The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 18, 1902, Image 2

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    esston ot the land until 11 is con­
m y Cuunty, Oregmi.
vened to settlers, have a lien on
c .; hí ;
And will on the 24th «lay of Feb­
the land for the cost of reclama-.
tion, and have the privilege of ruary, 1902, at the hour of 2o'clock
charging water ra-rs to settlers, p m, of raid day, at the front door
the late to lx- tixe-J b\ the stale of the Court House, in the City <>l
The settler w ho Burna, Harney County, Oregon, .eil
>11» oarer , land board.
.11 mam in r r>
wishes Io purchase land wh'ch has at public auction to thr highest aiM
‘ been reclaimed must pay to the beat bidder for U. 8. Gold Coin in
Still more news is being receiv-
reclamers the cost of reclamation , hand, all the right, title and inter-
ed from Washington in regard to T
’lx- ituti gets nothing from the |eat of the »aid Frank C Eister in
The a’.att gets nothin;
the appointment of ;< successor to land, and bear» none ol the ex- ami totlie property above described
G. VV. I I
lb 11> • land pensea.”
I or so much thereof as will satisfy
oflice. A ii
li in the Orego­
Whether this act will prove a “aid judgment as above set forth
nian of J.i ”.i > I | - it s that Pre­ bi-neiit or detriment remain» to be together with the accruing costa.
AVitneaa my hand this 16ih day
sident Roo-i
seen. The ait gives the appli­
four of tin
- i.i
< >i eg< n (
tiler says:
•‘The re dstci : hip nf the I’m ns thing (or Eastern Oregon. How­
land ol..t i- w .i - named. The pre ever, a great portion ol the land
sident said that objections had applied lor will certainly cost the
been filed by Senator Simon liinit to reclaim, it at all. Dui ing
I Sale, issued out of the Circuit Court
i of ti,,. State of Oregon for the County
of Harney, on the 4th dav of Jm-
uary, 1902, and to me directs 1 and
against the rei <>mm nda'ion i f tins time the corporations have delivered on said day, in a certain
William 1' r« , of < aril on City, control of it and it is with held cauRe wherein the Citizens Bink,
a Corporation, was Plaintiff
who whs i m! >i ed by Represcil- from entry practically.
tative M 00(1 v. This informatimi
were Defendants, upon a judgment
was a surpi;
tot h<* representa­
All brands of tobacco 50 count It duly rendered and given in said
tive, as lie li.1.1 r lined, from
N Brown A Sons.
Court and cause in favor of the
convei i’i H- 1 .ni v, uh the sena­
I unid plaintiff and again-t th»* -aid
tor» pi lor tn mt!.: ig the re oin-
defendant Frank C. Fister for the
mendation, th.i’ th; appointment
sum of One Thousand and .Seventv*
would I’I- K < : lee to till 111 bo ll 1 In the Circuit
Court of tin; State of one and 60-100 Dollars, with 10
Mood\ Htated l > ti"
pi csi ¡cut
Oregon, for Harney <,'ounty.
percent interest from July 9th 19UI,
that others - lie would have ' Cli.irb-.- J JohhHon and Sam Bailey, and One 9'housand Dollars with 10
made no i
n im nil.itimi, l’aire
«rompoHing the firm of Johnaon & per cent interest from November
was pi. i n
unanimously in­
Bailey, Plaintiffs, ya. John I. 9, 1900, and the further «urn of Two
dorsed b\ l e i , i e i\ c cili-
Newman, D«4«'iidant.
Hundred and Seven Dollars attor
'i’o John I. Newman, the above* neys fee and Twenty Dollars c st
Zens of ( i minty. Senaten
of suit, which said judgement wa*
Mikheil a- und the president numed defendant:
In th»» name of th«* State of Ore- • •orolled and docketed in the Clerk
that I il h ' appnintnieht would
| ^<»n you are h»ir«?hy r« «|uired to ap- olhee of said County and Stat«* or
be satisfai ' i \ to Inin, although
1 hav«
| pear .Hid answt r theeompluint filed th«» 7th day of Noy. 1901
not his lit •! ehm. e
The presi-
again t you in the above entitled tiiis day «July levied upon the fol­
dent ihlvued Mi. M indy to con­
• action on or before the dale of the I lowing description real estate, also
fer with S. u.itm Simon, ami try
liiMl publication of thia summon« «I» scrihed in said Order r.f Sal»1 and
to reai li an
• i cur nt.
to-wit: th*? Iwt «lav of Mail'll 1902; therein <irdcre«l to he euld, L
•‘AVIien the three memb'is of and if you fail t > answer f'»r want to say: Lola 3 and 4, ami the South­
the dele • i
li I left the White then of pLiintin will take judgment west Ipl.'irter of (lie North west
i culled. To auainet y*m for th»* following Hums «piarl» r of Set. 4 in 'i p.
S R 35
him, t!.c Ple adent went ovi r tin an demand« d in lh«ir complaint, E W. .Al in Harney county Ori gnu
siibji t of pain tge, itnd I .ml he for ♦72.50 with the int« rent thervon And will on Monday the 21th day
was veti oi :
the two senators it tIo» rate «»f ten p* i <•» iat per annum ol February JU02 at th" hour nf 2
could m ’ . ■ - . .mil lie h.ul a no from N ov « uii I mt I I 19iM) and $« *J*> o'clock p. m of sai l day, at the
lion to m
more appoint­ ' atlornevH fees, for . l.x’i(H) with in- front door of the Court House in
t«’H Rt thereon at G | m r < ent per an­ th'- City of Burns, Harney County.
ments until they got together.
num fr«»n> De«: 27, 1900; f«>r :
10 Oregon, sell at public auction al!
Srn.itm S;, ¡mi denies having tiled
I with inlvreat alien percent per an­ the right, title, clair.i ami intt re.
a proti i ag mi,( tlx appointment
num from January Lst, 1901
for of the said Frank C. l- i-ter of, in
of fan e, t I bn i . I ut ilei lim ' to
♦40 So with iiit*«!e t at nix per «*♦ nt and to the said real property above
indorse linn ■ i permit his nomina­ per annum from January let, 1901; described Io the highest and best,
timi .it till' i nm
for ♦259.00 with ten per «»’lit iirtcr- bidder for (' S. <io!d t' Il in hand,
I I i\ <•<, the i cris­ «st ti « reon fiom the 1st day of Jan or so much thereof uh will eat nd y
“Georgi AA
ter at Burn', i e cully ol dried IV- | nary 1901 and :i;25 00 attorneys fee»«, said judgment as alioye >peci lìmi
moved, an iv cd in W.ishington lor $10 10; for 1 1.05 with interest together with the cost of .'Ulti UllUli
last lliglit
I le does not, ask fm
a contimi i ice. but de'iies to have
the th ngi of icmov.d withdrawn,
alleging that tile findings
of the
spettai agent weie up. n pn judic-
d that he
ed i v nil'll, .
l II.Ila |o I .
had no
al six per cent per annum from July
27th. 1S(X); for ♦51.75 with interest
at six |»er cent p«»r annum from
September 12lh 11M0; for ♦•S09; for
♦ 20 IX) with G pel c« ii( inter« *• then
on fr< tn Februnrv Mh l‘.H»0. for th«*
sum of $112 00 with interest at the
r cent p< r annum from
¡January 1st P.HH; and tor the fur*
this AVrit.
AVitness mv hand this
January 1902.
Gt'iiac; S hli . iey .
Sheiifl’of Hurney C mnty, Ore
Bv i*AM Mol'HEKSHKAD, Deputy.
Dissolution Notice.
the best of it, Imai thur sum of ♦ 11» CO with ten per I
I The co-partnership heretofore
politi i.iii' lull- md in Porllai'il eeut interest thereon from January
existing between Geo. AV. Haves
ionsldi'1 li I it ■ -i tiled |. ! 1st 191'1 together with their coats
mid John G Saxton has been dis-
|. Doneqan ol this place will re- and riisliurs* nieiit» herein;
olved by mutual consent
All p. r-
vcivc tin
’ tile III.
I This summons is publislx d by
sons indebted to the afore-atd firm
ord« r e! the II ui J .me,« .A Spar will settle with John II. Saxton.
row, Judge of lie t unity Court of
Dated this th i 11 dav of January
•( many \\ li<> Harney i'.unity Ortg'iri, dat'd Jan­
Foi lliv
< I in > AV H a y t;s.
uniti 11 «<• v\ in k mg of uary
do l>. .1 !.. .
ISth. 1902, wliiih order re-
J ohn G S ax r. in
. :. we i opy the lol- , '|uir*s this publication to be made
the < .n i l
a ' i i in disputeh to in
low ing L
Tin I uni' lb raid for six sue-
Notice nf h al Settlement.
1 ces«iie
the Ou
Aitil i, h the liispnteh indicates
that I un li
"1 he date of this first publication
■ d th l aici
“Ih the p
«U I till1 I v • i coi ci liment otfci s hereof
is January the l«th 1902.
the Hl.ltl* l,«MH»,CKX»|
B iggs A B ig 1*»
ai i v* of lam'1 w bi n the same «hall
Attorneys for ITnintitT.«
I’lic >t.«le
li.ive lx . o i » i l.iime«!.
III till II git < . i lie land to M itil i s
Upon th.- «a me t< : ms» In fai t. ’
the slate .u - * h < th a« a medium
(Tixle* nud by virtue of un Eie-
tlirougli m ! L h tlie man \\ ho i e- .
I I..H. '
’ g( Is Ins title fieni the rutinii
h - icd I out the Circuit Court
Application» lot , of th«» State of Oregon, for Hurney
iH ill i.m«L it i limit* to the >t«it<* ( i Idiintv, dated the I 5th dav ol J .in-
\ i L i >ui vt \ s have uarv. P>»2. »nd to in»» direct*«! him !
land ...........
a m .p filed, the
be. 1
delivered on mil«! dav. in a certain
a t i nti act w llh
alate < i ■ ■* > ■ il
rail«** wherein I he Cituen* Bank,
\i In i « bv the stale ’
the .j pl
corporation, was
wan ITiintiiF and
. 11» t 4 4 »» ti* I ' niey i .c title upon I a ei'r|Hirati.»i.
i md a* 11*1(1111 rd Frank C Fi«t* r w.t» • Defendant, up
Ins tec! m-
y rendered and
bv the f. . .
** < \ i rnmvnt. T he on a judgment di
and e tnee
•'PI ’
t iking Hilt v a *\ s. ■ on the 7th J iv of N ivvmbrr. 1901.
ill *»tt ' ' ; J* .
li i hlid.’i.1 . i id ami making | in famr of the al> »vr*named Plain-
lin.d proofs '1 ■ the gem » al land of- ' tiff and against t he above-named
AA.u i t c i oliti act i« made
iN-friulaut for tin i turn of s. vt*»rn
\% uh tl
«■• pl » >nt the state up-
llimilre I and Thil tv *ix and 19 KM»
pill ' to lie
lY'llars with t> per cent intereat
land d
' i d io li e .ipplhatlon
from Ni ,v ember 7th. |M|,
fill'll l>\ the
1 II«* g'»V V! I>- ■md FifU eight at id SO- U\l I \ Hare
I '«1
mmltta Jt t s thr I.m<l to thr slate costs 1 i. ive this day dulv levied
when pi. <4 ¡•* m h !< that the land u|M*n th
lias I m *« a i a .iimtti md (hr stale preterí
then maki ti o iiMiv< i.irir to thr
and the South-Wi-sf
sett'* ri»
North-a* «t piarter
•ID “ . piovisi“«»« of the «tate
J S. R 35 K. \\ M
fiw n Mttl « i « an acquirv more
of the Sol
1 :H**r prrwn«.
ihn«* K » ik
of the • North-
■w « i tMW.ilions olio
.1 ih» <„>*1 Ywrrt of
rrvlaim n«« ■
» H
av»csd« west quarter
ik <t i>< i urr
- fi «•
arc SPrtuareii to aAom our SPafront fAo
Best of Winter Wearables
Heavy Underwear, Overcoats, Felt Boots, Rubbers
Overshoes, Blankets, Hats, Caps, Etc. >
AVe invite the ladles to call and inspect the m w things in the
line of new Dress Goods that we are now handling. AVe have
many new .articles that are of special interest to them.
M. F itzgerald , P resident
convex cd to the settler, a feature
suitable mail ami wia
O ro S helley ,
Notice ot Sheriff Sale.
' Oregon.
Sherifl Harney County, Oregon.
Under and bv virtue of an Exe-
D“led lhis 1Uh du-v of Januar-V
not altogether satisfactory. Gf
By S am M othkrhhead , Deputy.
course there is a limited time in
cution and Order of Sale, issued out
M artha M arrs .
which to reclaim this land and if
NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S HALF of the Circuit Court of the State of
the applicant takes it in good faith
Oregon fot the County ot Harney,
with the intention of reclaiming it
Under and by viable of an ex> -u- or* the 9th day of December, 1991/
f«»r settlement it will be a great tion in Foreclosure and an Order of and to me directed arm delivered 1
gon del pi'i i t i ll
ronage. T he pre al
had found ' >
-A_t ttve
tills no: ice, at the law office of John
1G. Saxton, my attorney, Burns,
cants control of the land until it is of January, 1902
AV Drink water, Geo AA' lark. AVal-l
ter Gray. Robert I ri; kwater, P LI
the matter of the Estate of
• lard, J T Oard, L 1 Hayes, J L It
AVilliam Marr», deceased.
Sitz, A C Spurlock,
Notice is hereby given that the
P Cochran, Win E Bray, M V I .
undersigned has been appointed
Smith. E D Jordan, Win
Administratrix with will annexed,
1 B ( lark, P F H.inz, <■ E Parker, i
of tiie estate of AVilliam Marrs, de­
N 0 Oard.
Dy order of the County
Notice it hereby given that on
Court, for Harney couiyiv, State of
AVednesday, the .">>h day of Febru­
Oregon made the "th day of Jan.
ary. 1902, we will apply to the
l‘J02. All persons having claims
above entitled court 1 r said li­
igamst tne said estate shall pre-
cense as Hpeci tied in this petition.
- ,.t them, w Uh the proper voucher
N. J L ewis it Co.
within six months from the date ot
n\‘ e to
North »I
Vn • ••, < R
F A4
In th- matter of the estate of J. 11.
Craig, deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the
heirs of.l B Craig, deceased, nmi
to all persons h iving an inter* >1 in
the estate, that the administrator
lias tiled hi« tina! accmint and ti «
court by order m.uic an«l ruler*«!
ti v »I S.t t.r.i t \
January -•I,
February 15, 19O-J, at 1 I «• < lock ;
m of sani day. at the CxHitity c» urt
room, tn Burns. Orrgt n, an
time slid vlaee of havn.g i uch
j*-. terns a» may Aw made or f
llierrlo, ami for the cot.ei<ler.«tion
and •» ttli-m* Hl of tho a-lmin
tor'« aeeonnt
lhu*<d January 4, 190’
A I- V amici * r
Admit .'
F. S R iedek , S ecy
T reas .
B iggs A T urner . A tt «> rney *
Eastern. Oxeg*cn. Title
G-iiLa,rsn.t5r Co.
Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed
To all Lands in Harriet County, Oregon
on said d»y, upoti certain judgment« |
1-, hereby viv-n to whom it mat
duly rendered in said t mirt and '
duly dneketed in the oilT
I tin conv ru that by order ot the County
Bough' and S.,.d on I omni " ■ n.
Ollier in B • k Building.
Clerk thereof on the 3b > .la; ot i eu: t of t li" Stale of Or- g> ai made
October, 1901, in , a suit wherein' md entered July 6:h 19J2 tue un­
D Dalv ami
. i adminis
i •
i, i Gtt, John ....
| , Aimer 'I , r.-igi e-1 , was appointed
Robbins, co-partners as John Olt <t
trator of the estate of Janie Shep­
Co., wen
were plaintiils and l! M. Need-
■ ■ ■ ■
R. B. Carey arid J B. Gear­ ard dead, and all persons having
hart ivc in defendants, on*' ot said claims against her estate are here­
judgments being in favor ot John, by notified to present the same to
Olt A Co for tn-- sum of One Hun­ the un ier.-igned at the residence of
dred and Thirty-four and 22-KX)
The-Largest Hotel building in Malheur County.
AA'alter Cross on Trout Creek in
dollars with l> per eent inter st from
Best'equippe 4, best managed and most popular hos­
the 3tlth day of October, 1901, anil this county within six month of
in Eastern Oregon.
Twenty-flc di !ars attorni v fees the date of this notice,
ami Fifteen dollar« eo'-ts, arid one
Dati l at Burns, Oregon January
of S lid judgments being in favor of
11th 1902.
Deft. R B. Carey ami »gainst Deft.
L. AV. S hepard ,
R, M Needham for the sum of One '
Ole ss
c t e ciic
Hundred ami Seven ami 2S-100
dollars with 6 per cent interest from
October .‘list. 1901. am! Twenty five
Notice of Final Settlement.
dollars attern- vs fees and Fifteen'
dollars costs, ami both of the above!
d< scribed judgments In ing declared
Notice i« hereby given that Thorn- i
hy said Court to lain t.pon the fol­ t in AA’illiam.«, Admit.i.-trator of the
lowing dr-eri'a-d red propertv:
Starting it ti; ■ mirth-west e >rner E-tate of Jacob Lutz, deceased, has
of the south west quarter of the, tiled iiis Final Account or said Es­
southeast rpiarterof Section twenty tate .mil that AVednesday, the 15th |
three, Ti wnship 20 South Rang - ■'!■’> day of January, 1902, has by anor-
Draw.« plan, make, i stimati s, ere. Buildings pul up the amount Mf
E AV. .’>1 : running 450 feet
der of the llonoral le County Court
east, thei'ce 26j degrees west of
ligures given in estimates.
Ll/“ •atisfaclion guaranteed.
south S2 !i*e. to the north-west cor­ of Harney County, Oregon, t the
ner of th>' land herein descrilred for hour of 1 |i m, been appointed as
¡i bt’gitmitro point, thence with saiil the time for the hearing of said
rlcgre« s on tiie west line of said Fin 1 Account and the Final Set­
premise» 2o.j degrees, west ofrouth i
tlement o said E-ta’.e at the Court
205 7 feet; thence 2GJ degrees south !
of east 20S. i feet; thence north 26$ | House in Burns. Oregon.
Therefore all creditors, heirs and
degrees east of north 203.7 feet;’
theme 2G.J degrees r.orth of west persons interested in said Estate
20S 7 f et to the point of beginning. v. i’l take notice lit reof ami on or
Containing one ace arid situated in
before the.-aid day so appointed,
the sonth-ea-t :Mirth of tiio south­
east fourth of Section Tcventy-three : pl>*-ar a id tile objections, if any |
Imusliip Twenty South Range they have, to the allowance of said i
Thirty-five E A'. M. in Harney account.
County, Oregon, t •gtlln r with the'
To be published as by said order
uie and one-half story house and
other improvemi nt.« situated outlie provided in The Times-Herald for full weeks and five publications
above d «eril e I premises.
----- RESERVED FOR------
N itice ia iiei- tiv given that I will said order being date the 2d of Dec.
on Monday, the -“th day of Janu­ 1901.
ary. l''02, at the front dour of the!
Dated December 2. 1001.
Court House in the City of Burns.
They will have something to say next week.
T hornton AV illiams .
Hartley County. Oregon, nt the hour
of 2 o'ehs’k p m. of said day. sell Administrator Estate of Jacob Lutz
all the right, till« ami interest of
the silid R. M Ne dham of, in and
to the above dosctilx'd property fur DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.
I'. S. Gold Coin in hand, or so —NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
i alni o;l.i- at Burna. Orefon, Jan. «. 1902. I
much thereof a« shall be sufficient
X ; . !• ’.» I« » . C.vt II t at Mrtiy 1 . Johu*sHl.
to satisfy sairl judgments, together
ofR. ■ . H iiit . ca ctGi.ity, OrvK"ti. has fllt-'l L«*tive
witli interest «ttnrmv ties, costs i • i .•< p-L ti t.< t. h » pr'.ii «'n her dcaert-lanci
t'.« >t , >W '4, V' i _
and the costs of ami upon thia Exe­ « .'. 'ai j •• . '• r 1. 1: f« r E.
M.. before Kctriatcr and
• 1 \ * r h : Hurns. <»re ’ >n. «m
urday. the N
t '¡» * \, 1 o.'. >l:e cam *• the follow ing
Dated this 12th. day of December,
•<* p •’.«• tin- «■•trnp.f'e Irrig^titM. ar.d
•UK .1’1 < »Nid I ni d
T. J >h «Ida. W. H.
__ . .aiidA. !.. Vanderpool.all
of Kiley, Or-
Sheriff Harnev t'oimty, Oregon. «"r.>i»|j
r. Garreir. . of ' ' Burto. . Grvsen
4tN0. W. iÍAAKs, K l Kilter
By S am M othehhiii ai >. Deputy.
e~......... c-r^.-ss-
22 ~.r
z C x
Harry C. Smith,
Contractor and Builder
» © • r © e e a a
corî Œ jxûi ; de Z n OE sòhoo
E.«*t and Ort"fi «■ »n h U the opportunity of n
. >n >«. C • ck . I’1 !«• h •»•»me institution covering
i\ I m i’ •»■m-'S t . (. m work
1’9 ratta are the same
anti tin* »• b is HDih'» same M’nient« admitted
lr tie- at ’I d I
or bv mail. During the summer
A 111 »’»'1
S chool
I » I.. !“ w
- ’t* a n-v wing t«r proprraiory ç-f*«F*e.
. 1 t'i.i li : -rm.-iion on B î-ineM Cutiere » lb-
7/o v that the tyrtny season is on
us tus naturattjf turn ion-arrt ico/e-
iny a/tor our machinery anti see
what is needed for the season’s
ueork. 7i’e wish to announce at
this time that tve haue u/ayona,
^>uyyies. 7i/ou*c^s. <J.ay ^fakes,
ZsiL'ine. binders, etc.. and are soie
agents for &ain ^ucks.
shouidprofit ty this windy weather
and buy a tyfindmitt from us.
Catt and examine yoods. yet prices
and terms.
e •e©»60t©
Ottr rf Cummins
White Front Livery, Feed & Sale
Petition Fee Lqror Licence.
l’<» thr Honorable t'otinty G«rt
H\rn» v rountv, Stat»» »»f <>.
W »• the und?r*igrwd
of lire prrci net o( IjkWnn,
(hHintv an J al mtr. n»»w>l Faepr*
% onr llolM'rablr ('.n'.rl te
• l • • «•• • \ J I . N - \ >
î > <r|l ©pirini'Mw. mall an»! th hh
li«*our» a* tlieir |M b < v • t b«MM»»e*«
in *4 h ! prr<‘i»K*t m
qnmntit <
thuri <»<»r galion, f«»r a j*rnHi of « t
n HHithi*. O'ininr•»<•»n< ou It.r ‘.’ h
’ Ser. 4. day et* Frbruanr l'hi?
M . in llar-
M H Ht) i ' î , Alt vrt L aa.üti'i t
Si* «JJ ft
MiTH I“' < t
Burns. Oregon.
fresh 2s’f Pc-<( e’c.
<.irr;y dzsireC.
Head tese
artì Si s: a cl all Lrds always an hate1
ItCIain A P.h’gs Proprietcr«.
TI « Stable i« i e.»t* i — th-
Your pMroiKi.o' solicited.
r *• ef F
an«! cnia aw band Ha« rempelhr’p.
$er> to any fart of tbv C >wa!ry.
»r. i P * tr-*»«. v
Raw« i J.«l Wtg-n.
'• **r«
Takes !«•**•*