» r: I w nite iront V; last I Messrs Deur.is and Cu*p are put- » -. i U uuvi . in our , • . r. v 44 years 7 i .onths and tin,- a fresh coat of paint on the ,v o I ..I i'tiari • 12 d*vs old nt the time of his death I While Front Barn. c. uli.'t fa! ii d'i’i d lii.v patients et ttie Brej by terian hospital in i The little son of Mr. and Mrs. .¡th - nil di im I", putting it in their' Phild'lphia, Fa. Ilis remains Geo Waters has been quite sick ¡od I un the sly. were intere 1 at hi* biv-hood home with the prevoiling epidemic among V V it, Deleware City Delewarc. the little folks. He is aiueh better It sc ins '.hat Gw. Otis censors Mr, Hall wishes on behalf tho at this writing. the • reporis report • of the health of the j relative ! of the deceased, to thank j Mrs. W. M. Stewart left last troops ¡is well as the other I’hili- the p -ep.e of Burns for the kind- week via Canyon for a three months pine news, and there is no doubt I ness shown Mr. Craig during his visit wi’h relatives and friends in that he does it under otdt rs from -tay at the Anderson Hotel, alto Clovis California. Hew do you ’<:! Bti’i • m ’ uff« rd to be pa­ Washington. the people cf Silver creek. like "batching” Billie?’ ri t Ti.: 'v :1 Republic; Dave Cary came over from Crane Additional Locals K i er, as th. t r < ■■.tually he will In view of Col. Bryan’s abili y creek the latter part of last week to J hi-le it t:p. and willingness to speak for h m- have some dental work done. C. A. Swrek has gone to Canyon Dave returned home with but on* ■ elf. there is no occassion to pay 'I'b- -e v.h'i fail to recognize the any particular attention to those <»n I buske ,f tooth left in his mouth and that ,'.irg oi:) oj iiT i: i of the war • a iio periodically get a little news­ —T ub T imrs -H erald snd Ore­ one had been overlooked. ilo- Phil ¡'pli.es. must neithei paper space by professing to gonian for 12 in advance. ‘T’iicle” Jake Thompson, while tir imr c a I. L. B. Springer ha» been visiting ; sitting in front of 1. S. Geer it Co i speak for him on this or that sub­ jhurdware store last Sunday morn­ at the Narrows, ject. There i- : •'■hing strange in the A good second-hand lady’s bicy­ ing, was »truck with a severe pain .’vi.caci c! by the officers It will take more than the claim cle for salo cheap. Inquire at the in his left side and a sinking or j smothering spell. It soon wore off f f the Stund ird Oil which is of a New Vork physician, tint he postofiice. ¡and upon inquiry we found he was j !■•• pit i‘ in t’. ' I v ! can restore those killed by elec­ When you find an item of news ; subject to them. tricity to life, to persuade the call up ’phone No 1G It will tc The Burns band has re organized fi ' -..‘t the first senpe- average man to test the claim by I appreciated 1 ar.d drafted new constitution and const 1|«i will «ill give (ot »l ¡officers are repnbl the man charged with having rob friends wishes them a Ling life of not yet decided where he will Jocste ' hms. There w ill be more of Ti ll bi i - s p.• --totl co iI, I $ >”> ami who ' h.ippincss.—Huntington Herald. perhapj in Southarn Oregon. We these clubs if there is not a change has just been released from th Ore­ M aiihii n—A (the home of the are sorrv to lose such a good citizen gon penitentiary. w!i.re he served n McKinley’s policv. brides parent's in Burns, last Wid from ou’ county. Mr. II. has hem three years. nesdav evening, Mr. G. W. Fawcett cons dr d one f cur most eulstan- Mr. Fidler was the postmaster at and Miss Katie Hackman, Rev J. tial citizens fir a number uf vears If the shortness of man's mem­ Bliss v lien the ntl'iee was nibbed C. Templeton officiating. The His m my f-imd- will all wish him ory were notjprovei bial, the pies ami hi' went to Ore ;oti to imlentifv bride h.,s been a resident of Burns •z»od 1 nt sentiment of the civilized Johns m all lit r life. The groom has Lc« n J^ hm on w placed in the citi solid against fiance, on an nuit here for the put year an I is a vi rr >f the present treatment of Uter­ j lii, when be will be kept until to e ted d r hard working young man.! Cell r err where. Messrs Dr. Horton. Jas And r .o:i\ 1 - — by nm thor deputy ot Oregon of Mrs T M.-.son—‘‘Calamity Jane'"—ami a ami E i Cal,I. i ll return-J M t dji m.m ■ :rm 1 [ iw-s-i, wh» rre al­ evening fro -i » several w. ek Any foreign c conversine with ii jtd tn liavr been implicated in ting and fishing trip to the ecent events would be likelr t the Jordan \ alley po-'.omee r ibberi M untaina. They are all lock t.g jive credence to the ston that Hie parties hate Icon taken to much improv, I in health at .1 re­ hia~administration his impel i.i- Porthind and will Im tried along port 11 llent lin k, except eno it istiic designs upon the whole •v ¡tli Jot Jensi n e l.o mis captured eident. when the wag n turn- d over \meiic.m continent; is it not u- . . I' put- Unita•! Marshall' on Ed ami they lust at the same I time about 1V>U h of fine mountain ■rising, therefore, that th sten I’it kham in Idalm. trout which they had a.dtrd down hould be causing i x. tement in with the intuition of I rii |ii g son «howaa killed during the at ­ •levito and Brazil. r s « tempted robbery. It is iinderstooi! them houie, ! % > x. str n ; ei ¡‘lerce has been secured A. J Di!’, n k cattle man living dir. e'.ly conneeting h tn with th- near I’rudb-t m nml in old time The alleged investigali n rusts, by the lndustii.il Cutnmii- eisn. It was "Calaniitv Jane" friend ef Atty K. M. Turner of this tl who pa J th" tmmev i t p’.-ice. arrived I,ere list week fei ion, at Washidgtort. was turned M the store in wliiib the posiotlice was the purpo«.- cf buying stock, but as ito a vc.se of ••the pot c diin:.- the •¡tua!< d nn the il.iv of the re: • rv, • ettle black,” when the Stami.ird I ■ • owing to tin- fact that he has lien hl rtl'ci ds attacked k < h.u. n<'Ci r ¡:i' t < » . t u: h lit * . e intiiie.1 to his roe n since bis al •rtf -e»;**ve mn T hillips, ‘ the €'• *"-a } •• - - ’ • . ■ • «a. , h > is c< .. i t.d with • . M. I r gers to any part of the Country. TRISCH i DONEGAN, Prepriatsra. Oregon. A.wGLvI^E, rroprieitr. V CHOICE WINES, LIQUÛ&S AND CÎG.IEJ. D AND BOOL TABLE«. COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS cn BuikHn# ¡:y arsirsi c ci ti! kinös always en fis;. Your patronage solicited. into the building formerly occupied hv Bo-s Cash store. 4 - » It, Onj«». I now have in stoik a fui! lire of Coffins and Caskets and do a gérerai Vrc'ei taking Busi: trs. A’:o tenie new th:ngs it urniturc and Sewing Machines Repaired. Picture-Frame Moulding Framed Wall Pictures {^"Remember the place, Main C. S. BIGGS. rjr. JONES & BIGGS, BAN Ì J j JSrXAS, OX/.GC.V. ä «entrai Tanking lousiness irantacteB Correspondence I n» ite <1. x '-K.CK’T Livery Feed and Sale Stable, M H BRENTON, Prajrietor. r k « ? ■ ?. n