BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. XI\ BIÜ PAY POR COYOTE SCALPS who endeavor to const ive the pro­ FOR GRAZINO ON RESERVES. i SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Ye»r B'x Month. Three Month« . OFFICIAL DIRECTORY S.’.oo . .1.00 ... .7^ WILL AMOUNT TO OVER $139,01)0 FOR COVOTES AND WILDCATS. STATE—OREGON G. W. McBride. Joseph bi mon jThos. Tongue. (M A. M.»o«ly Congrersineti . ,1>. R. N. Blackburn , Attorney oetn-ral .......... T. T. Geer ' Governor. .......... ......... F I 1'uubr.r ; Secretar! ol Sta’e ......... US Moore ' Treuarer ... J II Ackerman,, Supt. Huíale Infctruct.ou. ...... VV 11 Leeds State Printer .......... Y R. S. Bean. .5 <’. Wolverton Supreme Judges F. A. Moore YiNETII JUDICIAL DISTRUT. M. 11. I’lirreni’ Dtetr:ct Judge ...... Wai Miller D^trlct Auorney ............ 1 S Geer I lomt-Reprcseuiatlve J ’,V Marrow Juiut bcbUivr . • U. S. Senators ............. | 1 Harney County Has 1 arrest Certificai. SM* Mill Psi The IM* Measure oa Bounties. fits in the business, but a satisfac­ tory solution litis not yet been reached except that Some h ive r<- ‘orted to smaller and lighter brands anti have burned them on where they will do the least injury to the hide. A N -w Z iland i lea in branding has recently been mad-.i public in this country. Satisfactory ti.-ts hive bit n made of a branding Com­ position which is applied with the ordinary iron and leaves its mark* sulli •ientl.v for ail imrptrea of iden­ tification anti durability. The composition consists of equal paits of barium sulphide and of coal tar, preferably thinnen Iv a mixture of American potash and water in equal parts by measure and spirits of turpentine, each equal in measure to the original composition. Sulp­ hides of the nlkalies or alkaline earths are often substituted for the bari-'m sulphide. Tho account from which we quote states that the liquid resulting fro n this mix­ ture is applied to the hail or wool of the animal with a cold branding iron an I destroys the hair or woo! brands the hide "in a substantially permanent and conspicuous man­ ner,” and tit it with mt injury to the hide. This testimony is unqualifi­ ed, un i the idea is certainly worthy of car» ful test on ourra: gee. Leath­ er men will hail th ■ day when the disfiguring brands will no longer came hides to waste, end it will be money saved on all hands if the New Z'dand fashion of branding call be -'ic.'essfuii.v introduced Oil our Western ranges. »Salem, Jan. 18.—Scalp bounty certificates to the amount of over $4000 were received at the cilice of th" secretary of the state today The largest certificate was that for $110G, is-’.it’d by Ilarnev county to J. M. Da.ton. of Burns. This in­ COUSTT—U A RK F. T strument certifies to the killing of . June» V «furrow Cnonty Judge .. . - , II. lUt hb’«'"--I. 400 coyotes "fine G3 wildcats. Up Clerk K V Miller T: assurer............... .... JR Johnson to the close of the y ir P.- HI, scalp Surveyor .................. Geo Shelley | hlterln.................. J W But 1.anau bounty warrants to tho amount of Assessor ... J <’ Fartlcit bt-houl Snpcrl rtenatut ......... E J N oi»l< ilGO.OOi) had been issued. Since block Inspector A. Venator I t urn di loiters R J Williams i th it time the cletks in the oflice of i HARNEY Ü. S. LAND OFFICE’• the secretary of state have been loo ..Geo. W Ila cs Register .............. ....Chas. Newell 1 busy to issue warrants of any kind, Receiver................ and no record has been kept of the SOCIETIES. aggregate of certificates received, SYLVA REBEKAH Decree No.43 it is estimati’d that the total is now Meets weiy 1st and 3d Weiliit-Bday. Tillie Jordan N. G. Frankie Brenton Rec. See’y near the $110,000 mark. Only about 10 per cent cf this amount A. O. U. W.Buru« Lodge, No 47 UeeUeveryF.U«yulzbt.ADi)iHri M w has been paid into the scalp bounty E H Hoyt. Rec. fund. That the legislature, at its pre HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. Meets st Odd Fellows Hall, every «uiur-ia! sent session, will provide for the 7:3« pel, J M Dalton X.G. F ’ W Y Kin«, Sect payment of the sea!j> bounty «ar­ rant.« there seems to be little doubt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. The members from Easurn Or’gon are standing solidly for the interest- C- A- SWEEK of Ila ir section in this matter, and, attoknev at - law , ¡apparently, «ill meet with scarcely . . ! Oregon. BUTHfl, any opposition from Western Ore- GEO. S. SIZEMORE, , a hi . A huge proportion o" th" attorney , i sca’p bounty warrants hate passed p,CRN9 .............................. O regon out of the hands of the persons who Collection-, Lnn l ’-u>i ic>L wild Kva killed th” animal.« f-.r «hiehtlu iiialit r promplx Diieu'le.l f-*. lùvtrs trrigaliog. warrants wt re issued, mid ar” no« LAI.TON LB j. w amos, . .»wned by investors or slort keep: kct p rs. ■hington, Jan. IK—Secretary Diggs & Biggs , who procure them nt fron •jO to 80 Interior liitebco.k was t< ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 'cents on th j dollar. A-thf war been heard today iv th« B KNS, — — — — OKEtiOX rail’s draw 6 [■< r rent in’e-tst. th y co umittee an public lands Practice in all toe courts ; Ore vill prove a [■rolit.iLi • investment. suI j'ct of it rig ition which But aiilno.gb. th" E.is‘e:n On gon Collections promptly made. tmt.i.g so much at eution in 'itemLi rs wiil a - k f:r th * p.». n.ent C. W. I’AUni»!’ wi .-tern stat s but being u - G. A I: e ?4K c L’> of the warrant« issue 1 under the man ipitol, he sub PÄRRISU & REMBOLD, old I iw, tl.' y w 11 not ask for a con­ able to come to the c:i This strongly milted a slaloment. Attorney :it-Law, tinuance if the la w it.- e’f. »Senalor sup 'Orts the policy < 1 f irrigation Pnrn» ( < ■ « K" and en vs that a v • -t acreage cap (1,«,.t i ’...iii ie. « -I in tin- s u i’« "■ i ■ un • > « prepar-M a nclp bounty l.i.l whicl. s Sic. nu i «■• I in I ■ - i“" 1 '>«■■•'<■ ■ a itl mo: t as l: ttle ■ qip.osili a as ant •tl” should not be leit a « e ‘-rt Chas*. II. Leonard. 'bat could I k - [»’•tqi ir -d. I' h is tie ATTOliSEY-AT-I.AW, ulvaittage of requiring th" counties M r. 11 i « eh the agricultural department, and T hornton W illiams Notary Public Attorney at Law. Real L b ate Agen gray wdy» s and timber w tlves. ate! Repre-entat v- Newland« of Net­ r«quires th it th: scalps be pr>- ”t.t ti I t. who st irte 1 th" mov ment h» WILLIAMS A FITZGERALD i bill for irrigation store houses •d to th.’ comity clerk, toa th onice in old Muonic Fuil.-lr«. I 't g tIn Hun bol it river in N*v- with an nilidavit s-'ting f rt :, Btiix's, - O regon , a la also stronglv supporte«! th» among other thing«, the time wi e: Tin’ hearings today were on plan. the animals were killed: teat tin y 8. W. MILLER, Newbr 1.« bill bit this ha« the : were killed in the cotintv «-her tic ’iect as 7'7 .“.T h ’‘•TZ Tf* -cal;> is pr«sf’.li" ammutii William J. Bryan has rcfuseii a paid by thè countv. Th" state war H. KLEBS, M. D. rant» are to !«■ paiil < ir cf thè gen- big advertising propi’ition from PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON •■ral fumi. False swearing in and a repr» tentative of an English .* lap OlHee at 1>JT .ifiiilavit req'tircd by Ibis act i.« manufacturer, who offered to sign a contract for $10,00«' fir the back triade |» ’j irv. Brux.«, Or.F.uox, page of th’ Commoner fir a etat'-d Telephone No 171 peri al, I- ginning with tl.- first i-- «ue. next week. II. «. Crown(on L IILiuard Mr Bryan, h i.r- ver, will not Hibbard Ac Brownton. Great compl.iint has for ye ire deviate from his original announce­ I >E> 'I I- I S. Offi*** in bull 11;.g ivrtr.erly occupied fc? M ff arisen against the reckless use of ment that the initial number of the branding iron on range cattle his paper shall be pure reading Burn.’. Oregon. say« the Breeder'« tier’s Gazette Gazett« Hu­ matter. manitarians have cried out against »gain < E. Standlee. NI. IX. the inhumanity of this torture by ßatikabip Iowa. PH YSICI.IN A N D SURGEl)N. fire, and the more utilitarian pro (All calls answered pn npt’y ) test has been h d.o-d that it darna- DBEW-EY, ORE »ON ges by thou and« of d dl «rs the Tai- tie of the hides from cattle thn« n brand»«!, It fieally come t ' «tic!> a pass that some owners were not JOHN MeMCLLEN content u ntil they had plastered huge brartrfs on the ri of their eatt'e »a that thev co !nred’d, but is not wt.rth hed in ci tb. e «t w !.• ■' th' !.. 1 - ' tl.' to I” ffecte. Grw.J wood at ‘ docked'' o«i account of the leather Frank Jack in Inetantaneon» peocess u r’lined bv th»’ I ran ling iron. Tit- BsfM. t’al ex e i«rv»1r. quest;«» t Las ertr’ge i the clo»e»t •:.d will deli' a d aalisfactt» 9n*r 1 1 ■ tt ' ' f fl '*?»*f,|l f*l* EXPECTS TO REACH THE POU; will be delivered nt Vancouver in I ample time. She in nn improved Senate bill No. I'.*, which passed Frnm, mid includes nil the liest the legislature in b.itith houses pro­ CAPTAIN BERNIER OF QUEBEC DIS- of th. antarctic THE SENATE ADOPTS JOINT MEM vides I' r an appropriation of$2000 GUSSES EXPEDITION y^'8 n°W b”1,d"iR Twelve or ORIAL TO CONGRESS. to pay the expei-.ees of a delegation tourteen men will accompany me. of five Indian War veterans ami Many have otTered themselves from two members of the G. A 1!. to the United State, Canada and else­ Will Take New Route >ia Behrinz Surahs' Would be a Serious Blow to Stockraisiag In- Washington und return for the pur­ where. I .peels to Reluxnin Less Than di»stry--Co:npriscs Several pose of inter«-» eding with congte. s Four Years, "I attach the greatest value to Million Acres in favor of pensions for Indian War (lie Marconi system of communicat­ veterans of the Northwest. When Captain J. Elzar Bernier of Que­ ing with my base. Salem, Or. Jan 17.—The senate the bill came up for final passage "Of course, I shall stick to the bec, who has volunteered to maki a memorial introiluced I y William­ in the senate. Senator Voyage of discovery to tho North ship as long as possible,” he said, son, one t f great interest to th»' pen spoke in favor of the bill, Pole by a new route and by aid of "but I shall be prepared to leave I’le of En.'t« rn On gon, was adopted in part: inventions of his own for ice travel- I her and make a dash for the pole.” by the senate. It is as follows, "Tiie slate of Oregon is now sup­ ing, has prncticallv completed his "To the II.(iu rahle Senate ami porting ôtl Indian War veterans al Oklahoma Wants Statehood. arrangements in England, and will House of II. jut's ntutives of th.’ the expanse of 15000 a year in the sail for Canada in a few days, to United States of America: Your Soldiers' Home, and others are be­ submit his ideas to Sir Wilfrid A statehood convention for tho memorialists, the Senate and House ing supported by the indigent fund Laurier. purpose of urging upon the present of Representatives of the state of supplied by each county, and ibis "My plan," he said, is to start congress the immediate passage of Oregon, resp-etfully represent: is an economical measure. From via. Behling Straits, follow the an enabling act providing for early ‘ That there is now [lending before a ‘cold-blooded’ business proposi- coast of Siberia anil enter the ice statehood, will be heid at Guthrie, the congress of the United States a tion ¡1 will be a grand investment between Ilia and 170 degrees east Ok., January 30. The call was bill for mi net which provides in for the state of Oregon now to pro­ longitude, and then push north as issued bv iSiddey Clarke, chairman effect nn i suhgtmice that the sup vide $2000 to enable the Indian far as the ice will permit. If the of tho Statehood Executive Com­ el vision and control of thn United War veterans to seeuie the passage ship attains a better position than I mittee. It says: States forest re.-erves shall be with­ of this pension bill, and save tin the Jeanette, I expect to reach the "The committee believes that drawn from the Department of the state of Onto i from this exjieme pole and ri turn within three or Oklahoma should be admitted to Interior, where the same is now re­ Of course this is a selfish way ti four ve.irs. i'his will not liens dif statehood by action of the present posed, and pb.c d in the D p.irt- look nt the subject. These men de lieu': ■■:« : i Jeanette found it, be- congress, and it appeals to all m"iit of Agriculture. serve to be treated with higher re­ ’’ misin has now more classes of our peoplo to unite in be- “T hat f ir many years past there spect. The t rritory i.f Oregon and on. t.:i g- t b i■ l irinerly. half of the movement, which will has bei n within the state of Oregon its successor, thè state of Oregon, is 1 ' include not only give tho benefit of home rule and :i forest re«ery«t known ns tho Cas­ indebted by specific contract tc - p de, Imt sound scii'ti- economical government and which cade forest re-.-rve, comprising sev­ the-e men to this very day to more tilii nli.i M otions not heretofore promises to accelerate the career of eral millions of acres of forest lands, than ll,()00,0"tl, and, besides this, compli'ti I. achieved. Tho ship progress.” ami your memorialists r0.” 1N< ’< )G 1 ’< Hi Al Ill >.) sucli time as to fully accoii [dish I lie purpose and epii it of the nets BURKS, OREGON. Clippings frojii Near by Exchanges. and ’»r.iclamations relating to for­ CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 est reserve« \ < li’iK’i'.il Bnnkinu; Business Transnet«’«!. ' That the Cascade forest ri serv< Director*: IV. V King, I. S Geer Geo. Fry, embraces acri s of luxuriant graz­ VV. E Triscb. J (!. Weleotne. ing lands which have be« n utilized for block grazing } tirpo-e« < vet An Oregon voting man. Edward r < 'm r< -,-q ><>n< lent'e Invited. r ’■? -ince ti e first setth ment of tin N .!“hn«on. won the highest honors Lx > .-t-.le of Oregon. in his class al West Point. "That your iir nmri.iiii-ts nre ad- There are two bad things about <1 that the Department tf.'.gri- cigarette smoking; first the ciga­ dlture is adverse tn the [>risent rette, and second, the boy who system of grazing of stock in the smokes it. o>r«’.-t lescives, h uch the «am«' Id i-t’Tn Oregon should le repre­ Aorks no ii jury on the timber BURNS, — — — OREGON. sent'd in congress—in one house or therein. ‘That to w it Lira v the privih g the oth'-r—but it isn't. Eastern Draw« [ilan, makes < t Itiiih-.rlc Buildings put up within tho amount ..f of grazing in the fori st reserves [ Oregon is too easily satisfied, It figures given tn estimates, J-r'/".-'utisfaeti»ti guaranteed. woiibl 1 e a most u ri< us ami i’ j iri- sh.nild demand what is due it. If ous blow to one of the most impor­ it dois not it will never get it. tant industries of th" state of Ore The h -p«l ituro should endeavor gon, vis., the sti i kraising indm try to pass an ni t that would compri "That your meinoritili«’» |>rot'st the nrtiet <>n the Port'nnd Oregoni­ ■igainst any l.i.v or rule which tends an Io do better work. No ’notier Brick aix I lime alw.-ty« on hand at the yard. J-t7‘ Bendenco Hanley house. or promises to deprive the firming would i ’■ r be able lot* cognize Ivr and st'ickrising | opulation of Ori ­ »•>n after that artist has ‘’done” gen of the privil* • - lieri to'ore en him. j iyed by them, and tinder expect»- A M'tine-ol young man attempt­ of the continuation of tviiich they have settled in a country far dis­ ed Io kiss a v 'ting ladv of bis ac­ tant from railri ads and markel- quaintance N'-.v Year's day and ai.<1 there establish homsB and : «be stuck In-r hat pin in ldtn. Blood poison set in and now the farm«. "That your m« mori.ili.-t« protest voting man is «let ping under the igainst any law or rule that will »now. ¡r ine Citeens Bank Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder Jricl; Laying and Plastering. withdraw the direct lujiervision of the forest resi rvi-s from forest of­ ficer« demonstrated ts lie aide. «f’i- cici t and practical, and place it in hands unknown and untried and reconimended only by their theor»- lical learning "Wheref'ire. your memorialist« orotexl against any departure from present la« « and condition», and the Ser it-irs ami Repr'«entativex of tie’ stat if Oreg.,n are r< q'ltxted to use th r" utmost end« avors to prey«- nt th" so rue.” Le U¿ à Clark Fair. Port- Man- «' a»Mciati' n recently it was «It-ctderl to hold a fair in P«jft- land in 1‘.' '5 to ceb-Lrate th»* fi-«t cent. tiniai of tli" I-ewia .«) with, suthority to ir«ue Lot.da in addition to stock Ag nis will I«* sent to Washington. Montana. Id aho and Wyoming to lav th<* matter t* for** the lrgi-lrtur»* an