>• i-.- s Ó !l (JL. h i 3 3 I ■ r A £» i ; burg, which is » i & *y« LOCAL DISEASE E * F *T. a .-ars I it. August on Mil I. th. rt.^a.iUoU. IH “ •uddin «iar.at.a chanjai. for that place, lirin b» eir«d by a |d«u»i>t r«.aadj which 1» appll.J dl- The mean temperature for the oir.«RT 1 Ti«irM»rsii.v« : abhivf J • Li a « n 11.1» M anager. r«lly mt« th« n. ■ rlla. t.r IHEI.I.ET A FOLEY f/oprietBrs, week was 7 degrees below the Fer I From Baker City | From >«n«lato»ch £'■ Ely’s Cream Balm f Of the(selection of United St.de normal. There has been an en­ 1. 1 Fast Salt Lake Denver, OREGON P/.'BNS, »IKXll mail Ft. Worth, Oma la •ikn.-wlwtaad ta 1« fa tnwt th »□••» M .. senators by popular vote the At - tire absence of weather during the Sual.! , r,,» nv ¿„77, lin, Kansas City, 3:25 per. 11:21 ■ O«»IM. It spaa, ! r th, lanta Journal (Democrat) says: week and the percentage of : un­ Shop oppanft» ®M ir«w»ry •C«y« pa:« aa 1 n •aa::«ai h„la a. m. Sr. Loui», Cl iea. the »»»»u, frcai aol.U, raaXa7j?t po and East. ••The convuiction that the people shine has been deficient. rfiaraaaileeia , r,.»..«a« ,i i ■ci »inrna«’«.. •* » i The rains have delayed bare. ■ t- ill work iow* with neat.i«ii aLd dpatah. i*p ¡ ’ atitfaction giarait ad should have a direct voice in the Wall - Walla,Spo ing, but so far no damage has re ­ kane, Portland, choic of United States senators is S®~G;ve as t call. 11:23 San Franciacn, 326 asserting itself. The custom of sulted. A large portion of fall- a. m. Minneapolis, St. .n>. popular canvasses for senatorial sown grain has already been cut, Paul, Duluth.Mil­ waukee, Chicago nominations is extending steadily. and considerable threshing has aud East. Legislators should be instructed been done. The reports indicate Oceae Steanr rs. that the grain is generally turning as to the choice of their con- From Portland. stiuents for senator, and we be­ out as w ell as in former years. 'aP w 1 p. Bl. For San Franvit- lieve that this plan will be adopt­ Should 1 he current weather con­ •o — *». A r« Jutt w.'i*t every orrer ‘i Le mtr- t>c' Cvery 5 day.«. ed in many states. It is already tinue, which it is not expected to * • T i erry1» Heeds I Hin iLe fouudsuon up­ Columbia Hirer on which ha» r«»n bulli ch® in vogue in quite a number. do, damage will result to the grain 8 p. Bl. larga»? nttd bi a ii«» In the world. Steamer*. Isrrjr’» Jecd Intctl for UM 1 p. ni j .Ex Sun ­ The Georgia democrats adopt­ : in shock. romains aunt and ,xn‘ * tanca of th« l&LMl farming kriow'adga. •• Kxeept To Astoria an«] day. 4»ily tt 1. 50 r a. ArriTM it Octfri« it 4J hker* ed it three’ years ago, and /or tut sai inf. The current weather is of great -iitiuil'y wajlaudings. Sunday. D. V. FLUKY A CO. no othei plan will be satisfactory benefit to spring-sown grain, corn, 10 p. m. Daifoit, Web. to tiie people hereafter. The fu­ gardens, etc. Spring grain is in Willamette River. ture United States senators from better condition than it was one S a. m. Oregon City, New 4:30 p in Except Georgia will be elected practically week ago. It had commenced to Except berg, Sal'.m and Sunday. Sunday. Waylanding*. Through freight a p»u*4. by popular vote.” This is a# ; 11 color, but that has ceased and the i.r.’-'.'fTii.’sa TVilkmeitr A fuiMhUl 3:30 p m fire iayi natiee at any P. O. eti '.«» route and eurfted cetefte» " 1 - 5 should be in all the states in 1 the heads continue to fill and the 7p m hirer. Monday Ten .«day 1 union. A. 3. \fdlia«*, frajr. f^ai* t »;.. t ©rriat I land we can secure patent ia laas Urea tusa those 4:30 p in 6 a. in. j the square mile in the island of ter than was expected. rremote from Washi igton. Willamette Hirer. Send model, drawing or photo., ■.▼ilk descrip- '1 uesday Luzon, less than two to the The current weather is injuri­ Tuesday | «:— w u_:— if ;» nxteitabie uteatabie or not, free ef1 ’ tion. We — advise, Thurr- Tburand Portland o Cor­ _________ j :nt is secured. charge. Our fee not aue till pate. The ous to hops, though so far no in­ a P A ¡- amphlet awfmi . it ,. , “1 How ’ • to ~* Obtain Patents,” withi 1 square mile in Montana, | day and Sat. | vallis and Way cost of same in the U. S. and icreifn ccuntrUs1 ' Saturd'y landiug*. g « Ssent free. Address, money cost of subdu'ng the Fili jury ^has been reported. Cool, pinos. if spent in irrigation in Mo­ cloudy and damp weather condi­ heave Leave O pp . P atent O ffice . VMeHinaTex, D. e. Bnak« be« i>t n ntana, w ould support ¡i population tions are favorable for the devel­ Kiparia, j daily ex daily ex Riparia to Lew ­ as <4 ’dense as that of the island.— opment and increase of hop lice; eept I iston. Helena Independent. Fiid*y hence, the probable injury that Satu d y | t tuUUto may result to the hop crop. A IILVEa THE I5UI13 ljoo. People w1 o are annoyed by flies change to warm, dry weather I» C. J General ^^eat, TURN IT . .. OhSGOX. I» should remember that clusters of within the next week will check IÌ u ntii'gton, Olej.re l> the fragrant clover, which grows the hop louse. I » W. I ’ IIUILBU1T, !» CliRrtS«! and P îî ?: î « P:i» Reft Corn is making good growth abundantly by every roadside, if S!w Vidi Sc it; «<.;jij ¡2 All hung in the room and left to dry and it will be greatly benefitted 0»n. P»si A mt, Portland, Or. i> and shed its faint, fragrant per­ By the rain. Much of the corn is A. I. XiOIILÌ I, I» ce Preeidtnt. Tke Woaey Que<’.cu di» n4i»4 !• tie 0 fume through the air, will drive no.v in silk. lifït ot k^ljry. ». r. whit », v>m • away more flies than sticky sau­ Fruit prospects remain unchang­ cers ofjrnolusses and other flytraps ed. Peaches, watermelons, late and tlypapers can ever collect. - varieties of cherries, early apples of A«<: «. I Tl’-U Lf«4i:?g 1 fttteliic and early plums are r:pe and quite Ex. U. •.•hotter w • »TtWLBT filter. J Ml. Ann* Robsrtsoa, Proprletsr. $ plentiful. Prunes have "ceased ▲ eoi reel aecosnt of the 4u!^e of ft DuiWStT. - - OllEGON. dropping, and those remaining on Drawer Must Stamp Checks. Confreee given each week. ▲ family ¡-«per fot the I. fte and Are- À th<' trees have good grow th. The I This popular ho»«» ia fully e^ulp- CALDWELL, IDAHO rfde. All the important happenidf» of A The commissioner of internal prune crop of Douglas county will1 p*J for the comfort of ita «otto»- the week, coadenee I. lu ne ve columue. »• revenue has handed down an ▲ large eircalaLioa in evarg <:xte end y probably be larger than the crop »r». Good tabi» »»tvic». Territory. Ç opinion governing the [matter of in any other county. •abaeriptfeu Felce, >1 Far Year. A M *.• ils ‘J6 < Vnt*. stamping checks. It leaves the The weather during the last to Seed for seftpl?; ejtuu wsMcd- A banks no discretion whatever days Terms fur Lo*rd by t! « w*»i »r has been unprecedented. Published • e:K’y by the about receiving a check that is not There Stivar Knight Publbhltg Co., are no signs of winter month on spplicstio». properly stamped. He says: “You | weather WASHINGTON, D C. conditions; hence, the ^3?“ Two door» wi»t of fruì ar«» arc advised that a bank must not current weather is but temporary. affix s'amps to unstamped checks | B. S. P agi ' e , he world presented, and must return to the Section director. Fr?f. Y7.S. r::?x drawer any unstamped checks r.iak«» a spMialty »V-, - -, Epilepsy, hi. withers presented foi payment. In other doubt treated «ad CMr. ed r :®re casct thaa aay ' ' ; -fir -'’ Curu;l Him. living I‘hy»iciaa; h a words, the person drawing a •tieceit is a.sioQi&ia*. We hava heard of mj » i check must ntlix and cancel reve­ ‘ There used to be the greatest hv- td a« y«ara’ staadiaf erred b/ poeondriac in Detroit, ” remarked nue stamp.'^Furthermore, banks him. Ke pttblidtiMa an old merchant of thy city as he violating this law will be re­ valuable vrark thia 41a. ported to the [United [States dis­ pointed out a retired lumberman. «&3e,wlii«b by, ho looks the picture of h a aaada trict attorney for prosecution.” with a health.” ■». • *.» . . larra b<<- F« of hla aTealuta ear«, f.--* f« ar y aurareti Who »ay teed their P. O.avl L — r.ia a i ’r«««. ’IM Sa «SD C«LV»5. ' So ho is. Tough as a pine knot, ^•advise <»*’»’•«•.< -»Hahin t it. « " lr«» Good Cattle Scgivt. fttta. 5. fSili s. J>. < ; L iw , ’high to live to beJIOO. But when « K«C*. i.f 3 If t«2 ••I H j...1,' k* •,w w • « Of all the thousands of stock J we were younger liw was always Ho thought ha 1 ad br.e-t.J h»r ten en left ghcv ^e-. ra{fi- and feeding cattle that have been grunting —•r-« ® E> everything from gout tp galloping j L,£ » A w'»J* .I*.*- coming to Kansas City recently consumption, arid never expected READY FOR 5ALE a bunch of good quality has been •o li»e the year out. He nveragi ,1 EVERYWKERH the exception. I'armeu and ,hip- :> <|U*rt of niedivine a day, to ray JANUARY I-< f«9 pcis have been marketing tlieii r’*“ nothing of external application-.” vj to uri x ¿2--* ••tu«, - ■■ best young cattle at home and to- ” v.u rM. «, *c;::acTO3, a. al - *« s» eanteteme "What cured him?'* ,O ».. . I ,..ÿ X».-i«:i r .r.jard, ro sending the tail ends and com­ TcMBhu »’th "I did.. He growled so much I i -- 'V CM*,*dI* MralaftM* h»»w< v «a K* mon kinds to the market. The that always gave rye toe blue dev­ »•*0» . Ha H Vca.-Cai. B.r.awr». i ft» thrr’e C: d inand for feeding c ittle is gooil il* to unit him. One dav he was ‘ •»■•><■». CBMla f 3 * • A-llenaricka, P o I.aven Or tellii • me the »Id story of how his Kansas City Telegram. t .•'! ottIrr»B,i»■ <4 ;rl»t C»*.ilo£ir« tells ye« C m - t M* had complications enough to kill I)' liver Stockman s ivs: why. Write ter bm . Call and see «amples of our work' I bi» seems to be the prevalent an aligator in twentyfour hours aud i'U ’rices. ‘•lim,’said I,‘you make me tir.d ' * ,n‘l •."-»■»« fitf.rrMp nark lt(k- situation. It is a positive indica KATMAI SEWK4 SACIWIC^ er.'«> IT« ».. , pm .... h ,,r A our re j'.lst about »a pleasant e-m 31 JJ» *»0 AV. Pfcfcry. tian of the scarcity of beef, ’■ * ■« U. •• .. ■ ■ .nd ■ •»«»?•» Pjtir.Tnn MtlMVklB .l:b.r hi,. # r.t pane as a skull i n I cross bones. FUaVerfc. «VL. ( ltd It , . - . zA _ J u ■ I. Ito. I . »rd Burn, Or«. whether range-fed or corn-fed. There’s nothing on earth the mat­ Ho .. a V r ,f. , The fact has frequently been ter with you. (live me $1000 a1 I JOHN F, STRATTON’S bi ought to the notice of the year while vou live and I'll insure Ho-«, bra I «« , |»r » » • I ÆU C*L w ;-*TE0 Bi/fflinclismSLflStrings St ickman. for F'JO. i ' iki and e,a ure payment ’ • •• ill. I’a « Orw "Did he take you?” The shortage of the cattle of llorB. . • «■ a*i a». S.ll.r, Ua-d(l|n "dumped at it. Insisted in­ commerce, caused by the set err nZT.A.. ,.,r • «I »hl hial «a Or«. JOHN F. STHATTO m i on Inions of last winter anu Jit p I ring »lt'1'O down hi a« to make » I »r-; •> . ■ • » , . ’• b’«n4 d tight 'Ins summer i* in • \ I it more binding From that min- 1 •11. »13, St«. #;7 £. Jy, £ y font., ■«! Fam., , f’l tdrotic mid u«'J« ia • r c. •w >-k I ** riglc ear ■’ e moie dearly than at :inv ute he began Ora. lb' w»s worryit e take < on tbsb , ”•-•-• . ............................. and, i.iii, this year. • a «».al • • • «• r .« a! out the 11 " v I n i< Jetting ln- 1. i • • • Lux«» w a stead of ab.iu’ liino, If, don’t von r. ex. r*. w«’b \\ «-.■.thi'f • Inlletin. see? I eanghl him five ye^rs run- - — 30 YEARS’ jc ::~ 7CK-» nine. Snd ri'l.'e thill he < EXPCrcUNCt «*>.i udy :nd i ol w - it her pre- Never ■ speaks X:i l never y • • •■ « e- ,r va'! <1 during the week. General llatea 1 me. I BUpp.1»» I'd •. * ci,.« ó ’ e to ha ram fell during Tuesday nig!.* I lit he’d * > 4 a • /* . «ttf mt not »■HRs ami >n‘Wednesday, and again on Slid old . • T«* ü » M«Ksa led but .<■ ’ « ir. Si'tirdav. the total for both t un- Ju:an S. left »3 9.f \ •J <-•'»; ,«v4r’-- Ccl»v«:âHTB Ac. Press. «•• «... -■ fa att. ,| , «-ar being from .JJ of an inch to i b, I • aa . a«r aa • • ■ « . «r I-* ii-,1 I ». Rain ’uch .is has fallen I JOHN P. STRATTON’» I r 9> * ■Fl I'. ; « • ... '. »b- u n A Cw reea?»e i» unprecedented for this pei iod of "•« ».?»<« » . e d-4 C«W«t«B ». w ’ .• « . lx ibe •-*■-•» » - « **!• B,0Î •r v ear. It occasionally happen, % « » t -t la Schimif ic K i nericali. •;e> ti’eatrutad •*♦!*«. f enr«a< etr t run falls in .Vig'ist from the DP '"'IFES. *'*• —•!*»»•» t». » ' * . t r • > K • ’ ■ » I ft» t s, j Lye l v: «»w:- • •••.»- ( î.a Piccolo» and B*nu Suprii>ik of thunder-to:ms, but .«liiCU •••- « KtT.ÏQlk • ' ts 1' • ' t» X». ’ « ’ •’* *. *•» wl ¿T 4 •' . • »TWATTe», » ■*•«»'• •" «it «<« gì i » »»j J, J 3 Barns Outers© Line GET YOUR IC.A.S^OW&CO.; HOST. IBVItìG, Prop. AT HO?£E 1 Prices I .< aaSMSXJS • utenti t I A» F •< WaMia»*-» UC. t I I • Hr..». 1 ,. • • • Î. « • B