V et ’Ä »> »■ . A tìrent Newspaper. The strike of employes of ma­ chinery and allied metal trades throughout the country to enforce The Sunday e/ition of the HATUK1MY. MAY S». IMI. a 9-hour day, with increased Louis Republic is a marvel wages, too’-, effect last Monday. modern newspaper enterprise. ‘ M nnacwr Ovei 25,000 men »allied out. J I 1.1 A N It V Kh The orginization of its news .’er-’ ♦LS ïiiTT fl s ni !• vices is world-wide, complete in a From recent dispatches from v fi 'y Vice-1 ’resident Roosevelt at- every department; in tact, superi­ Washington it appears that “Un­ tended the formal opening of the or to that of any other new .-paper. cle Sam” will have a few claims Buffalo exposition last Monday The magazine section is illus­ Urp’rllbr iroin ll’i lluutisat Mill »I ’* or» AKi:m; to settle from the blowing up of anti made a speech. from trated in daintily tinted colors and the Maine. It was stated recent­ splendid half-tone pictures, 'i bis Chicago- ■'¡•It Lake.Denver. 1* t. ly that claims amounting to over F or S ale —One lot and two section contains more high-class Port! ni.t in T he humorous stories are - high St. Paul Walla Walia, Lewi»- E’stMsil ton. Spokane, Miune 12:35 gold 10 every ruan who wants to start a merit of these claims. class, by authors of national rep- 1-45 apolis. St. Paul. I'u- a. w. Oh, we are getting off f cheap, legitimate, paying mail order business. utation. | nth Milwaukee, Chi -ago i nd East. just It telly you whit to do uad how to do Such is war and if we can < pop- Sheet music, a high-class, it sueee 'fully. Send us 50c today keep it up a while we will own mid we will »end you the book, an 1 a ular song, is furnished free every OCEAN and RIVER SCHEDI LE the earth and likewise owe pretty valuable tuotilllly journal one year free Sunday in the Republic. Fi obi Portland near everybody on earth. The price of the Sunday Re­ C entcry P i iii . ishinu C o , B ox 73, \ 11 sailing dates sub­ H eron L ake , M inn . public by mail one year is $2 03. ject to chat ge. For sale by all news dealers. Life would lose half its interest P U1 por Sm Francisco 4 p. ni. every 5 days. were it not for the postofiice. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. « Here the rich and the poor, the Notice is hereby given that under V, p [u Columbia Hirer 1 p. in. Eri^li: Boys Sicrted in Business. ■ Ntramer.4. high and the low come every day. mid by virtue of an attachment ex- • jX kuj*. 'p0 Astor I« and U ay- Except Sunday. 'That’s when the kid in the faintly, locution and an order of sale, duly T'hi' publishers of the famous big >atur "aJ Except in a certain cause wherein M. H. course the postmaster is expected Brenton was plaintifl' and Frances the services of capable htist’.itig Sunday Landings. Sunday. agents in each of the following to be sweet and answer all B Brenton was defendent, upon a towns in Harney county: Burns, Ä Vamhlll 3:30 p ni questions of kids and kidlets, just judgment duly rendered and given Druwsev and Ilarnev, and in such m Ta j 111 ' HlUam’ltr Klrar. in the above named Court and other towns as are not already sup­ 1 eii-dav (Jr, gon City, J lay ton Monday as he does the white aproned eatiHe on t he 23rd day of A pril 1901, iuhrdy allj Way-Landings. Wed. & Friday. maiden who “just knows” there for the Mini of Twentv-One Hund­ plied. The work is profitable and A Sat. i pleasant. A portion of Saturday is a letter for her if he will only red Eighty-Nine, and Fifty one- only is required, No money what­ 4 :30 p ni 6 H. in Willamette Hirer. look for it again. Verily, through hundredths dollars ( 4’21 S9 50,) and ever is required. Over oddO agents I the further sum of Forty-Four and are doing splendidly. Everything 'I’ ikm I. iv Portland Corvallis '1 uesdav • the postofiice runs j.iy and hope Twenty one-hundred ths dollars Thur» & and Way Landings. Thors & 1 is furnished free. Stationery, rub­ 8at. Sat and misery and bleak disappoint­ ($11.20.) costs and disbursments. ber stamp, ink and pad, advertis­ which judgment was duly enrolled ment.— Law ton Standard. ing matter, sample copies, etc. Leave | Leave mil docketed tn the o thee of the I p. rrt ar . .lr , t„ llH . jt„r Riparia, Rmke Hirer. L< wi-t n ( lerk of said Court on the 23rd day at the end of each month. 'Those 1:20 am Piparía to Lewiston. 8:30 a 111 J have this dav not sold are not charged for Write While there were not many of April 1901. 1 >ai|y. Dai v. levied upon the foilowing described to Grit Publishing Co.. Williams­ buyers present at the big horse property, also describid in said A N. H oar , port l’a., and mention T he ’T imes -; II untington, Oregon sale this week it has attracted the order of sale, and therein ordered H erald . A. L CRAIG, to be sold, that is to any: attention of many people interest­ I Gen. Pass Ag’t. Portland. Oregon Lota Three (3) and Six (0) of ed in stock business in all sections Block six(pt»n lite-i id tl : < ollit’H by N»iiv c Bv- \ •ilt’V, rtmh'stfiut, :tu,;HDsr Cb.itlcs C.i situated so far from the railroad ning; all of the above property ba­ K rkbiutl. E Centrv No. (>S, niittl«* Au- ling situated in the City (formerly «nst 11, ISO). f«>r ne} aw|, ►nw} n c- was the only drawback. If Burns Town) of Burns, in the Comity of tioii 8, ip 24 south. K .‘»2 ra-t, l»v iwc: (luirles <’. Kiikiantl, conic* tee. tn > had a railroail it would have been Harney, State of Oregon. will' ll it im xllt ^t’tl timt tlie F:ii, Deputy West to this coast. The same is Petition for Liquor License. true of dairy and poultry products With our mild climate it should be cheaper to produce these things here than there, besides saving the freight and keeping the money expended therefot at home, rays the Roseburg Re- view. Tlie sooner our ranchers plant orchards and inprove then places that mm h quicker will they real­ ize substantial benefits. It has p.i”«‘d thè expcrimciit.il st.ige ami non il is ••upto” Die fumici s torio somelhing. We .uè not alitai a gomg to tic isolateti, noi ìm \ goin^ to bc |v(t fot stoik iimiio alone. It i» a common remai k Ini out- siile pciqilc to »peak o( thè t x- < < limi «uìvanl’igri for d.mxing bere, Thcv take in thè situation ¿it a gl.itìkr ami \\<»ndui \\h\ Munr of our stoe knien rio not take ari- To the Honorable County Court of Harney t ounty, Oregon. We the undersigned petitioners, residents, taxpayers an.I legal vol- era of \\ ild Horse precinct, Harney Countv, Oregon, most respectfully petition your Honorable Court to grant h license to Clarence Putman to sell spirituous, malt mid vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon in said pre iuct for a period of three months. \V E APierson N J Lewis Bent Embree Andrew Graf Joe Rivalla W \ l’lkeiii:lll J Brady .1 C West Ed Carlson J A Vest I* A nd ira E 1. Prdon Chas. Turner Solomon Joseph Pedro John Gates Edward Steptn v Dave B.ichni.in John Smy th t bas Green Jo«rph Cahlweli J E Carlson Henrv Seoulws C E Finnertv G l.orvran t Robert l'o.-ui Arthur Barnes Alber>on i .1 t” !.l 132 tlüVSS . . ere? Ihr bri» k making machine has »ah»n 1 • 1 •• w (tarns, ll*k-i*ey. enti,tv, Ore gon.I.** (tir I Mir* ..( tritanti*»« Ioni-k* yronf on hi« 4 » -*t le-> I . |y-, f. r tin- MJ. ■».,. i s f|, ■ X auperceded th«- old hand method. An expert btick.maker could make about 6,000 hrs k per dai by hand. The mac hine makes t AVulemetle Memt.aa, i-ef >ro the R.- 30.000. >’t*r lleceieer al 11 »r.i«, Ovjwi. 1 'ata l*i tu*? ti ,i«y ..( M.v.t'sit lie lumen the Ito* • Uhiwoig witne« Perhaps Mr Morgan seeks io to prove the c oniTete ir* vu' .,»n * se.ure control of the osean »■> .1* reelwnsiio» ol «ei l an.I Fred |K r- to h.vr plenty of w iter for the •te.it J II. ll>m*’.,|. Jeeae Bunysol pro|wr rhlu.ion <1 hisiaih. .id .mJ <¡ K Mbs’, r >4 tturns, On-g.-n uidurllial stuck». Loui n net. <• " IT ax a*, g, cellar Subscription Pr«ce,ti J ■ ■ (¡ovvrní ZDxessed. (2 wc/ ’ hÆipî’ïî Tu' Z^ovLld-ir-Lg-- «'lier Knight F st‘,e ri f tv.-A:.:;iNCTON ’ Tlie mill is situated in one of the finest bodies of Pine and Fir limbi r in Eastern Oregon. The propAturs have spared no expense to put the road in cood condition. All special orders receive . prompt attention _________ . An excellent quality < f all kinds ul lumber always on liaud. , 1 Fvr fur- . thcr information ctilfon or address KING & SA)'ER, Proprict -rs, Burns, Oregon. ONTARIO. BURNS & CANYON CITY STAGE LINE. C. M. KELLOGG, Propt. Leaves Burns daily for Ontario at (1:30 a tn Single fare 110, round trip $10 Through freight 3 cents per pound ovi r 50 pounds; under 50 pounds giadunt cd rate card L area Burns fcr Canyon City Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 11 ni. Single fare $7 00 rcund trip $13. Through fr ight 2 cents per [ > u.rd; under 50 pounds graduated rate card. #Caveats, and Tri Jent busint ss conducted for O u h O ff cc 13 opposite U.S. and we can secure patent inlesii I remote from Washington. „ vmni i.c • h l, drav. in? or / IO^ ■ '!>. We a.', vise, if p.itetitarie.. “/ C01HI .l° , ? i A PAMFH’.CT. •• H .IV to ObQap^l cost of utnc in the I’. S. andfeaffisl Regi"*' sent free» That Address, Facts Every Patriot and Voter Ought ip Know. Th; i O pp . P atent O ffice . W asmh ^ WOLDENBLRC. .Jr Agc.it at Ru-ns ? () addr. s-, Burns, Ore Office at postofiice Il ELLE Y A FOLEY Proprietors. BURNS, OREGON 1 lest ».u-e’iry fur T’nienta taken « :r<>nv!i -»’’•’“.L yprcj/il ru»fit'F, wifi out cltarce.iB* ' i'.u HCfflN’E CO, ' V- .'. Factory, BELVIDERE. ILL. Scientific fl EEAEQUARTERS AT ONTARIO, ORECO.L V. ANTED I III STW.IUTIIY MEN INI. IV otKN t ■ tri». I anti *ti . rtise for ol i •'sta'i ishi-'i litui’,, of *oiid fncanial ’ti '.licc S.darv $7>'t a year and ex- pc «-I : “ • !■• u> cash. No ,|nt.i- - ti2 rt'q'iir .1 Givo r, *e enee* 1 npe. v- lr. • Manager, 3i5 Caxtoa Bldg. Chi. i ,.i I I NII18VW m Àss sjsiunq p[0! HOWSR3 KBHIK, rWMMMT ». , WMITt, vc, S«rx>T W R SCBRCE, Csmu First National Bank CALDWELL. IDLHO A Gener.il Banking Business Transacted (.tursi, »Tiri.» L’ ino Orsi « Hum*, Oregon. Ayr.I 1, e-uiDg Blmtunic h?i U. S. Senator W. M.irr-J __ A correct account oi f-J Con;;rcssy V n each A family paper forth:¡J ri ’.e. Al! the importanthte the we »k, con 1 maeAlaJ A large circulation jntT^ Territory. BURNS SAWMILL ; rive t alion kegs $2.00 delivered at ; your home in Bu rns. I] ! . • OJCOI 1 -1 “ ”■’> « i| ‘a'imaji tu.01 ‘iut5?n Ut|»T? •V» « jkciu ». d vjt|ayg.-.iu¡ arj'n opsX« t| CvXWi ? U .0 d -J oui -’.i purui •cjcaotSui’ : àcvdjcî rsq j - • • Fanner’s and Stockmen’s Supplies are Specialties □pooia.1 Sjrio-s Oa Largs Cash. Orders. - - - O regon . EVERYBODY CAN DRINK GOOD BEER. QI'ART BOTTLES DELIVERED IN BURNS, ; 1 50 PER I' ZI N V- *s;-S¿ia-;s3.'59p •»»i! i . j ( >' Äui rsqi / » v<» 7 . . : he M -it';. Qt <-nn t uf ex pcrieaw II URNS’ . • J.» ’.i 1AYM . \3'l 1*1:7 2yi.j wrrjv.M • • ài'it J w»}¡ q i. Ao'pwJO (. e »: • Machinery Wagons Sh. If Hardware Drv Good» Cl thing Biots Shoes Hats Caps Groceries Oils Paints Patent .lea icines Extracts Etc. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED • • ILghest otall in Leareatag Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Rct-crt 1. stern Oregon Developing Company dot s a g. neral real estate anti commission business. Buis and ••• s real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ prise-« i f a’l kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. L c.itu i of government land* and the development of the re­ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous tcrrit'-ri. J ohn E. R oderss . ecv ., O ntario . O r . JOE TUJPKER A bqni’somely tl’uitmted weak'?- p'Jnt.on of anv “cientiti’’ s. <1. •omWR ' & Co."'"’“'* 025 r II..U...0 ¿' i 7.’.7Z’’-/ d ,5 Best is good honest tea, eJ, fresh - roasted, « ir-tight If you don’t like *1 groc r returns your in full. There is no ofcI dealing in tex A Schtttiij •’* ' o-npany kan t laj.cnco We can afford ► | you try all five tlavb^j Wagon work don* i.r a satisfactory manner. All orders given after another—-of -^*1 prompt attention. — Give him a call. Bcsl tea, and g£‘ j money back if X°u 1 iikc any. Your tea-trade uj I Our fee returned if wo fxil. Any one »en lintr «ketch and de«<-ription of rext ten years *nv invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the ra’ent- having. MAIN ST.. BURNS PATENTS GUARANTEED abibty of same. “How to Obtain a lLter.:" sent upon requt -t. Patent* k A C- - W Sous Franc »c® ■eewrd through ns advertved for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without char in T hk rantxT R«ix»xn.an illustrated and widely circulaud journal, cotmited by Manufacturers arid Investors. Send fcr sample copy FREE. Address, * <• V»CE M TO FATSWMOlUn K £» i PATENTS-^ ardiva VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., i-Inrer.- e Ar* (Patent .Ittorners,, Evans Building, WASHiKCTOM, 0. C. ; E »* . ■ r. •• • „ Ffi ■ i