i BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, MARCH vnr VOI. XV. S. 1902. NO. 15. It auy member of the legislative as­ DO NOT LEASE THE LANDS right to lease 10 acres additional MAKES A HIT AT CHARLSTON that fat off Pacific Coast state. for each acre you so unlawfully had , sembly the right to introduce any "The immense pieces of timber, inclosed ‘in the year ending Janu-1 measure. Tbe whole number of> sawlogs and other forest products, ary 1, 1901.’ and you may without WILL COME UP FOR THE VOTERS' votes cast for Justice of the Supreme HUBE«' Kl E rtON KATES: WONDERFl'L EXHIBIT ATTRACTS AT­ and then the fine mineral exhibit, OLRJESTEEMED FELLOW-TOWNSMAN, - fencing, control the same, and if Court at the legular election last where they could see large pieces OPINION AT ELECTION. ¥4»r « ........................... *u TENTION OF VISITORS. C. W. PARRISH, WRITES. tbe cattle, horses, goats or sheep of preceding the filii.g of any petition I of ore from a hundred different pay­ for the initiative or for the referen-1 an actual settler stray and graze ing mines of gold and silver, copper ’■' ■ti»; — OrriClAL - * DIRECTORY thereon, you shall have a lien as by | duni shall be the basis on which and other precious metals. Then, STATE—OREGON ’• The Long-Proposed Constitutional Amend­ ...... < J. 1!. Mitchell of T„ .e.Skiutors the number of legal voters nee ss Large Stockgrowers and Corpoaations Only attachment on them, to indemnify 1 Products of the Far Off Webfoot State Proves again, on half a dozen pyramids ment is to be Decided in June—Pro- j Joseph Simon Astonishing to Distinguished Ger* Ones Benefitted--There Are Other bable Fate of Measure. you lor each blade of grass they 1 ,Thos. Tongue. ary to sign such petition shall be are displayed fruits of all kinds and uians, W ho Visit Exposition. I (M. A. Moody Jesse D. Carrs in the West. SR rtBt OF tntr«B8tB«U may eat thereon, or injury they! .......... D R. N. OhM Kburn counted. Petitions and orders for varieties,aud of such size and flavor le h ‘ iiDrue, ............. T. T. Geer One of the questions to be decid­ the initiative and the referendum i I Duubar may do your possession.” unknown to them, especially the Oregon ’ s bountiful resources and „.¿..C scrBiaryoi Male ..................... Burns, Ore.. Feb, 24.—(To the ,z ’ . U S Moore .,.,.7 re*»ur«r The French-Glenn Livestock I wonderful products common to Fellenberg prunes, of which a box action........... J H Ackerman ed by the voters at the next June shall be filed with the secretary of Wtal.Á»*- Puolic lMt Editor.)—The bill now in congress, 7al« PriBter. W H Leeds . R S. Bean, election is whether or not the peo­ state, and in submitting the same called the Millard bill, for leasing Company, of which Mr. Lusk, pre­ those who have grown up amongst was opened fnr sampling, a prune lurems Judies < C. Waiver ten ple of Oregon want an initiative beuta » ipreiu. juujv sident of the American Cattlegrow­ them, but strange to the uninitiated for which Oregon is famous, ap­ F A Moore to the people he and all other of- j mark. «etti,', and referendum amendment to the fleers shall lie guided by the gener­ the vacant public lands in Oregon ers’ Association, is president, has eve, are attracting deserved atten­ pealed to them very much, for Ger­ NINJKTU JUDICIAL DISTRICT- ■ S1"l t> State Constitution. The proposi­ al laws and the act submitting this and several other states, after pro­ many acres of public land to which 1 tion at the Charlston Exposition mans are loyers of good prunes. i.tHetJaa»« '>•«.1 mrlcl AUuriMU ........... M' U wi.*mm Wu. 5»lU«i tion is "up to” the people, aftez viding for a preference right of leas­ !p. «: ,>lui-aevre«c»l..ti¥e ..... ........ ■■■ * “ r he has no title fenced in, and so , And the Eastern press does not Next were the pine needle fiber amendment, until legislation shall r Ivrl .Uui-Seuatur ..J w Morrow banging fire for several years. A ing such lands by owners of culti- had iu the year ending January 1 •1 hesitate to make this t-HCt known to products the only factory of this be especially provided therefore.”; , yated agricultural land in propor­ CUTT-II ARSEY : few years ago much was said for —Telegram. 1901,” and would also benefit by the world. In the Charleston Even­ kind beinw in Oregon and the only James A Sparrow !U,niti Uouty JuJ o. -, hone, visions of this section shall be given , lands and make a home "get off'.’’’ B Frankie . Tuition Ke«' ? »Die uni-'. _ "P and*aiii.».lRlil» S^- ------------------ method was taken of placing a copy proval of the several concerns which to stockgrowers who were in actual i "Oh, yes,” you say, be gets off in stopped off at Charleston from the ' cular, to add strength and pala- | of the proposed amendment before have been seeking contracts. In A. Q. U. W • 3urus Uud^e, No. 47 the expending of that , 2 cents for Prizessin Louise Victoria, which tableness to their worldreuowned -deetoevery Friday liigiti. the people. Despite this circula- brief, the board has decided that it use and occupancy of said lands surveys and big canals, and storage put in here on her way north after brews of good beer. h‘v: U A Dillard. M. W. ' during the year ending January 1, E 11 iiojt. Kec. I tic n, there were thousands who fail- reservoirs ami distributing ditches, a cruise, was the view they had of | "Several of these gentleman who will give an applicant a contract ! ---------------------------- - led to familiarize themselves with for the reclamation of arid land at | 1901.” i lL'i"1 HARNEY‘LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. and paying salaries toward a great the Oregon exhibit at the exposition. own large estates, were especially We are led to inquire why a man "■ ero- at odd r'tiluA's Hull, every Saturday I the document. tTopim jq », », j M Daibuu N. G. a price to be estimated by a civil or corporation that was a stock-1 irrigation scheme, that is to make They were introduced to Colonel' interested in the grain, grasses and ‘dipiiii. ’ s\ Y King, secy. County Clerk Swetland will engineer appointed by the state the arid plains of the great Henry E. Dosch, one of the Oregon I forage plnnts; the length of the rye, '8, Th pen place on the ofl'n ial ballot, "Initia- land board. This price will be the grower and in actual use and occu- j West ‘blossom like the rose.’ ” commissioners ami general super- ! 1 wheat and oat straws and the J raotfE'-sjioAAL cardò . plumpness of these cereals were ' live and referendum amendment.” amount due the reclamation com- ; pancy of public lands in the year Well, after sober deliberation, we intendent of the exhibit and when | “ending January 1, 1901,” or iu wonders; the various clovers, vel- : and the words "Yes” and "No.” pany, and the amount for which ! 1___ ___ _____ peas, timothy and other ¡other words in the year 1900, and submit the only place for him to he informed them that he was a jches, j This is also ordered by law. A W. J. CULEMAN, the company will have a lien upon is not now in such use and occu- ‘get off” is in that beautiful pream­ ‘Landstiinm’ of theirs and born at grasses are of such size and rich- almost incomprehensible to inarforr oieiiugraph r aud Notary Public j space will lie left so that the voter the land. The state engineer will | pancy, should have a preference ble of the bill, where it says: "A Mitinz on the Rhine, it was a signal i tnav mark one or the other accord “?d then lhe-v BP‘e<1 Ltb" lr‘i. also fix tbe rate the company may’ j j right to lease for 20 years 10 or 20 bill to provide for the leasing for for a general shaking of hands and , , 11 1 wonderful grapes, some bunches C ! WHtiettf ' ing to hie choice Every county charge per year for use of water by j good cheer, and the animated eon- wjghing fivu or „¡x pounds esch grazing purpose of public domain, Y on left 3 ' acres of land for each acre he or it clerk, withiu 30 days after the der; n'.gc and reserving all rights of home­ versation naturally drifted into und j|le bottle of wino made there- settlers upon reclaimed land. < hair on ' so used or occupied in the year 1900 | UiiHJ ö. blz-LeUUKE, election, must send an abstract of »« d . icftfl | from, they exclaimed: ‘You have a Tiie state land board has reached stead and mineral entry, the rental German. ile: wait;,.I ATTORNEY, over a man who wishes to become tt.e vote on this question to the •Jrned. indeed. Such diyersi- to be a special fund for irrigation.” “Commisaioner Dosch seemed in a this decssii n after consulting with ftl”. iar..i uivbiö, . .................................. O regon . Secretary of the Slate, and the lat­ a settier or stockraiser on the pub­ Prod.,,et8 “ y,°" I“’re «; » right ta? ] But the place where the cattie king, Hpecinlly happy frame of mind, a« a number of well-known attorneys uiic.c.KM»-, i.ana ou->ine>a, and Keai 1 ter will canvass the votes of the . . ...... r r.i I hibiling in such abundance,coupled lic domain? ..«avc'íiiuLutír ; rotai Hv attended to. and monopolist “gets in his work” , he pomted out that the roof of their wHh Joyr unesoeHed clinmtio ^on. in this state. A difference of op 11 Jeff gtlll, Why should this act not only r with c<, counties and publish the results in inion has exiiisted concerning the is in the whole of the body of the building hud at last been completed inronlrt *•»» • Reul Estate Age ut and to enact or reject the same at «ystem. The application must al­ lands within the states of Oregon Hr, tpIR in 1« bine«! on left! WILLI AMS A- FITZGERALD Deschutes River. I | tbe polls, independent of the legis­ so contain an estimate of thecost and California, and the cases »ere plilB and u; lice ib ole Masonic building. CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 lative assetnbly, and also reserve ofconstructing the irrigation system fought to a finish by Mr. Carr, and Ueu.s, - O regon . the most remarkable One of even then he would not obey the A Cleneral Banking UuHiiieH« Tranflactod. power at their own option to ap­ and the annual cost of maintenance, j f crop in left mandates or decrees of the courts, streams in the United States is the on k fuhoti prove or reject at tbe polls any act The land lioard then makes a con ­ Directors: W. Y. King, I. S. (h^er. Geo. Fry, • S. W. MILLER, murk, ere of the legislative assembly. The tract with the apiicarit for the re­ but ojienly defied the government Deschutes river in central Oregon W. E Trlaeh, J C Welcome. SOTAKY PUBLIC. first power reserved by the people clamation of the land, and the state | and its courts, and the courts thro’ says an exchange. Almost all rivers' < ’oriN-Hjxiruienee Invited. Burns, - - - Oregon. is the initiative, and not more than land lioard makes an application to the federal marshals and their I have wide extremes in tbe volume 8 per cent of the legal voters shall the secretary of the interior for a i posses, were coin|ielled to tear down 1 of their flow, running at flood in, ■ L. JOHN W.GEARY be required to propose any measure contract binding the United States Mr. Carr's unlawful enclosures and the spring and low or even dry in by such petition shall include tbe to convey the land when reclaimed. throw the lands smuggled and the summer months. Hut Deschutes FateicMns and Surgeons. river widely differs f-om the rule, full text of the measure so proposed, bi * The irrigation company is given hoarded thereby Often to the free UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BURNS, UBKGQÄ. and is notable for its remarkably I access of the home maker, the iniative petitions shah be filed with full and exclusive possession of the bar ■ . left i - lidence. Phone No. SU * steady flow throughout the entire ?; murk, at- muall st In left t-a? m.at. ; I )E.\TW1X and open violator of the laws of the in the winter is but little more that, •. bar 11 00 Office *r ear: of T..t t i.i,zrC OE tie ^»■er ui the g ivernur 1» not to ex- , tbe proportion of tbe amount of tbe | “By your decrees and n>aadat<-« be separated by other layers of sand !»rn. ■ f ........... »■ ■! ■■— •**» U-nd v> naasure« referred to the ¡entire lien which the desired tract you have filched from the lrea«urv and grav'd, ft is thought that the ♦ <3 »r OflO-Xlflr» 0*0 K ••••ée people. Air election» on measures liears to the whole tract subject to of the people this vast sum of mon­ rain, instead of rashing at once to ? >• 00. ."»flO OflO -»flO JOHN I». PALV. l'n>«iD«»T. M. AI.EXANDEIt,|Vn « I,» mid » wt . • the streams, sinks into the rich and *>» N McMI'LI.EN • referred to the people of tbe state the lien The deed to the land is ey and squand r 1 it”; an irons soil, into which the lava has - p • . ebaH if- held at th* btenn.al regular to be executed by the state land to Mr Carr, '* I he nario»JB t--. »integrated, and gradually down • V-' ’Si p’ e- n«. except when the lioard ai d will m the form wbat it iw» d f • • I *......... .. nd into the rock layer», act a» • !e- slative as«embiv shali order a quit. ing OF ONTARIO, OREGON. ? t storage reservoir* and keep o • . «p ial ••'.•EtMifl. Any «eaeure re- are a M ¡»r«r. ng a constant and a steady rn-Srred for •'. ferrej to tbe people shall take ef- 1 \i-iounts of <’01 ]«Miktion.-. Finn» und Individual* • jlv of water «0 the streams. and l.sccme the law when it 1» » I Photon fio- 1 ' ■,, 1 > • 11 • < I. / is quality of steadiness of flow roved bv tbe majority of tbe car 1 and-r. 5. I' C»rp«n- X per. and will make its water Ti.e st vie of all hills shall r» of which a number are n n»e t!.' ' ¿ o <^av u«v ^aao lot be ted to deprive .ucc uj««. smo -*•*- <-• INITIATIVE AND REFENDUM aaal The Citizens Bank BORNS, OREGON. idi Special Accommodations for Traveling Men. F irst C lass B ar I n C I Í e FIRST NATIONAL BANK |