I Idaho ailJ "’’»rirington. He report. our last issue as having been sen PLAY HALL a.good triP- Mr. Thompson found teneed by Justice Curl, of Drewsey, big brother-in-law, John Robertson, Matters of Interest Disposed ot to serve a term each in the county “Put Up or Shut Up." Says the at WOrk 00 A big stock ranch, and at This Term. Rubberneckers’ Captain. jail, were taken out to Silver creek states that John will be here the last week by Supervisor Oakerman Johnson Bros, granted liquor Ed. Caldwell, captain of the Rub­ latter part of this month. Harry to work on the roads. Last Tues­ berneck baseball team of Burns has license for six months. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11. 1899. was in Spokane when a number of D. L. Shirk showed a rebate of day morning Gebhard got some issued a challenge to play all com­ the Washington, Montana and Ten- liquor and proceeded to get bn a ers, excepting professionals. The $15 71 on taxes for the year 1895. nisee yulunteers arrived from the Local News. "highlonesome, ” much to the dis­ Rubberneckers are in the pink of The opening of the road prayed Philippines. They had two Fili­ Scalp bounty blanksat this office. for by Stephen Woods and 11 others gust of Mr. Oakerman, He was condition, and are anxious to cross pinos with them, one boy that had placed in charge of Robt Baker and bats with any amateur team in V. Hanks of Owyhee is visiting been bought for »2. Harry has continued. Olson A Beede granted a liquor W, L. Best, who were bound for the»? parts for money or marbles. our city. a Filipino silver dollar which he this place, to bring in to the author­ | The boys would like to play ball license for six months. Watch repairing guaranteed—H. got from a Tennisee volunteer. The 1899 assessment of R. L. ities, and he was again landed in with the Drewsey windsplitters, and C. Bilger. Circuit court adjourned last Sat­ Hutton raised to 100 head of cattle; jail. He was placed on a bread! hope the howling nine of that burgh Henry Blackwell was in Burns urday evening. The serious illness 8. F. Hutton to 400; Geo. Miller to and water diet and after one meal will “put up or shut up.’’ Captain Thursday. of Judge Clifford’s little daughter 200; W. II. Shirk. 600; D, L. Shirk, the prisoner decided to work the Caldwell says the game must be roads again, this time being taken “on the square,” as he don’t want Buy your syrup from R. A. Mil­ at Canyon, made it necessary for 875. out by Joe Barnes. Wednesday to be “buncoed" any more. “Talk him to hasten home. The cases A warrant ordered drawn in favor ler & Co. The best on earth. not otherwise disposed of were con­ of J. E. Johnson for *300, part pay­ evening his partner Jim, meandered about pitchers,” said Captain Cald­ A. L. Vanderpool was over from tinued until next spring. Judge into Burns and was given lodgings well, “the Rubberneckers have a ment on contract for road work. Warm Springs the first of the week. Clifford left Sunday bv private con­ The grade in the Stanclift lane in the county jail. He was placed pitcher that can throw ‘balls’ into on the same elaborate bill of fare you faster than any Drewseyite can Peter Sh' iltz, who has been work­ veyance, accompaniid by Mrs. G. accepted. ing at Diamond, returned to Burns I. Hazeltine, who has been the It was found from the report of as was given Gebhard, and no gobble them up, and that’s saying last week. guest of Mrs. J. W. Biggs since Experts Huston and Leonard that doubt would like another job on the a good deal. And when it come» to batting the way our boys twirl there was »354.55 due the county roads. We have the finest and best line court conyened. the stick the air seems black with from I. 8. Geer, ex county treasurer. Lakeview Examiner: Carrol Ce ­ of coffee in Harney county. R. A. Ed. Walton and Brus Byrd left The sheriff having been charged cil, a stockman of Silver creek, bats.” Continuing, the captain Miller A Co. for Salem Monday morning in with the raise in the taxes for the Oregon, reached Grand Island, Sac­ said: ‘‘Now, if Drewsey wants to John Warner, a stockman from charge of Albert and Loren Will­ year 1896 and said raises being de ramento county, Cal , three weeks play ball, let her show the color of the Narrows, was a visitor to Burns iams who were sentenced at the last cided illegal by the supreme court, ago with 40 head of young, unbroke her coin, and we’ll accommodate term of court, to serve terms in the last Monday. the clerk was ordered to credit the mules, and sold the entire band at the boys on the Burns diamond at penitentiary. Ed. will join his sheriff’ with the amount, in order to Don’t forget the club dance at »260 per span. Mr. Ceeil says the any time.” family in Portland after lodging the correct the books. Locher’s hall tonight. These social business of raising work animals prisoners at the penitentiary, and Grand Jury Report. The Drewsey bridge was accepted for the market is just as profitable are very enjoyable affairs. will then go to San Francisco, where The petition of W. L. Best and as it ever was; that the mules he New stock of dress and pattern they expect to make their home, In the circuit court of the state of twelve others for a county road on sold at $260 per span were not hats will arrive for Mrs. C. A. Byrd Oregon, for the county of Harney. R. D. Maplesden, of Fort Jones, Silver creek set aside and dismissed above the average. He could have the first of next week. To the Hon. Morton I). Clifford, Scalps received to the number of sold 150 head if he had them. The Cal., agent fur the ‘‘Old Reliable’’ judge of the above entitled court: The firm of J. W. Jones A Co. Albany Nurseries, has been in this 841. price is sure to be better next fill We, the grand jury empaneled at are building a granary on the lot section the past week delivering and be intends to take a large herd the present October, 1899, term of Eves tested and glasses fitted by back of their place of businezs. to the Sacramento valley then, con your court, submit this our final trees, shrubs, flowers, etc. His H. C. Bilger. Charles Roper lias gone to New customers are all well pleased with fident that the price will bo $300 report and beg leave to be dis­ Commissioner’s court has been per span. York, where he will spend the win­ the stock brought by him, it being charged. ter. Mr. Roper expects to return just as represented. Mr Maples in session since Wednesday. “The happiest man I’ve seen in We have examined into the books to this place next spring. New invoice of Thomson’s glove­ Burns for a long time,” said Frank and affairs of the several county den will return next spring with fitting corsets just received at R. A. Beider the other day, “was a fellow officers and find the same appar­ Wm. Hanley and L. R. Webster another delivery. left by private conveyance Tuesday that was hauling»dirt into the court ently neatly and properly kept and Don't let it slip your memory, Miller A Co.’s. for Ontario, where they expected neighbors, that Lunaberg A Dalton W. L. Best and R. J. Baker, of house yard last Wednesday. The the affairs of the respective otlicere to take the train for Portland. carry the largest and best selected Silver creek, spent several days in rain was coming down in torrents, properly conducted. and the man was working away in We have been in active session Albert Ward was in from Happy stock of hoots and shoes in Eastern Burns this week. seven days, during which time we his shirtsleeves with a smile on his Oregon, and they will be sold at Valley the first of the week on A nice, fresh lot of groceries have BURNS, OREGON. school matters. He wishes io have prices that cannot fail to induce just been received and put in place face and humming ‘Happy Day.’” have examined into all matters brought to our attention and have Upon inquiry it was learned that those who examine the goods to the district in which he lives de- at Lunaberg A Dalton’s. purchase. II AR.n W JX.ZO ZES X the teamster was a “Webfooter.” returned into court four true bills vided. C. S. Johnson and family were having recently arrived from the indictment. W anted —50,000 rabbit and hare The Lakeyiew Examiner says in Burns the first of the week, pur­ Willamette valley. All kinds of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, Respectfully submitted this 4th skins during winter months. Send that blackleg is reported as being chasing winter supplies. Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. The familiar form of Charles day of November, 1899. sample skin and address Wood, epidemic among the cattle in the R. J. M c K innon . O. B. Dingle, the Stein mountain Adan«s has been seen on our streets Mayer Co., 418 Ellis street, San Honey Lake country. Doyle lost L. B. H ayrm . ten head in a week, and scarcely a sheepman, came in from Diamond the past week. Chas, came in and Francisco, Cal. I. 8. G eek . the middle of the week. had a chat with us last Sunday. cattle owner in that section has H. Ft. M ace . Henry Scoupes was over from escaped I osb by the disease. He was much surprised at the [ John Darsey has gone to Ander- 1 Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. The only J oe C lark . Andrews last Wednesday to make son valley, where he has secured a growth of Burns and the genera) S hingles ! S hingles ! Parties de ­ L, B. C ulp . proof on hi« land. He was accom­ development of the country since job fur the winter. Tin Shop in Harnev Co. M. F enwick . panied by Edward Carlson and A. siring shingles can find them at I. his removal from our midst. Mr. 8. Geer A Co’s saw mill McKii.ny A full line of Shilling's Best Give us s call and we’will Ctx.viixe jtu that ze iquor3 and Ciga.vs who have 15,000 sheep ranging on while the sto?k is complete and county script on subscription al of Catlow valley, and as soon as administrator of the J. B. Craig the Owyhee desert, has bought hay make your selections. Lunaberg A face value. Those in arrears can that road in Warner is made a pub­ estate. Final account of W. Hogan, Z-^“Courteous treatment guaranteed.^, Your patronage lic highway, and the grade is built also pay up in script. of the Stauffer Bros and will winter Dalton. administrator of the estate of J. Z. over the rimrock on the Horse trail, their Hocks on Crane creek, George M. Humphrey, ex-Unite 1 ‘ If the present rain continues the Lakeview will do business with Mr. Hogan, accepted ami the adminis­ W. G. Baker disposed of his cat­ States Marshal of Nevada, who died ball grounds will be in fine condi­ trator discharged from further re Shirk and all bis neighbors tle some time ago and left this week at Reno last week, was an uncle of tion for a game of foot bail Thanks­ Eurns-Canyo.. Stage Line sponsibility. Our old friend W. Dunn drifted for Denver, Colorado, where he ex­ 01 and Will Jacobs of Warner and giving, Final account of Jap McKinnon, pects to locate. We join his many Mr». Asmus Tonningben of Lake­ We can supply the public with into T he T imes -H ekai . d office on administrator of the estate of E. R. Metachan A Cozad, contractors. Thursday. The old gent was in friends in wishing him success in view. Carrying U. H. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expert- anything needed in the general Taylor, accepted and the adminis ­ good health and high spirits, carry his business undertakings. Pump3 and windmills, all sizes n erehandise line and in any quan­ ing “a top load,” as he expressed trator discharged. L-ave Burns Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday,for Canyon City Robt Reed was a passenger on and descriptions now in stock. tity desired. Lunaberg A Dalton. himself, of the latter and “felt like it intermedi t, mints, Fare »5. the Burns-Canyon stage Wednetd iv Chain and force pump« a specialty The First Washington volunteers The assessment roll» »how the a young colt.” Mr. Dunn had just morning, bound for the Armstrong Call and examine stock. I. S. Geer taxable property of the county for returned from the railroad with a arrived in Seattle the 6th ¡net. on the steamship Queen, ami wen- warm springs in Grant county. A Co. this year to exceed last year’s valu load of freight. given a reception never to be forgot­ Bob has been on the sick list for The Calavan Bros. projectoecopeX“*'011 $216,40.». . Assessor Buchanan Louis Zeigler departed for hie ten by those who witnessed it, on some time, and not improving as and graphophone concert, given at is doing good work. home near Newbridge Wednesday, land or sea. General Nelson A. rapidly as he should, decided to Locher's last Saturday evening, was The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. after a two weeks’ visit with old Miles ami Governor Rogers werei try bathing at the springs. up to the standard of such exhibi­ Geo. Hayes has been quite sick for' friends in this section. Louis found the distinguished guest*. some time past with whooping all but one of his strayed horses M arried . —A. Miranda, the An tions. Carriage Painting. Shop first door north of this office. cough. The little fellow is now drews merchant, and Miss Natalie F or S ale . —My residence in Our lines of blankets and com Warver, of California, were married Burns. — Carpets laid fur »1 (JO to »1 50 Each.— Price, »750. Address: convalescing. forters are the most eomplete in at the Hotel Burns last Monday Mr». Lucy Baker, 217 East Ban­ There will ba preaching next! this section. Call and see them, i evening. Justice Jameson officiating nock street, Boise, Idaho. RcMdtnce Symes Hotel, Burns, Oregon. Sunday morning and evening, at R. A. Miller A Co. The happy couple left for their C R. Peterson is over from Crane Harney. No service will 1-e held M L. Lewis went to the Narrows home last Wednesday. creek. He reports his child that in the Presby terian church at Burns Wednesday afternoon on insurame exeople tlery and fancy crockery just in. this service. Evangelistic services will convene at C.nvon one week would not lose anv time, but go to Racine Bros. at 7:30 p- m. All are’nvited. used to be a difficult art. It from next Monday. T he T imes H erald is turning Jorgensen and have their eyes T. 8. D ulin , Missionary. is different now. Anybody can out some neat up to-date job work If vou want a piano or organ call properly fitted and get relief. take pictures, Manufacture!» now A. K- Richardson has just re Call and see samples and get prices. or write the City Drug Store for We learn from W. G. Peirce that make Cameras which anyone can turned from the railroad with an WE ARE AGENT« The warm rain* of the past week i prices. bie brother, I. V. Pierce, who had engine and a new eaw. both of which operate, and they furnish acces­ will make the gras» grow on the Jorgensen announces that he will his leg broken two months ago is have been put in place in his sories anil chemicals in such shape go to Canyon Citv for a few days improving slowly. He is still at ranges, and st kmeu are happy. shingle mill Mr Richardson" is that the finishing of pictures is an the Anderson hotel in this city. but King heating stoves, cutlery, now at work turning oat shingles during circuit court. easy matter. Call and see the large stock of will Ise taken to bis home near Vale glassware, holiday goods and crock­ and states that the new machinery BURNS, new furniture just received by C. S. as soon as he is able to be removed ery juet arrived at Racine Bro«. OKKGON. des excellent work. R F Claypool, of Alvord, came Bigg». When you find *n iten. of news J. J Comegvs the Merchant- Complete Outfits, including — Itealer in----- in the first of the week. oc< omponied Tailor is agent for Chicago’s load­ Special sale of iron bedsteads bv his daughter. Rube started to call up 'phooe '* 16 It will be Cameras and everything neces- ing tailors. Suita to order from this week. C. A. Byrd, the fumi- Burns with * foor-borse losd of appreciated - try te finish pictures from »13 50 up; Pania »3 50 up; Over­ - ture man. Everything new in the line of potatoes, but sold them all at Law- S5 TO S25. coats »12 "0 up You can havs a 1 Supt. Gilcrest, of the P I.. 8. Co., en. He saved one sack for T he winter goods at Lunaberg A Pal- Call and see these outfits and suit uiide in Chics®® or Burna by arrived in Burn* yesterday. ton's. T ime »-H». hai . d man and they were first class workmen, all work war Call and see my stock. II. c the kind of picture* which can be Trusses and electric belts at th* the beet j«,tatoes we have seen this AMMUNITION. BICYCLES. PAINT*. WALL PAPER, BRU3HJS ranted. Secoiid door west of Capi- laken w uh them. Bilger, the Jeweler. season citv drug store. tn! »nJcwtn < "11 V l>IH’