Q| Schwartz & Budelman «¡Stylish Shirts and Sum mer Underwear. ■----------- WANT A SUIT FOR THE 4th? ar We are offering great values in Hen and Boys Clothing. We ’’CC: have received a large assort= ’’C ment of up=to-date clothing. We want your trade===our val= ues will bring it to us. Why have our Shoe sales been beyond our expec­ tations? Because we give good values. Our stock of ladies and mens fine shoes is constant­ ; dc : ly increasing until we now have the strongest and best line in Harney county. r Celebrate in Burns. Hammocks at G. W. Waters'. I Scott Hayes was seen streets since our last issue. se « vcZv■ « STREET DRESS BOOT. Screen doors and adjustable Silk waist and dress patterns at window screens at Geer it Cum­ Miller A Thompson’s. mins. Hon. C. W. Parrish came in last “Where are you going my prettv Monday evening from Portland. maid?” "To Weider's Studio,” she Fresh fruit arriving daily at said. Waters’ Fruit and Produce store. F or S ale —One lot and A. O. Bedell and Ben Mutter houses situated on B street, were visitors from Silver creek this quire of Paul Locher. week. Mrs. W. L. Wooley and three lit­ tle sons are the guests of Mrs. \\ For accurate work patronize Davidson the jeweler ut Welcome’s C. Byrd. Drug Store. Those who have tried the I’lano . say it is the best all round machine Mrs. E. E. Purir.gton, of Pendle­ ton, is here on a visit to her parents, in the market. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKinney, Dr. E. M. Clark, the eye special­ ist, arrived last evening and is reg­ Lunaburg A Dalton carry a stock of lumber and shingles at istered at the Syme hotel. mill prices with freight added. More wall paper received Mrs. Isaac Foster and little son week at the Burns Furniture Co’s. Frank have been m Burns the past New designs and up-to-date few days, the guests of friends' terns—the very latest styles. Very best New Orleans molasses Mr. Alex Mackintosh, of Twelve- on tap at Lunaburg A Dalton's in Mile, a prominent sheepman of that and quantity desired. locality, was in the city during the Ted Hayes and family accom­ week.—Prineville Review. panied by“Grandma” Hayes, spent "See yourstlf as others see you. a short time in Burns this week Yes, but much better looking by The Burns Cash Grocery has just having your photo made at the received a new lot of nice Auieri-' Weider Studio. can, Cream and Limberger cheese, ' The "Old Standby” Buckeye ' J no. Gilcrest has been here sev- i mowers and extras are so exten­ eral days looking after the inter- | sively known that they need no talk ests of his company in the water to sell. Machines on hand now at Geer A Cummins. suits. One of the handsomest and most desirable of the special styles tor nomen fur this sea­ son is the Patent Kid Dress Boot herewith shown. The vamp and foxing are of the new Patent Kid, the most beautiful leather possible. The sole of the boot is of good walk­ ing weight, made with the fashion­ able, wide-extension edge worn by Dressy Young Women. $3.00 A Stylish Street Boot Price. SEE THAT THIS 1R4DE MARK IS BRANOEO ON EVERY SHOE. Klbo Kid. Patent Tip. Welled Sole. Extension Edge, Medium Heel. Exact Reproduction ol thi. Style Shot. . BROWN & SONS, Miss Pauline Locher arrived Did you examine that Japanese matting at the furniture store? We home last Thursday from Portland, B urns , O regon . have lots of it and a big assortment. where she has been attending for ladies, for men, for children. I«, Orj Prices right.— Burns Furniture Co. school. She came in from Sump- Osborne mowers, the best ma­ ter in company with Chas, Newell chine made, and a full line of extras and family. for same, always on hand. Call ,1 \V. B iggs , riiEsinKNT AND acting vahhirr . and get prices.—Geer A Cummins. When you get a Jones Mower chwartz udelman KMT. all the you get one that combines Attorney Williams, James Done­ gan and Judge Sparrow returned good points in every other kind last Saturday evening from the made, and more too. The cutter bar can be lined up with the sickle Pueblo mining camp. ED.) and it has both pull and push bars. One man who has used a Plano BURNS, OREGON. "Shorty” Price was brought over | lee cream freezers at Geer A mower for the past 6 years, and paid $4 50 for repaiis, has bought from Drewsey Saturday evening CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 Cummins, all sizes. another one for the coming season. and lodged in the county jail, A (tenoral Bankinu; BtirsineHH Trunssucted. Ladies rib vests at Miller A While here at the 4th of July in default of $1,000 bail, he dAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Din i tors: W. Y. King, I. N. Geer Geo. Fry, Thompson’s. celebration, be sure and have your having been held by the justice of ANY MÏWSVAPER IN THIS COUNTY. W. E Triscli, J C. Welcome. Price Withers was a business' photograph taken as the Native the peace to appear ut circuit court ( 'orroi-q londenco I nviteil. visitor last Saturd y. Sons Cabin wants a picture of each for house breaking. SATURDAY. Jl’N’K .9. 1901. I A complete line of tinware, gran­ one of you, old ana young. Mrs. Etta Jones, district superin­ ite and crockery just in at G. \V. The Acme mower is guarateed to tendent of the Oregon Children's Local News. | Wafers'. j be the best mower made ami the Home Society, spent the past week J 1’ Rector was shaking hands makers will be here to show vou in Burns and vicinity, where we Plano! Plano! Plano! they will outrun any mower you ; with friends in Burns one day this ever saw.—Geer A Cummins. understand she received coi isder- Mrs. C. W. Jones is the guest of | week. able encouragement in a Bubetuli- ■’ her daughter Mr.«. J.C. Welcome jr. Mesdajues Ilousam A Jordan T m i The barbers of Burns will charge have re-opened the Commercial tial manner. Thi» society is des­ Fresh groceries are now i arriving 50 cent» for hair cutting on the' ignated to assist homeless children, Hotel and invite their friends and board and clothe them until a suit­ Go -----for the Burns Cash Grocery. ( Fourth of Ju]y. old patrons to call and see them. able home can be found for them 9/ow that the spriny season is on Andrew Stone was in from his The Weider Studio will be ready See ad elsewhere. w T. us we nateraUÿ turn toward look­ | This society does not receive help home near Andrews the firrt of the for w ,rk Monday, June 30, Vaughn ing after our machinery and seo Call and see our draw cut Cham­ i from anv other source except from For first class week. building. what is needed for the season's pion flower. The only machine individuals who become members^ work. 9ife wish to announce at ;le if you are going to buy a mower Have you seen our new stock of that can be lined un with the cut­ by the payment of $1 per year or, this timo that we have ayons, this year, call at C. II. Veogtly’s men and boys clothing?—Schwartz ter bar. I have two kinds of $25 makes a life member. The tfiuyyies, 9//owers, stakes, and get his prices. A Budelman. "Uwine, binders, etc., and are soto rakes, the llollensworth and Mikh­ society is working in 24 states mid A complete stock of everything ayonts for 9)ain fffucks. 2/ou A. K. Richardson, the saw mill I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Oakerman, of eil all »teel rake, with wood or iron since its organization has placed should profit by this windy woather Their in ail up-to-date shop, inan. was down Sunday and says Riley, were seen on our streets the wheels. A full and complete stock over 15,000 children in good com and buy a Windmitt from us. ly, 0^ prices are sight. Give them a of extras from a section to a main fortable homes. things are moving at a lively rale grgj of t|ie week. Catt and examine yoods, yet prices frame Give me a call before buy- We can oaue j/ou I in the Wood- around his section. ______________ and terms. Deering mowers take the cake I png elsewhere. Sftr A CmK/nmi • money. Ontario Argus: Mrs. M Curl, For a fine adjustable bracelet — wherever they have l>een tried Cail J. J. Tt'PKEB, Agent. of Drewsey, was a guest at the Ho- a hair retainer—a parasol and a and see sample.—Geer A Cummins. We learn from James Donegan ■ tel Ontario Sunday. great assortment of other things, go i John Johnson was over from of the death of the old pioneer John The furniture and fixtures for the to Jorgensm. Drewsey tlie first of th« week the , Callow in Catlow Valley on the 7th First National Bank of Ontario has B orn —To Mr. and Mrs. C. A 1 guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cleven- inst. Mr. Catlow came to the val­ arrived. . I Byrd last Thursday, a baby girl, ger. ley which bears his name in 1871, Two hundred and fifty thousand ■ weight 9 !bs. Mother and child I We have the best stock of wall where he has since made his home. |*oundsof w . hi I was sold through the reported doing well at this writing. pap«r and Japanese matting ever The deceased was born in England, brought from the railroad. —Burns ; but we could not find out his age: (). F. Co. Saturday last to Hallo­ The W indsor Bar is the most at­ Furniture Co. John Catlow was a man who had well, Donald A Co., eastern buyer». tractive and up-to-date resort in NEW GOOES ÆT The price» were 10k and 11 cents. Judge L. R. Webster is here from accostouied himself to pioneer life Eastern On gon. Messrs Caldwell A Brenton, the proprietor«, areal Portland fookiog after the interest» and was a very hospitable and gen­ John \V. Biggs, a prominent citi­ The absolute simplicity of ways glad to meet their old friends. 1 of his clients in tlie water suits ial man. He had many warm zen and formerly president of the the EASTMAN KODAKS Citizens Bank at Burns, was an On­ friends in this section. now ¡»ending. Call and see them. has been the secret of their A large and varied stock of almost everything The water cases which have been tario visitor several days this week secce»», in fact so easy has The best is what you want when Mart Bak er. accompanied by his en route to Boise City on business. photography become that wife and eon. were over from Warm it comes to table delicacies —The pending for some time are now be* Mr. Bigg« reports Harney county TIN AM» GRANITE WAKE, just GENTS Fl RNISHIN’G GOGHS, any bright boy or girl of Springe no« night this week and Burns Cash Grocery has only the ing prepared for the U. 8. circuit generally prosperous arxl the citi- looking court. Wirt Miner is here best. In thia line one can find genuin» 10 years can aucceesfnlly brought in, and of such variety took i»iNh- church fair. L 8 Co Z“i.s of the thriving little city of bargains that cannot be equaled. accomplish every step in that you can’t help but be suited Carpenters are rushing the work after the interests of the P. Burn« enjoying good times. — [Mr. C. H, Veogtly keep« a full and and all interested in the cases are picture taking, from 'press­ and pleased. Also a nice line of When iti need of anything in this complete stock of extras for mowers. on the new feed barn of Simon preparing to take testimony, We Biggs ha» not resigned as president ing the button ” to "doing Crockery and <>lavn ware line call and see this stock. Lewis on the corner south of this Co. The ooh house that has a complete are informed an agreement has of the Citizens Bank and »till bolds the rent. ” office. It will lie ready for occup ­ shock of x trae for their machinery. been reached between the P L. 8. that position Bro - Eli ] We have a full line of You ean get any part of the ma­ ancy in a few days. Co and the Harney Valley Dam A J D. Jenkins and Janus Paul, FRESI FRUIT these Kodaks »nd are al­ chine at any time. This is impor­ We have the old »tyle Thomas Ditch Co . whereby a compromise two prominent sheep men of Smith, ways glad to explain them tant. Hay Rake just like your grand will be made. We understand Harney county, are Ontario visitors to anyone interested in Stationery, Notions and Novelties Groceries, Drug«, Tobacco and Ci* Dr gt. ! Mr». W. L Marsded and father used to run in his boyhood there is talk of a compromise in »nd will remain in the city to Ise in this fascinating amuse­ of all kinds. gars. Ice in anv quantity. eon Georg-, arrived horn» Monday days. And while your grand dad some of the other esses. They are attendance on the meeting of the tor» ment. from Portland They report a very may be dead, this hay rake is not now waiting for Woo Hanley to ar­ buyer» «nd growers on the 25th of < •ITV DIU’G KIXHIK G. W WATERS, Brits«, O regon . pleoown' tune. Mrs Marsden is re Don't you need one? Prices cheap rive before proceeding with the this month. They disprssed of their h. H. M. H or ton , I'ropt. i ueiving ' he warm congratulation» —Geer A Cummins. I cases. 1901 clip at 10 cents. u»een under the Meals 25 cents. tbecareofDr Dickson, the eye prominent sheep rnen of Harner a Jewei ham 'I ver at.d Adjusta­ fi»r the public, tK*> ble Hay Rake and know that there tx-d« 25 cent». M r. A nderson is specialist of Portland, since last county, this week sold their word is no n s 'hine that can i .me up t<> also prepared tn take care of your fall. Tl.e young lady did not meet clips. 145,000 pound», to C. G. Rob­ •H'TH MAIN »THEFT. BURNS, _ — — OREGON. them, as her eves were in a I ad erts. representing Koshland A Co them I have tried m«et every teams at bis feed barn. Thi« barn has just l*en com­ Draw« plan, makes estimates, etc. II ui Id in g. put up within the amount . f condition, neweesitating ter stay in of Boeton. Ths price receive«! wa« kind. 1 did better work with the To M ilk C«« towkk » —Pay np pleted an«J mv iHitrons will l*e Jone? Mower than with any Mower you» milk bill arid get vour milk Portland. It was thought at one 1OJ and lo| cents. J M Fisher figure« gir-i. in e-tiraat . J-«F*.-slisfacliori guaranteed. well treated. Horses entrurt- I owa-r run. I cut 2U acres of wild at re,lured rat»-« by paying in ad- time that one eye would have to be the sheep man »ho sheared near reewive the beat e«i to me will mead » where a McCoraUek left vance. 1 quart per month 11 50— removed in order to save the other, town this spring, sold his clip to of care. Hay 25 cents, grain F. U but a message received Thursday llenbv. Price A Benedict The the fie d and cvu. i not cut it. I 20 cent» per gallon. Bear in mind the same. cwt a»er I'O acres and never broke thi« price is for payment in ad­ evening state« she is much im wool is being loaded for shipment ******* . j Lex X X . • 1. Your Patronage Solicited proved and it will perhape not hr atth»O CCm warehouse.— Hunt­ * a th. I g apt? it vss •!’. wild rbead- vance. W A. Gaoavaa, » 99 B * »? J •Iwajt ob at tba yard. » ’ endance Hanley houaa. City M lktnan. necessary to remove the »ye. ington Herald. W II Cl II. FINE SHOES S FINE SHOES & B FINE SHOES , The Citizens Bank Burns, Oregon. HOPKINS a HUNTER'S i v Kodaks s Waters Fruit à Produce Store Harry C. Smith, (contractor and Builder 0> ialtie are.