u rrm I been printing a statement, borne She f 1 hat’s the trouble with him. He barbed w ire fences. lias been Irving to live lip to them Dining the Sos these cattle \\ hilt d> es lie do.- BURNS SAWMILL Three the week, cun use 1, in n.»___ A large circuirli ju iu every Territory. htsso r •. < < mend it. The t«»p of ttc lejion is olwnysclvsod.fhe mechanism th ; mo.it sim­ ple, the flnish e'e^ant, the form attractive. It t.-r.'s < • • . . ' * ' • mote accv.rj* iy «nd r»!«nt th.. ivitliaUttlamor_•fort. than any other ri le. For deer take.1 3S-S5 rr ¿3-39. I .<«v4i9*«r by Hcc.. .|,ta .. for 3 stamp«. M arum F irs A rms C . -’ m W New MAVt J. CONN. < If s ^szEc-LLld.ing'. ns many d. >p< iadoes were found “Breakfast sh->iial be the I dead al- ng tl.e !\ m ■ as I ini hci s in -id t.f the dm .” A reign of let i - ■ \\ hat al •• .'.ollie i thei - . spciial si » ai . t tl.e le -l.i'ure “Run or walk two link was called and the b.iions ■ ic breakf.is'," and “Never attv npi eeeiled in g. t ing a law | - .1 to d > am th ng on an empty stom­ making it a felony to cut a wire ach ” on a fence post But tic- dcpie- Am moi i • datlons on tl.e frmei went oil, “ 1 ake a i ok! bath the fii st thing and the lieXI legislature icpealed in tlx- im-rning," and ••!<< inemhei all I ■ in s pel t uning In the matter the slio. k to the si stem of suddi li­ and the l aions relir.d to o-.lict ly eni iitinli i aig hi.it or cold i> lidds of sp. , ul itni i. vol injurious." These ;; lint er» ¡.I Stirck Am thing i Ise ; bi-ml- will ntti nipt anxioiug (ur “ Never u-e a piliowand “The »peculation, but they i.e- m \\ m refreshing sleep is h id w hen ov ei the s,icr< d ii-i ts ot the plo­ the he.iil I is semi wli.lt elevate. licet s and si tth i s of t' ie country, Is that I all? I h:« class in t)i «■ in, to a man. Oh. dr rar, no. There is opposed to the p op >-c-d le dreils of t these rules, »ysleni. Then let the people Url stance: • “Do not get in 'o work. Petition vow repre •vil» it sleeping m the daytime” am: tap;vs tn Congic'S t op.- . t •• Mwais take a short nap m t matter and if tliev >gm> e vour afternoon;'* “Eat only at meal­ Mp|Mal b l them lake the c- ii«c times** .tad “Eat wln-never v.> quernes . D. n m .it are hungrj “E >t n > me it” an ••If you would be e the extent tv of fresh me < mpire « m- o i kx k e e i y <*ngo . Of haw Published weekly by t> Sitver Knight Publish! WASHING WASHINGTON, D. The nidi istitu itili in ime d tl.e finest badie» of l’ine and Tir tituber in Basti rn Oregon. The prnpi:i-t< rs have a pi. ri T no exp-nseto put thè rcad in Vt •_«*. •’ _______ r ••ood conditi ni All tpeiial ordi r» receive proiiq t atti-ctinn An ixei ll. i t qn.ility ■ f all kii òr et lunAer uiways on l and. d d yA\■<; •a ru/ 'J k ' * I-'or t'ur- tl.er inforuialion cab on or addn ss KING & SAYF.lt, Picptietjrs, l’mns, Ongon. ira • Caveats, and I radc-Ma: Sent business conducted for I O ur O~ f ce is opposite U. s .F» and we can secure patent in letttia remote from Washington. Surns-Cntario -Stage Ztine. C. M. KELLOGG. Mann ger. I.< nve» Bums daily at X n’ek < k a in., arrives nt Ontario in 42 hours Fare Oneway*«. Round trip-H-v. Through freight b.cts. th '1 wo dayf n< tire at any P. O. tn (Lett ute and coveted teaches will be furnished for passangers. TbtP mairagpiuent haw put on fiv.'h stock and nasccngfcrs will fine, this route the shorted between Burns and tile railroad. Send model, drawing or photo.,wj Lion. We advise, if patentable charge. Our fee not one till a P amphlet , “ H cost of same in th sent free. Adurea Facts That Every Patriot Metschan ns zî :■ .i;5—40 Years the Standard 1. in Insist on ' : . Í3 2. J tn A ” ' * T'.el v if ist rated weekly. I* < . •■" .* t / *««if »ajturfiA^ ™ p-.ar n:-n* nr. ?!. Sold t? adI** Costs no more 'han inferior package soda— never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni- ’■( • Hade ualy by CHUACH & CO., Hew York. .f'r -trri r-iroyee nic«» * »’.«! L«€ea. *mer«r«rga Vratrs , ' • T. jj •? thi e!4e«t . Mt < • s > ae-lca w ,.nj it».», ■ . Me » * tn.n< war. *■ ‘ - r< ’ 311 Age* • t:t> wr* u. onwr f..r • . ' ’• ¿7 fr»e. Ve t. .’• a.l U.ei.;K u( aaaua«« M* WHOLESALK PRICES ko . 1. F-rm Ilarn«' j -. I® -i. .25 F 3t_. Wu -bO^- . A/. / ■ ■ "ou honest tea, well« ed, fresh - roasteJ, air-tight. If you don’t like it'j groc-r returns your ci in full. There is no other 4 dealing in tea. «**»£>»»*! c.v;. i tired ... :1 • ' ' acid by grocer» everyw-h- re 7!. .T- tr 1 rk < ’x vinteli i « iiccit ni a ir ! ;rs , Î (tff t • r-afeed st'rie i.trta in. Lu r/Srcemct >. <7 «• r fl ut IU iti * fl dj Usti Iti I'.t'nr. s c i t lie ciptaed Li¡ •4 à. .1 j rni/Hi Hrirli Idcrs c iii ’ iii / Tt R ' i. < i sir : i : Idin a i ill ad harr the U T fi Co. A versally acknowledged purest in tbe world. Ltlx c \ Anvnn« sending n Fketrh and AMR qnicK’.y us-^-ri tut « r t-pinion frW” Inver ti.»n t« probn’ lv f tertable. 1 • tioim strictly conti ‘enfiai. Hg’i-ltxw«* s -it fro-?. <'i u-t » g. g, v for r cart'.’ P-tTi-nut 1 ik -n -lir-,i^h j’linnl® Jp. J : ■;W»ifr33»»J»3>»sSí»»^ l- i--, H ir.n. O.-eg n. j SPECIAL FEATURES. ÏEVINÜ HARNEY U :t I* Be A Complete Guide t Forthcoming Electr of 1900. oo <* ' m it ■■ f it Ra ?■ M . Januar ;., r i irrespective -...' ;uo tells you V. rite i ar one. busi /H’.N'.V J> O fp . P atent O and Vote? Ought to Kacw. E urns-Canyu». S’.age Line ■ 'U ■ 'NTT. M -- Subscription Price, ?! Send for sample; ageauw ; I'i 132 ItCUitS Old hunters say The MAR LI N barons got possession of the pub­ Everj tin >g lit i - told to do and lic 1 mils <4 Texas and fenced them when he isn't di-mg am thing else til. The small stockmen and he worries because- the rules an- r.inchei s could not’v i it one anoth­ so conflicting. er or go abonl :b< - pre.,i -es f.-i And is undermining his l.ca' the wire fem es 1 H< \ purch.r- d Sui t-. 11 would iindei mine .inv “i lippers" and i oil • ci ei v night one's liea'lli. and they cut wire fences as thev W hat are - -me t f the t rode. I’he I ai on • emploi cd des­ Well, heie .11 e two of the n peradoes t<> hoot tlii in, l-ut ah'-ut ••Eat only a light b-eakfa-.!," p-per» A correct Accmint of f*u Congress given each week. . Rules of Health. fhem out of the way. the pii'iiiises or ! Ii would possibly result in starving the small men out or running Or, if tli.-v sh< .id « o ® e e Special Z’ris. s On Largo Cash. Orders. u Too ! their Ci.Lus’Ioi nil P ■ S a;'.»' Farmer’s and Stockmen’s Supplies are Specialties IS in Aioaey ibe Pt Line Machinery (Vneons Shelf Hardware Dry Goods Cl thin_> Units Sillies flats Caps Groceries Oils faints f'atent Med­ icines Extracts Ere. LINC P acific \ Oregon • GENERAL MERCHANDISE few people. V ery- every department; in fait, superi­ or to that of tiny oilier newspaper. large tracts of land are in single The last national stockman’s The magazine section is illus­ ranches which some day will be convention, recently adjourned, trated in daintily tinted colors and Pt 'iirt for rime mchicbulicm A ICICI VE I cut up into smaller farms for a reiterated their old rotton chest­ from From Hunt i it ¡.'ton Ore This splendid half-tone pictures, nut by passing a resolution re­ greater number of people. Har- section contains more high-class Chicago. s ,]t Lake.p.-nver. Ft. commending the leasing of the ney county, now poor in assessed Worth, Omaha, Kun I wealth but rich in natural resour­ literary matter than any of the Fort! r».de by all news dealers. j ct to charge. w ho hoped lo make a hit in this the Nicaragua canal. 4 p. in. j « p Hl For San Francisco country. But when he met the It is stated that several every 5 days. blizzard prevalent on bis side here have been in conference I'oiumbla BI ver 1 p. hi . ' 8 p. m lie closed up liko a darn. Stc AintTN. Tin- pniilisberH of tin- famous big I’resid"nt Mi Kinley' in an f Ex S ide To Astoria and Way Except illustrated iv - kiy newspaper. P exx Then if the ordinary stockmen I to interest the executive it Sunday. Satui‘i’\ Lauding». svi . va . ma (¡ hit , are now plaemg [ ID p. n of this country are not in favor of project. representatives .it every post olii- -.- the leasing system, who arc and 'Hits act on the part of these in Oregon, aiei they desire to secure Willamette Hiver. why should they be? I syndicators more and more proves the l'crvic- s of eipable liust'.init ■ 6 a. ni. Oirgon City. A' W Í :30 p in igi-nts in each of ttie following ' Exi-.-pt berg, Salem and \\ ay Exct pt They aie rich stock holders of the necessity for a thorough Landings. towns in Harney county: Burns, I Sundav Sunday. the gigantic livestock a- fil iations, American canal, owned and con­ Brew ey and 1 larnev, ami in such I WIBauiettr & \amhill 3:30 p ni who have no practical knowledge trolled by the American govern- ot her to« os ns a re not al i endy sap­ I 7 a in. Hiver. of slot ki ising, or sympathy for i merit, and foltified at its pleasure, plied. 'i li- work is profitable ami | r.-i> day 1 )rr god ( ity, Da\tot Monday pleasant. A portion of Saturday 1 -ll.l 1J «nd Way-Landings Wed.A the man wl.o ride and toils in the We want no private canal only is required, No money whit 1 A Sat. Friday. si|ge brush, but merely tigtire on schemes supported by this gov- ever is required. Over '<■ 8) agents 1 V’.ilanieti* Hirer. 1 30 p in E veri thing ‘ rt Pa., and im ntion '¡Ti:-: T imes - Dai ■. I A N. H oar , in overalls and boots are riding forever at their inert y. Sacra- H eiiai . h . Huntington. Oregon tbe ranges. mento Bee. A. I. CRAIG. They wish to lease the public Gen. Pass Ae’t. Portlmal. Oregon r A L MOHLER, President. domain bei in there is big money A contractor by the •t.itnc of F III it for them. In every position Newton I levdon . MRS '.i r. < : AV rights of others. Im a few cents Heirs sprung up all over the .- per acre and a sm.ill sum addi­ .-/■/! .1 -i-Z I'liuntr., and there was a prospect 4 a.'ìci c/itan. < >hs Zjaò/o unii tional they i in lease and fence of much liligatii n until it was as­ w 'jfs u'/f.'i t'.s b7st. every acre of the public lands of certained that Ins entire assets : Ginn, (ILE IN REPS- this country. Wh.it matters it to were less than $p. Several al­ t 'rie- li >v. liti.- r-d'lii- vili fìm] them if they t ike in every foot of ti i- il Ili II!me leged w idows now ha e mourning ground about the premises of the gon ns for which they have no randier or small stockman, man, or use. pyen inclose a few small ranches country are - L-wsn. "B Wlgoas, B3OIOB4S. c.asruil^l ■ - SW v- . s it .-.JIn Ot Koad W1--T. «. ----a With I Ct >r.iw. SCO. ' Tcp Ru m to« ~ MS. P^Mtons - lo.L m A Suh:’it »an z t ra.iosoo ‘ '»npiny iU We can afford to S? d «Architects harness . you try all five flavor?^ «— Wssinrt, Mil.,Mita. <'.< t'heerfulbi furni.Hii'il after another—of mutiner mm ■'Htti.'f/'ac. ion W. B. PRATT, Secretary« Elknart, fnd. Ecsl tea, and get 4 money back if you ¿1 .■^dosrsr ;' 1 ■■■ <■ i'll k.iuls rork like any. .Uillcr S Co',1 ai 4 i Hi Your tea-trade ixj 3 " °t *1 ; Our fee n t m.ed we fuL hy -- . - ; >( an.j f / »text ten years » V1 Latest U.S. Gert Report MV Invenu -n wtd procpUy re vivo r «Mo « cur ex per. - 1 ' ^tli -it eUry-. ht ly M .nut i.-tnn -x ai.d ¡nVl »• rs. Send for sample copy FREE. _ ’ A l ire?,«. VICTOR d. EVANS & CO., Evans □uürfi-v’. r-'er-t rn a. * ' ► > ■ ■ -■»*» -UE ► uvç >$ n rub. Ttaurn I r WctVr !a ** nrvemtrre Aga ** L > Bock How tooouiaI*»uvts~ I WASHINGTON, D. C. It a ■s «t-tct’y <^<.4¿eFV !uL t»f ' r • Laww I