BURNS SAWMILL ¡$1000 Reward! A Great Newspaper. hands, lias found it necessary to study the art of economical man­ X-^nxxToex, The Sunday edition of the St. agement. With an income of marvel of IDzessed X-'o.zxüoex, $7000 or $Hooo a year, and so Louis Republic is n HATl’KtM Y. JANI AKY 4. IWJ. enterprise, many children to clothe and edu- modern newspaper ze-cistic O.2SLÔ. flooring- news ser­ OREGON Manager cate, tne money had to be care- 'Fhe organization of its JULIAN BY III» fully spent. Economy was the vices is world-wide, complete in ' The mill 1» situated in one of the finest bodit » of Pine and Fir timber il, every department; in tact, superi- 1 The question of postal saving watchword of the family while Mr Eaatero Oregon. The proprietor» have »p.rtd no u All »pedal orders receive prompt atlehtion The magazine section is illus­ An excellent <|uahi>rof all kinds of lurnLer alwuç» on Laud. For fur­ lied by the present Congress, Commissioner, Police Commis- AK Kl VK I I Wk. •»< lit I ” 1 *■* Depart for. trated in daintily tinted colors and , from From Hantington Ore friends of the system which ob­ sinner in New Y’otk and Assistant ther information call on or address The Harney Countv Live Stuck Association splendid half-tone pictures. This Salt Lak< .!>■ nver. Ft. u i i pay .-even Hundred and Fiftv Dollars Re tains with unvarying good lesults Secretary of the Navy. Chicago- K15G «k SAYER, Proprietira. Burn», Or«gon. ward for the arrest and conviction of anv par section contains more high-class I in many European countries liav- j When Mr. Roosevelt went into Porti n' Loui’- the .Spanish war his finances were ber of the Association. The ( ountv Court lira ing already given notice of a 1:45 a.in Chicago and East. offers an additional reward of Two Hundred 12:35 monthly magazines. The fashions and Fifty D<.llals M. F bwwk ■ p.ei movement to secui e its adoption at low ebb, and 1 am told that G. W. ) ovng . See'y, Burns, Oiegon a. K. illustrated tn natural colors are BKASf).* AND P. « ADDRKSS OF MEMBERS. here. It is urged tha'. the system when he returned to Montauk especially valuable to the ladies. ■ Geo D Buev. Bum», cairle brai ded tar tn Atlantic Sall Laic I>< nver.Ft, would inspire confidence on the , after his Cuban campaign Ins with II I. « on: e<-ted. un left blp errmaik. tin The colored comic section is a Expr‘ HS Worth, Omaha Kai • 3:35 per half crop off left ear. undr-r hall rroi <,fl SHELLEY «V FOLEY Proprietor», ready cash amounted to just $12. rlaht «•««. »aide ou left ,h«,ulder. Kane? „» »as City, •*' l*«ui» p IL. of small depositors who are now genuine laugh-maker. The funny 2;10 of"iiS*«' *Ud ,lclnity' •‘•"''«««odi.orthwea“ Chicago ai.'i Fase. Fortunately the magazines were cartoons are by the best artists.1 p tu utraid of National, «lute and pri- | BURNS, OREGON B R Porter, Burn», r attle, heart-bar (bar be- vale banking institutions, since it eager to secure the products of The humorous stories are high! St. Paul Wall» Walla, Lewi»- Death beartjon left hip: earmark., upper bit In each ear. i rup ..n ellherear. » aitle belwe-n the class, by authors of national rep-j bis pen. and in a few months his 12:35 Shop opposite old Brewery would be backed by the Federal eye»: ramie Emiarunt creek and r.urthweal «( 1'. »t Mail ton. Spokan- Minne Burna. ««««i apoli», St. Paul, I’u u. w- All work done with neat.iesa ai d dispatch. Satiefacion gurante^d Jeter Clemen», Burna, horaea. PC on left «1- 145 government as a guarantee of ab­ w ntings brought him about $7000 ' . utation. Sheet music, a high-class, pop-1 lluth Milwaukee, Chi 1 lie; spdt r attle In »ameon earmark, cron and left ear. eltlre-lllp. »« allow fork and aquarS solute security. The additional in cash —“ a Godsent," as Colonel ular song, is furnished free every !' ftr >ive us a call. cago t nd East. under bit in right. H expense put upon the Postal de­ Roosevelt has described it. When Sunday in the Republic. I. C Grout. Hurtt». Ilories TJ connectedon left 1 Fl hip: cattle. Hl) »trap ..ver the rump, exteudinr The price of the Sunday Re­ partment, it is believed would not lie hec aim* governor of New York down on l oth hips: earmark», under hall c rop 01 E LN and RIVER SCHEDULE and uuderbit iu each ear. p 1 be greater, and that in any event with $10,000 a year and a house public by mail one year is $2.00. M Feuwick, Burna, home, double dot vertic­ From Purtlami al bar < rich! rib»: earmark, «. under some w I1.1t improved. Fhe salary half r rep in left ear “«.er business could be transferred to ject t'l char ge. 4 p. Ml. J H Bunyard, Burna, cattle. 7 on left hip, ear­ Ml For Fan Francisco it and made to contribute largely of the Vice President, added to START A BUSINESS OF YOUR mark«, r rop off left ear. »wallow fork III right OWN every 5 days. J P tvithcr«. H«r:.«->. lmr«<-«. rombined TJP Colonel Roosevelt ’ s income from to its support. Most of the op­ on left «boulder, rattle, I..K ,-Hcle cr,.aa ou ...OREGON. Serb" ¡’.¡’¡eft""“ *■ U,’,M!rb“ ri*b" «• * his various books, kept things go ­ HARNEY . positions to the saving measure 4 olutnbla Hirer I p. in. Our new book entitled 40 M oney * 8 p. in Strainer» Except Martin Br,,».. Burna, cattle, double dot hcrl- comes from the banks. The peo­ ing on a comfortable though mod­ M aking I deas ' is worth its weight in i * " 4 To AstOi la aliU »J- «ontal bai »n either hip; earmark«, lipperhit h, Sunday. rtkhl ear. «wallriw fork In left, wattle on right I «aladings. ple, as a rule, would like to try est basis. Hu! it w«is not until lie gold to evifiy man who wants to start a jaw: Bl»r. aome branded idr. le x on right alda. I ker. Burn«, horae«. 5 on left the expel ime.it anil it looks as if bet .ime Piesiileni and drew .it legitiinato, paying mail order tuaineKM. •boulder: cattle. 5 on riahr .1.1» »nd hip; ear Local Agents Malheur Co. I c'"pk"flJefP O,r r gh* ‘,r’ Cro|‘ ""regott ' it| New I 30 p in Wm. Conley. Ruluh, Mi. and Mrs Rosevelt were able it aiicce fully. «^end us 150c today 6 a. tn. berg, I’. i‘. Rutherford. Burn«, Fred Deu.fedt. Burn». hor»e«. FD on the left — Ex. Sal' »» «od U «‘V Esc« pt Lytle Howard, Westfall : ^^Vr.'T.'iir/.'.'b'.'.'.'r"' Except II. Li'egsn. flanney to foi l that at last the question of and we will send you the book, and u Sunday. .................................................. Vale Landing*. Sunday A Hi alh, Diewsey making income meet expenditures valuable monthly journal one year free Governor Van Sant lias got Ins ) <«fl li L ear. under inf crop . if right, wattieun 3:30 p in C knti .' ry I’ i hi . isiiing Co., Box 7.3, was not one Unit require d carefull M nnd.iy conference together at Helena. HSXrhL“’}S?to?iiff*“"“•"' H eron L ake , M inn . consideration and careful handling Wed. Ä What will be uccomplislied is not Friday. as a lifelong friend of the Roose­ i I e't'ltiei'ei.ni'’ T?'"’- ho'’f«• Th COmldnedOU yet known. No definite plan of I -lllb .»trie Th .'»mmr left hl; r, velts put it, “This is the first time > ra’o.cilTlHr’'*0' C*,ht,,,r chin action was given out in advance * 1:31) p in Wlllam.lt« lll<«r. 6 a. tn HEAEQUARTERS AT ONTARIO, OREGON. 50 YEARS' in her inarriid life Mis. Roose­ ) . borar« HSon rlkltt ’ ! ueeday I*..illand Corvallis I ue-<î;i) of the meeting, and the public lias expedience ' ' :•'>)«'Jar. earmark, under half ..opand velt lias not found it ncc essai y to ' Idewfap '''* v:l'’h )u«)-*udle and Eastern Oregon Developing Company does a general Thur« & and Way Landing« 1 I.HI ’ A been entirely in the dark respect- , Sat. *at real estate and commission business. Buys and sells take her pencil and figure J*.“ s.tnlth. Burna horaea. quarter r-lrcla « an « I right hind lea and left ahouluer: cattle quarter ing the program to be pursued. tdrele H on . Ither hip: earmark, “«.p i>“rt» real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ bow to meet the grocers’ bill I.cave Leave It is probable that the problem of ' I ear, split in under side of left; twu dsvylaps. prises of all kinds, horse«, cattle, sheep, etc. Location L«*wi»t li week.”- Walter Wi llman 111 Chi­ Sn«kr Kl,«r. Riparii. A E Young. Hurns, horses. Y on left leg ©nd railway consolidation will lie dis­ of government land« and the development of the re­ u b UU r,lK,H Hh’»ub*cr; also boot on Riparia to Lewiston. S:30 a in s Tnaos M arks I 1 20 a in cago Recoi <1 I lei aid. left shoulder; t aftly, rocking « hair on left hip­ Dail !. D esigns 1 sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. cussed ill the light of the laws of earmark. right ear drooped down, left cur slop­ 111 i V. C opvrighv » Ac. ing head on upper side; m attic oh left J oiix E. R obeh , O ntario , O r . the various states represented,and aideof neck; Nil animals dehorned. Anvnim gentling n nkef« h him I «leiicrtpf l. r« « «'lv»> Sill hael Moylan. horacr, ."Son lafi atlfle; cattle fpfinl n'dice wit I out «-li.i rec. In the 1’ass Ae't. Portland. Oregon "'"rk.' rlrhl '“r wi,h ,,sl‘ Marriage broadens some men ing a measure of uniformity in the lilt '': mark, crop conference loulil accomplish, pair broken promise«. ifliJNN R • I • \\ « ’;in_ New York able in ices. btd.ket' ' ,ort *“ fewlap on HiIinch ' .01.. D. t. Some people would rather be he though an agreement might W E Smith, Burn», r attle, XI on right «Ide- I mark. «|.lit In right vrir. wattle on i »«». reached concerning actions to ba consislunt than be right. G Hud.i.et'., hurt «. .a.tle. ». i„<„, on ,l,hl The man who has the “big »ice. murk, crop and «plit ir. each ear. brought under the same laws ilN Simon I cwl«. run r attle si. rirht »id» head” invariably wears a small they stand. —Boise Statesman. mntk. rr. p and underl.ft ltr :« ft car,« roa anti under halt er. p off rlghr. p hat. ¡Old hunters cay All orders given l o,>;rK'''''.hllr •' «."“Her circle 3 in Wagon wotk done ;.i a satisfactory manner. left hip. ii ark«, crop „ft left ear, hole iu right. Few people would be satisiied iThc MARl.IN In 1720 a ce rtain German Prin­ John Wita.il. Burn., Imrae». W bar on liahl Give him a call. ■ b".s j ) many things to com prnrr.pt attention. got all that's coming to ► ”• left hip. mark: amend el The top of the ce sent to Queen Ulrica Lienor.1 if they »pill in car h cur. wattle un er chin. c action is alwayscljsed, ¡he 51 ” B " rn »' horaca. reverae Lon J mechanlsin the most sim- of Sweden a cradle of solid gold them. J pie, die rinibh elezant, the In « ar h car « Itli full name aud »drlie« You rirrn attractive. It teems asa 1 hi isleiiing present foi her i ? !■'■>' ■ ‘""’'■I- u“ ,‘“h' «“>’• t> throw its bullets s little ierbh uXh^.;"*rk' “l'«*rbil and un- rc at curstrly mJ plant child. The ship containing the votir faults but your neighbor» ♦hem Wi'h a little more force vv ill not. ri J h?i; , 1 V r “ ’ * l y rn * qutrtrrrirriR Jon < er n. e. Foi gift was di iv i n by a terrible gale no h.b, .Tk* * r“v “ •*lr 1,1 ,rfl ear- •‘"der ’eeruJ.e a 33«5S or 30-30. Our fee returned if wo fail. .Any one sending sketch and description of 1 bit l'oiinnate is the man who fails in right; horiessMine bran l wii right stiffs. l.'Opste eaixlug, ACS ll<«««r* into the shores Tjorn, where it ' ’>’,1 .« red cover b) MSIUlil^tu ; MILLER RODE ONE 2033 MILES IN 132 HOURS any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ 1 < Itth ■ ho!FvF- 71 ,,Hr on stiffs; r 3 ■ »tup». only for the purpose of raising MARLIN nr um *‘ * ““‘rk.uuderbit in left FIR« APM3C lievame a total wreck. The in­ ability of same. “How to*Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents t«r, uimer stope in right. 4 MAV1N, C .^V. II Hli.Tt, Hun s 1 ««rs. s. H4 combined on left secured through us advertise«! for salo at our expense. habit.nils of the island massacred higher. * t e. „ ,vn n,niktUnderWtItt i i euch the Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in , It is much raster to **u • !vl> ►»du in half lower part lopped the shipwrei ked in.11 incis anil doW n ugMir si »jus of head T he P aten r R ecord , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted it IS to St.IV « 4 J’J h sun Van. hoi»* SJ on left shoulder: pillaged the »hip, but the cradle, top of the ladder than i f«y Manufacturers and Investors. 1.» r. r‘j ' " ’■'u blI>: ,nu’^. ‘ r«.p Slid under there. half « rop in rigiit rat, underbit in icft. Send fur sample copy FREE. Address, by a i m mu« chain of cin uinstan- ' { Jn»»' Kiley, cattle. <> Lor on left nip: Money is the mh man's faith, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., marks, swallow fork in right car. spilt In left. ces, was saved anil now lies bull­ (Patent Attorneys,) ml'rkB .Jr J K “ "“'infl on left hip; ami a good . ... .¡*R ^4 unuir ed in a lonely pail of the island. the poor m.m .s hope WASHINCTON, D. C. i m.ill's i harity. Evans Building, The story having been by some U- "■ hor«« ». SC combine " "it el... .I.le rani,. s, rombiu.d on \\ i«doin is the art of being means 1 cv ivcd, the present King It fr ».mublet. r.ark. upper half crop In left ear. . avvav from Imine when a neighbo John Bum. In me. hvraee.JBoa left.hr.ulder- of Sw eden I S.IV S tllcT r.lv del I lias ¡m |,iiil"‘|r,1B1”i*,ilFvr •ld': *ro* °* «•a< n ear, bole in right r offered 10,000 kronen, about 500 dlls to boiiovv something. ■«-•WS, 1 ?V’! >',,1Hu»bc'. "“tm Spriu«». cattle, ear Older is heaven's Inst law, but BE W ALL' 1« r k OU ,efl «me: mark, a attic under chin. Superior to oil others irrespective pound«, to whosoever I Cl OX 1'1 S , cl.n Mi] »nun. Hum», her.«-,, oj on the left of imitation it is the ilisoiiler on caith tii.it en­ of price. Catal ’gue tells you ah., r.dr r . «trie. ,j . i,; ,b... mark.ap mn ot gold, Queen I'hu a'.« cradle trade marks . left ear, t wo unuerblt» Iu ria h r. nn I in . X\ rite fur one. ables the lav cis to git three and (abets. Sam K u - k . Burn», cattle. .,n left hip; mark to »¡IV, every in Now, needle ss ..jopai.ri nrnicTl.il iu each car. wattle on left squ.ii e meals a day . Tjorn i.s habitant of the Island < f r ../n1 x«trow,. hone», anvil on left NATIONAL SEEING MACHINE CO, • h"»; ■ r' ’ "r "‘r' '' ” "‘""1 "" 1L* l'1' sicking f<» the 1 «»li 1 aied plizc. She (Limcs-luraíd S hort L ine U P acific BLACKSMITH & WAGONSHOP. I J M8ÄIY LIVERY ITIMI. ROBT. IRVING, Prop. E. 0. D. C., Scientific American. JOE TUPKER PATENTS GUARANTEED T»«e Eldredge £-5-0.00 WHITE LEAD X tlomr Collere Crane. ■*\\ amlcil A ti nml who w ill lecogm/c me vv lit ti I am corn­ pelted to V c.11 patch« 1 il pants ; w Im will take mv hand us 1 am s iding clow 11 hill, innteaii of giv mg me a k h kto hasten mv dei ent ; w Im will lend me a dollar without two dollars sci in ily ; w Im will ciime to me when I am suk, who will pull otf his coat «mil tight fot me when the odd« aietwo to one; wlm will talk of inc Ivehimi my ba« k a« In talks to mv lace.” Exchange. TT1cS.1turd.lv Evening Post, of Philadelphia, annoume» two new ilepai Imcnts vvlmh w ill challenge the interest of vnung men anti women throughout the «.niiiiiv •• \ Home Y ollcge I «ui sc, as on«* ot them is called, has been de­ signed tn meet the wants of am­ bitious young people who have not had the advantages of a «ei s ty training. This com se be* conducted hv a special f.ic ccnnpos cl cd prof« T college F«>r tlir li« uni«* in a tfrent "’g refill 1 most « nmnv v « ars l’t« »ul. tu u i Mrs C.l II •in mit ••«’»Un. \\ li r K i H' m Va ’■ t f« « ! .li rei fi i t « i»t* tor ou I sin I« pi ui i rriui'i; liti u «loincsti« l i. I t*»i r IN u ’ ' Thci«* ha» he eli .X «vici tqi'iacl \ OU"; Man Beginning >1 Ilei lliat thè l’itsldeni c «»’' is the «i cicnil «>( th« *c man, that Ile inheute si in lepartment» In it the m« I'h fortune from 111» f.ii Al n R. trulli i» that Uiesule sell U »U» lathe and <>t Mjo.« « c 4lth . I- ibsiilitlely Pl II F. »nd »ill 01 I H F Lil all other Lead . If Till syvv« W astki « btii v »:»v vvovirv ■<> trsv« I and « lverliae e-tabohed ■tu dina tnf <*a N I* l uller A < o. IN»r»lsn«l Factory, nCLVIOERE. ILL. a ex No « ■nvi- «»iv«. rl|>r«w<-ra »ml en- «eif »ii.tr. ««««I «•»mr><*«l Vidr««« Manager o C >U«’U Chieaao W. Tir$t piitiondi Bank \ General Bdnkincj Business I rnnsdcted lit H«j vest of all in Leavesing F. wet.— I-atcst U.S. Gov’t Report NN i vu^h In» « had to o«ui «ml Mi» R en p >y trit i er«. n M ---- VN 'y I in • <• > lit M I* F FT.EK. W w browr Fife horses, horse a bo© on left jaw «>ung hoia«s i «,rb )a*» ninnina w nn th«« -- ---------------- > .r T rich, u< r. ss book a. diamond on left she i Ider. » DH.t ..Bur-, ho «•« .MH Aon ,»ft»:l»o • hi) mark. t ft aad •plit in ri.ht ear »*ail.,o fort in >af| cattl. ■' ' ■ ! '''«'k • ••I'”» f - k tn N.the.ra' ARE YOU o','. «7 »!?t*i;r|.hftP * “ • Rpyal Ä absolutfly PURE I • P:r’« ’«’tie. JY com fined on mark •■’”«' «"'I »ill In nghtaar ark. hc-rowa. hor»ea, larc on th. loft J. bnI “Ik-ro- I- I. c <■„ Buraa home»» « .t- .-ptr cate-aeme on len hl), e «rk •qu.re P • ff rl,tt ea . r»«, h or unier- st« pe <»u ien. DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE F. A jg »N i i h laiiiuaL •oil ty croc^rt evtrywh-rw Ou'v those bom deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. k •» Vhf of bik u A Kall. Fall. home», .r on left »tiflr. cattl. e ri.ht b>). mark, uppe-halfrropoff ri(httan ’ T War. Sarrocc. cattle, mule »hoe »a loft nip. mark, iindvr half crop in right ear J W Bigg*. Burns, horst s. OR on left stifle H B Timmons. Narrows, ho'ses THI romhm. binedon left stifle: rattle, circle I* on left ribs- "■•'fc. « r p and ui Ger hall cr..p in left ear, un- drrbit in right, dew lap under throat. ■h-e1 II Howard. Burns horses, bar 11 on left k^^dniu^Tir ^•rk.crop.xr Bade only by CHtJACH fc CO., New York. bv our new inTention. ri ESPUNOENCE INVITED •m>urn« r. n.aik. UI.. Ti ll in cat li rar «onio randedon left »ide ami hip K. ee «Pi. Xrrrowa. horaea. R bar on left »till« on lu ea< h ear. dewlap • n brisket. }’ \‘""’m..'T Burr, hor^y, nFecmblnra on , ’ - "' .» ».li e ou left 1 ;p ma-a. crap B^«h ear. under »lo|< In rishi, wallle nn th. CAIDWELL. IDAHO to the es«. and SOPMj Costs no more ”un inferior package soda— never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is tax. versalty a, knowlcdgeJ purest in the world. Writ» for Arm and II »miner Rook of mlunbU wi'l vs 11 i* i! h.iv» A vit, W . >V liUOAOW AY, Now York 8Insist op AHP in kages WERMN»I. OF BALTIMORK SAYS: F\: Ttwoas Nd Ms-ch tast e» -cYvctt’e 4 ’ei *«t tl,ank» to rotr tmimr«i I w«!' now firr wa a fu! uo” .»f nt' cave to be 'uoi at 'ou' Gi«crvtwm \ • t fi'e «-«-«r* mx right rar begwu to Mag and th'.* k-pt . , e rar'le. ftmtr«- > ,.n l.n »i,: XXti,*** 1 J*" »•’tie andor L . •-•««<• h't mark »(-tare cron «•tf left ear. >a t e ,.r. ,,n ;aw !•«« •b.*'r«JIi'**”*■ h”,w* hrandodcVoa F «^ B-t k c« ». «•■». rattle. M on Ion hl, e ' ■' • •»•«■ill ca p tn ra» b ear be 1 wattie 1«emre. H wu ie.t stifle JOHN F. STRATTON’S CskbntN RaniM Gat Violin Strings T h* F*««t M Th« WorM F r«rv mg W arrsFtré joki r. siNttM.’Esr «U SIS. »17 E. »th St.