“Y erterday morning I went again to the exposition grounds. Emma Goldman’s words was burn RATI’RIM Y. SE1TEMBERH 1901 ing me up. Waited near the central entrance for the president, Man»Kor who was to board the special train at that gate, but the police Statement of Would-be Assassin. allow ed no one but the President Statement made by Leon and party to pass where the train waited, to I stayed in the grounds Czolgosz to the police: “I was born io Detroit nearly 1 ail day waiting. “During yesterday the thought 29 years ago. My parents were Russian Poles. They came lit re of hiding the pistol under my 42 years ago. I got my educa- handkerchief occurred to me. 1 lion in the public schools of De­ was afraid if I had to draw it troit, and then went to Cleveland from my pocket 1 would be seen where I got work. In Cleveland and seized by the guards. I got I read books on socialism and met to the Temple of music the first a great many socialists. 1 was one, and waited at the spot where pretty well known as a socialist in the reception was to be held. “Then he came, the President the West. After being ii Cleve­ land several years I went to Chi­ —the ruler—I got in line and cago, where I remained seven trembled and trembled until I got months, after which I went to right up to him, and then shot white Newberg, on the out skirts of him twice through my handkerchief. 1 would have fired Cleveland, and went to work 'in more, but was stunned by a blow the wire mills. During the last five years 1 I in the face—a frightful blow that have had as friends anarchist in : knocked me down—and then Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit ami ' everybody jumped on me. I was other western cities, and suppose | surprised the way they treated I become more or less bitter, me.” Czolgosz ended in utter ex­ Yes, I know I was bitter. Nev- er had much luck at anything, haustion. When he conch ned and this preyed on my mind and lie was asked: “Did you really mean to kill made me morose ami envious; but what started the craze to kill the President?” was a lecture 1 heard some little I “I did,” was the cold-blooded time ago by Emma Goldman. reply. “What was your motive; what She set me on tire. “Her doctrine that all rulers good could it do you?” he was should l:e exterminated was what asked. “I am an anarchist; a diciple set me to thinking so that my head nearly split with the pain. of Emma Goldman. Her words- Miss Goldman’s words went right set me on file,” lie rrp’iied with­ through me ami 1 dct$rmmeii to out the >.!ig1itest tremor. “I de- somethin»' ' ' ny th.it 1 have liad any f accom- uved plice at any time.” The prisoner told District At­ torney Penney: “I don’t regret c>i l’au- my act, because it was doing wtiat •iicric .n Exposnion at Buffalo, I could for the great cause. I am ilmt date 'Thought a ticket for not connected with the Patterson Buffalo and got here with the de­ group, or with those who sent termination to do something, but Bresci to kill Humbert. I had no did not know just what. 1 tho’t confidants; no one to help me. I of shooting the President, but had was alone, absolutely.” Giu ©iincs-iieratd nut formed a plan. “1 went to live at 1078. Broad way, which is a saloon ami hotel, John Nowk, a Pole, a sort of a politician who has led people here for tears, owns if. I told Nowk 1 c line to see the fair. He knew nothing about wli.it was selling me i razy. I went to the exposi- loumls a couple of times a BURNS SAWMILL. ture were dictated by one senator; I that every bill this member favored passed both houses, and every , measure he opposed was defeated ” , Now, what about congress? It is ; my opinion there is imminent dan-1 ger of this lease bill becoming a, law. so no stone should be left un->. The mill is situated in one of the finest bedies of Pine and Fir timber in turi ed to d< feat it It means shut I Eastern Oregon. The proprietors have spared no expense to put the road in out from the public domain to every small stock farmer in the I good condition All special orders receive prompt attention AHKIVE SCHEDI'LES An excellent quality'of all kinds of lumber always on hand. For fur­ range sections of the United States. Drpart for TIME from From Huntingtoa Ore Let thin be a government of. for ther information call on or address and by the people, and not a gov­ Ubieigo- Salt Lake.Denver, Ft. KING & SAYEB, Proprietors, Burns, Oregon. Portl nd Worth, Omaha, Kan ernment of, for and by the syudi- Special sas City, St. Louis, cates 1:45 a.m 12:35 Chicago and East. *. a. w A (ireat Newspaper. Atlantic Ex[ res.- 2:10 n m iilar song, is funiishol free every ¡Teu day Sunday in the Republic. ‘ The price of the Sunday Re Re.pZ Sat. { public by rear" is $2 OO. |~------ I ..j mail .... h ojte . jaa *: year Fórjale ,_C a’,'" I'ojt^suL' bj~a¡í Jyj a|¡ news 11CVVM dealers. HARNEY START A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN 3:30-p m vi ay-Landings Wed. & ' Friday. 4:30 p tn Leave Leave Snake Hirer. Le« ist’n , Riparia, Our new book entitled ■“ 40 M oney : 1:20 a in Hiparía to Lewiston. 8:30 a ni I Daily. M aking I dkas ’ is worth its weight in ■_ Dai.V. I_____ A N. H oar , gold to every man who wants to start al Huntington, Oregon legitimate, paying mail order Luidness. A. L. CRAIG, It tells you what to do and how to do Gen. Pass Ag’t. Portland. Oregon it sueees-fully. Send us 50c today A. L. MOIILER, President. and we will send you the book, and a valuable monthly journal one year fret Up-to-. late job printing at reason­ I’ENTI'IIY I’t BI.tSIIINO t’o., Box 73, able prices. H uron L ake , M inn . 11 BURN? Exc< pt Sunday. Wagon wot k done :.i a satisfactory manner. — prompt attention. All orders given Give him a call. ^-<-0.00 • JÄ». Superior to all others irrespective ui price. Catal< gue telts you why. Write for one. ■L'- ' ‘U N.iTieXAL SEWLNÜ MACHINE CO.. JJ9 BROADWAY* York. Factory, BELVIDBRE. ILL. Our fee returned if we fafl. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the p: patent- nlGli««* — - a T»- a _ _____ . ® 1 ability xvi of enm« same. t.II^„. “How 4^. to Obtain Patent ” sent upon request. Pi atcuts secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T he P atent R ecoup , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., " iNTxt>— Tin stwortky men and W wirst t>> trav. 1 and advertise for <>H e«iab'i'h<"i house <■( solid fiocauial Evans Building, at. .line Salary $7«'> a year and ex­ po >«es. all payable jn eaah. No rsnva«- ainz required Gir. reference* an I en- < lo- self addreaaed .'amprd enva'ope Vl lr. -s Manager, 355 Caxton Bldg Chieaxo (Patent Attorney»,) WASHINGTON, D. C. BEWARE Insist on c? imitatila trailo ni 1 l..b: is first Rational Bank CALDWELL. IDAHO A General Banking Business transacted £ gurar.teed ROBT. IRVING, Prop. 4 p. Bl. or B R Porter, Burn, r.„L ■ neath heart) ou left hi^M., c«eh ear. crop off e|,|5’r'»>*| e^^ronge Portland Corvallis T uesdav Thurs & and Way Landings Thur* & Sat. Sat Scientific flmencan. 'all the law Hirer. i I p. Ill. Except Sunday. bet of the Wioclatlo.* offer, an addition«' J1*! and Fifty Dollat, re’«< u. w. V ovbo . Seéy, J, BRANDS ASD e. 0 Geo HI.tont.e 1> llagev. ’..,"'. Burn. wlth per half crop off right eaa. wattle ,_______ All sailing dates sub- splendid half-tone pictures. This jjct to chai ge. section contains more high-class 8 p HI For San Francisco literary matter than any of the every 5 days. monthly magazines. The fashions Columbia Hirer illustrated in natural colors are Steamer«. To Astoria anu Waj- especially valuable to the ladies. Landings. 'Fhe colored comic section is a genuine laugh-maker. 'Fhe funny Willamette Hirer. cartoons are by the best 'artists. i Oregon City. New Fhe humorous stories are high 6 a. tn. berg, Sab m and Way Except class, by authors of national rep­ Snoda', Landings. utation. Sheet music, ■ a ......................................... high-class, pop- , a in. Willamette Jc Yamhill The Harney count | will i.ay reven HnaaL ■■ ward for the arre« son or »eraona who H BLACKSMITH & WAGONSHÍIP. Salt Lake.Denver.Ft, Worth, Omaha. Kan­ 3:35 sas City, St. Louis p m. Chicago ar.d Fast. trated in daintily tinted colors and [___________ r**11 P*"1**"4 Mr. Cleveland’s next contribu­ tion to 'Fhe Saturday Evening Post, of Philadelphia, will be an extremely readable piper, in T rade M arks D esigns which he sings the praises of his C opyrights A c . Anyone ».ending n sketch «nd rioscrlntlon intiy favorite sport. The Reflections quhtKly ascertain our opinion treu whether an invention 1« probably 1 •deniable. Cemnnndca- tloiiNNtrictljr confidential. Handbook on Patenta of a Fisherman shows very pleas­ aent free. Oldest ►irency for securing patent.«. Patents taken ilirough Munn A Co. receive antly the getiial“unoHicial” side of notice, witt out ch urge, in the Not till Tuesday morning did the former President the resolution to kill the • t > resi A hnndaomcly H’ titrated weekly. Lirgest eir- culntion of any aclentiflc iournal. Tornts. $3 a dent take hold of me, Lt was in ■"ear; four mon* ns. fl. Sold by all newsdi'ftler«. Malheur’s Hot Tomaie Factory. i»iUMN New York my heart; there « as no esc.i pc Braueb -*e. O F L’t.. V/aahitiaiu 1 for me. I could not have Coll- Bilker City Herald: Malheur quereil it if my life had been at | County is destined to ceme into hope’ ÜM0N PACIFIC SHELLEY & FOLEY Proprietors, The Sunday et'ition of the St BURNS, OREGON Louis Republic is a marvel of Walla Walia, Lewis­ Bt. I*. “ il modern newspaper enterprise. E’»t Mail ton, Spokane, Mitine 12:35 Shop opposite old Brewery The orginization of its news str­ 1 45 apolis, St. Paul, Du- a. m. All work done with neatjess ai d dispatch. Sat’sfacion luth Milwaukee, Chi vices is world-wide, complete in JM^Give us a call. • ago rbd East. every department; in tact, superi­ i or to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illus-, «t'EAN «»<1 HIVER SCHEDULE Mr. Cleveland on Fislifaf. stake. There were thousands of prominence as the possessor of the people in town on Tuesday, ami latest ami most unique manufaetur- heard it w as President’s d.lv. inf institution tn the cow counties, All these |’eo| pie seemed to be lion. ' Jack’’ Matthew«, Judge Car ey uiid W I* Ready, of I'ortlaml. bowing Io the great ruler, I joined hands and propose to n>ak> made up my mimi to kill him, so use of the big boiling springs m nr bought a 32 calibi') revolver ami \ ale, Oregon, l>v converting its sur­ loaded it. plus energy into the manufacture “Oil Tuesday night 1 went to of hot tomnles fioni the countless lhe fair grounds, ami was near thousands of bunnies that roam the the railroad gate when the Presi­ valley. These worthy gentlemen dential I'.uty aimed, and tried to will erect a catincry at the springs, get near him, but the police push­ with the necessary machinery to ed me back, I hey forced every convert the fistive jack ral Lit into body back so the great ruler the toothsome delicacies so loved could pass. 1 was dos« to the by the greaser and the haughty duns of old Castile. It seems that President when he got into the Matthews, whose practical e_fe lets grounds, but was afraid to at- nothing get away, saw the herds of tempt the assassination beea ause buniiies ami immediately concoct­ there were so many men in the ed a scheme which has every ap- body guard that watched him. I l-earance of feasibility ami which was not nil aid of them or that 1 met tlie instant approval of Carey should get hurt, but afraid I ami Ready The iioiioralile Mat- might be :< d ami m\ chance thews states that he mil now ce"«e be gone forever. the pleasant but not profitable «tu­ “Oil Wed rn «day I went to the P1*’'<’f packing primaries and grounds ami stood l ight near the will devote his time an I talents to President, l ight under him neat the paiku.g o'a new brand of Ore­ gon g.mds. Malheur hot louiales the stand from which he ke. ••1 thought half a doxen times LEASINO THE Pl BLK RLMiE. of shouting while he was s peak­ ing, hut could not get dose giving them nearly 3 0tM),(MM) acre« of land ami no roads? Why did enough. 1 was afraid I might eongrew vote away million* of and then the gieat crowd aort a of land to railroads all over always jostling, ami w as the country? Did the ¡»eople ask nfiaid lest my aim fail. I waited it or did the capitalist ask it* In \\ cdnes.l ay, and the Pi evident a recent i«sue of the Peoria Daily got into l>is carl lage .< gain nml a I It-raid.Livutruant < iovernor North I<>1 of men were about him and cut. of Illinois, «avs, “ail the big formed a 101 don that 1 could not avndicate* have combined to aid get through, l'owsed about bv each other in getting such legisla the cio lion as thev de maud The Lieu- i len.«nt-- actamaiAÿeJ pitreiZ in tbc sxrld. Rate tally by Q£tAC3 & co., Rew Tert. •cU f y CTx- . -i rrcyimt CORRESPONDENCE INVITED and apdt In left under bit iu right. L C Grout, rurns.HoriMT hip: cattle, llip.-rap„,„.V down on both h|p,; ' " and underbit in eacb'ar.“1 M Fenwick, Burna, hoL. al liar on left ahoul.ter earmark^ two unCerbn,** btanded bar T on right ri.. ' half crop lu left e,r. n" J II 1.unyard. IturtiB marks, i n p off lSSt.3 J 1' Witliera. Ilan rj . g, ’ ' oti left »boulder; rani, , bj diendn,l!"ll.f,;"rn“rk‘’u^' J •Martin Br( g,. Burn*. zontal UH) on either hip; right ear. swallow f. rk in jaw; also Home branded 0 L Sl.iiiglei’eeker. Bun, . shoulder; cattle, 5 on rixb,* — marks, crop oil’ right tar 1 crop utf left. IO I I ied Hei>«te short over alope in eti -h ¿d ’ • dewlap. ' t WW PG Smith, Tturus hor o; vit?..'. hip: ■1 £_ ear. split in under a. moi le:: A E Young. Burns, h -ges Y J-< conneelf <1 on rigii-bia ’.. « • 1 iefi *!i- u «le-; < att!e. rut an « Í* C f earmark, rigli. va; <:ro.> , 1 ing towaicln head on upperiiür: t^H side of i.eck; hli anirnaig (' P Rutherford. Burns, car« . . sirgti ■ Utt*** on 1 ft *hou.d< r. (H.t.c, sameou* crop ofF left car, sh. ii JcIi n Ci ad.’, >. k. h- ^««r« | shoulder: entile. >■> »m ri-< GvV LI off right eur, s.vullow fork tn M« brisket. W E Smith, r.urr.g. cattle, XI« rnork. split in right ear. G Jludspeth, rums, cattle. 1 iafffflg Bide; mark, i rup ami split in caihtdS Fimon Lewi*, i.uri f . radíe S!. mark, crop and un< erbit under hull crop off right. 1 '• Krilfl. Lur-f. taifec- , j I left hip; murks, er. p < tfief’. ■■>. 9HHB John Witzull. Burns, h rsig - o», stif'c: cattle, diann.i d bar enh fplii in ea< h ear, v aiiie <111 • » Xlt J> -M MeMenamy, Burri*. horM,n^^^H left stifle; cartic. t,9 on left !.!)■■ ntifljjflfl|j in tach ear Willi full naD>eaiidi4ta^H Varíen Brog., horses. LE oa LF on right hip; mark, in p. : .. derbit in right ear. JVv'Jonts. Btii p.p, ca:’’-. qur- p^ree right hip: murk, crop a o si. init. - —. bit in right: hotse* same I rani J A William*. Van, hcna.i.71 cattle, Lar ii. on led til b ; mark.mí; ear, under slope in m . 3. Set H Elliott, Bun s lnirs.F ill slide; < at lie, l ¿ 0:1 led s de: m»rL.fpj right ett mgr«« i to rue] <■ s JchtiF JD. Van. 1. ‘•d ■ ’ >v«rix«i CHit’.e, SJ on leit hip: n-err’ar half crop iti right eai, umi C J Jonrs.m, fiLey, < ’ e. 1 ‘2’,« pi mark*, sr. allow fork ;n lighten W B JohtFun, rattle. JK eei.-’. cra, mark, crop oil right car. t-'u ap-.» half crop in left. W A Campbell, Narrows. horr».5' < 1 on left shouldet tattle, la- >l iatr’et left shoulder; mark, ujier half« t*ulct Ji'itn P.uov, Buri:*, ><* f ..l?"r rattle. '-I. .. h ri-ht i . i ¡. , . b . ■ jila each car, hole in right. Mr* I N Hughet. Warm Sprinp. lock on left Blue; mark, unuk utúr nonty h’. Mi; snJ ou - r*a»u® irvFff* • *e** :uM.-1 3 MM A Eg’d. Fgli, horee*. .F on left •i right hip; n.ark. uj.pcr haliCT'P* J T Ware. Narrow*, cattle. in ule Biw* ’ i ¡nark, uii.ler h«H rroj it ' J W Bi-y*. Burn*, hors- * "Ro” H B Tiinniot *. Narrow a. ' •»r*e*.THL* ¡ ‘¡■c l on left Btitle: cattle t írele I . J nark, crop anti under hal ' r«’P ¿erbit in right, dewlap under throat. I Hi Joel H Howard. Burna, horse« harU m • Ml » : Btiftc; tattle, same on kit hip; ®«'L n ■ eft ear, split in right. W W Brown. Fife. hor*ca. hor* •^1^] ft A . youig hOr*« * t-othja - « run MM • right atitie: Far Co» tUM ----- , • a< rot* bth-k: La” diamond on ieftw«1 ^« W It Hanley. Burr.*. It*’«»-fA T rai • ' :n righ eur * s . » • j LY on left hip: mark, swallow fora» I J c Cressman. Burn«, cattle. J at left sice or hip; mark, crop aud and slit in left. »■ ! L L ( .ark. Narrows, horaea. btfC * 1 •fl i shoulder. g I - John Gt: ; wrench oq ________ ____ _ M_ left ¿tifie. rate- i mark, aquare < rup off right ear. 1 alope on left. Fren ch Glenn Live Steck Co penn ten deal, F. c Luak. M » t Burt a. ho sew. Pon left atiflt ■< -. » • ecte«1 on jeft hip. mark, under c* 'eft car, dew ap cut un: ca’tle. P ** «»•••*> mark same a* atañe, cattle, fire' -*- ma k. *uallow fork u ’eft e»i »r, throat. rt> »<»■ ***— • f.wv «rr-í * J»ki F. Sirrt* ?IJ. *15. «17 E «»* HIV » OCX el