(Continued from First Png» ) Mil COI. FUND Bal. April 1st, 1901 .. From Sheriff, taxes . Appor. from State 423 » $10.270 17 1,224 88 11 195 BUILDING FIND. Bai. April I t. 19' 1......... From Sheriff', ta . $ 101 1,030 HMD FUND 549 Bal. April 1st, 1901................. F ioni Sheriff’, taxes ... . .“. State, per S<-c. oí State ■ . . V 5,3 4 4 < l'i Y OF BURNS. Bal. April 1st, 1901............................................................. From Hherifl’, taxea ...................... ............................... I Dial. No. 1 re, ’<1. by < nor ai d r« ft.iahd lut< r .... 76 $ 720 97 6 60 727 B< ALP FUND. $ Bal. April ! . ! ÍH) 1 From slo rifî. tax ■ I RIM EM) 19 1,819 OF TAX .HALES. Bal. April 1st, 1901,.................................. $ .......... $ Ba). April 1st 1901, . . , Cauli rent ... i i nd . $ Bal. April lut, 1961 . . . From school supt.......... school dists . $ Bal. April let, 1901......................................... From sheriff, .......... ........................... .“..county appor. per school ¡nipt . .Coupon» (reo-ived on) ...................... 63 OJ — t 00 The Sund.iv c Hi :i of Louis R< »u.'iic is a mai 69 modern newspaper ent The crgiri ■■ it •: of it ni vices is world-wide, co.;:, 05 every department; in but, sup , ■> or to that of I" oilier m-■■ p - 18 The r n : .'in -; ■ i :< trateii in daintily tinted c lors sir; ! 09 splendid li.iif-t;; ;i ttir- . Ti. [section contain» more high-class 51 literary n. :ttcr th.in . of the 59 monthly mtgazint . Th .-. illustrated in r.atuial especially v.d dT- to ut The i or adilri s 'Minty it. “-ni/ai7'.** kill.. ! I-Hf,. 1 8U 1» Y»r Ux Monti rutee Moi o h StfuatJ 8HELI.EV A’ FOLEY Proprietors, »i IH p. in Sun. To M ake :-; I: ■: ’ i \ <>rt!j its w.-i *i.t in > ’ in rd’v gold to every man who wants to .-»tart a 86 ' 10 p. tl.. •13 legitimate, paying mail order Eu n 47 It tells yon what to do and b< 64 it Kiicee • fully. b’end us •r 55,030 40 and we will . l ti.c fìrn st li-'iiin of l'iue uni Fir tiuiber ii. Ea.-: rii l’i. L- ’ii. ■ p ■ piielors l.av .¡...lillà « s; ■■!...• to yut ilio roud ¡11 OREGON BURNS, l p 01 $86,891 85 DISBI'ÎWEMENTS. COL NT Ï FUND. ,m oe ¿i VC rep- 225 (;4 class, by au.a'.i^ of nation • « utation. non- Sheet rn i -, ;i l.i / :-< i All S6 88 t e- i Í. ;c c 25 00 ular sung, i- furi Sunday in the Repubi .. 4 50 Th • price oft.- .; í¡! RAN and RIVER SCHEDILE 19 09 public by mail mie ) ir OO. For sale by ail new . <1 licrs. 63 ESTATES U ND, INHTITLTE BURNS SAWMILL A Cr:.;i Semi-Annua! Statement County Treasurer p. p” Fasti' fw etint. Burticz. V. «•Bp, IJVfTl k. lit:. « :.U • .... pruina J’ « • icit - a., unuer Lit 1 n r ¡••hi, SIN I. <' < • i.t>t ! lima II«— ». 1 r, « £!RV hïïïî W í 'T íph ■’.i: ■I". I. ■■Ill " ■ 1 Uac. ... r '’A? •. • / " «Uw BARNEY Except • L« hh '1 Way- L .kdiuiis. tjrucjr «« ,/eraor ■ i« • - ary •. 01 - - 111; v. ni nth h- ' ’ll i’ll ' ¡1’, HI. I p. Hl. foiumbla Itivrr s ‘.vamerM. <•; i.u.-.'H Sunday. Ilsrn-y Cc. I ’. i*. Hutlierfmc. Burn«, .1 • II. boccali. Harn y E. A 111 Kth, Dievs.y ., mm toniy Jut «rfc - .1 II llii! . irtl. l»o:pg,ptt«i. ■andrer ryevor mark*. « r-.,. ...r left ear, eriff •• J 1‘ Wilber». Uarvev h„J »aeMnor or. left MiGUidc-r; eaty* ¡7 j.jol Stap i’h« r hip '■u.-’iiarki.^M, ‘ ,jCK lü«p< erbit in h it. >ia Murlln !:r< r.. Jr • 11.»-i............................ 1 ol. ’I ■ent fre<‘. ol-lont i w “■ l-.ttt I»» 4 t 8 1 • O - !l Mui ” »P . H H ria I Eastern Oreucn Developing Company does a "cm r:il real estate and com.mission busine.- s. Buys and si-'is t eal estate, mines and minei .".1 lands, business c titer­ prises of ail kinds, horses, c attle, sheep, ;Loc.itimi of g.ivenm.'.ent 'and* and the devel tit < f the re­ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous t.- ritury. i..-,- A N. iii’.-.u, Iluntingt n, Oregon - ' Tuxes paid . . . ONTARIO. crG’ H..U •' oueHiat .»up “• I ... I i l . : « Hinl bell tml .^.vlVvfic- - ■ N’arrms.:- iu ex j PK ’ S-horjH.sa 1 gh .•irrie ibi » !>ip; «traci tur. in und • si'ie vi ¡ti: • A F YoU’itr i ’1.1'8, hv.’H, • .1 < r ..in, ■■ b | v ¡••fi fch. ti!d«'r: ■. curo hi k. t i«'*y , 1- B urn «. Coll»«-. , O n - takio , O k . R cbei c Saia -lake ut in ;. Rnri , tr . ii’ii'cr htllcR|! ■ ‘ >a!. 1901 \\ itiK'n- mv linml thia 17th day of October, 1901. R A M ii . i . ek , County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT tolled À . BUR?- (Old hi'tilcrs scy ¡TL; MARLIN «ni p imuleo ¿alt. M Vagón wotk done Ihm>r run ..:>»■’■) t?c'«r,- mcr«j t c.ioo if tlw.y-c:ci c riseiun r;.j r. c. ek. Ü e «ir•.'* f «tt-sc u throw i« bullen anre ac;ur»tc? I :st :.iu. arefi Of the (man ■■ ,1 condition , f the ('ounl v of I ! .irni-v, in the State of Or« - gon, on the 30th day of September, A. 1>. 191)1. O.:r f?c r. te.::;. .1 i evo i.iil. z'.ay otto senaing ; :■;• t ; n : <:e-er’ption cf any invention will promptly re; < ivo car opinion free eonccrnir.g the ; itent- ibility of same. “How to Obtain n Patent” sent upon request. Patente secured through r.s r.dverti'cd for salo at our c-.r 1.1 Alili ITIKA. To warrant* drawn on the Count i 1 re.:-uri-r. und outstanding and unpaid T.i e.-timaleil interest ae, rued llien on Tolu) I .¡abiliti' h Patent taken out through its receive spaiai mt: '■'ce, without charge, in \ TnE P atunt R kuobd ,an illustrated am’-ivi.kiy ch-.-; •aal, cotiH-alted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for tompic copy FREE. Address, . . . iiEHui kcih . By fund* in the hand* if the County Tléastirer npplu-al 1« tn the payment of county warrant» ................. .... . . By < -tin. ited unpaid i "Hi, it tixis applicable t<> tie- patinent of county wn rratil* By notei« mid Intere- I By amount due from ( (■ Í VICTOR J. EVANS & COM (Potent Attormyp.) Vj^Gí-iníGTC?’. D. c Evans DuikBrtc;, 'Potai resources StmicH iiutcmp racy about «•Well .icquainled: in fact, we me l’l esiilents til e su i mivnon tuiaa- related to t-acli other." “Oh, in­ deed,” '.lid Bulk, then turning ’i • 1.1 \ s that H i* po: iticeli i I efi esil­ Major (lower he ordered glasses ing to hear an .umidite ili une in.I liquor, and invited till to take veri few <4 liscici krii-w 1 bave a drink. They all accept just heard «me about 1’ 'rcM.lent invit.'.ti.in, and just as tbi-v « ere Folk, when he w. ih ipivernor i»( re ulv ti. drink the Major said : 'I ciincé cc, in thè x e.u 18 pi. li will bear i<|ualino: Al tliat -•(«cntletiu-n, we ivrll nov di ink ' to the health of G< vetnor i'n.k, time there was a vacance r in thè [ of I l inn -see, who is now before United statc Senate, c IUF «ibi you.” The 1y pel '.ici in .1: ep- the licatli of a inetnbcr (tom tliat p. d his glass, and raising both state, llist'.- in had iv. irlv ex­ hind-, with a Io «k of the most ir- pire.!, an.1 a few p. Ltu mi Imd tci astir ishment.sputtered out: importunili ibi- govctti if toc.ili • \1 . <«",!'!■. th it < i \,........ • an «-\'.i i s. tolill thè vaiane), l ut ili - he Mollili l’.'t ile, .lini, lOStiad look .1 < I' < a -. tiin tu N. w A n il mg I', « v oXx.a .! BULAT I .< n I the -¿S k I ALL \ représentatif e . ‘ l ’»iban busi, Sci i ip. I •••«<»« i <• in tiie i ..r nos interest* now tn tl >s ci-unttv room of thè lv>tcl, among tin nì * i\ < that pet cent «4 the bust tov-ing a s. edv p. i ti, ui ti,.m ties» men anil pro|wrtv owners de- g> \< i ii u Costs no r.c never spoils li-.: t . n « I ic (u-Ait .. ‘ . v, ... pi all o\. fort nd the gov ern. i’s fneiid, Maj.it lieu-r. w ho diti hi* ty. t'n Cn I a i.-ar ;,r w!io keenly i nj y d Ids at Snuildaud, guest ad . /ir ; I nei er s.iw a (i -i. t: -r b. tot i !" .mud the 1 -.ugli'er ot Time* Praeocii, O-trtch si k-v feather «luster« at ti • ai . * k U A. □ rJÍ K< WI •U nine I !