BURNS SAWMILL XBoTJ-g-lx Z-jVizxi’ber, X^xessecl X-vucxVbex» ISvistic arud. flooring- ZsJZoxxld.ixxg'. The Burna Furniture Co bus just Allen immigration, as ieported received a big lot of new goods. by the Commiwuoner of Immigra­ The people of Harney county are tion at New York for the year HATL’KDAT. OCTOBER 19. IMI. ending June 30, 1901, nearly ipvited to call and inspect the new , bedroom suits, sideboards, chiffon- 1 reached the half million mark, to ji i . iis 11 vici> >1 nnayer ie OREGON be exact 453.496. It is a case of ra, etc. g-- 1 -------- " ~ Call and see samples of our job SH0 ï < î LINE The sugar taust feels its dignity concern that the percentage of printing. illiteracy among the immigrants, The mill is situated in one of the finest bodies of Pine and Fir timber in to an extreme degree, and must is constantly increasing; of this AMD UNION PACIFIC Eastern Oregon. The proprietors have spared no expense tn put the road iu take it ‘out on beet-sugar, says 1 year’s arrivals forty or 50 per cent A Great Newspaper. eood condition. All special orders receive prompt attention AB in VE the Oregonian. The optopus, HfDI LW Depart for 1 | Mb from From lluntmirtoD Ore being unable to read or write. An excellent quality'of all kinds of lumber always on hand. For fur­ which has a tentacle in the sugar T his is explained by the fact, The Sunday edition of the St. Chicago« Salt Lake Denver, Ft. ther information call on or address bowl of every family of the land, of 1 Porti nd Worth, Omaha, Kan­ that there is little immigration marvel Louis Republic is a KING & SAYER, Proprietors, Burna, Oregon. cannot conceal the object of its 1 Special sas City, «St. Louie, from the best countries in Europe modern newspaper enterprise. 1 :45 a.m attack. '1 he war, of course makes 12:35 Chicago and East. sugar prices lower, but it does Great Brittain and France send us The orginization of its news ser­ a. iE practically no people. Italy sends vices is world-wide, complete in not make them cheaper. Con- Lake.Denver.Ft, an alarming proportion, while the every department; in tact, superi­ Atlantic Salt btimers will have to pay the cost Exp>->'ti.« Wortii, Omaha. Kai ■ 3:35 Poles, equally as undesirable, or to that of any other newspaper. 2:10 sas City, St Louie p IL. of the light as dear experience SHELLEY A- FOLEY Proprietors, Chicago and Fast. iorm a considerable per cent. The magazine section is illus ­ n iu has taught. Our immigration laws should be trated in daintily tinted colors and BURNS, OREGON The trust is credited with a St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewis­ made stricter so that we should splendid half-tone pictures. This 12:35 ; ton. Spokane, .Miune E at Mail dual motive, It aims cither to ab- Shop opposite old Brewery 1 4» »polis. St. Paul, Du- a. in. sorb the beet stig.tr industry or to not be made the (lumping ground section contains more high-class utli Milwaukee, Chi- work done with neat.iess and dispatch. Sat’sfacion guranteed . 1 for the scum of Europe. We have literary matter than any of the ; drive the latter interests out of •ago r nd East. ¡fJBI'1 live ns a call. , U' the relining business, i, ;i and to make shut out the Chinamen, but allow monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural colors are' equally undesirable people almost once occur them vacate territory OCEAN ami RIVER SCHEDULE free entry. 11 especially valuable to the ladies. pied exclusively by itself, One T roni Portland The colored comic section is a , of these results it feels sure of genuine laugh-maker. The funny i All sailing dates sub­ Italy has done much to deserve I cartoons are by the best attaining, and either seems worth est artists. I „ ject to charge. the gratitude of this country by The humorous stories are high 8 P Bl For San Francisco 4 p. Bl. the while. The advent of beet- every 5 days. sugar refineries into the new field enacting her new emigration law. class, by authors of national rep- HARNEY OREGON. ' utation. Under this law, emigration is lolumbls Hirer t p. 111. the hierarchy regards as impu­ Steamers. ! Sheet music, a high-class, pop- Except permitted only at certain ports, To Astoiia ana Way- dent. Tnese new interests, ac­ “ ular song, is furnished free every Sunday. Landings. cording to the dynasty’s purpose, anil agents are stationed at these Sunday in the Republic. will have to cry for quarter. The ports to see that the emigrants The price of the Sunday Re- Wlllam.tt. Hirer. price of peace will be either be­ are proper persons and that the 1 public by mail one year is $2 00. Oregon City, New nevolent assimilation or retirement laws of foreign countries relative For sale by all news dealers. burn ? berg, Salem and Way O regon - Landings. from the sacred precinct of refined to immigration are complied with. EVERYBODY CAN DRINK GOOD REER. sugar. The trust therefore is in If the law is properly enforced, START A BUSINESS OF YOUR W ilia mette Jt YauthlU 3:30 p ni QUART BOTTLES DELIVERED IN BURNS, $1 50 PER DOZEN hirer. OWN the bailie with a two edged sword. we should be troubled with but Oregon City, Dayton Monday The growth of beet-sugar pro­ few undesirable Italian immigrants , .md W ay-Landings Wed,& Friday. duction in the past thirteen years and, although, of course, it is pos­ Our new hook entitled ‘ 40 M oney , has been phenomenal. From less sible for those u ho chose to do so M aking I deas " is worth its weidit in I i - 6 a. ni Wilt.mette Hirer. 4:30 p m gold to eveiy man who wants to start a 1 r| than 2000 long tons in 1888 the to come by way of some other I Tuesday Portland Corvallis 'I uesdav legitimate, paling mail order tusinesa. output has increased to nearly country, this plan will involv ex­ It tells you what to do ami how to do • Thun A and Way Landings Th un & Telephone JXTo. E5. Sat. Sat 200,000 tons, and is nearly four tra trouble and expense, and will it Huccea-fully. 8end us 50c today WOLDEIWERC & BERC Leave times as large as five years ago. be adopted by comparatively few. and we will send you the book, and a Lewist’n Naake River. ‘ As much it produced now in a valuable monthly journal one year free Riparia to Lewiston. 8:3(1 a tn C entury P ublishing C o ., B ox 73, single year as was in all the years If a government should ever Daily. , H eron L ake , M inn . from 1880 to 1897. The manu­ become bankrupt arid go out of A N.H oar , Lera) Agente ILirn-y Co. 1 facture of beet sugar in the United business, its public property might Huntington, Oregon C. P. Rutherford. Burn«, 1 J • I). Loggan, Hanncy A. L. CRAIG, States this year will be two-thirds be sold tu pay its debts. Hut 1 E. A 11< atb, Drcwscy Gen. Page Ag’t. Portland. Oregon I the quantity of the cane output, that can never come to pass. 50 YEARS’ , A. L. MOHLER, President. EXPERIENCE , and nearly one-third the quantity Should one form of government produced in the United States, be overthrown, another is set up 1 Up-to-date job printing at reason­ I Hawaii and i’orto Rico. The in­ in its place, and the new govern­ able prices. ■T 1 dustry is e\ idently here to stay, ment takes possession of all the I 1 and the trust knows this well powers anti property of the old. T rade M arks [ D esigns enough not to try to drive it out 1 There will always be some sort ' C opyrights & c . G Eastern Oregon Developing Company does a general Anyone aon«llnir a sketch and description tuny 1 J qitH-Klr ascertain cmr opinion free whether un of existence. The object is to of onlcr and authority to control I real estate and commission business. Buys and sells invention tv probably patentable. ( ontitiuiiica- tin,n strictly conftdential. Handbook on Patent« b •ent free. Oldest wgeney for securing patents. real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ nations, and so the dream of the 1 4 Patents taken through .Munn A Co. receive I tytcial »w ti< • . will out charge, in tho prises of all kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location anarchists, a total abolition of all ! « government lands and the development of the re ­ of law and authority, will never be la A handsomely il'-istratcd weekly, Leroest cir- sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. 1 culatinn of any •»«•lentifto journal. Terms, »3 a realized. I •ear; four months, |1. Hold by all newsdealers. ........ ....... ___ J ohn E. R oberss , ecy ., O ntario , O r . ¿lie ¿imcs-Mírrafd. 1 Ths The Harney cMn, I will pav .-.evenin'' I w»rd for the •on or treraon, j,?*?’ « I horse«, mule, or,.,!1 A i her of the .l.aoelÆ1' ÿ I oiler« ar, aduii],“;'1' SS BLACKSMITH & WAGONSHOP. 3.0BT. "■ " ■ \otj«G, “t“Sb> O0,.,T' Oeo D itaaev «... with Hl. lomieetM Ptrhalf crop oft? <1 right e.a, /.ui*1’.» tmigrunt and vleiCC* of Buras. uu™“»r u, Congre««’ Attorney Governor becratary Tremar«’ bupt. B R Porter, nUrrv stata ---------- Fr' r.eail. I,tartina 1JJ ,.*< £ each ,-ar, trot, uj” gupr«ni< VM ’ ratise EaugJ,”’’ Hun.« *'“• k I eter 1 lemptt, He: cattle aameor Dtatri« J »0'1 split 11 .a ... Diairicl under bit in nïht “ létal K«! 1-c Grout, Sura, a lAtuvneu hip: t attle. Hie str,“*' do« n,,n l.,th i,,M p r 'WSBLifl Cuonty J and underl.it in See»* f Clerk M Fenwit it, Born, b. T rassure al baron left shaul,',. ' Surveyor earmarks, two underhr. branded bar T on rt,k’ ’ Sheriff Assessor half crop la left ear, tochool 8t J H Buttyard, Btlnti,«., bcock Ini marks, crop off left eu „ Guarnisti onJlHeft'.M“Æ> _ 1 d^h^er"*^ - cecelvet Martin Bros., Burr.,, w zontnl bat either hi. U 9 _____ rixht ear. swallow I«/., ,’ jaw ; also some brstnleo ® Hi O L Shlnxlet-ecker. L U Meets t shoulder: cattle, 5 oa rt 4 marks, crop off right »72, crop off left. Fred Denstedt. Buni^: A shoulder: tattle FD „t . Ueet«1 tier half t rop in sack ee K J ll liliat.n. mi„ - . shoulder: t-att'e. I B 00 ate. «dr left ear. tinder Italie», tier chin: a So .utile trU HAH tierbit in left ear. nnestL; Meet» t attle .IT on left rlt«.rTOt 7-.S0 p «1 uuder halt crop tn right. Prop. IRVING, Harney Valley Brewery Five < allon kegs $2.00 delivered at your home in Burns. ¡I 2 2 2 Scientific American A church economist savs that $45,000,000 is invested in this country in church steeples. The steeple |s high art and cannot be spared. It punctuates the land scape. Even were the steeples all sawed off and the money sent abroad, the heathen would con­ tinue to rage and the people to imagine lain things. Let the spire alone. iflUNN Ko. 36,Br°‘d“”NewYorl( Branch Me. »2d F St.. Washlngtoa, D. C. f 2 2 2 c < 1 1 / JOE TUPKER BlacksmithingHorseshoeing. 8"O.OO MAIN ST.. BURNS Wagon work done i.t a satisfactory manner. All orders given prompt attention. Give him a call. #40,00 salt, gathered from h this summer. Of I is mixed with dirt stock purpose, rain several Lundi cd tuns Superior to all others irrespective of price. Catalogue tells you why. Write for one. NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO» JJO BROADWAY. New VorK. 'V •SJO ' S|r Y0ug>3 lotpuw II« -a, -»uojpjj , welurg 'rning •»»i.ogj *3SiaNVHDH9M TVOtSniAi l-‘‘l , « . . ... xoxxvxxs -X tutor inted Factory. BELVIDERE. ILL. — T rustworthy men and WOMEN to tra»> I and advertise for old established house of solid fincanial st • ding 8 ilary 1780 a year and ex pe i-. s. all payable in ca-h. No eenvas- sing required (live references and Ri­ ch«- self addressed .'amped enve’ope. A hirers Manager, 355 Callon Bldg Chicago I • j Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of j any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. | Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T hb P atent R ecord , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. cattle, nu in e on left hip er bit iu each ear, dewlap «n bnur Send lor sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS &. C (Patent Attorney*,! Evans Building, WASHINCTON, D. C. \V s II Pot this tout ment« th Pat was timid—"Biddy! did r thtt.L «if m-krru»’»’* ’ * \ 0 faith, Pat 1 navvr did’ •Sorry»’* said pat as he turned ay ay with head cast down. “But, Pat!” cried Biddy: "Wait .» minute; v e’ve set me a-thinkm.” The lecturer Mid: 1 “If 1 stand on mi head the blood all runs to my Lead, doesn’t it.” lie was’ n< t contradicted. “But now I stand oNLU_\iCE INVI TED Highest of all ia Leavening Fewer.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Repcrt Ray Ku? A bsolutely pure , !’ Xarrowi.hrw left atltie; cattle Th cuti. mark, upper slope oit and bell collar. Sylvester Smith, Ntm»» -. leg; cattle V bar. cannai ", «hurt over slope lu each èû uleth. Burns, canle.i» side; mark, crop and split.: t*. Simon Lewis, Burns.cattleKifl maik. crop and underbii , under half crop oil right. TG Kribs, Bur-.ts, cattle’T left hip; murks, cup off leflttJI John Witzell. Burns, hum ' ' stifle; cattle, diamond bar ■ ■ Caret split in ea> h ear. wattle un e: I» M Mc.Menainy, Burns,hi-» . lioi left «title; t attle, ‘ | | left ear. split in right. W v* Brown. Fife. hor»eft | jaw. young hOr»*» both J“-'1., \ right rifle; bar “ rU»t k ! ■ ss hock ; ba? diamond on ten*--« W D Har.ley. Burr«. B tattle. Same «»u lelt Li? . W sput in right ear. »w«il«>w , LY on left hip; mark. s«»«il0< • "ft J C ’ reaaman. Burn«. rtn elJ<-a» v left side or hip; mark, crop a* and slit in left. L L < lark. Narrows, tor«««, fre ­ shen Ider. John Gilrre»». P. I- * wrench on left atifle ca’t e I mark, square crop off ri»hl siopie on left. French Glenn Live St«xk Co • , renntendent. F C Lnsk. Burrs, bo.se«. Pon lef* « i i--ecte«1 on jeft hip: mark. , g I left ear. dew ap cut un r>nÎ^Brty«ff left ear. wattle on left •• , C. H Toeatly. Burna her»»» ; left sh«.a!cer F C Bulk key. Nilviea. etnle. tight r: «. mark, •nn- ’h enj » wttt'.e. h*r»ea. 44 ou e : • • Off! IS ... : •’ ! « I < JOHN F. STRA1*1*1 mm. fclebriM *** Violin — your money back if you don’t like it A SckU! -f ft C«n Sea -cr-------- - i J* F.SM*; * I **■*• ■■* ill SIX. ?!*■ jl‘_? va», .«a < i