Last week’s Dun's review made A Great Newspaper. the statement that the cost of the Tiie Sunday edition of the St. things necessary for the ordinary SATURDAY. IF' J MIMIK ?l. 15C1. man’s living for one year had in­ Louis Republic is a marvel oí creased from $72.45 in 1897 to modern newspaper enterprise, .fl MAN H V »< I» Mana it er $101,07 in 1901. OREGON The republi­ The orginizatiot: of its news ser- can press of the entire country is vices is world-wide, complete in Portland Telegram: The West­ now engaged in a rediculous at- every department; in tact, superi- ern irrigatiooists are likely tn ob­ tempt to show that the extra $29 or to that of any other new spapet^ The magazine section is illus- tain some recognition in the pres­ has gone into the pockets of the I AllinVK ............ 1,1 ent congress. By < oinbinitig their workingman, whereas anyone trated in daintily tinted colors and h ,,.rt r..r TUB irui'u llunin «I'"' 1 rr ,,,u forces they c.m compel those who with ordinary reasoning power splendid half-tone pictures. Ibis I ’ I I. ; : . I are deeply interested in other pro­ knows, that the $29 represents the section contains more high-class t. . I Parli mi Worth, Oíd'«. lv,,,> jects requiring huge appropria­ extia amount which has been literary matter than any of the hpfeial «os City. ■'•' Louis. tions to yield something to them­ filched from the pockets of each monthly magazines. T he fashions 12:35 Chicago and Ka»t. 1:15 a. hi li. ir. selves. While the members of laboring man in the country to illustrated in natural colors aie congress from the arid and semi- swell the profits of the robber especially valuable to the ladies.. Atlantic Sall Laki I" nviT.Ft. .. , The colored comic section is a arid regions are not numerous, I r. «« Worth, I»malia. K.v trusts. • x. I genuine laugh-maker. 1 he funny Ex 2:10 »as City, .'t Louis they have friends and supporters ' cartoons are by the best artists, Chicago aulì I ant. I; 111 in members from other portions of i j The humorous stories are high A lawyer in a court room may | the country, and the president, class, by authors of national rep­ St. 1’iul Wulle Walls. Lewi'- call a man a liar, a scoundrel, vil- l-.'ft Moil ton, Spskanc Minns whose influence may count for utation. 1 45 ap.'lis. St. I'aul, Pu- lian or thief, and no one will make 1 Sheet music, a high-class, pop­ much, is on their side. Many Intli Milwaukee, Chi a complaint when court adjouin . ular song, is furnished free every sago i tili East. persons living in fertile and well- If a neaspaper prints such reflec­ Sunday in the Republic. watered sections of the country The price of the Sunday Re­ OP E A N mid Illi ER N( li LDL ». k are beginning to believe that only tions on a man’s character, there public by mail one year is $ $2.oo. ' - - I is a libel suit or a dead editor, From Portland through Federal appropriations For sale by all news dealers. and guardianship, in co-operation 'l'his is owing to the fact that peo- . Al! sailing dates sub with proper state laws, can the pie believe what an editor says START A BUSINESS Or jcct to charge. 4 p. BL 8 p ID while with the lawyer—but why For San Francisco non-productive and now waste OWN. every 5 days. go further—Huntington Herald., 1 lands of the West be made to (ol'imhia KI ver 1 p in. yield their proportion of the pro­ Our new book i nt tied ” III M one - Y • 8 p. in Steamers. Exeept ,, Ex Sun. To Asloiia anu Way- ducts and wealth of the country, A newspaper prints an adver­ M akiso I deas is worth its wcvzht i Sunday. ( Saturd’y Landings. and that this result should be se­ tisement, according to the New gold to every man who wants to start 10 p. u,. cured through governmental ac­ York Press, that deserves a re­ legitimate, paying mail order business Wlllitinfttte li'.ver, 0 tion. sponse. Jt reads: “If John Smith, It tells you wlmt to do and how to d< 6 a. m. Oregon City. ?»ew •1:30 p m it siieee..-Iu’ly. Send us ;>0o toda- y berg, Sal '- id and V» ay Exei pt Private enterprise lq|s done who twenty years ago deserted and we will send you the book, an 1 „ Except Landing»*. Sunday. Sunda v much in the way' of ledaimiog his poor wife and babe, will re­ valuable monthly journal one year Ire V arid lands, and many people were turn, said babe will knock the C'CXTI fir I’l BI.ISIIINII l'<>., Box 73. Willamette & YamhiU 3:3(1 p ni ■ 7 a. m. hirer. surprised al the statement in the stuffing out of him.” II i . bon L ake , .M inn . Teu-day Oregon City. Dayton Monday ' L’uhrd’y and Way-Landings \\ ud. kA president’s message, or would F riday. _ | Sat. have been if they had noticed it, j __ A Home College Course. that more than $200,000,000 of Willamette Kiv*r. 1 6 a. in. 4:30 p in CO YEAflS’ EXPERIENCE ’ Tuesday Portland Corvallis '1 uesday The Saturday Evening Post, of private capital has been invested Tliiirs 6c and Way-Landings Tliurs W in irrigation. But private enter­ Philadelphia, announces two new Sat. 1 1 Sat prise cannot, for obvious reasons, departments which will challenge 1 Leave carry on this woi k in the scope, to the interest of ynung men and , Leave Snake Hirer. Lewi>t’n I Riparia, the extent and unuer the condi­ women throughout the country. T rade M arks 1 1:20 a ui Fiparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a in D esigns tions that are generally desired. “A Home College Course,” as I‘a1!.. D»i y. C opvuightj ic. Anronn M'Hrilng n «kot. h nud «I. i rh.1 i»'urnig patentN. ' A. L. CRAIG, Patent« taken »hroiit.'ii Munn & Co. receive ment has to deal, is not simple bitious young people who have Special notice, cher :o, in tiie Gm. Pi'S. Aa't. Portland. Oregon and easy, and initial laws will be not had the advantages of a uni- , A. L. MOHLER, President. to some extent experimental; but versity training. This course will A handsomely If tMrat.'‘d weekly. T firnoRt cir­ culation of any •’cientitli’ journu!. T'T h :. i . , . a the time has about arrived when be conducted by <1 special faculty,,’ -c>ir : four'os, fl. bold by all newsdealers job printing at reason­ ’N H ew York able Up-to-dale the great waste acres of the West composed of professors in the lead-1 ifllJt- prices Brane 1 Cîâ F W aahiuyvu.i, D. L. must be gradually and systematic­ ing colleges. T'lie studies have,1 ally reclaimed and fruvtilled, whei-4 been'most carefully chosen. Each ever practicable, by lXigation, I will be treated in an interesting carried on partly at least through way, and helpful hints for outside government .nd. reading freely given. “T'o the Young Man Beginning M. I). Wisdom, of Portland, has Business” is the second of these retmned from the livestock con­ new departments. In it the most I vention which was held in Chica­ successful men in a dozen occupa­ go the first of the month. In an tions will write about what helped interview published in the Ore­ them to the front in th.-ir own business, and give a list of books gonian, he says: • J and magazines bearing upon it. “ The ipiestion of leasing the public domain for grazing pur­ Their purpose will be to ’.ell the poses was also taken up at this beginner how he can make him­ meeting. The question lias been self more valuable to his employ- before the association for two ers. These new departments will years and has hi ought forth much discussion. The sheepmen have begin early in January, and w ill ; I always opposed the mv.isure and *» permanent feature of - i the cattlemen as warmly favored ‘ i|l‘Satuul.iy Evening Post, it. At the last meeting the sheep­ men were so strongly represented “Lo'.k here,” said the burglar, that the cattier.iis«'rs dul not think as the man raised himself to a sit­ 3 irrespective it advisable to bring up the ques­ ting posture in the bed. “wliat do ■• :. guctcitsyou ft ft V.'riie for one. tion," you mean by living in a room that Q Í» invites strangers and vet affords L SET: !‘:G machine co., 1 edili has killed mountain lions, them no reward? Haven't you ft ■ .\Y, Factory, got any money hid out some- ••roughed it" on the cattle ranges . \urk. BELVIDLRU, ILL. and waded through shot and shell vv here?” O Is Llxiihitidy I’l HF. and “No,” replied the man, “but 1 ft ft at San Juan lull, but he never un­ will OF i n EAR all other W iMi n-Tnr-TV I1RTHY MI N ANI o derwent the hair-raising experi­ am expecting some. 1 have sent ft Lead . fl w.nis.X trav. I and «averti«'- I. r ohi ft e-tabìi.-hed house < I sold fincaría] ence of inviling Senator Tillman two poems to the Scrawl, four ft If i/iìitr ìocal »(•? car si i' :nz .''»lar y s,a year . x and Booker T. \\ ashington to sketches to the S.: ibe. and six — ft •» r't it irrite fo an a.t ! . trill s-■ that 9 pene», all payable in cash. No , Inva'— V • you fjrt it. ft “Say, are you a writer?" dine together at the same table «ini required Give references an i en­ ft close a. If addressed o»».pi>¡ enee1' w it II him at the White House, “I should say so! Just let me ft i' 1* Fuller A Co. I’or;! imi A -Ir.-« Manager. 355 C ixt. u d j read you my —' *.i\ s the Roseburg Review. C’.i. iKo Tiie burglar raised a warning hand. “N ." he said. “m\ time's A editor who read the limited. Ive got three more yi < sidcot s tne»«.ige llirough was houses on my list, and if they pan HOWARD SFBAÍÍ so mentallv strained with t'no el­ fen t tiiat he s.iid it oveilooketl out as bad as this one I won't have any breakfast, I'll reni notlmig frvin the l.inding o( the your stuff when it’s printed. I l’ilgiuns lo ih< Rougb-Ridvt te- take all the magazines Ik th« lamm in New Mvxi, <> by—” 1 le pans. «1 looked at his w atch The example of t¡eoi ge W. and asked: CALDWELL. IDAHO 1 lavis shows ani man van "Any more literary houses in •teal money li « tu th«- state and till« «llstl Kt •” \ Ger.era’ Banking Business Transacted • '» ipe punishment. together with ••Non«- " CORRESPONDENCE INVITED his otl'uial chief«, if he is rogue ••All right I'm off. (¡ ovk I enough to neutralize the law vv uh night”’ tev hinvalities ()i eg. "Same to you. l’leaw close the window after you." H.ghcst of»'.’; in Leave:;.r.g r?wcr.— La: - U.S. Gort Report One <.( i' <■ lug department burns sawmill ¿he ¿imcs-iicraíd jQzessecl — .•dnm.loex, ZSMstic SLZxd. ZFlcorirxg' onj.ldiri.g'.i j The will is sita i:' .! in one of tl ' finest I : . Tl ... c ,....... . ; ' ■ .. diti ' ! mi ! u s ' • • 1 ' ■ ; luu.i < 1 Vi «X.-.-1L It <|'i'din ■ I "11 kin:.- "I of l’ino »ml Fir' limber 11. ; - 1,1 '■ htl iu»y«. «Iti« '>'; !■ Ill Erteilt '■■• , ' ' ' ■ Ut. Hl- TU TH I II 11 011 ’ •’ • “•»t! ....... Öl'«!„« ;,. caci hall . r ¡1, «....... ■' h l»HiJ«r<), B,,.. _......... ""‘tke ■".|.U|fitl,’T J HW iiherg, .'"*•* j <»’■• ’vit H u i’der . " ■’ ' OK ' "«in «M..)Ui,r, „ «• ' 0'1.1;,. I.A, „n Ajii,,, " MBX ? (•i Lenii C. i’. .1 II. E. A Local Agi-nts•Mali,« ur Co. Win. Cooley, Hulali, Lytie Howard, W’affidi Ag-nts Haney Co. Ibltheiford, Burns, L<'t’gan, Hann y lkaili, Drewacy I»» ■-I-roa,«....... ST-J r -■ J» 27-g: C'x» CxJ 7 Eastern Oregon Developing Company does a general real estate and commission business. Buy s and sells real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ prises of all kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location of government lands and the development of the re­ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. J ohn E. R obekss , ecy ., O ntario , O r . Wagsn woik don» i.i a satisfactory manner. — prompt attention. ? Ú 2 l All orders given Give him a call. Our fee returned if wo fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for said at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tim P atent R ecord , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building', «h.Ujl.ler; vulfle.i , ' .„-HWÍ mark«. ri,p„f ri . « ÄS ■■t'-l. ll l,„. "3lf“SofP . f “* '■ 'I heliHwlt, g«, 0'■; halt ir.,|, la irta I1EAEQUARTERS AT ONTARIO, OREGON. WASHINGTON, C. C. l: ' ' "■ 1: . -i •! f n; ul'.er: cit’.io, cji¿p • ill left i-tir, liniier 1 •. <1 W ' ■y V! Hl '‘ ""len .'."Ier '.«ll cn.pfa,^ il H Elliott.N«rro«, ------k . I Y LO nunk. ':;.;.ere.. >Jd f üii'i odi ( oliar. s.'.lvikierS'nltt.y,, -TT blbii t over »lupe iti cmù tiewli’î«. K Eì . i’'•-iiiith, B ir:ig h.-- i rig!.! .¡.ml legami |i-p>ü r: ' ¡i « le s on cither bit; vs -'-K a «1r, t n, uuiier r £0 •A I' Young. Burn«,b< »> * I J -< connected ou righifcJflBfl left flmuider; iaitiv. tl - l JI » NrLimL. rUhr ear firn.. ... mg tow nrun land on vt«r«r f-j'îeof neck; «h anitra,, J>» fl’ Rutherfcri. hn: -«*r I' Ft.ic; t p.rirmk, bar y on .eft Bhv.ulurr (¿b, Mit i'.acl M.n ¡un, hem:■ ;•'i..::- ,irj 1 ' •»«-T-vti CO,VH. . i* i • s V' '-■lelil. I JU] •U ■ ' . ( i ¡'«»P « tl left ear. Nhiirtovri.,.'àtri J«>b:i ( 'ra*•’ I • If- T ? .'"'nr, ’A / ... ìì’irm Mftft i Siine: ' ».Die. >!i;lui.iiit! Ti.Sfl fcpiit in cm h ear, uat'leaitfJ 1* '! Mi ■ '■ !;. lilïA ìeit el>! ■■.' * .... il. e:’« ;t e t- A ¡ih filli i.tàit Ä ' V ;; :t ! •. s., |,.,rf -t. ’ a(( t tleri'i: iiUQ • y. ! ur s. -* I bip-., jcurk, cropaitditiO i i in i ir;i¡: ; !.■ ff i» fcJiE J A VV HE aine. Van, < ail!- . bxv ! I. un le;t -1S. - ( W11 li ! Li-. ■. y ftt i .121'.; car. FJ lit i l ii«r ‘ .« W ;. LIA (' S v'oims.m. Var. hvtre.'i^H old i .1.1 < I- p . .3 right Cd., h" U>'i iliUlkK, F', :<»l'à ¡¡1 Tig. ~-tMM VV I: :.. • nule. 'N g| i u’.rk, vu.-. c rep i '< v. ’ 01 ' .f ... lt SETTARI? on of Imitation trad; n.t-'.s cr.d Ist'-As. ' . lei!'«. I. • J •. 1 ’.. . ! '.r' «. ■ ’ • eartlc, 214 o;i righ- Ltpur VH| ' ■> fini S Hn.-heL Wsr A E 1 mi ’.< i >y sî . -i: i ( rop si d uudori it in e*® * «flU rr«» J r x»ir kt : F r. ? «-• T- 3 F t,rumie«! " i lr¡: nid«*®*»? lì. - ^ra •* J • Costs no more "toa irLr'or package soda— never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is »u oc/pja-AdjcJ purest in the wrld. \ Hale ocly by CTDACn f- Ct)., NewYofz. 3cii iy rrsc-~ JT ^y-v h-re Writ« tot Aen k 4 R uumt Book ci ti '. u b:>S«!tx»-r-~ EisKStofcX'A-rM'i 'ttzxs&s: iiatSfltXfXstci'XciEiE! bk it: iv ¡i car. uewlsp » ■ L> Hnm-.'m re. F..“ __ oft erteli t ar. uinkr 15 . I UtNtê. a Kg-::. Egti.i sit on right h.p; mark, ■Pt*1 J T Ware. Fee hi;»; mark, under halt w- J W BifcKí. BOP»* v 1 Bu I! It Timm.'na. Narrv^J^Jl binedun leí: Gine: - jWlH II . 1 v-Kl 1 • . BMl t ; k 1 f H, I.: w* a< rcF« h.»«ik: £• <“*®* W i) Hf.r ! .Ul. ■ Fpllt i.Y vi .1 < ' 4 ‘ * B»r* avili t bíl and silt in k-f’ ; I •L John Gib ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE iMOW CURABLE .,2. . •■■«■■ ...... HEAD MOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAM. OF BALTIMORE. SAYS: • — Reinç er f irr ca-r •'k'.:-'«. k . «uaí X- mark, a-iuarv < r- t’”® • 4 s n®w | :» m • n ’ I « I left «b.-n, «« ‘ •'•lEk.-.o ; «r l.eilmen-.. : w.l; »»W ¿.re TOO ug. and thi, gtpt o, getting «one natil I to« !” wCb.%. withttrf ar.v encerfts. cvnswlted a mm»- t th:« »hotofcl we that y. tiuu the heau doims ;'«!>• rv. Mft ■ ^zr«i ^ki< JOHN F. sTFA "a «nd ordered roe* tr ■t*r« the itirciy refU.reA I thank rrnt ■ii riiry al«o malte «he brat «hm gks Cali fvr prive». -’i ... OREGON. HARNEY g.iod tinifwr with a i«l m, | i» ready lo fili anv site ordir ta-- Prop. IRVING, Thr I kpii Jr lame« III' l ... ■ ills c.'lltl .1; till tu li 1« sgiin t umili g «ut lumlx-r of with one in »»paper tor 3*11 o , oh > The ntiU is locati d in worth .’I ad« «1 Hsing during the all kin.l« inauig.t^ Heia MWEÏ IW SMI PIONEER WHITI LEAD Flu- B " OREGON Shop opposite old Brswnrv work done with neat . t ss at d dispatch. Sat rfacion All ÊiyGive us a call. EOBT. SCBI tin ajdi-i1 STAI 1" t Imli eS.»“'1"?® SHELLEY Ä FOLEY Proprietors, Science touting year ' • ■ , it„ ¡/»or »erf ,'o^s A bsolutely pure . wiiL.iv '■ - .'h. ,.r. ,Mtt,»^ ’ - tf» rjgi.vf,; LE AVE., CKJCAGO, ILL ; U--... A* ft •