Jsampson w i.o aimoitnci s, through : 24, r 32 o............................. 14 sei s, d against each <. sai I t.24, r 31 e.................. 12 u7 refer to order <4 date --epi. 12. to continue t.s commanik-t r f the .... WXSXISBAY. S I TI. : : 1.1; l»:< big North Atlantic Squadron. It I Chas. I'etcrson: his authority for uiakmg Henderson A Archibald, ail e red it. is a rank injustice to other .mill Bee 1(5 tp 26. r 35 e 29 02 IL part of expert« Leonard and J f LIA 3 E r r. D MiSi’t'r, more de. r-rv in;; oflicers that Samp­ I J. ('. Bucklai.d ani V,’. H. Morri­ Huston accepted and they were son should be allowed to retain son: ord' .ed to balata - up tho Looks to Boss I lamin is bun ying home ' thi? command until ;.fier lus par­ Motley, Mrs L ('. ij n-aj, sw] compare with the report.J nw], naj szj sec 16 tp 21 with his checkbook, vvli'ch is his ticipation in 'tiii; New York Dcw- 447 scalps were received. r 34 e................................... 1157 I ey reception, and would be aud­ main reliance for saving Ohio. A. V R.-.i ine allowed a rebate of J. H, Jordan : itions to keep him in it longer. T9.68 f -r '92 taxes. Temp'etcm, I’ M, i . t ] . e- 15, tp 25, r 32} u. . .. ..185 00 Does Mr. McKinley intend that Crdeied ti; cant f road between Chas. Croi.ii;: any portion of China shall figure ai■; tin-.e from his arduous tp24r31e; u 1-2 nel—l sec gain. Jonas Bros, arc to be con- 13, tp 24 r 31 e.................... 12 00 pi actice to drop a few epigram:- hiirbest bidder, the amount paid, gratulated on th'ir success in the Gnd by whom looght: II. Richardson: about the way his successor will sheep business, a« less than four I 1 Hid in by J. \V. Biggs and E. Wind . rly, 8, sw qr. sc qr nw run the house. Fitzgerald: qr ere 36 tp 2.3 r .32 e........ 9 81 years ago they were flat brake eatis-1 ed by hard times and heavy losses Stewar*, D, nwj see 9. ip 24, r .32} e ................................ $43 98 The democrats can love < Ihio, of sheep during the hard winter.! County ( curt but they Wore determined to sue this year, without impaiiing their ' J. W. Biggs: ceed, and how well they have done I chances in the presidential elec- Morrison, T A, b .J S'J, fee 12, First day spent in exitnrning th- I tp 28, r 30 e,.................... 92 20 bo is shown by the Bal« just made, lion, but if the republicans lose the report of Leor.i rd and Huston on which is clear profit in the business j (Inknown, lol 8, block 10, in state, it is goodbye McKinley. | Burns................................... o 66 the financial condition of th'- coun­ they having sold to Frank Lacey ty- Jones, A ]’, eA hit J sec 12, tp some two months ago 1,200 head M. FitzGerald appointed to sur­ of wether« at $2 50 per head, the According to the figtu-is of the 22, r 35 e; ej n«J sec 13, tp 22, r 35 e............................ 10 88 vey the boundxrv line between the $3.000 realized from this sale rep New Orleans Cotton Exchange, ranches of 8 Lampshire and E. I’. relenting more than their indebted­ this year’s cotton crop is 74,845 Van Vai-tor, Wm,neJ s’.) sec 5, tp 20 r 31 e; n ( sw|, Sylvester, the !>ill to be paid by the ness. b de- larger than that of last year nw| sej see 4, tp 20. r .34 e 43 20 parties intereeti-d. Jonas Bro», are also owners of and the value $3.54 a bale k - s. It. T. Hughett, supervisor of road 1,000 acr: ? of fine grazing land in I Lewis, F, i A swl-4, »fv1-4 sw 1-4, sec 14, tp 20, r 29 o; district. No 11, ordered to open the the D a-r cr<.-ek country, and they Col. Bryan will lake the stump nwl-4 n w 1-4 si c 23, tp 20, Meander line road ami to expend r-ma'l; ! to an Eagle r. p.r'er that r 29 e ................................ .39 91 in Ohio for McClean. That will $400, if neciry, to build culverts they v- mbl now rest long enough to bo hl? answer to all talk ah mt his. I Simmons, J C, scl-4 sec 26, bridges and otherwise repair said fence it and then would likely take tp 28, r.'tCe ............ 26 60 unitiendlii.ess toward McCle an, road. a trip to Alsace-Lorraine, their and it will be a convincing one, Handily, J. sr 1-4 sel-4 seed, In the matter of the application mother country,—Long Creek tp 41, r .35 e; swl—1 swl—1 too. of Ione Whiting for » re id of public Eagle. sec 9. tp 41, r 35 o.............. I 94 easement, the court appointed II. Gearhart, I’ O, lot 2 block 21, After all, the Cuban-: c annot be Burns................................. 1,35 00 Hotchkiss, Austin Goodman and Pre bytorian ( Lurch Meeting II. C. Levcns as viewers and to ap­ blamed for refusing ter be . atislied Harney Comity: praise damages. Tin-.tia| btdness meeting of with anything shoit of a definite McCullin, John, se| sec 16, tp announcement of when they are 25, r .31 o............................ 10 16 C. 1’. Rutherford and Jef!' Byerly the Presbyterian churc'i of this < ordered to r.lti r their data in .'¡Ivies pl.’.ce was lit hl last Thurs .ay even­ to get their independence prem­ Nicktlson, G E, i ! h « c 16, tp 25, r .30 o.......... 2! river • as to not obstruct the How ing. Ilev J. C Templeton was em­ ised them. Tetherow, C M. sej «•c 9, tp I of water during the high water sex- ployed as pastor f r imother year 23, r 31 e............ 42 6 i eon as the overil >w in tho Stxnclift xinJ it wa:-- arranged that l.e spend The especial pain-- taken by­ Wilson. M P. ( ! sej «ec .32. tp lat.e causes great expense to the not le::: than hre- S:::.duy« at 21, r 3.i e; ej nr] tec 5 tp St. John Wanamaker to jolly the ■ Burns. He will arrnt -zith other 22, r.35e ............................ 53 82 county in i,-pairing tin- road. pla. rs dr.-iriti:; .«i-rvices one Sunday German Emperor, whom lie re­ A. \V. Waters applied for a quit J ll.-ill, J W, nej sec 6, tn 24, r cently met, indicates that St.Jolm .3 4 o...................................... < o > — I 85 claim di ed from the county to 35 in each mo.-th. Tlie treasurer reported ths mia- still has inanufa- luring interests Murrey Bios, n! ne| se<:24,tj> feet of the cm-t end of let 8. block ¡iter'.- s.:’.-.rv paid in full for tbc 18, r .36 <■; swjsej and bi J 5. in Burns. in Germany. A deed to this pro­ sb j, nee 13, tp 18, r .36 56 .38 trerty was given to the county by year just end. d ani nil ii-eiih ntal ¡1 balance \\ aters, M L, swj sre 20, tp Mr. \\ atere in 1889 for the purpose ex| : t.x » pani itith a 21. r .‘51 e; i-J si { sec .30, tp In addition to endorsing the 'on hand. l'ho year has been a of erecting a court heuse thereon. 21, r 31 e ........................... 21 press censorship of Gen. Otis. i very succ -fui on - fin : H.Glv with The di ed was given. i nJ ere 5, tp 21. r Secretary Root seems imbued to ('ole, J tic* ch tin b here and the ministeri Assessor Buchanan given until 32|....................................... 51 do a little in that line himself, by Sept. 25 to complete the '99 assess and eliureh are very thankful to W ilion, J IL >1 - tp 26, th;- people for their libiral support refusing legitimate information to r 30........ .................. . .. 59 75 nient. and g od v ill. newspaper men. The telephone company ordered Co ss, John M, el sel I, 8CC 3C, tp 27, r 30 e .......... 21 90 to remove poll• in the Staru-lift 1 me A Line to the Narrows. i -o t to admit improvement of the Some of those who aie busy Har 'in. Janif« î, ne I 4 •ec 33, tp 25, r 28 e........... 28 6] road. C. K Mi-f’heeters returned from echoing Mi. McKinley's remarks For the considerat. n < f '65 Mary a visit to the Narrow» tins week, Weedell, A B, t J nwl-4 about “an enlarged map cd the I m 1—1, sec 5. H 2<>. r 31 e; C. Stum-lift executed a quit claim « here he want as ri-j rc'entative of • ’ nt 1-4 ■ ec 6, tp 20, r 34 0 20 On St ites.” do not I row 'he hi *_• ) deed t-i a piece of land 12 fi e* a id the Blue Minimum Telephone Co encc between an enlarge li< .1 Wilson, T A. r J sj pee 27, 'P ! and lti.-O feet lung on the north side The object t of bis trip it ::■• ’ > a.«eer 34. r 31 e ................ 32 II .of the Stinclift rsneh. The laud and an cnlaiged m ip. t:::n the se ‘•■■Jiui• rit of the citizens of Wilson, F A, sj sJ eec 27, IP is to be used for ri nd purp 33, r 34 e................ that place in ngard to extending 26 62 Tim cletk was ordered to draw a the line to the N:-.rro• 9. With all do respect to the code Michael. I f l iwl-4, re 1-1 a arranI ss I—I -I c 10, tp 19, r 35 • Mr. McPh: et of international courtesy, it seem« 50 in.-.:.ding him to collect I 1 1 vy at.d • ' ’ • II tint I:» t liked to in f..v.< f th.’ prujt-c' and to us that “Ccy leu lia” would Ne r, 15 !i, nl-2 rec 10, tp sale, all delinquent t.ue«. 20, r 25 e................ < 01 lad in raising about the have br ■ • j:-M ,s appropriate a J. T. Barnis gave up his contract .-'pnrrier, W E, el-'? ’6 tn entire a uotint of tnonev to put the name as “Shnmroi k" hr, I in o ♦ ’• >. i■ "i e - i 29 with the county to gr. de the ¡’otter line thro :;h. He exp , ts to return glish cup challenger, anti Sir Tho­ . r 1 * 1 Swamp rca I. T. G. 1-. rib. w.;s \ • there in 11 few days to complete i qr nr qr sec 11 tp 18 y 36o; mas Lipton would have receive! en th- e nt: act. rr ’’ment» u. rk ii ill scon sw qr nw qr see 12 tp 18 r more illicit advertising foi his In the m»tter of the p. title:: c; !>• gin. 3.5 e, n hf xw ur sec I” tp 1.8 business. Stepiien \\ , od« and 11 o hers f - r , r 36 o ................... Mck night, A J. rr qp Pi. qr.-. v county road, O. J. lkir.t, A I t On: .hi Journal Stockman: M. IS tp .‘»0 r 34 e; sivqrsw qr Erlrniiie and Ssm Beach a There are several reasons fu; Ear - I: a of the lie.; v ¡1 -t cat­ sec 17 tp 30 r 31 <>; no qr id viewer’- tle dialer« in the West ai d South- regarding dem viatic pio-pii: n ne qr sre 1!» tp 30 r 31 e; Jt!‘ ! . I t nw qr ne qr sec 20 tp 30 r we;-*, is at th" yards. It - has just Ohio as very bright. The deme 34 “ ‘ e...................................... 9 S1 for an order on the pheritl' t > de ■: t retur: 1 ! :, th.- P.’.idnnril--enun­ cralic leader., who arc best p .steel from .-filing cert tin lands fur taxes, try ci Ì f and conditions Sten art. J W, n hf n hf ■ S rather on the situation s.iy that M Lean the tai ! 1 n ils having been or.ee un faver.nl le at the present ‘P 19 r 25e ........................ 9 time. I w ill be the next gov i no:, and the I and 15. Brown: s hl f*r te. cPs in L«!»2 ! c -rtdlc as the wi atber ha« been very dry alami among the irvubii. ans, i(ti je <1 condii: as ws« generali iy ex- strengthens that be lief. Wil’on, W S B nJ xee 12 !P t.ixc« P’et.d. At has on !. m.l at present SI, r 83a .. ...... ovi r 3 *'• " vi :r old steers in that niiHi, F C. an ] n»|. w | - A warrant for IO cash «• IS or. 'country, he a.’ 1 i 3,000 2 and 3 'Flic attendance at the bimetal a» I ne J, see 10, tp '3, r 3 51 Cl year-old steer -• to Eastern parties lie meetings, lu Id tinder the au • modgras’, T. J, ]„t 2 < thè «ti;. -. - emrt. th .-. am • • ti, ! ’ho pas* tí t • k . brfi ide* 500 head of pices < f the N\ w I i - d ■ m< tp 22. r 32 J c 1 1 24 • it'F non f.s :n t!ic e.i-;« • r. P. arson» has also Lillie' I.e.igu , nd.. : e i i- ren, J nlia A. n| h* I f ’.. a : 'e: 1. - and W J • ' iirpe iati :r: j in c :.i,tle in the West 10. tp 2-J r 2 J r ; Irrest in the -tibj it than so ne 1 ro.tds. . : h • FAX J tl«At I tie c.>ws and ft! I. » 1-4 pal have supposed to exist in that ■’■h. : M.-Kinnon crd. r< 1 1 . 1 nv ■ 't - • r.- auìLxl tp r 32j e for l> ifare going Io 12 07 section. Aino: the pc.ike: :• Parrott. E, n hf »ec 1* .rkft 1« ovin’ t the "f (li ■ a ..v Jail Bu iding and 1 K.» 16 t| are ex-Gov-Alt I of lib ;Judge r .’>3 c. 14 52 Mat.uf.ti turing Co . a- iroi d or f r 1 SA'Atr:* >• nf f t . ca itil • in the roast Tarvin of Ky : t ongrt’j’mau Parrott, ( W. « ;.f-,.. ictp . tl e fi. ’ t thè i utility ; » 1. ' >î te* II ’ • r>' ' -J ’.lith in the r o- • < 11 52 Lentz, of ( h io, a-i.l S-.-n. F In th metter of II.,- t u ’ -.der fade. I ver, as the privet| N Brown man. of S. U. isrtain bi::ds bv H.er- cy c.-m-tv f r for < 1 1 • 1 are Li;h and Wilson, • ce. I t x- • it * : « . .1 -r 2 tl;. 1! - ' er •tlf-pl e« are i . - rtai linly net excess- tp 32 49 07 iti in tn.’.ki t!,e p-operentry upten 1 J H rom j s.’ke-l that th c ' I î I « !•. hi» l . !.... i ! • F ì 1 • f < i 1 : t ‘ r .:-ii ' ’ 1 K b * ♦ sas would be certainly iar above tb” nv. rage. and a vast number of cuttle Would be requited to tat it up this winter, ami lie thinks th- ‘A'r-gl this rear will fieri the bulk of cattle, ns tee corn yield will certain ly be light in the eastern part ot this corn 1» It. Ì3L- F. 8. MILLER Prepiietir, This Stable it l.e.ti'd on the core«r «r < ■ rst nar, R, «nd grain os hand Has compel. nt l.Jp, R umi x Je t • gers to nay part of the Country. »td YOUR TRISCH A DONEGAN, Pr»p.’!*ti»r». eras, itì R. C. A tGE\ INE, Propnetcr. CHOICE WINES. LlOncer riKi BiLLLinn AXD P00L TABIE3 ......... COMFOBTABLE CLUS ¡¡OCXs AT • y- y- . È i W’ ¿ V P G. SJIIT’I *--■ T Brr.s, Orc*cg, G f 4 Í A I: Our f Sì M, 5. p-ic'i! ; d’t ■ J:,- Prices are I. Fresh t • . .■ • i i.Ua into the buildinw formerly ociupk-J by Bo’» Cash .tore. I now ®ff“Furr.i[ure and S-wi: g Framed JJai! Pie!mes ’ Repaired. 2’z -r. itnie /rHilding létv Remember the p.g, e, Maj(l and »re ’.nples of our stork and get^rriett. IF! THOMAS JONK8, JONES & EIGGS, j a R íe T í M eíimd . BANKERS, ozzvö.r. A Cenerai CÄ-Rlnn B um -,,,, - w s . * n* 53ctii?0 7°rr ’’I'^nili r ee Tn»in J. t t h H t h - uu bxO. ‘ f»;riet-r.