BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JANI ARY 12, VOL. XIV. 1901. NO. 7. Capital Journal, which paper has NI:W CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINE mandiug better protection for a taken a leading part in the discus­ long time and criticising the city sion of the text-book commission authorities for what they considered MEN APPOINTED TO SELECT TEXT- appointments, said that lie regatds now EN ROUTE FROM THE RAILROAD SUBSCRIPTION RATES; RUMORED THAT SOUTPERN PACIFIC dilatory actions and neglect, that COOXS FOR OREGON. the commission a very strong one One Year ................................................... $2.00 WILL TAP HNRNEY. TO THIS PLACE. body was considering the matter Nix Mouths ........................1.00 and eminently satisf.ieti ry. Com­ Three Mouths.... ............... ................. 7A with much deliberation, in order tu ment by business men and educa­ do the best with the funds availa­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY To Start at Montague, Cal., by Klamath. Fhc of Oregon's Foremost Men Compose tors is, without exception, in com­ A Miniera Piece of Machinery Thai Witt be 3TATK—0BEGON ." ble. Their action should be com­ G W. McBride. Lake, Harney, Dawn Malheur C. S. Senators The Cominission--Tno Educators a Credit to Buras—Also a New Joseph Nimui) mendation of the appsintm nts mended They have procured one Theace to Montana. iThcs. Tongue. And Three Business Men Fire Alarm Bell. The hope is expressed that all tl.e of the best engines on the market fM A. Moody Consre«3"i<’.i ................ J. it. X. IMa< ¿burn Attorney Geuc-ru ......... appointees will accept. and one that erm be used without ............. T. T.Gecr It seems that from tha article miveruor. .......... F I Duubar ►e.-retary ..I e Governor Geer has at last an. This board of live commissioners y Wil bin a few days Burns will delay in any part of our little city. ............ (• S M i jore given below th'tthe Southern Pa­ CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERIS ESTABLISHED. Tremulier J if Ackerniitn hupt. Cui lie Instrucfcon. nounced the appointment of the takes the place cf the State Board have one of most modern pieces of The only drawback to the new . W II l.aeds cific Railroad has joined in the rilare Printer ............... 0. R. & N. Co. Promoting Dairying Industry j R. 8. Bean. uiaebinery for fighting tire that ■ ngine is that it must be housed men to comprise the Oregon text- of Education and all the county chase for Harney Valley. This ./ C. Wolverton In Eastern Oregon. Supreme Juilge» > F. A. Moore hook commission. They are- H superintendents in selecting text­ could I o procured. A new 70-gal- where the contents of the tank will makes the tenth railroad company lon chemical fire engine is now on not fri eze. This is a matter that N’lNETII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. to talk of tapping th'.« great Inland Industrial Agent Judson, of the W. Scott, of Portland; 1*. L. Camp­ books for use in the public schools M. ~ D. * C ’— lifford Distr ct Judge ................. *' “-«»«» the road from Ontario, being is holding the attention of the Wm Mi ilei bell, of Monmouth; Stephen A. in this state. The law under which District Itturuey ......... Surely one, or possibly O. II. A N. Co , baa embarked on .......... I S (» eer Empire. John Ktproeutfctive .... J W Moi row JuiutSeoatur all will, at no distant date span the policy of organizing co-opera­ Lowell, of Penill ' ■■ , W. M. Ladd, the appointment is made was cn- brought by one of C. M Ke Hogg's utb iiti •« at this time, as it is im­ COUJfTV—HARNEY our fertile valley and make things tive creameries in Eastern Oregon of Portland; and \V. M. Colvig, of acted in 189!). It provided that in freight teams. It is highly recom­ possible to build an engine house Juinc« A Sparrow mended for use in extingui.-hing if th right kind at this time of Cuonty Judge ............. II. Hietisr.la-.il hum. and Eastern Washington. In the Jucksonvillo. Since the governor January, 19(11 and every four years Clerk .................... H A Miller fires tbit ate confined inside n rear. Trsaaurer .................... made the appointments Mr. Lowell thereafter, the governor shall ap The Idaho Statesman, of recent .. J K Johnson past week a co-op-rative cream ‘ry Survey or ................... ... <;co >l»elk y building and need.« no w iter system. Sheriff........................... T he old hand engine which has \V Buebanan date says: Another railway rumor was organiz-d at Tekoa, in the Pa­ has declined and up to this time no point five text-book commissioners, AsseMior ... ............ j r I urtiHt With the old engine now on been in use here lor some time past b< ho o Superf Ptendeut one bus been appointed to fill the who shall bold their ollicea 'until is becoming persistent. This i.« E J Xuble louse country, and another at Sum ­ block lunpoetor ......... A. Venator C'ouimikbiuuers............. ... i their successors are elected and hand fires in the resident portion will I. fixed up and used in con- K J William» supposed to be a Southern Pacific merville, in the Grand Komie val­ vacancy. » of ih.' city could not be reached 01. mi:: n with the in w one until such OFFICI- LAND HARNEY Ü. 8. While the people of Eastern Ore­ qualified.” project to open the Harney Valley. ley. The 'Ft koa creamery starts Geo. VV Ila cp account of there being no water lime as a sale can be made of it at Register ........................ gon may feel that they should have ..Clift« Newell Ort'., country, as well as the rich with the milk of 500 cows, and at Receiver .................. ■ available. American Girls and Kidnapers. had more than one of the members . figure somewhere in the neigh­ mineral and timber fields of this Summerville the outlook is for I well.« 1 rive SOCIETIES. i appoidtid from this section, there borhood i f w hat it cost the town. state, en route to Butte. Mont , GOO. SVI.VA REBEKAH Henne No. «3 A cytiieal-contempi.rary suggests put to use. A new lire alarm bell is al.-o be- which is the objective point of th - "There is ho country more favor­ (can he no possible oljection Meet,ocrv >.l ai.-l Zd wedoesdu-. Tillie .'orlimi N.H. The new engine will cost in the :'ig brought in on the same wagon, that "between duke.« and kidnapers ' to the character of the men ap ­ new line. Frankie Brenton Ilei’ .«ee'l able for dairying." srii.-l Mr Judson, it must be admitted that the form­ neighborin'! al of $2000 laid down '['¡ie new alarm is another „ good For some time past it is staled.- "than lhe sections about Tekoa pointed. A. O. ü. W. Hunie Lodge, No. 47 It was expected, and was takeirt er get their money more easily.” in B un« i’id will not only be of move on the part of the authorities, »«««every FrUHyuig^^^ ^^^. i there has been someone connected and Summerville, and the cream- for granted, that two members of All of which guggests the necessity great bi m lit in cases of lire, but | |H> I)ew firi> |,e|| weighs 630 pounds K H Huit. Rei- i will, this railway through that sec- j eries at those points start out un­ the commission would he ‘‘school of treaty arrangements between tile will ...I’.iid better rates on insurance ami is of thu "Blvmyi r” make. As . tion of Oregiin,having ju.-t complet ­ der the most favorable auspices. HARNEY lodos :. NO. 77, LOU F. This wid ».iv ' hundreds of doluirs soon as it arrives it will be placed Meers al Odd Fellows Hall, every satrirCa. ed his efforts as far a« Vale. At The farmers take a great deal of men" Though it appears at first that United States and European coun­ 7:30 p IS, J M figlioli N. <1. to business mi n and w ith up-to- in po-'tion at the most available W Y King,bueV. _ that place citizens run! farmers in tries by which American girls may intere.-t In the new industry, and the commission contains lint one date f.ie'irti: « to light the Hames point w lu r it c iti be reached and be protected from educator — Professor Campbell — t he enterprising the surrounding country have it is sure to make a great success.” PROFESS ION AL CARDS. all will feel easier. an alarm lurried in at the eailiest agreed to build all the grade from These creameries follow fro n the other is supplied in W. M. Colvig, scions of nobility with more pedi- Whii • the people have been de- possible moment. who served two terms as County grees than brains nhd I ard cash, Vale to Nyssa, where the road is to I success of the model put in opera ­ C- Ä- StfEEK enter t he state. tion at Milton, Oregon, a short Superintendent of Jackson county. Fho average kidnaper of children ATTORNEY AT-L. VA", In announcing the appointments is a brute and a monster. monster, who Though supposed to be kept time ago. In tlu- Tekoa region the Cre cron : Burna, trades upon the f elings cf parents secret, the matter has so far leaked , <• 'ebrated lirome grass grows lux Governor Geer said: 6'. « / •I. W. i n. ,.«, I’uEsioKxr am . acumi ( .isiian. “ 1 have given a great deal of t here is no punishment too severe GEO. S. SIZEMORE, put that the route is given in a uriantly, and in the Grand Ronde 11(1 iA i sa. Vu i: Pai eno nt . ATTORNEY, 1 general way. It is stated the road valley both th" brume grass and thought to this <| i-sti.m, and have for him. but in some respects be is c Bi lixs, ............................ O kkoon ' wi'l start at the town of Montague. alfalfa thrive, supp’v'ng unexcelled »<■1 -cted five men well known to th" not ns bad as the European kid­ Land hnsinc««-*, nnd Rea’ people of Oregon, whose characli r- naper of aristocratic descent who Cal., on the Southern Pacific, feed for dairy cows Ubiate mailer promt • l\ aLUmded to. are already well established, mid swoops down upon the American thence by Klamath Lake. Oregon, The O. R. A N Co, is proinoiinc l.X< ’< tlc'l’t )H.\Till >.) DALTON BIGGS J. "A imiUri, Warner Like, coming down the crea merit s only on the co-operative rill of w hom, I believe, are college heiriss, dazzels her with his titles, BURNS, OREGON. Biggs & Biggs j Malheur river to Vale, ami thence plan, that being the plan that has graduates. I have selected men marries her and makes her life who will give character to the com ­ miserable until she Hits or is re ­ into Idaho at Nyssa. From iu re made the dairy farmers of Minne­ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00 mission, instead of the commission leased from her sufferings by a di­ B UN’S, — — — — OREGON. it will take a route across tbecoun- sota and Wisconsin wealthy. In \ < ¡i i'H'i .il I lankinig 1 ii.-in<•>.« Ti an.-.K-ti■r the Co’.b'Ction« promptly made. U E Trist’li, J Welcome. proft ssioii than one of t hem ; anoth ­ NlaeCzaD for Cat I.- R.- ’ ai.-d. aid in rc- Nolhii g whati ver is .= industry than in the states of the C. W. P au & ibii (’iiiri j >< >n< l<-i i< ■<» IiiA'ited. Ü« A i:£?ii:oL7> fercnce to building. Purvey-, etc . Upper Mississippi Valley, the er is an ex-Uounty School Superin­ r ? but j rst the bare fact that the line farmers there have to feed their tendent, and the others are also . PARRISH à REMBOLD, The cattlemen who have tlieir L.-a Attorney s-a'.-Law, is to go in along 1 he route stated slock six months of the year, while men of culture who are well quali­ ranges well stocked are happy in­ I It deed, Files the Alturas Plaindeab r IhirnN ( tml 0 irivon Ui’y. j O«• gon. lit would undoubtedly open up a" here cattls get their oun living fied for the work lx f re them Iti ’ »lie ctiur ’ « e "f of Hurttcy Harney arc. art; Will I'* I«»- c<»i;r « ’"y il.renie Cturi oi the ! rich section of country—rich in all uiii-ticillv all the j Gun:! t'olJdUf« ltd in llie - ': year. Mo-e is a mixed cJinmis.-ion of business. |je(,f . is becoming golden. The BtMte. tu l ai« * ju I. - l«ure WJuld belittle Timber Land Cheap. Careful attention given to Collet BURNS. _ — _ OREGON. will consult freely (he best iduca Certainly not for some time tu question as to the beginning of op-- lions and Real Estate matters. IL iV. - [ ' in, ni.il, 1 n it - le I! i . . n - put up with ill the amount ,.f tors of the state, if thought neces­ come. raiions at an early date. It has Notary Public Timber I ind can be purchased at sary. and will, perhaps, request the b<< n the opinion that this was,from ligures giver, in estimâtes. ¿ »/ ".-uti.Taction guaranteed. conics a From Siskiyou county II ahney , - O ke O j N ridiculously low figures in Oregon, advice of more of them than would story of a s ill- of I ,>»«;- The Chicago Fiibune says: In Urick and litre rilwivi on liond at the yard. ; " "evidence Hanley linose. state for just about w hat it c ists to composing the commission. B ern ' s , - Ourao.s No the last last annual K-porl of the bilities, and where a railroad would cruise Minnesota limber lands,” he man's experience or knowledge will pay in almost any direction it was said, "but this will not always be lie shut out simply because lie 1» Secretary of the Inleiior attention 8. W. MILLER, Imilt. This line, as outlined, was called to the fact that the so. Baek there, an acte of timber not a member. Since the basis ol death rate in I’orto Rico was still would have an enormous fi'-l l from NOTARY PUBLIC. whose product is estimated nt 3.), the complaint that led up to enact which to draw patronage and profit Burns, - - - Oregon. (MtO feet is considered cheap if it merit of the Daly law was the pres­ high in several places, notably in That portion of Oregon through Ponce and Adjuntas. *‘Tlie com­ can be bought at at -fG per 1000 ent cos’ of the books more than monest cause of death,” says Secre­ piss is especially «. L.MkE«DEN, JoHXW .GEAP.Y which it would feet, or $180 an acre. Here Gov­ their character, it is, at least, ar undeveloped In I I «ho all are tary llitclic.’ick, ' appears to he MARSDEN & GEARY. ernment lands are being:’acripped’ (inuch a b0«jheR, propo-ition as any "familiar with the condit'ons—that anaemia, brought on by poor nutri­ and obtained ns low as $1 an acre, , other, though neither the quality l’ln siv'i.ms and Surgeons. railways are only n 'cessary to the tion and unsanitary surrounding- " while lands that fell nt $8 an acre nor the cost should be lost sight of opening of enormous field« of min­ Bt'KN-% OB EGON. T hi« statement is now corroborated are considered as bringing a good I have sough to sell ct a commit with rather startling emphasis in a Sv eral, timber and grazing lands,with price. Within the next few year« sion that, while qualified for its report by Surgeon Willcent millit- also much good agricultural land these timber land) will have ad work in other rc«pects is and % will I Whatever railroad doe* reach that arv regime, in which he say s that H. KLEBS D., M. vanned to Minesota figure«, as large remain independent. I have had territory first, it is gei.erallv con- the most harrowii g stories from mills will he erected out here by no consultation with either of them, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON" tended, will have a verv profilatile Porto Rico have understated rather sawmill men who have become rich even indirectly, but I believe they buxine«» from the moment of the Odine at Dr. Volp’s residence. than exaggerated the truth, lie in the business back there,and who are unprejudiced either fur or first train. tells of laboring families, industti- BURXF O ri ' gom . Bruxs, O rehox . thus know the value of good tim against any Ini' k company, ns 1 ous people, who were in the state EVERYBODY CAN DRINK good BEEIt her. In the meantime, the rail­ believe they sho il«J l e. I have Ttl-phor.e No 171 No Boa: Railway for The Dalles. of atatvation even during the issue roads will proba’dv make rates done th' best I ' ild ia the jh r- QUART BOTTLES DELIVERED IN Bl RNS, ♦l.’io PER DOZEN H I'-nvntofl L E- il i<»D*rd of relief supplies, ami who are now A recent dispatch from Wash that will p< rmit Oregon lumber to formance of a very trying and deli in a pitiaole plight. Hibbard Brownton. reach the Eastern Stntes at a piofit cat.- duty, and submit th:a result of ington rays: I TISTS. The river arid harbor committee to the manufacturers. A number it to the people of Oregon, with the AfUre In building formerly occupied by Mi« Purent Paragraph*. has repealed The Dalls a boat rail­ of wealthy firms in Minneapolis lielief that the interests of the Barns. Or»*r'»n. way project in toto. and the $220,- who have liecome owners of Oregon school children and taxpayers of When you hear a man say he is 291 remaining on hand to cover lands will bring their influence to the state will he fully sill served." < K. s*tnn. a. r wwirt, v«. rs.sv feasible «nd mo«t warranted by’he n V th* man wfi i tei.d-ftrielly to hia At Chicago recently Fitz-i n.mon« 8’ate.nian was not mistaken when .îoirx M xîî ei , e \ W. ». MSRlt, Criv-oa * demands of commerce. •nd Jeffri. s signed articles f..r a it expressed the lielief that they own business. Repress ntative Moody is indignant fight at Carson The date of the . would lie well selected. They are About the only sure thing in this at the repeal of the boat railway fight has not been definitely de­ five gissl men and tiue, the only world is taxer. Bara*. project without s y'-et.luting there­ cided upon, but it will take place , question being whether or not they In dull days prepar. for Lusine-s • ill serve Th»v are all men of for some other improven»ent, thus some time in Mar. Cloudy days preferred for Ry advertistig. sterling character, thorough educa­ making sitting«. Photo« fin­ a insuring «.»me relief to the com­ Ere»y man Relieve* lie lia. CAI DWI11, IDAHO tion, utiswerving integrity and in­ merce of the Upper Columbia. He teti in carton ami plat mini A preeiwtef.t effort i* Rire to I* friend* until he ba* occasion to says that he «• well m the Wash dependence. and •« believe th­ ff» c'a crown'd with toccete. A Gener-H Bgation were Instan'ar.eoe« process a«cd When a r.>«n has a good living dence the result of tbeir delibera­ led to believe that th» present pro ­ Indians never ki«< each Other CJte l»'V*lr. Fir**, rd««« • ■ tk COfiRESPOTHJENCE INVITED ject. more in ac:ord with the wishes h« i* very fi-oli-h to jump into poli­ tions ” Having seen several of 'h- tu we do •■ d «Rtisfact on guaranteed. of the people an I local engineers tics rirJ--«« he has a «u*» *1 e; ■ ' > Col r.t E Hofer. 1 'or fth« ta I I ill.' |)>, The rimzs-jierald. ANOTHER RAILROAD COMINO had been substituted. lie had hoped that tlie improvement, what­ ever it might be, could he included in the text river and harbor bill, notwithstanding the prejudice of the present Engineer Corps, as well as that of Chairman Burton, and the sceptical views of the public generally upon the practicability of the boat railway. COMM/SSIONERS ARE NAMED Fhe Citizens Bank I Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder □risk Lzyina; and i lacterinp. Of Plows, I farrows, Buggies and Hacks ¡ust received at C. II. Wrgtly’s, headquarters for every thing in the hardware line. Harney Valley Brewery. Five Callon kegs $2.00 delivered at your home in Burns. Telephone INTo. O. WOLDENBERC & BERC first Rational Bank •