» IkU s * ffra.lA l'“e Krou,Hl now occupied bv C. S. j»G-' - « furniture »tor«. ,\h Ben, lACKMAN MURDER TRIAL ernor Stanley today honored the l’EACEKl L AND PROS PERDI S 'requisition of the governor of Ore­ gon for the escaped Oregon convict, It is not often a community is Jury Now Out. Earl Murrav.” ‘A Salem, Oregon, fouml where there is less strifr ANY NEWSPAPER THIS < Ol MV, . IN ,..,.uu.-nivrv " rtl ' 1,1 ‘H': limes H erald . N o dispatch, under the same date. Saturday the grand jurv says: “Earl Murrav wa« received amang the resident* than that >f ________ s-S! dovol there Will be many more fire Last .___________________ proof buildings erected in this brought in an SVTt «UlV NOVKMbEHL 1»'-» 1 . indictment against: at the penitentiary June 17, 1S!'5. our neighbor, Silver creek. The I h.is Lackman and bis wife charg- under seutence of two vear« (.»■ cit’zens of that section work togeth­ city next spring ami summer, as under sentence of two years for er as one big family and follow the Local News. locations for business bouses are ing them with murder. Thetrialhas larc« •eny in Malheur county. He scriptural teaching—“Do unto oth­ («•nil »vizir! • L " • - - Scalp bounty blanksat this office. . sought after by parties who, profit­ occupied the attention of the circuit was then 18 years old. July 5, ers as you would that others do ing by the experience of tlio e who court since last Wednesday. - Fob S, 8. Williams was in Burns tlii- 1SU6, whilo working as n‘trustv,’ unto you ” The people are pros­ have lost heavily by fires in neigh- lowing is a brief history of the case: he escaped. John Duncan, a peni perous. happy and contented. They week. Last August the deaf and dumb I boring towns, wmid not think of tentiary guard, left Sunday morn­ have no use for pe iee oflicer* as Watch repairing guaranteed—II. ! putting up a wooden building. daughter of Mrs. Lackman gave in ■ for Leavenworth, Kan., to bring then' are mi dttliciilties to arbitrate, C Bilger. birth to a child under peculiar cir­ Murray back ” A few days since Bailiff Byrd ami therefor«» elect neither justice The fair closed at Portland on stood at the court nous? door call­ cumstances. Tile report was sent of the peace or constable. the 28th ult. ing an absent witness in one of the out that the child wa« “still born” | Charlev Morris bad a singular The residents of that secliotl are on trial. In a loud, clear and the body was buried soon after misfortune last Thursday, says the Trusses and eleetric belts at the icases Bru« shit ite.l “U. C. Smith. birth. Lakeview Register. In the morn­ i all engaged in stock raising, the I voice citv drug store. Smith, U. C. Smith!” but Suspe ting that a crime had been ing he turn'd out three enw* ami ranges are large nml produce an U. C. he could finish the call, John Harper was up from Nar­ 1 lief ire committed, Coroner Marsden oi- one yearling, all fat and in good ilitiml.ince of feed for their stock Ah Ben, the Cirjina latindryman, derid the bodv exhumed and a health; in the evening the four Tile ranches herd« ring the creek rows the first of the week. who was pissing bv v.i.h a large post mortem was belli with the lead were found dead in the field «'nm.g the best in the county, The inventor of the Mergeuthaler ■ bumlie a clothes on hi« shoulder, result that the coroner’s jury ren­ This was the «lav of the very ,,n "h,ch is c,,t thousands of tons tvp -setting machine is dead. ¡Stepped, dropped bis bundle am], dered a verdict in substance that a violent wind storm ami it is pre | of hay every season. There is al* , Everything new in the line of 'looking up at the bailiff, said: murder had been committed, it be­ sumed the that the cattle were !‘o,nc line grain rai c l, although •V'nter goods at Lunaberg A Dal­ “Yes, Bins; me no see him.” ing fouml by expert testimony that; killed bv lightning, although no flr,,,i"g is not followed as a bus!- ton’s. exclusively A number of A. S Poett of New York, repre- repre­ the child was alive when born. It lightning flashes were no'ieed that When you find an item of news senting a house handling American was also found that the skull had I day. The loss could not have ocrecently purchased a thrash- call up ’phone No 16 It will be fruit for domestic ami foreign trade, been crushed and the lower jaw curved from falling timber 8inc’„ 1 ¡"8 :*«chi«ie which was used jointly there is no timber . f any kindin b> thrash the grain of that section j appreciated writes from San Francisco that he broken. this season, it being run almost en- As there was no direct testimony the field. will s«sm visit every fruit growing John Johnson of Drewsev was tirely without the aid of hired I the coroner’s jury was unable to district in Oregon, Washington and The caso of the W. V. A- C. M. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clevtnger Idaho with a view to contracting charge any particular person er W. R. Co. against Emmett Clark help. this week. A Qompany has been fi rmed of fur the crop of 1900. His house, persons with the crime, although was tried in the circuit court here ............ Ladies .Misses and chil­ he says, intends to cut out. middle­ circumstantial c‘. i ienee pointed the first oi the week. to . ■ ... The - — j jury --.- several citizens of that ««‘etimi drens shoes at lowest prices men and do business direct with strongly to the pirtie- mo>v on trial brought iu a verdict in favor of the buil.l a reservoir to hold water with ' which to irrigate ami reclaim sev- al .V-Brown Sons. ne being th? perpetrators. the producer. defendant. The east s again.«! W. ! ,.ral acres — - () 1' f J degert __.. )an(1 | i lieu- Fry has purchased the Mi'S! I . poti V.-UUIIUP evidence pi pres. C3LT.ICU i ted to the E. Huston, -1. C. Foley nml n part nrnl V»«« »-»»I *••••! S hix 'ILE s ! S hingles ! Parties de- grand jury at this term of that has been loeateiWn one body,; son ■«• London stock of goods, and court, of the M« I Fenwick place were dis- siring shingles can find them at I. aid which will b sowed to alfalfa they were held to answer to the miss««! on motion of the plaintiff Receiver Chas. Hussey has gone to S. Geer it Co’s saw mill MeKit nv is soon as th' reservoir is eompkt- ■ barge of murder. Portland. I The other case« have been contin- it Sparrows saw mill, Seth Rower I. ateu —The jury brought in a i ued on stipulation. J. A Spor.iw <1. Thia is an undertaking of no The Burns-Canyon Stage changed it Co’s and Lon S« award’s at Har­ verdict of not guilty, after being out •iml E B. Hanley vs Charles Roper small magnitude ami one that will to its winter schedule ths first ol ney. at the post office in Burns or take linn- ami much expense to about bait' an hour. a -demurrer to the compl iint was the month It now makes the dip A. K Richardsons s liogle mill. accomplish When completed, argued and overruled. Time was pi two days instead of one. however, there is no doubt those in­ Will Johnson, his mother ami Fyes tested ami glasses fitted by allowed t«i file an answer. Tits T imf . s -II eipi I. d will take family, of Granite, were in Burns terested will be amply repaid for 11. C. Bilger. F. V. Jeffers, at one time t« ncli >r lheirtime und trouble. county script on subscription at this Wtek, visiting Mrs. C. W. II. C. B uwn was seen on our of «be Lakevit w Junior brass band face value. Those in arrears can Clevenger. The visitors left Tues- is in Culooczn. B. 1 , and a member TO-NIGHT. lay for the Willamette valley, streets Thursday. also pay un in script. of the 15lh Infantry band. He where Mr. Johnson will place his Call and see iny stock. II Call at C. A. Byrd’s furniture 1 ‘ mints the position of chief music'ati Calavan Brothers’ Grapophone daughters in school for the winter. Bilger, the Jeweler. store and see those “Kitchen Treas­ of one of the army band* to secure Concert and I’roj«otoscope Com­ ure* ” You Can’t »1’1«. rd to be wit h­ Leng Creek E igle: M M Brierly BURNS, Our fur overcoats are jli more salary, an 1 has requested pany *ill entertain the citizens of OREGON. and daughter Beatrice wire in V. Brown S’Sons- out one at eueh low figures. Lakeview people to forward him a of Burns and vicinity with tlnir Long Creek last S ,tur.lay, return recommendation. As .a musician, thrilling Cuban lecture und moving F M Gibier was shaking hai.de (> I) Rusk was oyer from ing to th ir home Monday morning. Jeffers is no slouch, but—well, lie Picture Exhibition. with old ecqnaintance8 in Burns All kinds of Machine extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, Mr. Brierly ami f.mily were resi Warm Springs this wick. savs the Philippine* “is a very There will Im a free social dance this week. Mr. Gibl.-r lost quite dents of H truer county for many The regular Nove nber term of rich country, and th«- United States ami grand cash prize contest after Plows, Bicycle Sundries, etc. heavily in the recent fire at Ontario years. county court convenes next week. got a greut bargain when they took the show. Pi ize No. 1, $1 00 to the Teamsters report the roads in it.— Lakeview Examiner. most handsttiile lady. No. 2, $1 00 “l)ad’’James put in an appear-' R E Reed lias been suffering ties county in excellent condition ■ o the most graceful lady dancer anc on onr streets the first of tin from a severe attack of grip this ; The committee on memorial wi'l The recent rains have settled the No. 3, fi" 50 cents Io the Lomeli« st pell- week. “Dad” does not seem to forward petitions tn every precinct Carder, Seeds ami Sporting Go. ds. we< k. dust and the roadbeds are wel I The only tl«man. No. 4, 50 cents to the grow older, anti has o pleasant in the county today or tomorrow packed. Ladies woolen irraps, win for signatures, and it is to l.e hoped poorest gentleman dancer. smile ami a “jitih” ready for h;sold Het our case juices on friends whenever he meets them. ter jackets and capes at .A’ j that those reviving the documents Admisiioii 50 cents mid 25 cents Gin i s t< cri) r I <’ «( „¡]] canned goods- 11 e kn ock Emmett Stratton was in Burns 1 Brown . ...... C ed. 1 clear out. ,V Brown S orders from our citiz-'ns for their have returned from the Oivvhee, I ( citizen ’ ‘ - - respectiv>- localities. good and warm enough for in their ■ » ---- " Sons. winter supply of apples, lie ex- wl; re they h ive b«en virit’i g fo> The defeat of the proposed land­ . V. Broirn t of groc« rie- h ive Octn absent in ll.ikrr county and saloon budding jliis week, which BAILEY «V \\ ATE 1!S, Pinn inr Ieus. jb.it i>'-en receive«! and put in plae« Hainey county. The Silver State of the 24th ult. other sections of Eatlt rn Oregon for improves tlv atp-arance of the. I not« s the arrival at Winnemucca of ll Lunaberg A D dton s. In sending her school report to some timi- past. Fino W.'nos, tiquors and. Cdgft? structure vt rr much. John Gilcrest from White Horse. ill I . several ■ i T i | k , T imes -H ehai . d , Miss 1 C-sie A . -pecial venire brought ’’ We can supply the public with Gi ere«! of f]1(, ciijz,.n, of silver «-ic k to llardistv has set an example that C’ljuii S. Biggs rreeivod a large Harney county, Or. Mt anything needeil in the general 2 ^’’“Courteous treatment guai .inte« to ll'c fill 0 out of 10 orders hill publish the rc|H>rts free, an 1 tity desired. Lunaberg A Dalton. here in about expects will arrive 7 yeai s old? JI 'e hare a lot jilared in our hands for we urr of the opinion that they w i l II hii . Will R Ring lift for his three weeks of hoys suits in those ages Furns-Canyu«. Sincje Line / tri ccs- . 1 ’ ’ .Isk your friends be intircsting to parents, pupil.«, Im«re m Baker Citv lust Thursday that we are closing out at At Lis Angelis, October 28th where they hnu fht tlwirsup- ■ teachers am] the general public. The l»i'«i cases on which he was j Mef-ehan A Coz ul, coritractors, John R. G« ntrv won both heats in S ? 00 a suit. .V. Brown S’ ¡dies. They will tell you at C»rrying U. S. Mail« ami Eastern Oregon Expre. s Co’* Fxp««» the free-for-all pace, Joe Patehen Sons- Dr. L E. Hibbard ami family ar- retained have been disp ised of I r .V. Broirn «,• Sons Time, riv d in Burna last Thursday this term of circuit court. second, Anaconda third. Attorneys S. Tl Lillthicuui ami L-ave Burns Tiiesdsv.Thursdny.Sntunlay.for Canyon City N. Con.egi s, wife and daughter morning. Dr Hibbard comes well Col R. W. Mitchell are in Burns M. Horton, the Diamond Valley 2:04j and 2:03j. intermedi« 11 loints, Fare *5. Rev. G. E. Morrison was banged attending court and looking after Mrs. Anni" 11 ¡lines and little daugh­ 1 r< c immended as a denti-t. He and merchant, un«l brother of Dr. Hor a« Vernon, Texas. ()-iober 27th. the interests of the W. V. «<• C. M ter Hazel, are visiiirg the writer 1 Ids family will lie pleasant addi ton of the City Drug Store, was al Mrs. Haines fives at the Narrows, , tions to Burns to which we bid visitor to Burns this week. Mr, Th' crime for which Mori ¡son pi id W. R-.xl Co. in Harney valley. — Silver Lake them welcome. Horton report# business flourishing the death j enalty was rhe | oisonit.g l’umns ami windmills, all sizes | and descriptions now in stock. correspondent of Lakeview Exam-' W. D. Hanley «rrivd borne in his section of bis wife- iu October, 1897. iner. from Ont rri « last Thur-.lav. He 1 Chain ai «1 tore® p'.iu p« a sj e -ialty Dt-puly Sheriff IL J. Dav, < f Lane Jus. Ilutberf rd. f.miilarly known was ac« o iipanied bv J J. Cartwright I Call und « xa.mi.e stuck. I S. Geer county, has b-aen faiml to be a A Co. as ‘‘White Folk“,’’ and Jack Geb who was for s-v« ral jr-ar* sta i n defaulter to the amount of a little hart were received at the count, agent for the Oregon >h rl Line at There will le work in the initia­ 'urriage Painting. Shop first door north of this oilice. more than IJ-KX). He left Eugene jail Monday to rerve sentences, Ontario. last week and since then nothing tory degree tonight bv Harney respectively, of 45 um) 30 dare,1 —( arp«ts laid for fl (Kt to II 50 Each.— John Sw«ek brought in a fine lot has been heard of him. A reward Judge, I. O. O. F. Members and im p«>s> d by Justice Curl of Drewsey. sojourning brothers are n quested of apples from the John Day last /•“ ,:'>id< re e Byrnes Hotel. Burns, 'I • / .n. of $100 has b“' h offered for bis for petit larceny. ■ to be present. week, am] ha* la-en delivering arrest. If the public is aware of the fact them to customers. The Prir.eville Journal says that that W) J* r « « i t. of h' adache ami J. J Cotnegvs the Merchant- We have holiday ■_" > hand Sew* I operate, and they furnish acce*- Pemil-vin October 27th, the jury WE ARE A («ENTS Price, $7-5i|. Address: price« that cannot fiil to induce '.haps, at Hopkio* A Hunter'«. returning a verdict of manslaughter, Burns. sone* and chemicals in «u< h sb ipe I ,i!.«r. 217 East Bat.- th «* who examine the ge l* to with a recommendation for extreme Mn 1 ■. The little daughter of Mr. and that the finishing oi picture* is an Idaho. purchase. tne’Cv. Miu.s was to have nc-ived t.'xk strict, B Mr*. Her»’« f Ms i. lake, i* stai - easy matter, hi« sentence last Monday, but op to A number of th- R ad Lar.dca-- » The athletic exhibition at Ixh ¡ng with C E Kenyon and wife in time of going to pre s no ¡nfbrma were continued until the spring c-r s hall last Saturday evening drew Burn«, attending sch.sil. BURNS. lion had reached this office that term of circuit tourt. a good aiz.-d audience. The four OREGON. King heating atovea, cutlery, Complete Outfits, including •enUr.ee had b«eil passed. round glove contest '«etween Homer Iatnslietg A Dalt. r bare just gl*--ware. iMdiday g.iorfa and errck- Cameras and everything nece»- — l«eah-r in ■ ■ 1« :,se Cot.signmerit Retd and Charles Smith *u de rry ju-t arrived at Racine Bro*. It M is q quite pn bable tin re will be received an It ■ • clared a Jraw M Chevalier wis at least three bi i« k building« er . n <1 ■ f dry g-oda Claude Def»«* i* ptit'lng bi* town given the decision in the ten r «und H E Thompson left Saturday for\* in Burn* early in the spring The 1 ul with J. E Hem ¡I Cbsrle. residence in ahape fir occupancy firm of Lunaberg A Dalton art a brief trip to various point* in the Call and see thr*eoutfit« and Green aid Biil Kennedy did not His mother will move to Burns in talking str»ng|v of putting up a northwest. the kind of pictures which can lie I materialize. »• loth h»«l !«-ft town a rh >rt time, we understand. large brick l-.iilding building a brick un (he corner lot A Brief History of the Case 4AS mil tAnOF.ST CIRCULATION -~ ' is Reserved fo « r THE OLD RELIABLE Watch it Next week I. S. GEER à Co, IIA TVT-’-t iz; CRESCENT BICYCLES Tin Shop in 7arnev Co the ; nunivs . :r e _ a W. H. KELLEY, HOUSE PA1HTNG & PAPER HANGING. Why Ecn't You Ride a Photography RAMBLhE BICYCLE? Rost Wheel on Earth. Cheep, Durable and Light Running. RACINE BROTHERS We Sell all These Articles $5 TO S25. HARDWARE. TINWARE, GLASSWARE ETC.