Wvv¥ gone home. At the final talk with A Great Newspaper. President McKinley he was in­ vited to visit the island and see Liwsn. - - Oregon. The Sunday edition of the St. for himself the conditions there Louis Republic is a marvel of I •ATURDA T MAY and learn from contact *of the in­ modern newspaper enterprise. I habitants of the love and affec­ OREGON The orginization of its news ser­ Machinery Wagons Shelf Hardware Drv Goods Cl thing tion the Cubans have for us. The vices is world-wide, complete in Boots .Shoes Hats Caps Groceries Oils Paints Patent Med­ — — Maiivtr JtUIA N *YKD visit of the commission will prove icines Extracts Etc. every department; in tact, superi- - beneficial and the Cubans now or to that of any other newspaper. I Farmer’s and Stockmen’s Supplies are Specialties Well, well, what will happen have a better understanding as to The magazine section is illus­ iKitnr. the intentions of this government. M HEPI LH next? Here is a priest in the Special Prices On I*arge Cash Orders. ir». trated in daintily tinted colors and 1* —.»Art lor TISK Fron» Hantingtoa Ore East who proposes taxing un­ splendid half-tone pictures. This »»•»••«••••••••«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Salt Lake.Denver.Ft. married men. A dispatch from T he T imes -H erald contem­ section contains more high-class Worth, Omaha, Kan Boston says; The eighth annual plates getting out a midsummer literary matter than any of the »as Citv, St Louis.1 1 45 a.m reunion of the Irish Knights of St. edition sometime during August monthly magazines. The fashions l-:35 Chicago and East. Mary’s Parish, of Cambridge, or September next which will illustrated in natural colors are___j___ took place tonight in the Cam­ cover everything in the county especially valuable to the ladies. ' Atlantic Salt Lake.Dfcnver.Ft, 3:35 bridge Port Gymnasium. Rev. Every article will be written with The colored comic section is a 1 Express Worth, Omaha. Kan- p tn. 2:10 ..as City, St. Louis Thomas Ccully, in a short ad­ a view to inducing homeseekers genuine laugh-maker. The funny ZDxessecl X-vunci.'bST, p ui ¡Chicago aid I asl. dress, snoke a few plain words to our section and will he by men cartoons are by the best artists. ISvistic and. ZF’locxirig', to the unmarried men of that par­ who understand such busines. It The humorous stories are high **t. Paul Walla Walla, L»-wi»-. 12:35 tori. Spokane, Minne- ish. He declared that hereafter will also contain many half tone class, by authors of national rep- E at Mail 1 45 lapolia, St. Pau), Du- a. iu. he proposes to tax all unmarried pictures. The mill is situated in one of the finest bodies of Pine and Fir timber in ! utli Milwaukee, Chi-I ' utation. Eastern Oregon. The proprietors have spared no expense to put the road in .-ago i nd East. men in his parish over 25 years Sheet music, a high-class, pop-, of age $95 a year until they reach The opening of the street lead­ ular song, is furnished free every' .. ., good condition. All special orders receive prompt attention An excellent quality'<>f all kinds of lumLer always on hand. For fur­ »“d «IVER SCHEDULE the age of 35, when they will be ing west toword the cemetery Sunday in the Republic. ther information call on or address taxed $50. After that age they I was a good move by the “city The price of the Sunday Re- J _ » p.m... KING & SAYER, Proprietors, Burns, Oregon. will be exempt from the tax, as : dads.” It is proposed to lay public by mail one year is $2.00. All sailing dates sub. j cl to charge. the priest claims no woman would ' sidewalk out into Morrison’s ad­ For sale by all news dealers. 4 p. Hl. 8 p Bl ■ !■— - ------ For San Francisco care to marry them then. He said: dition as far as W. C. McClain’s every 5 days. “I do not propose to open a ' residence and complete it to the _ I Bright Boya Started in Business. Columbia Hirer I p. IU. • 8 p. m matrimonial agency, but some­ ¡cemetery from that point by sub- Mesmers. 0. M. KELLOGG. Manager. 'Die publisher» of the famous big I Ex Sun. ■ To Astoria and Way Except thing has got to be done to keep ; scription. Every citizen will con- Leaves Burns daily at 8 o’clock a m., arrives at Ontario in 42 hours Saturü’y ¿unday. Landings. illustrated weekly newspaper, P enn so many of these bright young | tiibute toward this move. Fare One way »8. Round trip $15. Through freight 3Jcts. lb. sylva - nia G rit , are now placing 10 p. in.' Two dayr notice at any P. O. on the route and coveitd coaches men from becoming bachelor».” representatives at every post office Willamette Kim. will be furnished for passangers. St, Mary’s parish is one of the in Oregon, and tiiey desire to secure Oregon City, New 4:30 p m The nice warm rains of the past the services of capable hustling lì a. m. The management has put on fresh stock and passengers will find largest and most influential in, Except berg, Salem and Way Except this route the shorted between Burna and the railroad. few days have been very benilici- agents in each of the following Sunday. Landing*. Sunday. Cambridge. al to the grain crops near this towns in Harney county: Burns, Drewsey and Harney, and in such 3:30 p ni place. A large acreage has been other tow ns as are not already sup­ Monday We are in seceipt of a prospec­ Eurns-Canyoi. Stage Line sown to grain on land that connot plied. Ths work is profitsble mid Wt-d, & tus of the ¿'opalis Oil Co., of be irrigated and the rain came pleasant. A portion of Saturday J Friday. A Sat. Portland, Oregon. The property just in time to be of most benefit, i only is required, No money what­ Metschan & Cozad, contractors. ever is required. Over -VXK) agents Willamette Hiver. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expess 4:30 p in of this company lies at Grays Should the weather continue fa­ are doing splendidly. Everything Leave Burns Tuesday .Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City Portland Corvallis ¡Tuesday Harbor, Wash. The officers and vorable it will insure thousands i is furnished free. Stationery, rub- and Way Landings Thura & . Huntington. Oregon Skinner will be remembered by BURNS, OREGON A. L. CRAIG, many here, having spent several START A BUSINESS OF YOUR Gen. Puss Ae't. Portland. Oregon weeks in Burns during the winter A. L. MOHLER, President. Shop opposite old Brewery OWN of 1900 in tin- interest of the Port­ Satirfacion All work done with neat.» be m u dispatch. Up-to-flate job printing at reason-1 land Building & Loan Association. live us a call. M oney able prices. Parties wishing to see a prospec­ Horse buyers are already ar ­ tus should write Mr, Skinner, general office 321 Morrison St riving for the big horse sale to be Portland, Or. The “count” will held here May 20-21-22. If the be glad to accommodate any of horsemen will only gather up his friends in this section and give their stock and have them ready them an opportunity of securing for inspection al that date there is very little doubt but th it all HARNEY... stock in his company. ...OREGON. can sell at a good price. SILVER THE IWl¡- !K iga Money the Prfciaf lostrae-.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Civilization and Prsross Hats Vp Sts? Wû Ma nj Sappi, ufojp S horeline A ko U nion P acific The Money Question dis^uss-4 ia N light of experience aud history. I The Leading Bimetallic Taper of Atat> U. S. Senator W. M. ST EV.’A A correct account of the doi^ * Congress given each v’-ek. | BURNS SAWMILL Burns-Ontario Stage Line. ROBT. IRVING, Prop Secretary M. I). Wisdom has We are glad to note .so mm h just received from the printer the improvement going on in our State Fan Premium List for 1901. city at this time, although th Ov -r $:vi,ooo is offered for pre­ building season has not yet fairh miums cn livestock and farm pro­ ducts, and is by far the largest begun. It is safe to say that on population will be increased 5‘" lind best premium list ever offered j-iy next fall. in this state. The list has been thoroughly revised, and brought up to date in every department. Should this season prove g<>o< New premiums have been added, and what grain h is been put ii and others increased on at tides make a good crop, Harney valley most worthy of merit. Oregon will have doubled the out put ot can host now of as complete and any prev :011s year. liberal premiums as any state in the union, and if haul vvmk and Fence up the grazing lamls of earnest etfoits on the part of the Eastern Oregon and you crowd management counts foi anything, the fair itself w ill compare favor­ . the small stockmen and rancher* ably with those of older states, to the wall. Shut out those men lind will be the Iwst ever held and you sounil the death knell to this side of the Rocky mountains. the future growth of the count1 v. V ale Democrat. Will the presidcnti.il pm tv in »teaming through thia wonderful country cron« it with eye» closed or will they aee the advantage» of a aytlem of irrigatioii which will ndd untold wealth, popula- tion and industry to thia nation? It icmains for the people of the VV’est to unite, not only in a wel­ come to the President and his |>arty, but to also, at every tuin and chance, bring their attention to the wonderful iniluence of waler upon the arid country.— Winnemucca Silver State. r— Aft Judge Win. Miller returned from tile Burns court this week. He repotts no crimuul business and very little civ il buaiitcaa be­ fore the court. In a good coun­ try, mk I i as Hurns is the center, the people have but little time to litigate, When a.k rd ah >ut how the boys were getting along at Burns, the Judge said they were ••busy.”—Vale Democrat. The Cuban mmmisaion, which Visited Washington I (•’ rrrk ’ >» Harney Valley Brewery MILLER HODEOKE2333 MILES ¡N 132 HOURS a Enterprist. Ontario is to have a new tire tinnii warehouse, to be erect, d I v the buaine«» men of Ontario for the free storage of wool, to be run on inde|>ei»dent nasi* and not con- trolled bv any one concern, which will lx> completed in lime for thia seasons business. Wool growers who store ihe Send model, drawing or photo., with dor ■ [lion. We advise, if patentable ------ or not, - ■ hi ® •charge. Our fee not c due --------- - „ till ,------- patent J » ... YX.. is sea *. . a Lj-i — 1 'A P amphlet , “ How l<> Obtain Patents.'■ n ‘ cost 3 same in the U. S. and foreign»^ • sent free. Address, ;C.A.SFWW£C(1 OS* » and Voter Ought to Know. THE I9(i W orld A lh AND ENCYCLOPEDIA Containing Full Inform Upon All Statistical Faa and Figures, 1 The On Politician Will Want a copy- I A New 801 Congress, i p* Complete Guide to t Forthcoming Election! of 1900. SPECIAL ! The South Afx 5. > War; Warinthth | FEATURES. -----------------> ippines; The tan lutes tional Peace Our'n __ Congress; Sjn^ress; Our\r and Military Establishments;Tn ' Samoan Settlement; The Gt Trusts and Their Capitalization,! many other subjects ot equally'- interest. ________ A complete History of exh¡ the Ships in the Amena Nsvy, by Edgar Stanton Kit' lay, Historian U. S. Navy, O regon . THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUA. ‘Price I Postpaid to any id» THE WOPI^ Local .Agents Malli, ur ( W ni. Conley, ltulah, Lytle Howard. W-.rf»ll Tnsot »*• Dtsw« C oryrk « ht ,‘ Aurone sending a sketch and qu.cKly tuu'-AH-nn our opinion free»*" Invertton is probably pntentaMe. < offi»» ti .. s strictly confidential. Handbook»? sent free. (»! |n«t t-cenry for securingJ** Patents taken »hroaelt Munn A (>* < »preuU notice, without ehnrtrc, in tb« NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO. Factory, BELVIDERE. ILL. E. O. D. 0 •» J ft o ; s. r. WHITE, V>ci naawoot W. R SEBREE, Caamn b Tirsi Rational Bank c ? I Scfentific Rmerici HEAEQUARTERS AT ONTARIO. OREGON. A handsomely ti’istrwted weeklv. laf* * ruiat.on f nnv-cienriac Journal. V* ’C .r: f-n.ir men’ns. «1. Sold by all t *®**??® Eastern Oregon Developing Company doe* a general real estate anti commission business. Buys and sells real estate, mines and mineral lands, business enter­ prise* of all kind*, horses, cattle, sheep, etc. Location of government land* and the development of the re­ sources of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. J ohn E. R obf . rss , ecy ., O ntario , O r . CALDWELL, IDAHO A Generell Bunkinq Business Trnnsacted JOE TUPKER CORRESPONDENCE INVITED K. SxxxltJa. de 00., Carpenters and Aachitects and Estimates cheerfully furnished. .Ill irork done tn a meeham. al manner ana satisfaction ifuarnnteed. In South Burns is fnlh/ < ptipi, d to alt kinds of trark- in wood Opposite R .1 .Miller A C?i ¿^SOLL'TELY PURE Blacksmithing Horseshoeing. M AIN ST.. BURNS SV agon woi k done ..1 a satisfactory manner, prompt attention. All orders given Give him a call. Knnwnainni Broach u / l i wSthn»« A Schi.'ling A t * >mpany tranche» We can afford to b* you try all five flavors—’ after another—of SchiOU Best tea, and get money back if you ¿4 like any. Your tea - trade for q| next ten years is having. AJ.jree< VICTOR J. EVANS A CO. ^Patent XttarBeva, x-n. . ’»Y & u T rk P atbxt R bovbb . an illustrated and VbU I t ,charK*- “> by Manufacturer» and Inve»torx 7 emulated journal, consulted Send fur «ample copy FREE. -e. « F St.. WaabiDT** Sc/li/Hag's Best is si®5 good honest tea, well gr* ed, fresh - roasted, pad- air-tight. If you don’t like it,«", grocer returns your mo1* in full. There is no other $®i dealing in tea 1 ° fut through us receive sfiecisi *■ CO YU* EXPER«« E A Hi alb, Drewaey 339 BROADWAY, New York. j > PMeerBldo A<*'- Telephone TVo. S. WOLDENBERC & EERC !.. i al Agent* Hiirn-y Co. c i’. Rutherford, Burns, ,1 II Locgan. Hanncy Ready January 5 Every Patriot QUART BOTTLES DELIVERED IN BURNS, $150 PER DCZI N Superior to all others Irrespective ut price. Catalogue tells you why. W rite for one. ■ i P.TINT Orrict. WASHINaTOK. D‘ Facts That Five gallon kegs $2.00 delivered at your home in Burns. HOWCHO SlSRll. P.IMM.T New BURN? A family paper for the hom-ai»^ side. All the important happeaiapJ the week, con lensed, in newscoha^ A large circulation iu every StateaJ * wasHmcvoe. o. o. ■PÀTENTS^W » luvict as TO eaTt«Ts«RiTV ffi[ -our. a «« - bKEI » B-*.k h ™ to 0MB.B IUna’ 1 I ■ , i A a - h . - N-.N.U-.: p»or' »“¡T I Krtrt:» a » v . t. F o-.__ a . ___ I