i for his ignorance if he doesn t A Great Newspaper. know enough to find it out. Oregon. Beauty is only skin deep, but it The Sunday edition of the St answers '.he purpose just as well Louis Republic is a marvel of i SATURDAY. APRIL 0.IM. is if it were deeper. modern newspaper enterprise. I A hopeless man is deserted by The orginizafiot! of its news s OREGON Machinery Wagons Shelf Hardware Dry Goods Cl thing — Mnaager himself, and he who deserts him­ J t 1.1 A N B ¥KI> Boots Shoes Hats Caps Groceries Oils Hints Patent Med- vices is world-wide, complete hort ine self is soon deserted by friends.— every department; in tact, superi- I iciues Extract. Etc. The practice of irrigation is Grit. or to that of any other newspaper. AMD nlom acific Farmer’s and Stockmen’s Supplies are Specialties gradually invading eastern regions The magazine section is illus­ H< Hl ltnver.Ft, Worth, Omaha. Kan- The colored comic section is a Exprès- -as the experiment station which has the section of which considerable City, St Louis 2:10 already demonstrated that money has been said and written recently, genuine laugh-maker, 'Pile funny Chicago ai.d Fast. p tu IDressed. I-Axxxx‘ber, can be made by irrigating even in being designated as the Pueblo f all kinds of lumber always on hand. For fur­ ?„ ,1... . ......... ’ 0CEAS....1 KinaiicniaiiLF. promising finds. water er alone would furnish Mr. McNish sayH that the snow ther information cal! 00 or address The price of the Sunday Re-j__ rrowP«rU»«4 enough to irrigate a large extent had all disappeared when he started KING & SAYER, Proprietors, Burns, Oregon. A II sailing dates sub- public by mail one year is $2.00. of country. Owners of unpro- north ten days since, except on the j ct tn change. 4 p. Bl. ductive land will be quick to see higher peaks, and that the trees Eor sale by all news dealers. For San Francisco the benefit of ti.e plan. every 5 days. are all in bud. The nearest rail­ Bri’ht Boys Started in Business. The benefits of irrigation in road point is Winnemucca, Nevada lulnmbla River _____ • 8 p. in strainers. arid regions are well known, It 100 mile* south, from which point C. M. KELLOGG. Manager. To AMon.i and Way The publishers of the famous big ' y* x is also certain that in seasons of ¡ all freight and provisions come. illustrated weekly newspaper. 1’ e . xn ^»turü y I eaves Burns daily at 8 o’clock a m., arrives at Ontario in 42 hours Landings. Fare One way »8. Round trip $15. Through freight 3^cts. lb. plenteous rain the sandy lands in The road is kept in good condition SYLVANIA G hit , are now placing , 10 P* Two dayt notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches Wisconsin produce excellent crops in all seasons by the Borax com- representatives at every post oilice i Willamette Kiner. will be furnished for passangers. while in dry seasons they fail to ' pany. the works of which are only in Oregon, and they desire to secure | (. n| Oregon City, New 4:30 p ni The management has put on fresh stock and passengers will find the services of capable hust'.ing j |.'XCI. ,t Salem and W ay Except live miles from his claims. This agents in each of the following , ^uh,j lv berg, Landings. make returns to the farmer. this route the shorted between Burns and the railroad. Sunday. company keeps a train of wagons towns in Harney county: Burns, ¡_ on the road constantly, hauling Drewsey and Harney, and in such Willaniettr A Yamhill 3:30 p m River. If the internal history of the borax to Winnemucca, which is other towns as are not already sup­ Oregon City, Payton Monday Eurns-Canyoi. Stage Line plied. Ths work is profitable and studied American Republic is shipped from there to San Frrncis- and Way-Landings Wed, & pleasant. A portion of Saturday I Friday. carefully, however, the conclu- co over the Central Pacific. only is required, No money what­ Metschan & Cozad, contractors. There 1* no extensively developed ever is required. Over 5000agents G a. m I Willamette Hirer. ,4:30 p m Bion will be reached that national Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expess Everything I Tuesday . r,.„? Portland Corvallis Tuesday irrigation, properly wrought out, mine in the district, but a man are doing splendidly. ii- I.?ave Burns Tuesday .Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City furnish’d free. Stationery, rub- Tliurs i and Way Landings I'llurs & intermediut > >oints, Fare $5. is likely to shortly come to the named O'Connor is working an aru- is ' Sat. her stamp, ink mid pad, advertis-l Sst front a.s one of the most impor­ l stra on free milling gold ore from a ing matter, sample copies, etc. ' Leave tant national questions of the day. 24-foot ledge, with apparent good Papers are shipped to lie paid for | Leave Kuaka Hirer. results. He claims that the ore at the end of each month. Those 1 lliparia, Lewist'n " ---- : - It embodies, in its truest sense, only goes live or six dollars, but pm not sold are not charged for Write j 1:2t) a in Hiparía to Lewiston. 8:30 a tn the question of home building, Daily. tests indicate very much higher to Grit Publishing Co., Williains- Dai V. and the American people have 1 values. James Ashdown is put- port Pa., and mention Till-: T imks - A N. H oah , SHELLEY announce °3?elex5hone ISTo. 3. work in some p.ut of the country. their upp lintment of delegates to The inventive genius of safe man- to attend tin, couferei.ee on tnx- WOLDENBERC & BERC ufaclurers has not kept up u ith ntion, culled to nxet nt Ihitl’ilo, the talent develop« d by men tv ho May 23 and 24 by the National Ci­ •) ¿'upertor to all others Irrespective seek wealth without toil and vic Federation. At the headqmir- Agent« I’arn-y Co. LrAc.il Agents* Mnlb»ur Co. C o< price. Catalogue tells you Itor«, notice of the appointnii'iit of Itullirrfoid. Burn«, C. swc.it of the brow. The machin­ m. Cooley. Rullili, why. Write for one. delegates hss bean received from .1 Loegan. Ilanniy Lytle Howard, W mii LII ist supplies ti'ol, that perforate Hi ath, Drewaey the governors of M.smuri, Maine E ................................... Vale the hardest ntecl while modern and Montana. The call f t the ; Ji'SAL SEVJG MACHINE CO., i chemistry is icsponsible for ex­ eonfetence is signed by leading JJ9 I .¿OAtftV YÏ . Factory, Calerà. HELMDERL. ILL. plosives with ahnost mihnuteil economists, tax experts and public rending capabilities. Plenty of men representing all |n»rtioes of ■7 light, a watchman jm) a dog ale, country and all interests. The let HEADQUARTERS AT ONTARIO. ORECOZL 4» I us of your, the best safcguaids ter of invitation says: B F WHITE, \ o “For many decades the state ugainst the burgler.- Ex. F. ¡«tern Oregon Developing Company doc« a general have been building IIJ> independei.t ie.il estate and commission buaine-s. Buy* ami sells systems of taxation without refer­ real estate, mines and mineral lands, buaines*. enter­ ence to each other, until now ne /A prise, of all kind«, horse«, cattle, sheep, etc. Localion have a state of affairs bordering on of go'.ernm. nt land« and the development of the re­ M emotv is the tax-gatherer <>( chaos, where each state is pracli- source* of Eastern Oorgon and contiguous territory. ] fh the past. eallv fighting nearly every ol het /A J ohn E R oberss , ecy ., O ntario , O r . Egotism is an alphabet of only state. Some property is taxed three or four times, while other one letter. k General Bankinq Busine-s transacted Time well arranged indicates a property is not taxed at all. Cor- |Hirate activity has largely changed well ordered mind CORRESPtiNDENCB INVITED The greatest liar is he who the cliatacter ot individual invest­ ment. Industry has overstepped talks llv st of hulls. If. the boundries ol any one state, and Life is too short to be wasted eomiuereiai interests are no lunger in hatred and |wtt\ worrits. eon fined to mere ltf> v eht'■ rfuli’j furnished. prmr.pt attention. _ Give hjm a caU |«aved with mdustit and frugality |K', t,d to settle any of th-* problem* .¡Il u\p» /i fu ,!n all kinds of work lor it. Opposite II .7 .Miller À Co’s A wise mm occasion]v makes committee to w rk o il some basis in ¡rood- mistakes, but he doesn’t lepcat tor future action.” Onr fee returned if we foil Any one «emling sketch L.1 Highest of all .a LeiTcoing I ewer.— Latest V. S. Gov't Report them. xny invention w'.l promptly ireceive our opinion'free concerning the’pMer't \\ iwttn Ti stvoxtii » mtn vxi’ »hmy ci Mme -How to OtOm » P*u>nt" .ent up..« requJL KL The worst evil we hate WoM*n to travi I and atveru-e for vl «ecurvd through n» advertwcl for sale M our expenaa. * U tend with in this world is insin­ r«tab’i-ke4 beu.e < f -elei fiu.nci r.itent token out through u« ne-aive xA-.-r.J » ■«.. » — ui ___ cerity. •(•’.irr.- Salar, * year and ex A fool knows other people* pen«e*. »I p«,a'>le in e«»h N.i r*n<- sìng mia red Give Minaeei aw I Send for umple copy FREE. Addreaa. business (letter than a wise man elo«a «elf ad.irv««ed ,*an.p«d env VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., A.tdrvaa Maus, r. 'lòA 11'jn knows hi* own. A man should not be blamed Chicago x~n. .„asm,, . »».„me™., o. c. LY PURE She £inK5-Mirra(d GENERAL MERCHANDISE I L S U Civilizaron ant P p .’ w * Hare K»pt SUjW liMjkjSsWljiaAlHu. i* I I I ’ The Money Question 61 soused ia the1 light of experience aud history. ’ P The Leading Bimetallic Paper of .»aeritl 3 U. s. Senator W. M. STEWART,fa ----- i A correct account of the dcinjs a'| Congress given each week. A family pap.-r fortbe home and fcZ side. A’llhe important happenigpjj the week, cou lensed. in news column,/ A large circulation in every State am I Territory. ___ I* BURNS SAWMILI Burns-Ontario Stage Line. BOLT. IRVING, Subscription Price, Si Per Year. t i Send for sample; agents wa®te< I I Published weekly by the I , Sitver Knight Publishing c« WASHINGTON, D. C. e % i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and allh, ' ¡ent business conducted for M oderate F eei i O ur O ff ce is opposite U.S. P atent Orns Jand we can secure patent in less timetluati» ] iremote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with des.— Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not,fan J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secure: <'A P am ph lit . “How to Obtain Pateab,"J 1 ¡cost of same tn the L • S. anu foreign cousin J sent free. Address, C.A0SN0W&CQ h 0.« P.TtNTOrncr W ssmiscto , t: Ì•* -- Facts That__ Every Patriot January k and Voter Ought to Kaow. THE Containing Full Informal Upon All Statistical Fic and Figures, The New Will Waati * copy. Congress. ** B A Complete Guide tot Forthcoming Election of 1900. A complete History of e^ the Ships in the Amena Navy, by Edgar Stanton Si lay, Historian U. S. Navy, THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNl' Five allon kegs $2.00 delivered at your home in Burns. Trice Postpaid to mydt THE WOHL <1 pu[¡iatrB!d<1 ¡j, no VW 0.00 : TRXDtk W. Dta» CoevNMrtH Anmn<» M»ndlng a sketch and nu.i K’v :w< erta.Ti Mir . i imon Inveì tn>n ia prnhablv r .t»” t«ihle. *'*<^^^fl tl .. w.r-tctly c . fl-tcfi.i). Bi-i’t freo. O|.|e«t r een, v fi r M Patente taken »hr<>uj't Munu tj’ -.i! noti ', w,ff <>nt cli.ree, in ih» ■ Sclentilic flmeiwl EL 0. D. C CALDWELL, IDAHO JOE TUPKER Blacksmithing Carpenters and Aaohitects Baking Powder Horseshoeing. G The ___________ South Ih FEATURES. < War; War in th:J ippines ; The te tional Peace Contre ingress; Our\ and Military Establishments;' ,< Samoan Settlement ; The fr. Trusts and Their Capitalization, many other subjects ot equally interest. ________ SPECIAL Prop first ilaiionai Bank l?0 AND ENCYCLOPEDIA Harney Valley Brewery Belvidere Mi % •E» A handiomelv il' t«trafed wcp K i T* c't'f/i ir. "f *1'1 »• -H-tcr.' ¡,]r- Journal. ” ’’ " ’ t"iir mon’os. Jl. Sold by l ÌUN?I Co.: IffiK St_ 'Va-hl«e-^M| Sc/ii!H;?gs Best is s:f| good honest tea, well iw ed, fresh-roasted, f/r air-tight If you don’t like itw groc. r returns your ®- ■ in full. ■ There is no other • -~ dealing in tex A Sktu ng Jk ''‘mpAny Sar. p r« twea 4 We can afford t3 fl you try all fix c Uiv r^Lm alter ani >ther—of 5. Bat tea. and get money back if you S like any. Your tea-trade f*H next ten years is ' having. *s*‘ -,-ar«—^aa __ ' patfnt ’► ■Al Ell | V^ V ¿fl ____ Fí • Wffl 1 . '■\rt-x « N« fee til' m-x-Uv e—Meo '--3