. Nb 4 NW |.4»t I. Apri .1 1 hv .\ \ tz Hu Rtitn No 7'-7. of Jain«.* three months jet to be taught. The I I •. • - . R F w M, tn-f re Reinatvr and ( olwcll. for the N' . NW .. >W , NW ', at d Lot favoi of a mote in this ilneition lands with tlietr native bunch­ Revvhvr at l’.urn», Oregon, on Saturday, theIlMh 7. Sec : 4. 1 y , K 31, E. W M ilc t amet attendance lately ha* been exoap- dav of April. 1 lie num a the following the folio«itnr aritnrMca to prove hi» vonitnu- Mi \\ bite is now at work on plans grass. many experiments hive <•*».•»’o prove the complete irrigation and ot » rt eili-'.ii' upoii Hi hvnev. all of Riley. Oregon and S Rivkvr. of I nrn». ••regon und < atpvr Hava, I 'W absentees amt no tardiness to ,> « Ru.k .■! Burn», on«.», ©f Narrow». Oregon. Crockery, Glassware, Windmills, Pumps, Guns, the city auth"Hty f.u a building 'direction of the O K. A- \ Co. (.no. \\ HkVKa, Regieter G W H.ITB0. Rogiater speak of. There have been lat *ly XO\SA feet tivo sloiies, tlieba.se in the production of forage plants about forty five tive-cent classics Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Paints, Doors ment or loyyei «bay to lie of stone sir.'eif to the conditions of soi. and ordered for the children, which Window’s, Garden Seeds Etc. .« > tile* set olili of brick It is estiiu.it. li hui itc of that section. The pur- have noticably create I an interest ...AND... vd that the birl.l '4 will coal • pone to make two blades of grass in geography, hl-torv and reading Sole agents for Rider-Ericsson Engines. 'Oinethmg Io the lie ighlmi h<>*iil id ■gtoyy where but one grew before, Thu election to ch rose town of­ 11 .'ment to be used when successfully carried out. is ficer* for Harney was held here Only in toi yity pm poses Mieli a» j rl, cn held to make tl»c demonstrator a Fiiday the I III», and. although the gm«* housv« 1 num J 1 «‘<>1m, vti . ind blessing to his race. In this view therinomoler w.i< down wveral de­ Atr.nl» the | copte oi East ami Central iheg*n all the opportnnity of a tir»! Ila»» in. ilern Businem Colleim, If is . '„„„e institution covering ihr 1 vni.umng p ilinn id the first ail “in h pm pose, supplemented by grees below the freezing point, the every evurw lavuiveil in Botine.. College work I « rates are the »»me flout t<> bv p u tnionvU off fur of- ' intelligent effoit, is laudable, ciliaen* had a war.n time of it. ». oli»>s*»i .•-ewliere ai.dtlie metb.sis «re the »am* Stu lent« ■dmitte'l ticvsH Io bv ivnivd. i‘ he si vund a lii-thiv undertaken by the tiov- - The following utticJI* were elected; nt any liane. lu.triH'tion at tlw College or bv mail. Duriog tl.e Mmmer XFred Haine*, i.tn ivor; Star Back! ind tlooi t \\ hu li ow ing to t lie side hill ' eminent thiough the Board of n ubili. Hi* k’«(lege will cominci a ......... E C „ Kay* K councibnen R>bt. kH would oul\ bi A **11« nt disiarne j \giauhuie. corporation* under . and fi ont tin* gi >un«l o.i tliv Wi-si side. t 1 dilution of practial men, or living. Treasurer. Burlxtik Clay. Marshall As iisuaf lher- is a little to l»v «’•<*<♦ for n pttbth hall, and • mihviduate with private holdings dissatisfaction over the result, and Ftw h'.ic* er« ami of It era who -lenire a rev owing or preparatory raw. lliuillipiol ■>.;, <•' .1 ibHiM ,w hvi e t .mil I'he work of the latter the election may bw contested. For ape. uf pvn work. an I (nil iwfurinatiun on tVwineoa Culh-ge *nt>- anything of a p i di« num c vuuhl' 1 ", of course, must be within jerte mlilreae XV e arv gla.i to ace Joe l.ovd out be lu id. B.ismi- invi* 0 lu» fun v it .it is el» narrow limits, but it is out re­ buddm j t-f i| jt k ì w ould br ng • Man, when he conies in touch covered. pvt month. with Nstme’s bounty, is p, vethi- An unusual jolly dance wat» Riv­ Mi ULt.’sp¿an 1.« tu form a ally a wastrel. The denuded en in Hariwv bali on tar |4*h to Uri­ M'.OV«. , *. iiy h r« will» pine fviewt are.»» of the country; el* rule lhr aveu It uf the town elec« thv vitx lun r ihr die practical rxtermmati 11 , t Uou pllklK’gV tH trtkfll g Up .»Il î«h.llV^ ('la, k w.dnnt ansi hickory timber; ài» f.twf a* ihr funi ih V%ouM extinction of the buffalo and the The Bur*'.* I uriiitiir* Co ha* a TRISCH A DONEGAN. Proprietors «1 < 9>»apv imp*» ensbmmt of native pasture Met hin A Bieg« Proprietors. • * Burns. Oregon. **w lot of a*t squarrs, rng«. carpet Mi Ulule oi». « « H ou «»m I h 4* - a d» all tell the same »lory — dining chair*, rockers, extension Th'« 9t*M* r* feeated an tkr r-rr r f ? -t and R Streets. ir vlessne«» ami grvext in at.d cent-r tables in Mock ' lHdy” grain M> hand Has competent L. >r. V •*««.? b V agrR Ttkef f" I« •laudhfg ’hli laxMi'v. Il ult «.ii. 'it* I« . '.ivw ih* ui this county next Tuesday. strong where it Indi- Fresh Beef Pork, etc. in ar.y quertity desired- Feed Chees; Bologna ar.d Sausage of all kinds always on hand Your patronage solicited. .—— Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder —-v Specialties are_^. Brick Laying and. Plastering, MILLER & THOMPSON GEER & CUMMINS. a? js CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL StMM1.R N ormal S chool ’y, SxxxxxS, Oxeg-cxx. THE CAPITAL SALOON. B-¿rns, Tin Shop Harney County.