Baled hay at Lunaburg Ä Dal- The little son of J. J. Tupker is ton’s. IS still very sick. I *■' No one should kick nt this wea- x Fresh fruit arriving daily at ther. I« Waters’ Fruit and Produce store. JäSchwartz & Budelman Ladies rib vests at Miller it X I). R. Thorn was seen on our streets today. Thompson’s. /Jt GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Some of the horses in this section ” J C. Johnson, the Warm spring are afflicted with pinkeye. sheepman, is in our city. U, . “A WORD TO THE WISE” c Jrder your clothes where they 11 be HADE R5tGHT. We carry :omplete line of Pali and Winter mplesof Reinach, Ullman & Co. ade to order clothing. e* SE a BEST ALIC . FITTING. FOR. STYLISH Quite a number of cattle have I carry no other binder twine It been sold in this recently. than the pure manila The price C. H . VOEGTI.Y Fruit jars at Geer it Cummins is right. that are warranted against break­ The new law office of Gowan age. Cornish will soon be ready for oi Simon Lewis this week moved into cupancy. P0PU1AR PP--CES J» V* lilt, I Just at the tim? when people are beginning to think 9 We are Going to Close out Shirt waists while the season for wear- ing is at its height The prices are no criterion of the values, but they do show the tremendous bargain chance offered you— his new borne in tile block south of Ladies, you can get his feed barn. of Oxford tits for $1 A complete line of tinware, gran­ it Dalton’s. ite »nd crockery just in at G W. Commissioner Williams came in Waters’. from Ids Silver creek home list M L. Lewis has our thanks for Wednesday evening. a fine lot of vegetables .aiseu on ’ F or S ale —One lot and two his ranch nt ar Burns. houses situated on B street. In­ We have sulky plows, walking quire of Paul Locher. chances that will be quickly appreciated by our public. A lot of Ladies Shirt Waists, made of colored precalcs, in stripes and checks, that have been 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, all go in sale at *•* WOMEN’S SUMMER SKIRTS Dr Klebs has been at the P- plows.gang plows at railroad prices. ranch since last week where Full stock —Geer & Cummins The public school house is being went to see Mr. Wood. -.LARANTWX» r, TTERNS FDR SCHOOL GIRLS J Geo Hopkins left for his home Call and see samples of our job X .. ■ 1 at Weiser the first of this week. priming. LADIES’ SH IR T WA ISTS We have cut the price in two renovated and partitioned prepara­ I.adies oxford ties—Lunaburg A tory f >r school which begins next Dalton. month. 1 This is the most notable offering this year; the lowness of the prices seems like exaggera- Tlie skills are for street wear. Reilly, some of the best values ever ottered —up to date garments in evert respect, material, workmanship, lit and ti.iish to close them out at 75 vents. Honest values at $1 25 and $1.50 for them. All go for 75 cents. John McMullen has put up hist«.. Al! prices have been reduced 20 of school again, The Designer for September has per cent at Jorgenson’», excent Rta- photo tent betweed the bla ‘ksinith O ............................................................................... ——.|| AGENCY EVERYTHIN! tianery, which has been lower than “ hop and Gowan it Cornish s office, a special article regarding aprons for school girls. any place in town. Call and see. Queen Quality Shoes, Hank Anderson mid Geo Rose, 8 WEAR AND It is for sale in our PAPER PA I TERN DEPART­ •i Rojal Worcester Corsets, ’ ■ first of Mrs. C G. Frye returned Thurs- and families, returned the USE. Chase ft Sanborn Cotice, i day from Prairie City where she the week from an < outing in the •; MENT^» •.*» Rojal Taltoriax* 18 had been since the death of Mrs. Stein Mountain country. b have a full line of Standard Patterns just . Chas Colier. Di; room Whan in need of anything in this and pleased Also a nice line of =—— . . , , !the first of the week with a team No 5, $7, for a term of 12 weeks. line call and ace this stock. Crockery and Glaus ware. If something excitine don t hap- ' , , ... . ,, . .ATION OF . . i NrWSPAPEB IN ' HI COUNTY. ! 1 11 Robt will bring baclfsome; paid, or satisfactory arrangements o.vmrj ti'S before luiving elsewhere in this» section in a "hard row of . . __________ FS’ » Tr^TTTT1 " I •-'-SI..1* I. —-l'-l .ill 1*. I. —O'«-»y. ow . fruit. X XV U J. X XX <1. *•«. a. or A:rln.v In ovir ordlerm. l».rg« er «mall made fur the payment, before the X XvX» O — Lunaburg it Dalton. stumps. 1 . IU31. »ATUSO vv. AUG! j n- i ■ “tory.l v Hei rv < lev, land Wood roll. All pupils enrolled for the Stationery, Notions and Novelties (in.... lies, I)riq* , Tobacco and Ci- .'.ere in fumi L ia n till“ week the cattle hover is now in this section appear-in ’ .... . . n.;.. Local News. I he August Designer.; i tisuing year who have pai l tuition gars. L-e in any quantity. of all kinds. gue- ts o.' r- latives. for the nnrp ise of receiving a lot of | ,, ,, . ,. . . 1 ! ” It will run through three or tour . will be refunded the • mount if . ,, sure arvi get tlio ne plating done b\ .1 irgensun G W. WATERS, B ukns , O hegon . ('.ill and see those nice Art I cattle which he had bought recently. I numtiers. Be I their name» are enrolled as pupils All the store» h: our city close first installment. Purchase of , of this district. til. Bullington .* over f*--* u >q:ri OCT) ."»«IF. ♦ ise r»»• viri L Best was an ong oir NOTICE EOP. BID. mid gives those working a chance our singers taking advantage of the ' Willi- McKinney. Einm-tt Reed, t > JOHN II DAI.Y. I'm » hum M. AI I X AMU It, Vii i-l’un im.vr. this week REPAIR AND GRADE Riel Ei .ink W. ¡come are rusticat to get out. ¡opportunity to take lessons truin ’ ii. Ik waist and dr-e- | r. s ut < Z^Tlie town cows are now in clover ■ Prof Wersclikul. The gentleman I PARTS OE THE COUNTY ing in the mountains __ er A Thompn "i - THE IS- ROAD KNOWN AS r.He J ilii son who broucht in Mr. as the ordinance which was in is a thorough vocalist and we are LAND ROAD. red Oakerman and wife wi re in F ilger from the Mann Lake ranch, force until recently kept them from indeed fortunate to get such a man I OF ONTARIO, OREGON Sealed proposals for repairing V i Ril.y Thurso :i, rt turning sp< nt a shoit time with his fri nd- grazing wiihir. the city limits. with us pu iris of the above named road will u erday Accounts off ’< >tq >< >rnt i< > iim . l-'iiiiis and I u
  • r Harney County, Oregon, until link, the phone line man, w is usual behavior. c sent out th < week filled with as 3 o'clock p m. August 21th 1901. STOCKHOLDERS John D. Daly, William Jones, Erank R ing after the repair work of the Mark Benson was down from his many different native grasses of We are in r c.-ipt of a card from at which time said bid» will be Collin, Abner Rabbins, It. F Olden, M Alexander, N. I'. (Carpen­ .1 exchange this woek Soldier creek ranch last Thursday. this county. Th-v were sent to the R v G. W. Black stating that Rev opened and considered by the court, ter, William Miller, E 11. Test, Thus. Turnbull. hose Sunday diiinr r- at Mrs. I G o. R Vgrnev, stat.* missionary, He informs he has sugar cane department of agriculture at Wash­ for the reparing and grading of said E II. TEST, Cnsliier. S. ieer’a are beComi’ g in-.r.- p pu will de- iei.b- the Baptist church in growing on bis place which is now ington, D. C The grasses were road according to the plans and ç specification“ on file in the office of i C»c.- I) feet high Mark will have some gathered by government men who -jac- ♦ oso -o«ou' - Meal ticket- Burns Sunday, September Sth the County Clerk. j on exhibit during fair w ek wi re pent lien* for that purpose lication—21 meals for 45 Bids may be offered on one or 11 e Buchanan, youngest son of Lee Johnson came in from tin both of r saitl The Richardson A James saw i »’»l II »71 <»I’ » plans jnoitr » or »• v specifications. lj Ve wish to call f '-t Mr an 1 Mr». J. W. Buchanan, fell The court resiTves the right to re- mill is again turning out lumber of Mann Lnke ranch Tuesday bring ‘ taxpayers to tli“ i : ' - down a flight of stairs on? night I ject any or all l ids, Rud in «•neb are of the meet ing of the county this week an i hurt his back, lie all kinds. The mill ia located in ing B. G. Folger, who had been instance the »uccessful bidder w ill good timber with a good road ami thrown from a rake in a runaway, lie required to give a bond, to ba rd of equalization which m ets is better now, however, and will first Monday in Septeuib r. soon lx> on the streets again. j is ready to till anv size order sent in for medical treatment. Mr. ’ approved by the court, in double in. They al«o make ihe best shing Folger Ml on his head arid shoultl- the amount of his contract, for the Sheriff Shelley and Bru-« Tyrd We want to talk to votl about les. Call for price». I partially <’»'^^1 performance thereof lers injuring his spine and > lit» urned from Baker City the first plows drills cultivators, seeders etc. 1 r. I H Rrci! < lerk. paralizing him. He is now at Per­ F S K ikdkr . Deputy. ;he week but without the man We have a full stock on hand at I Thos Garrett, familiarly known ry \\ illiams’ residence under the ■y went after, f Delay in getting prices in competition with railroad as "T” arrived iu our city )a«t.Sun­ They will Lave •utnclhing to Bay next week. day evening from Eastern Wash­ care of Drs M ersden A Gearv, Al,, | warrant indorsed was the —Geer it Cummins. o ington where he haa been for some this writing the gentleman is not V ise. y Walter Calkins was in from Silver time. "T" is here on a visit and much improved. NEW FEED BARN. • ?ol Davidson, the j. « -b-r, for- creek the other day and inf 4 work in hu lie v i « I will take about 30 g-ldings 20 of well treated. Horses entrust­ Ij u cheerfully at your -ervt< e. Cirrol Cecil's and the balance l*e- accidentally shot Joe Thompson in •• Having bought the Reatau- ed to me will receive the beat long to Mr SpafTord Walt will the foot with a 2'2-calib«r rifle g rant business of Simon Lewis, f / A. R Elan.D-r- of care. Hay -■"> cents, grain ,« I respectfully invite a continu- The b >y» were riding with I. B sp-nd the winter in that section. Z >rtb«ekt Live.*- A the same. Springer and Mervin in startir g to * ationof all old patrons, as well -ower» Journal, of I’ odl-ton, has Ere 1 II M -ier, of ¡zee. Grant Y<>ur Patronage Solicited. as new. Ml:» H E SMITH. pick up his gun »truck the hammer en < m our city for several days county, bought some horses from »gainst the side of the rig discharg­ st. soliciting so1 - rip ■ .ns and J. II. Garrett to recruit the British ing it with the above result. The terviewing wur st. . k i en The cavalry in South Africa. Mr. wound is not seriou». »urnal Mr. Flap'hr- r*q r -ent« is M .-ier expects to receive further Your attention i» called to the •voted eacln»i ( v to » k ir. 1 i- orders fr-j-n t >e British government. The aliMilutn simplicity of ad of the Grand Street Fair and i exclent uabliciti -.form n er- H-' bought large numbers of horses the EASTMAN KODAKS bi igrd in the at*- in Grant county I*fore coming to Carnival a’ Bake“ City, September has be« n the secret of their 3, 4. 5. 6 and 7. This is ar. oppor­ J J. Doregen. i« in r- qitefa Harney. If li* sho'.l l receive orders HecCM», in fact so easy has tunity for our people to attend a tier from the lli tiii;t i> base to buy more horse» lie will cone to photography become that lie is buy­ street fair near home and at a rea­ any bright hoy or girl of ill team arki i/ if o ir p pi- Borne for all >.( them sonable cost of transportation. The Co T o 10 year* can succesafnlly mid not arra g- f >r a -er.-s -f ing wild horses entirely. attraction» advertised are the best , accomplish every step in amei during! f r «• . R le*rt St infield, of Batter creek, J W. Biggs returned last Wed- HOPKINS &. HUNTER'S picture taking, from ‘press­ * aat tazwa and « *.r I .. t- Mr I'niatilla ronnty. finiebed buying *’ >*me«Mi «ecu* «1 the matter with 1 ing the button" to “(lulflg le-ad of csttle last Thursday. nesdav evening via Canyon Citv For first class the re»!.’’ * base bell t»i m »*.i - with» He I*, igbt st ck cattle to feed on from an eitended trip to Portland We have a full line of hi* retail.and peidflT for yearlit g • nd Willamette valley points, d. uiuber of WBr .- i *•« these Kodak» and nr* al- I ike an inter- in th - gi ne It rs, 41* '4) f r yearling »teer. where he was look’ll» after his We have .secured the famous Jabour $50,000.00 way» glad to explain them • nd f 'ln !»r cows with calves He h .rse« that are being marketed a» decided th A omplete »!<>• k of everything t<> anyone interested in .h i net buy hi» entire bunch in Mr Bigg» save be succeeded indis- ft id way attractions, who only play the larpje cities. r»w raised ft»' the i. * h t 1 a!r- p «mg of a part of tl>* »Ve k they Their in an up-to-date shop. this fascinating amuse­ een apgoeiu lit«' old i I I* ar- Harney county, having picked up Now at Tacoma, go from here to Salt Lake. S “si prices are sight, ( live them 3 ment. anged Ac* *: y M- D -g, »wtee tn Cmak and Grant, but he had iu that ■“ 'io . 4 • Reduced Fare on all W- ads. vrote tbo> B- 1 »’at* I that ;• •- fiiu-iied hi* pur. base b*re ami is figure. The firm attll ha» several < 1TY I »HI fl STGRE call. bead at Corv.llje with C W Tv-id ¡1. M. H om l os. Prop«. ■ •I*« a gan ! • arr .* i highly pl a*ed wi*h the Condition T., BOIW n rharva I of - • •• ck aicr betWVc: • J ;i N. BROWN & SONS, | ;- - - - - Çÿ u. I I_ S chwartz & B udelm an , Waters Fruit & Produce Store. Burns, Oregon |FIRST NATIONAL BANK I ê MILLER & THOMPSON. s WEIDEP. PHOTO STUDIO g GRAND STREET FAIR and Carnival BAKER CITY, OREGON Sept. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Great Time -.* Great Show-* Don’t Miss it. * V Kodaks s