of the labor movement. Nicaragua Canal and the The Hay- BURNS SAVVMIL x .•••'.•wspap:;*. A Great The Sund.n e 'ltion of the with Great Progress of aerialnavi- Louis Republic is a rnai vel gation in 1901. C< mplete L ulled modern newspaper enterpr ( li in >; Yjcn M unwr Stales Census. Anarchist statis­ The orginiz rtion of its ne ws st r The 1 rem liman who claims to tics of the United States and vices is world-wide, complete ii have invented a method of seeing Europe, &c., &c., to the extent of every department: in tact, superi- I’auncefote treaties SATI'lrtiAY. JAM AI1Y 1< 1302. by wire will probably Britain, be kind or to that of any other new .-p iper. enough to exp-lain just what a per­ The magazine se tion is illus­ The 1902 World Almanac and son will see when the wires be- Ency clopedia is on sale by all trated in daintily tinted colors and < ime crossed. newsdealer* throughout the coun­ splendid half-tone pictures. 'Ibis ? »jälva^T l&i over 1,000 topics. The udii 1» -itnetrd in oni- of Hfinest bodi.sid blue »Il I In inulier ii. The proprietor» Lave »par- J i o <-xp‘ use to llUt tlie ri.ad in East- m Or- u When ordered section contains more h:,;li-clas:. < hl« Worth, O ik ii i. K ir* P<>rtl f»<: Í lu t* batik* ‘t Loiii- Service to accomplish H. Winne- a man at Dubuque, Iowa, who is rartoons are by the best art ; iato. Chicago ar.d I’a^t. p ill BURNS, OREGON mucca Silver State. anxious to engage in the manu­ The humorous stoi ies are • high Walls Walia, Le«i>- St. Pull) class, by authors of national rep- facture of chewing gum in this E’-tMail ton, Spokane, M:nne Shop oppn«i‘o olJ Brewerv When the p: n-ident w as“scold- city, anil wants a capitalist with, utation. Du- 1 15 apolis, St. work done with neet.ie. “8 ar diq>ltch. Sat .*:.‘ Cton Sheet music, a high-class, pop­ All iuth Milwaukee, Chi- (»ein-ral Miles for having say. $100 to $200 to go into the y ular song, is furnished free ever i '-ire us a call. • ago i nd East. made a statement which Wa< true enterprise with him. lie makes Sunday in tin- Republic. hut irregular, he evidently forgot liie surprising and baseless state­ The price of the Sunday' Re­ DILI’ 2 oo. I OCEAN and IIIVLR SC III all about a certain ‘•round robin,” ment that there is no chewing- public by mail one year is !• ’ » on Portland For sale by all new s dealer.-. signed by ( ol. Theodore Roose­ gum factory, west of the .Missis­ try for 25 cents. velt, wl.ii h w as equally true but sippi An enterprise of this: kind in opperation here Would enable a large percentage of the cast off An observant person remarks rubber boots and shoes collected here, and now shipped East, to be the public likes as well to read utilized at home to the advantage inlr li sting math i in the advertis­ of all concerned. There are many ing columns as in the news col­ gum-che wing school-girls and umns. There is nothing surpris­ oilier gum-chewers in this city. ing about this, comments the Phi­ ladelphia Recorder, since the facts but they are few in number com­ which an- adveitised have a di- pared to those delight in who “chewing the rag.” In securing • t pei s >nal interest to the pub- ¡the gum from boots a.ld shoes, The advertiser offeistothe there is a large percentage of people o ily such tilings as the cloth left whi.li might be utilized I ci pie m cd, and about the vli.u- id supplying rag for chewers of ai tn and prices of whirli they that delicacy. Oregonian. w .u i information. A persistant advert: A 11 mailing dates sub j et to chai ge. For San Francisco OWN every 5 days — — — Columbia Hirer 8 p. m Olir n- w l.-io:; .‘ni * . i ' 1'1 ’:i' Nt -.■•vr-.. M aki . ui I iikah ' is v.orth its », i J.t in 1.x Hun. To Astoria am. X'. ay *atur «ani. tu st iri a io p. n.. h-giiiu-atii. |-:iyiirz lu.iil rmti-r l.u-iuc-- WR’.e»*Hr Hirer. It l<-llr yoii wli it la pt S’iiiùay. , J SV'!' f J HARTERS AT ONTARIO, OREGOR. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Eastern Oregon Developing Company does .1 genera! real estate and coTiniisfon business. Buys and - ds real estate, mines and mineral lards, business enter­ prise.! of all Linds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location of government lands and the development of the re­ sources of Eastern Ocrgon and Contiguous territory . is bound to win the at­ it tention of allm wspupei readers. It is said that Sarah Bernlierdt has sworn off oil tights. Ils a won­ When it nines to the advance­ ment ol visionary iilea.'i, we sub- ConrniGHTS &c. to realize made Anrnno «ondlng n p P. p I'li ««<’ descH>>t ’■■n mn' qu.oxlr atu oriniti our «ipniiun fi hi t :. -i invci.tioti K pri-hnMv u h ' i I h ! l<*. < • •" ' tloiwmlrictly f<.r-« «’Uri'„• !•..(• t i PurvntN tiiken «hri*ir."i Munti «t Lu. recelv- _pre(u4 v.tftir, w u I » »ut ru". )j>rr< noHcr, wi'li -ut < ■ ti ■. ‘ tv ", Bit..» 1 arliile fiom the what a great disappointment he editoi i.d i - Iliums of the (Jlen Rose is to Ins friends until he lo .es all 11 ,i the follow hi , 1 I i ■■. i- 1 11 1 aid, as In-1 ng ent it leu his money. to the banner: Scientific * “Mention has lately been made tie wealing has elapsed with the of a pioji it to dam the strait be­ man with the least particle of tween New I'oundland and Lab- bravery. shut out ice and greatly modify the chiH.ile around the gulf of St Lavvieni'e. 1 his brings to mind had in mind well known, a .scheme we have foi years As is A N.H oar , II uutington. Ori con A. I. CIlAIli. 'l-n. P’-s’ I’ortti.i-I. Oregon A. L. ÁÍU11I.E!'., I’rcfi-lci.t. I ciiluti'Hi of anv - 'n- - • ' 1 ■’ear; f mr mm*ni, fl. b <14 (” I»K’.......... ... • ’Die season of Chiistma.s neck­ lador with the idea that it would •Ji) i m T hìdc M.nits D esigno der she didn't shrill'; out of them. A m in is riot Prop IKVIIw, 4 p. m. J ohn E R< ; ..-pi int.n.r ..t reason- cf . iis . s . i cy .. O ntario , O r . The Harney Conr.ty Live ^ttdkAt^v will pay -even Hundred und | ';x r,,^ " ward fur tb.e arrest a:id t ouvii ; ¡.q, , f ! t’‘ HUH er i»vrFO!>H v, Po kill, sh-gi or .‘riv* -1 horse», mules or retcle belt.u^itig >C| lit • I the abbot iation. The • «>ur ¿v r „ « dvr» Hit addiliohal reward <k mitj. also v, B R porter, Burns, cattle, heartibarfh. nrt’.’h in :rt).H' let. hip: carinntkk uniJ'1 eiu h ear. er. b ort ehherear. whit 1^2’ . rung« EinignuH creek an. I.../L 1 Buris. I eter < ¡emens. Pnrnf. horses, pc o-.u*] lie: t attle ¡siirne on eilhet hip; 'em und spii' in left ear, rwaiknv f.irk . d under bil in right. M 1. U Grout. » uri a. Horses TJeonrertHL.I 1 ■: ci! II. . !l ; ' .1 p IO < I.,-' n on Luih h.pe: ear*..arks, underJitifJ anti urn» ror m vtit h ear, M Fenw i- k. Burns, horses, double dot nJ >il burin left shoulder, (i.tt.e I. on rj.\,‘'1 ram.afks. fwo nnt.crhHb in ca< h « u • «’,< j o'liude.l bar T ..n rh.hr ribs; earmark ?! half t >op in left ver. J H Biinvard, Bur hr , cattle, 7 on left hit J marks, crop oil left ear, .-wuliow furkhÉd J P Withers Ilarr .-y. horst». comHMH on left snouhitr. faite, half ciic.e «•„, ' ei'io-r nip earmarks, upptrbn in rixhi.. uerbit in left. Mnr’in Hr. ... Burr«, »-«til,. 4.,. / .. 11. ' in on . .-¡..-r I ip. friruuirk». ■ • «..., :--.l>: 1-nr. ,IV,II„M r,.rk lu kc. ».lln’S, ni. : mu. «urne l.ranueii i lr. le :< ..i, rUhlJ. o I -i iu-k.'n k».|. Hnrm. horre«. .i « 3, n. ill- i r; i-attl.', ;. , n right ,i,l- m l hi» " ' .1 . ...-r..»> .H»' right mr, i-rup »ml unotrl Tup t1 ,v-’ ¡np;, -a! ,v I. Pper .- h .’. v .H. eat A • W*». ,v un c and bell co iar. M'.v. ¡'I,. c„:.- , H<. ( ; < idi I t \ Par, uui i ¡a; k, nn«ier h‘i di.trt o\er »¡opt in e t li ear j. ■? hewlap . ’ ■Mnith, 1’. irr.jt hiT'te.'k. quarter i a’ himi ivg r : », ¡»'f, shunlner, t he • in ' ; on either lap: ear-»turK. < tar.Mp’.t tu Ui-der Mlc ui left: i A E Yontijr. Butu>, h..rses Y un led I m er; a :• s i u.iicr: « »!•!<. rm kJ. x « (»air urniHrk. iighi • ar < ro..p(_»| b.m;.. ''-•if. « hi-i’ii o', tippet »’.de; v. of • wk: hi! ai.imuis .-.«•¡•a.ri.t'd P Rutherfon.’, l urns, cfot!«» r ; eari » d k. nm'er La’a crut» ri-’hi - un »vît b I k . h cer irhai i M.. tei cj K-Z j__l isket - ■iih n ii The fmanciei who insists upon regarding ov. 1 t.i’.atioii a:, nat .i.-a.d prosperity will be suie to g..i III parly into all soi Is of trouble. In politics the lull stomach fr. - prompt attention. qucntly turns the bead of th- .11 •I r •> VICTOR J. 'A > ? Compilala d. • -• > ! Ï ■ >rf. W British tin uing PIONE Z Germain is no: going to mon loiii'.tlv ,i,| th,, little questions key with the Monroe doctline • nul knotty pinblciiis tli.it prc-i-nt l ite K i-s er may indulge in a li.tie thvlll'w hv x )!.IV by ,|.|y - ¡I hlHlk tli.it w id ipuck-v dvv hit* all atgu m, nt on all xubj- i ts? Th« t¡>»2 \\ Olid Alrn.m.u and In. v elope- rrespective c!L- you >V OUC. • «•»••eac cosale.- . Factory, tom ■ limbing for home consump­ tion, but that w j]| be ah :: Tl’Y il s .vi •ha. wliii h i- now ic idv, . is ex tei­ that >• *> J - •X » > > X. ' : , V>c« Pwi«.- £. SftYî army ?. t.orsi-«. anvil Lr« b kfl • ark. ujicjcr half crcp in right ear i -^s. Burns, or« .. oR on left stUk i T|1 itiuni N irnrn», barat ■, THi tvlfl 1 e.- ir, |g « ,,n up nuH iie.lvr half rt.ip in left r»f,A m right, linn .up under lhr..at. hone »b.w» ns ru.it.m« v» » (M rft Bite i Lie». I ’ »1; a . h >.L . r r <4 • k ii ■•• • V'5 » L-rhi.. io . J Y or * '4 rop aL«l »ill in r»giM f “ “ “ -' The gentle man w ho is to su < -ii in my siibj. 1u c veil Si c retar v t ¡age has had quite r< <. ntly brought an i \ pel u ii, e in loaning monev to fatmci' But then the (aimers notice and which generally m mage to pay then ite pi i son should terc-st. gers* end*. ; ' 1 the w ..i ! little volume contain» over One bund-1 .1 and forty theatiiral <>.!.» p igei vv< II- ulted ag.it« type, companies have b cn compelled liti y lie * eiitainmg >. me fact to aband >11 the road so (ar and lhe that v "U w di ■•ome! oi lati r w ant season is comparatively voting. to !i>,ok up. S.iimb dv his sent Adn-.i.d Tl .«• Um!, d Alm ai'.K should VC- Schley .1 piano If he were a ie “ 1' a proni < nt pl.u c m t.\ ( | ) scnllul man. be w. uld move into American Ii. usehold Ins ent my’s ap.iitinetii hi Use .1: 011 is in >1 e compiete lake icvoiis on t ie instrument t• t. f ».. <•« r.J LVlDE. r. ILL. H 10 ct the former ones. Goner d 3 n.kæfj E The great Mr Js >hwab 'S 1 -p -cd I ka k full particulars the I'llist out of exist.itH-v. It aiv- t< acting indu,it id| or gams I- nrara that the Trust has outlived its usefulness Io its promoti-is « ' g- ■ ed Lib i ; enlarged while the politic .ins aie getting .s of the stieiigth of labor leuh l,.»lc> • 'metí.wg uopleaxant a- -i t’o p'v-.iil cecidi'..tai 11 it. irenSCCtcd CORRI urcs of tho 1902 Ins '.lie factory plant and then IS- sued and sold stiK k in it to tile ex- • of the United tent of ^t, 103,000 N < t tbev con- U* to assume that religion is lhe names of tinti ans w ho pos- Dow Ht’« long suit. p r-N-OO I for the wasp’s lust loose. " i ' ' 1:, Na: r. m s. h«»î *< s. \t ' ren’bif» ; uDie. . ,ir Nt (einbincütfl “Vf ; i .ai»:. ' ppei half < rup iu ’-R«4| '. ’ ■ kftrli tkJ •i r;g:ii i.ipcr ti-.æ; mark, ur, he ■Iv il, : »gin Mr» I N hu . U ar:n ■-pring»*, cnttle, -uik. v. attiv under cinti. | 1 lires, hfir*’». (>J on theH J "K r; '‘itsp.v; mark,-p tiis in righi. < utile. >; ou left hip mr® • b u. h t&r. watlii un ky *1 th it i .tu be t i-hc (_Rr <>;> It fril •»U a 1 IL r.ur var. >,.¡1. lr t-3 b: F«»n._t iiri.v. IXe, '•abinvd on leftkl ¡'ni' ÎW” . (Patent zlttorac^’S,) y B io ii (inurter eir f- „ 1 leasing the Bovi pi s in is at Zee ¡fonteiii leuiiud one quite forcible I >o y i ‘.’His. ( <■