«The e iiiics-Mernlo Has liie ïnrgcst Circulation ot Che flTime*-Hcralù is !Re Qest Aùucilisiiir» illcùiuui in Lastern «Oregon. «ìiue H a «Trial. ui Antj paper in Harney County. EtUbUshed *"'J íCONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. rr- • T t The Times- STATE NEWS, Sl'BSCKllTION RATES: .... »2.60 Year One rix Months Three Months ......... l.W ...........7Ó OFFICIAL DIKECToTlV STATE—OKKIIOS I G. W. McBride. Joseph Simon tThos. Tongue. f M A. Moody Congressmen ......... L. R. N. Blackburn Att^ruvy General ... . .............. T. T. Geer Governor .................... ...............F I Dunbar Secre ary oi state ... .............. US Moore sup^ruLlIi instruction............... J H Acktrintin _______ 1 ............. W *• H L-'ci'.s Ldetls >’Aie Primer ........................................ y R. S. Bean. . ./ C. W<.1 verton ruprciue Jud gas > F. A. Moore U.S. Senators NiNI’.ni JUDICIAL DISTR3 T. M. 1). C lifford District Judge........... V. id Mi.h t I> «:ri< t At'orney R joint Kepreseutative ....J W Morrow Juiul-Svnalur ... COUNTY—HARNFY : I Cttoi.ty Judge Clerk ¡Traaa tirer . '. ! Hun PYor - sheriff............. ¿sactaor HARNEY Register Receiver • ' . h-... Suprt1 ' ’ll Mot k I Db'. . Tillie Jor.lnn N. O. Frankie In • lui Ree see'y. A. O. U. VT. Burnt* Lodge. No. 17. Mectscvery r’ridily nicht. 11 A Dillard, M. W. E li Hojt. Kec. from $5 to $75 an acre, according to soil, location, value of improve­ Summary of Current Events ments and state of cultivation, Througlit Oregon. i They have become state property Silver lake, in Lake county, is through their former owners having reported alive with ducks, geese gotten in arrears in the payment of and swan—more than for many interest, as the loans had been made too large in the first place, accord­ years past. ing to tiie value of the lands. The 0. R. A N. Co. h.'s a coni- pany of surveyors camped near Malheur Items. Barnhart] station, surveying new roadbeds between Pendleton and (DUtriet silver Advocate, Nov. 1st.) some point below Umatilla. Manager E. II. Te-t of the O. F. The Second Oregon Reveille is Co. has been quite sick the past few the title of a bimonthly issued by days. two ex-volunteers of Albina, in the Ex-Commissioner Altnow of Har­ ¡merest and for the especial benefit ney county, returned from a trip of the Second Oregon ex-volunteers. east with cattie Monday. The bout s of 10 dead Chinamen W. R. Crawford, one of the Har­ were shipped on the Areata, from ney blacksmiths, was in Ontario Marshfield, a few days ago. They yesterday. are bound for the Flowery King­ Frank Gibler returned Thursday dom. The lot weighed 125 pounds. from a business trip to Burns, hav­ Last we.-k orders amounting to ing been absent a couple of weeks. $10,000 had to be turned away / The Burns circuit court has from the Bandon woolen mills, ground out ton divorce cases, and which was so rushed with w< rk and litigants are being unhitched as had so many orders ahead that it rapidly as the legal harness can be was impossible to do the work. stripp ’d from their tired backs. Sheriff Withers, of Lane county, has straightened tip the shortage of Deputy Sheriff Day, and is today the only man suffering for the crime and ingratitude of bis favorite deputy, says the Cottage Grove Nugget. 1IARNKV 1.OIWE, NO. 77, I. O O F. Meets at o.ld Fello.vs Hall. <•very Saturday -M n J 'I Halton N. li. W V Klug, Secy. A little miss, A little kiss, A little bliss, A wedding—that is splendid; A little jaw, A little law, Baek home to ma. And, lo! the trouble’s ended. Captian Scheepstna, of the Ger- man bark Adolf, died at Astoria Value of Immigrants. last week, He was taken to the Astoria as soon as the ¡ hospital in Y’alning immigrants to tl <■ vessel arrived in th ) river, and was l’KOFESSlONAL CARDS. United States in proporti" i to the suffering from an attack of dvsen amounts of money they bling tery, which ha I taken him down with them, the average German C- A- SWEEX before he left Kia > Chaw. A l TORNi-lV A f L A W, is worth lo us, in round number !, To build a railroad from Klam­ $52; the average Englishman. Orriron. Burnt, » • ath falls, down Klamath river. 60 $51, and the average Frenchman, miies to a junction w ith the S >uth $ ¡7. The Belgian comes fourth GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ern Pacific at or near Klamathon, n in the list with $45; the Turk ATTORNEY, B urns , ............................ O regon . few miles south of th» Oregon and brings $351 Irishman $15; (\>jieCvioDu, Land business, and Kcal California boundary, is the object the Russian ^12. and the Italian, Estate ¡natter pronti t»\ atended to. of the Oregon Midland Company, who is the poorest of the lot, less which has just been organized at than $10. Admitting that other J. IT llllil.-, K. .VI. TURNER. Ashland. factors enter into the problem BIGGS & TURNER John Graiitt, a little, old man. ¡that anv man is worth tothecoin- who has been lr rding sheep near ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, i munitv very much more, or !• ss, Mitchell, is being sob red np at the OREGON Bl’KN 9, city prison, says th • Oregonian, 'than the contents of his purse, it Practice in all the courts ut Orc. lie arrived in Portland seme time still remains true that the most Collection» promptly made. ago, in company with a woman, and desirable immigrant, as a rule, is »’■ cke'bo •!. prove- now he has swore nut a warrant for the man win her, charging her with entering his jihat he has already learned to G. A, K k MP. LD. C. W. l’AKKl.'il room at night an I stealing ',-2‘l->. earn money and sa.e it.— Ilotise- ' hobl. PaRRISH &. REMBuLD, Governor Geer has written * < Atlvrney r-at-La w, G-.-.'rsl Shaner to a-c rt’.in if M ss Col. J. L. Torrey, the author t ara» (m City. < 1 < yon Mona Bowman, a nnr-’. who w< nt W1U pò,'lice In II......... . « • t Hnrt - of the bankruptcy law, and later to the I ’ illlippine«. son after the Grani t uuu’ie« nti‘i iti tP« b’ip. etite aurt '11t eia e. ali . a.i- ;iui. it.t l ■ • . war begin, and who recently re- the commander of a regiment of turned to •''»n Francisco, could be rough rider-, found among his grant d a fur!-High to enabl ■ her to troopers ■ two young men in whom visit her fiieiid- in Oregon. Miss he has taken a gieat interest B.wman was at one time head One of them. Charles Blake of nurse at the S.i.ein hospital. Sand creek, Wyoming, he has Two hunters, T-.-rt B >rne« an! A sent to the Karsa« state university JOHN W. GEARY Lyman, suffered serious injuries for a full collegiate course, To W. L. M.YR’DKN. la«t week in I mon county, by ex- the other, Tri inan l ux of Sun- Kb.Rb-Ci. & L l ARY. plo. a of their guns, which th'-v dance, Wyoming, he has given had lo ided with »mok' b ss pow derof I $5.000 for a course in art, to be pili ski ■ • . u ns. too great strength f .r the w-a|>ou begun in St. Louis and finished in The left hand of each was badly Lond -1. mang! 1. and Lvman was also A- £«■ H Ojie, il r .•■■.’ knocked --ns-k«» by b<-ing struck The f lit wing story of a lac >ni. >n the foreheal by a fragment of rhymster is told n the authority his gun. of the New Y< ik O. -■ Tver: A strong flow of natural gas ha’ , A travel' r na t a : eT r n ar a 5 l.i’vn -’ra on the firm of Ed Ash­ house in the backwoods, and the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. lev. situate,1 in Malheur county and following colloquy occuired : . .T I >>PfF s 9. four miles from Weiser. Idaho. A r«“ Jffice at residence. “Whose homer ’ crew has been b .ring an artesian “What’s it built of?” ■•Log« well well for some two u.o:,th- past T 1 j bone No 21 ‘•Anv neighbors; ;>• -Frog-” and struck the gis at a depth uf “\t hat’s the «oil ?” “B g«.” IO24. an I it dr ive the m-n away. “The elima’e.-'' ••Fog«." Sul - pietitly they w-nt ba. lc sad Dr. H. I h ’- -i “What do you cat.-" ‘Hogs tri, d it w • I id ■' h It • • ni “How do you ea'vh and then the men had io ii’e their -i. -Sv • ntn -st eixieafors to e«tinrrn- ; 'Uld be bought It >m pri- t. e, ’¡«e prices varying DEWEY MARRIED id. iv, consisting of maize ami vege­ tables steeped in oil. The decline A Quiet Wedding and Hasty Ile of a nation commences when gor­ partlire for Neir York mandizing beoms. Rome's col-1 lapse was well under wav when slaves were thrown into the eel- pots to increase the gamy flavor of the eels when they came upon the table. Household. OREGON FORWARDING CO. A Washington dispatch under Ontario, Oregon. date of November 9, says: Admiral George Dewey and Mrs Mildred Hazen were married quiet­ n n ly at the rectory of St. Pau 's Cath­ J LU olic church in this city shortly before 10 o’clock this morning. First Class oo. s The ceremony was performed by May a Woman Tell Her Love Ì Rev. James F. Mackin, pastor of It is true it is unconventional for the church, assisted by Rev. Joseph a woman to tell a man that she H. Foley, a- istant pastor, ami the loves him unless thv man has per­ Rev. Sidney Hurlbut. suaded her to make such confes­ We solicit your trade and guarantee FAIR TR! Al"'' NT to all As Admiral Dewey is not a Cath­ sion. But is there anv good reason olic, a special dispensation was why a woman should not take the required f >r tho performance of the initiative? Is she any less a ceremony, and this was procured woman for so doing? A shy and by Father Mtckin from Bishop timid man may not know how to) Curtis, vicar general of the diocese tell a woman that he loves her. of Baltimore. Should the woman, who is of The cereinonv was of the simplest firmer faith and stronger mind,, character according to the rites of stand halting and waiting f r a the Catholic church and the only confession that may never coinè?. witnesses besides the olliciating Why should she Buffer in silence?' clergymen were Mrs. Washington ------ AGENTS FOR------ By so doing may sbo not lose the, McLean and Mrs. L tl'oir, mother man who loves her and also the and sister respectively of the bride, happim -s of a lifetime as weii?2 and Lieutenant Caldwell, Admiral New Y’ork World. st «. ...» ... ¡VecCormick Harvesting Machinery Dowry’s secretary. t Congratulation* and felloita lions Pabst Beer. From the time that the mother followd the eetciuunv »nd the hinds the child's head till tho Write uh for Prices. wedding party drove directly t»»tho; moment wh. n some kind assistant residence i f Mrs. McLean, where a wipes the damp from the brow of wedding breakfast was served. the dying we cannot exist without About 12:2(1 o’clock the Admiral mutual aid All, therefore, that, and Mrs. Dewey left the McLean need aid have a right to ask it font residence for the Pennsylvania their fellow m-rials. None win. depot where they took the train for hold the power of granting aid can New Y'ork. L it » th in a dozen peo­ refuse it without guilt. ple had congregated at the depot and there was nademonstrntion as BURNS, — — — (’RkU)N. The fusimi victory in Ne'raski, they passed hurriedly through the Drawn plan, makes cstimateH, ete. Bti'blii• :s pul up wii- >u tl .= h - • > • won in tho faci- of a strong ri inibii station. can current throughout thè coun­ Hi ur- e L’ivt'i. iii(’stimaD < J "‘■‘a'i.nr.icti •»» ui ;r uiteed. try. is a line tributi’ to thè personal Peculiar nini Pertinent. wortli of Mi. i ryau. Mr. Brvan’s Judge«—Prisoner, it is your homo pvoplc believe in bis sineerity, f right to challenge the jurymen alility and patrioti-m.— 8p..kes 'CK man Iuview. you object to. OUB PATRONS. We sell everything 70i; niay w:. .it and our stock is complete in every line. Studebaker Wagons Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder Postering a Brick Laying and Pugili.-t -All right, mv lord; I Poss II inna cannot lie. p the reserve the r ght until after ihey corn :- of his mmilh frimi d iop;>ii g make their decision Tit- Jits. ev. rv time he glanc s at the total Reindeer meat as an ordinary of the amount ii- spent in Ohio. and i lexpensive feature of the menu in Europe is about to be­ Literary Note. come an accomplished fact. Some The Thanksgiving number of enlc-rptising Norwegians have un­ 'I he S Hurd.iv Etneg Post, in dertaken, under very favorable its stori s. po ins, pictures and the ani- circumstances, to raise general article’, will be the most ast-. .vXYjriraÜI ; I »«. ».»>-*..L.-^ mala in large numbei i f attractiv number oi the magazine tering purposes. gel i sued. - u< d. In this number Rob- An odd monum -nt v. Ma.h ert W. Chartioci’.t t’iis a season« MAt’HISE HOI’ ¡N <<)NNT< TIGN by an elderly maiden fit! r«.p4ir<-d promptly and sat is I act ori story, nli 1 » i able out-of-door died a few years ago in iVE'sAT. U- GIT “1‘hr Hunter,” the romance I ... *»* Ireland. She left a fortune of poacher': p ettv daughter. Otlie. $135.0 .o to be spent in the erec­ features are: Edwin Markham's tion of a church, provided that her latest poem, “The Lyric Seer"; b'nlv should be convertid Il to “An Ele< trie Transaction," a tale ashes and u-ed in making the of the Transvaal w ir by Robert < )l< I .< ;tiN, m >rtar for the building. nun Nr Birr; “At Dawn,” by tt tave EVERY BODY CAN DRINK GOOD IITI! 1 Iiingle—Well, old bov. how are Thai et, and “The Ministi r'-, 1 len- 5,1; b L. i * J« ’. cu getting along.- Biisiiies- im­ hfitise,” a droll story by C. B. I t n proving any.-” » • this number are “Lincoln a Can­ £ w VÀ V Jingle- (struggling merchant didate and President,” )>v his old A little. IVe succeeded in 1 ed friend and political ally ,’Col. A. ing i xpenses about $15 a week. “That’s encouraging. How did K McClure and "Our New l’ros- o oxo b o o a peiity,” by br ink A. Vatidct lip, you do it?’’ WOLDENBEfcC EERC. A-sistant Secretary of the Treas- ••M irried mv tj pew riti r.” ury. • New Y ork Weekly. The Thanksgiving number < f A bog < f |o.r The SatUiiLy Evening I’< 20 feet thick he- be on a 1 n< w« stands Nov. HOWARD SteRCL, PMi'Mwt •VHtTE in w. R. sconci,c C. H. VOEGTLY HAB DW ABE-0» Ilarney Valley Brewery. ridi' ei¿ ir red at Five ailon kegs 82.00 de your home in Burns. Quart Pottles 01.' C a id»r to the ->O V' Il .’C of I ni- Y oui il s wrvNioN will rn' ive a bea 'Tin- calmdai « ■if <’t-hi :u V of de* . a of coloring. That IQC» will surpa « any one of iVifll. It i* the last cal­ the following Somebody ; ent ury and the pul»- Drink less, Ihhcr ha c end- avored to maVe ¡intilhctic-i eat less, nd«, more; waste lc” , gìvc m«r ; ift 1 ach I cmi , fatal been hai .ng turkey write le»», read moi rem th »age. I wi inow pre- ved 1er the p Athene Greece *ith a rage stufl-d with createsi cu turc on yq meal* a •ctip CALDWELL, IDAHO A General Ranl’iiij ilusin • •> fr<>n*jacted CORKESK j NDENCK < see- <■ < ■*, <■ < «V * invited ■ f a “. . £■ Y!/