OUR NEW STOCK Or THE CELEBRATION Al BERNS Additional Locals. of Bourne, was summoned to th“ir assistance. The tnen will live, but There will be preaching services Me! Fenwick has gone to Baker, may possibly lose their eyesight. at the Poison Creek school house THE EAGLE WILL SCREAM LONG AND every 4th Sunday at 2:30 p. tn. The «lector hoiies to prevent this City Oh business. SATURDAY U ■ KI. 1901. LOL'D FOR FOUR DAVS. Rev. A. J Irwin, pastor. calamity but can tell nothing defi­ Harry Weider expects bis wife Is now arriving I nite in regard to it until some time Rev. A. J Irwin will preach at 'fAiiiger from Eugene tomorrow or next day .11 1.1 A s II V I'. I* Harney the 2nd Sunday of each tomorrow. Tonight they are rest­ The lady will open a photo gallery AYUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMp Beginning July 3 And Continuing Inti! tbc month at Ila. m. and 7:30 p. tn. ing easier, and both are in no dan­ hern in the near future. i|4 never more complete than at . ’ 6ih--ttorse Races, Foot Races, A representative <»I the L ike- Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 ger of dying.” . We are preparing this yea to /' Baseball Games. Etc. Dr. IL Volp was a passenger on view Examiner had a talk with all formers efforts and continue the lea^ p. m. Il is un lerstood that both men President Lytle of the Columbia are insured, as it is the rule to in­ tbc Canyon stage this morning en­ At the Presbyterian church PROGRAM OF THE FOURTH. .Southern Railway at his office in sure the lives of all men working in route to Portland. He expects to Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor Parade at 10 o’clock a tn, headed Devine services the third and fourth Portland recently. During the ! the Columbia mint, the amount be­ be absent about one month. Our spring stock is up-to-date and co, I conversation he said. ing, as understood. $5D00, where a Call at the furniture store and by the Band, followed by the Fire Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. sists many nexv novelties in ladies Department, Liberty car, floats, cit ­ single man is killed, and $25y the week. “Jake” drives one ■ all the numerous sheep men who the finest teams on the road. J-mile dash, free for all Harney May ¡7. trot. people, and has all along led them CHOICE WINES. LIQUORS AND CIG J ■ have time and again saw them Notice 1« hereby idvin that the following county sadiile horses that Sam Mothershead has retired to believe that his road would not iiann-'l lettler has iiieil notice of hi« Intention prowling around their Hocks and from the furniture business, Brus I never run for public money 50 to ninkr final pr0, tario noxv has a Stock Yard Co. i and would make a raid on a band Sizemore, was killed at Juntura Consolation ..„..I..'.:...i race non-winners I for the NE‘, Sec I, XVS SXV , Ser 26, Tp ‘.3 R R which lias for its object the ere- of sheep in broad day' light. •-jd E . before Register and Receiver at Burns, | last Tuesday by a runaway team. date and distance arranged i Oregon, on Saturday, the 29th of lune, 1901. ation of a market for the sale of j Hunters who have limited coyote* I He names the following witnesses to prove July 5................................... Messrs. Parsons A’ Hanley, the ! the complete irrigatlor. and reclamation oi said live stock .it that place. The I for years for their scalps and seen extensive cattle shippers, have be- Indian race 2 miles. . . . hind . II. J Williams, W. II. Johnson, A. L. Vanderpool. Wm. spacer all of Riley, Oregon. first sale of range horses xxill be thousands of the “sneaking bushy- gun their spring shipment of cattle Juvenile baseball game G eo . XV, H ayes , Register. held at Ontario on July 16. Olliei tail wild dogs" say they have never from Ontario. They are shipping sales xxill be held at regular inter­ before seen or heard tell of a white ¡mostly feeders and stock cattle, vals through the summer anil fall. coyote. It is believed the one some to Colorado and Montana T lie company is forme 1 of good killed by Hutchins the other day is points, while the majority go to substantial min and xxill not only one of the two white coyotes which points this side of the corn belt. W- H. Burns Propt- be a benefit to Ontaiio, but ft> the has done so much damage to the They have in Ontario now ready This house is strictly first class, well appointed, large well different bands and been seen HO for shipment, 100 carloads, which stockmen of Eastern Oregon as kept rooms under management of experienced help. frequently in that neighborhood of are being loaded as fast ns possible. well. late years. — Lakeview Hustler. T I. Arnold came in from Beu­ IIEADOI ARTERS; STOCKMEN A COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Jurnisftcrf Vhrcu^hcui. Votici J'irst-Cjast. lah Monday, bringing his wife for The Church Fair. Wh.it great discoverers the uif'dicnl attendance. Mr. and Mrs. ttest Jiccornmodati'ons. ^ojiuiar prtcor. menlbeis of the National Civil McClain A. Blgg«s Proprietor.«?, Burns, ('rcgiai. Those interested in the Holy Arnold, are lately over an attack of Service Reform League are ! small pox. This disease lias been • .-»ecv r»»r> r rxw.' -ricrr Tins Stable is located on the corner ef First and 1* Streets and kepi are making Funiilx Church Fair They have found out that the fed­ M. AI.EXANDEll, V icc -P eesidest . 5 and grain on hand* Has competent help, Iluns a Job \\ agx n, iaLc rapid progress and everything will raging in Drewsey nnd all the sur- r è JOHN I>. DALY. l'comi > t . eral officials in Keattn kv are com­ gers to any part of the Country. tie in readiness for the opening rounding country this i-pring, in a r pelled to pay a political lissess- night on Monday the 2ltli. A form somewhat mole severe than u ment of 5 per cent of their Sal- pleasing program is being nrranged elsewhere. At least three deaths G M. F itzgerald , P resident F. S. R ieder , S ecy and T rim aries. If they really wish to as- for each of the six evenings of the are reported there from small p >x. f OF ONTARIO OREGON tonish the country, they shi mid fair by the entertainment commit­ Mrs. Arnold did not have the dis­ c B iggs & T urner , A ttorneys o point out a state in which federal tee. The little folks are all trying ease well broken out on her and f! Account* <>1 < ’oi-porutions. Firms anil Individuals* Eastern. Orsgron □Zitlo Hol ioitei 1. officers arc not compelled to pav to win the silver watch that is to has suffered much in cono qiv-nee, t Oo. .mil is still in Illi enfeebled I ...... a political assessmi nt. Ex. lie given to the one selling the STOCKHOLDERS;—John D. Daly. William Jones, Frank R 2 tion that cutt. Collin. Abner Ribbins, l>. F Olden, M. Alexander, N. U. Carpen­ greatest number of season tickets. uneasiness. ter. William Miller, E 11. Test. t Abstracts Furnished and Title Guaranteed o (hie thing suie, nothing will be Mi-ses Josie Locher, Rose Rutlier r E II. TEST, Cashier. left undone by those who favor ford and Lola Bilker are in the race To all Lands in Harnev 1. outii'. On;’ for the lady’s gold watch to be tisi; < j * v <-»»!_■ »ojev uc<2 <*• •lie land b asing lull to have it JOHN GEMBEHLIAG. given to the ni st popular lady, pas cd by the next congress while Frank Rieder and Willie Me .1 <-vv«’li t und < Iptieiiin.s Bought and Sold on Commission. They have money to back tin tn Kinney are candidates to be voted Open foi i epairing and optical Office in Bank Dui- and besides the big daily p.tpets on for the gold watch to be given xvork. will lie made to see it right. XI XT POOR TO I*. O. to the most popular gentleman ' s* Die heads of the departments are has an is follows The rifraslinients will NOTIt’E FOR ITi’.l.h ATIOX l>e iii charge of Mesdames < leer and 1 onditions I.ANDOFFl'F. Al' m as.«, UREO IN. 0 Anderson. Booth No. 1 will be TRISCII it DONEGAN, Proprietors. Mai '..A. IKI. tel ill ex en I Fine Turnouts. X..||rv in Lercio gi\e t tlmt tlv following presided over by Mesdames II (’ II:tj and Crain t Miivcd iciilrr I ibr fi\ il Iloti, t. of h.n intenti.o- s' tendere d 8mith, Cecil. McKinney, Shelley h» 1 nkv titia! premi in mtpport ef L ìh « and '' Courteous Always Kept bai! premi «ili Le nude Lrfore Ite«,» rr \N » a level and Miss Phoebe Kellev. booth No Ihat and |{e< vii t*r at l’ur- r, Oregon, on Juho. 1<>1. Religious She ïimrs-ïicraid Servie««. SPRING a SUMMER I Fancy Dress Goods and Furni^ The “Star” Saloon. First Class. CITY MEAT MARKET Your patronage solicited. BURNS HOTEL FIRST NAT19ML BANK j I a a 5 a Livery, Feed aid Sals Stahl THE CAPITAL SALOOS, Bums, Postbl} I use Their EjcMght. 2 l x Mrs. Williams. Misses Josie I ocher, and Mx rtle Jameson; booth \o “ by Mesdames Schwartz and lienil-erling: booth No I b\ Me< dames Thompson, Min e and Folex M< sdamt s Triscli,Gowan and Card­ will will have charge of the general sales table and its subordinate piirtnients. vii .1 I am|>f>hlrv. HI No t-Ol L»r I ot» 1 2. X. 4. ’ and -» >. .• . .. r .0 s . R > f w \| He natura thè Ldlowing wir.tfmen riprovi hi" • ontinuonR rvaideure tjjM»n and cultiv gì ioti of -uni land, vi« l ini |»ot».>v*'i. X A riwitg, ► II XX afrra and F . « Hlutu-.-. u;i «>( I urna. Ilar nei e-ount \. « »rvic«>n XX HlYKvP. The Balter City Democrat of last M mlii' give* an ac. uni of a dread till accident whii h occurrid ie. the Colutnbi.i mine at Bourne, on the morning of the Gth inst John ’‘iin-tnn, one i f unfortunate vie The Turkestan Aitali« tim». was at one time a resident of thia vicinity and now owns a ranch two miles from Bums ‘ Jack" is , The Turkestan alfalfa seed. well ).i own to all old t'meis here,, to Morris Uro», bv Congressmen where h< xx is assoei.itrd with Steve* longue, and ex|>eriiiicnted with for 'Î l.atnpahiie ill the stock business j the first lime in L ike eouiitv, has A bulletin from the mmag r of the j turned out to be the best dry land , fodder ever tried in this section It mine to the I*< moi rat s.ivs: “At 5 o’cliH'k this morning the | has surpassed all other seeds by first serious a. cident to la-full miy I far. and promises to be the most of the workmen in our mine oc- 1‘opular st rd for fodder on the dry On the curted nt the Inittiim of the »haft lands of Lake county James French ami John Dunstan Morris rai.ch cart be seen the re­ xxerr the suff. 1» rs iliev bad ja»t markable growth of the Turkestan gone on duty and were operating alfalfa, and the farmers and stock- lire air drill. Tirey bored into an men who have noticed it are well old hole win ch contained a »tick of j plessvil with the eiperiment unexploded dynamite, probably a IX>ub|!e»s many acres of this seed shot placed by ti.e night shift ami will lie planted in Lake county which liad not tired, ami which the next year Truly the \Ve»t Side retiring shift bad failed to detect lands are productive anti are bear­ The friction of the drill caused tire ing out the Examiners opinion rtplost* I*, the full force > f which that that section is one of the best was .>•■ eived I'v tie- unfortunate i in Lake < Gintv -I tkrview Kiam- men directly in the face with dead­ incr. ly result. A* ».■ n a» |"v*»ible the inen were carried t > tire surface arid th» 0 eno v x ’* •r-r-'-x l>- (Sraet. J Treat men I ? Oa Hand. M c C ulley & BERDUGO I Tlxis T-lQa,cLq_-cLa,xteis. props • Now Arrivals o) / a \ IUGHT RUNNING 1 DO Burns Furniture Co., Itti: JOM S i lAI K BIMll te-, the Only tiimk-r with a Fly Wheel. Harvesting Machines Sell ut Al\ mow i « Solch on their Merits. X t because they have once served some re’s "Grandad,” but for xxh.it thex'll do for you. —Not because the prut is lowest (they cost more to make than anx other I but because they -till the bill.” Ibex have roused the bitterest opposition from ccmpctitors. lou 11 see the reason why if you but try them. They are thoroughly up-to-date and practical farm imple­ ments fiom tongue to tire—save time -save money—auve work ana worry. C me in and 1 Binders. k them over .’t« Mowers. Hay r^me. Rales, pay > nu Sickle Commercial Hotel (French House building) J. E McCULI.EY, Proprietor, The table is supplied with the choicest delicacies the msrkd affords. The culinary department is presided over bx- «nW perienced cook. TRAVELING MEN S HEADQUARTERS Large, clean and comfortable rooms. personal supervision of the landlady. Everything undtrfi* (,.■ posted. Grinders. Binder > ----- RESERVED FOP.------ MILLER & THOMPSON'.