B ■ [IE I f TIMES-HERALD T'he Tîesf»- Gives The News MEDI M Job ¿Printing. SUBSCRIBE. œær I CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST 23, 1899, Russian Thistle Here. begin making shipments. It is expected that between ten and I Omaha, Aug. 19.—Fully 1000 twelve cat loads ci antimony will The killing of alfalfa meadow« Douglas democrat, assisted by i be shipped from this place mouth­ last winter bv the Febuary freezing SVÍSCB1PTION RATES: delegation of about 300 m.-mbers ly.—Winnemucca Silver State. created an abuormal demand tor .. 12.10 ?»ar ............ .. . I W , of the JctTerson club of Lancaster seed fur resowing and the local sup­ M» I« M«ulLt ........ 75 county, turned out today to attend ply which has ordinarily been suf­ Indian Legend. U,„ J1»|J L , ficient for all demand» were scon the Jackson club picnic at Svndi- •rriciAL sinei TCRV exhausted. To supply the trade cate park. Many of the stalwarts and One of the most ’ interesting, ari !•— orbo » N ’• t C .W. McBride. were accompanied by their families vet one o1 the leastkknown, lakes on merchants had to order from points l».'« I Joseph 5iman and, with the outsiders who cautc the Pacifie Coast is Pyramid Lake f ir distant and the scqual is r. vea’ ■ jThos. Tonrue. . ¡M. A. Moody in Nevada. It lies about thirty ing that souie of the seed brought: D. K. N. Bhiekbura to hear the speeches, they consti­ Cliaiup Clark Speak t e . (. « i. • ■ > I • • [art M •• . J H w Acl.arman ........ H1 ,ed, tuted a crowd of several thousand Hon 1\ . J. Bryan accompanied the € . K S. Be*n. Lancaster county delegation. ■ c. verton Congressman Champ Clark of ee > F. A. Moore Missouri was the orator of the day. BIÌf.TH Jf»ICIA\ »ISTRICT. D. cui f ' m > lie declared the democratic plat- ___ i.tJuOr ’ . . W'.i Milht ■K . . r. .< i • ■ '■(;■ f nr ui oi 1900 must ' e the same as irai' '’»prFR-jblatlvc . J W Morru.v ■ that of 1896. Said he: ‘ The peo­ (.1. ple understand precisely what they c« J ■ undertake to say? I defy an ex- i pansionist to stand up and inform U3 what the president’s policy is. C k But some say, and more's th-- pity and shame,some calling themselves democrats. ‘The president is wrong • rr«t». | but we must support the president.’ To this it has come at last, that we must shut up our thinker», close .I cur mouths, c.nd chloroform our consciences in ordsr '.o be consider- hl ,L ESTATE agent . led patriots. OREGON FORWARDING CO. Tho tavorlta wlih thaughltul, cuitjr a people—The Oregonian. Miss Florence Lewis, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. E. Trisch since the Fourth, left for Canton on Thursday’s stage. The W. <-kly Or sonlan anfl thl« paner give you all the news ot home, stale, the Northwest anil tho nation. Ontario, I The new stone cellar af II M. Horton has bcm completed and i , , , cF-.u in wa8 foul with Russian thistle, as kind in the county. Ilarrv Smith thilt ‘lleaile‘1 w.eeJ » begining to ap the mason, will now put bis whole pear in considerable quantity in force on th» new brick building of I some of the meadows that were re­ C. II. toegtly and push it to com­ pletion. sown. miles nerthenst of Reno, and ab->ut twenty north of the Central Pacific tiie Railroad at‘Wadsworth, says t_ Pacific Bee. Ths lake is forty miles in length by ten in breadth—near A gentleman w ho is thoroughly F or S ale —A house and two ly twice as\ large as Lake Tahoe aquainted with this weed, having bl*eksin Morrison addition, incl..s- The Trtukee river, which is the had large experienea with it tn cd, land in good cultivated condi­ outflow from Tahoe, discharges in­ Dakota where its see.! was 1 rought tion, two good wells, large ice house t > Pyramid. Tahoe is about (>,000 in by Russian immigrants .and sown lime house, limekiln. Will sell for feet above the sea level, and P> ra i for stock feed, has kindly brought half cash, balnnee on one, two or raid is about -1,000. Netr the shore of tho lake is a to this office a well developed speci- three years time. Call on or ad- cf the plant, and a« the mission “fjjress, cave in which many human bones M. Zr.ic.KNn ». have been found. There is a tra- he Mattock is to conserve the inter­ J4tion among the Indians tint a ests sf the people we hasten to noti­ Burns, Oregon. baud of Bannocks were once star- fy them of its presence in these ved tojleith^n this cavern, at a valleys. It gr0Wg much like the tumble time when ihc Bannocks were at war with the I’ali Utes. Many weed only more upright and when Indian arrow heads of a kind un­ mature break- from its rout at top like those us,.d by the I’ah-Ute», ,.f ground and like the tumble weed have been found among the bones. is rolled about bv ti e wind and a fact which lends probability to thus distribute s its seed over a great arsa of country. Fortunately the truth of the legend. the sagebrush here will obstruct its j travels and thus greatly curtail it« Improving Flocks. ' .-pleading. It h .s a net die leaf like Shecpa.cn are bent on imprving phie. rcc.mblcs the tomato plant the:- flock?, sir e there is a sign in,'" color and when young is readily Oregon. \Ve solicit your trade and juaranteo FAIR TREATMENT ta all OUR PATRONS. We sell everything you may want and our stock is complete in every line. ----- AGENTS FOR------ Studetfikci’ 'W'ßgciss', Ai’cCcrmic'c Harveistlnc Machinery »iS'A'ril» ni for Frira». Pabst Boer. Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder Our infermant the business horizon that wool ¡--: eaten by stock. ' savs it requires littk or no wattr going to bring good money in th-’ j near fu ure, savs the Denye» Steck- 'and will grow ¡wherever sagebrush OiàwOB man. There is a greater demand will thrive. When ripe the bares ¿bpoîutely Purfe have points as sharp as needles, fsr fir.# bucks just now than there ' Drie« mxkri citiirat' i, etv. [it. up witkii tks • lias been for years. It would' ' are woody and tough and as danger-; figure® givtn iee»ti«ates. Ijr.-'itiafaction guarantied. not be surj.risir g if some rangeman ous to tackle as enraged porcupine ( Thosr interested in tho matter would not soon be adding a small lloek of sheep to their h< ! '.in ’; to invited to call and examine I run with the cattle. In west Tcx-ji sp. oimeu of the thistle in tUl as some cattl* men have tried this See.—Ontario Mattock. and have found that sheep Allow­ •‘No, if the presidentis wrong, he ing the cattle arc a positive bci efit ROTARY PVI1.I I ■ » i ' c . js ,r. bind st 11» y»rd. i tF'l’Mitr-it n»t!»y h|H University cf Oregon. • Hi «L- CtrcalF, s should be made right. If he will through keeping down tho reeds, builn: c r G . V (1. n ’ " S P Cut O«l •, oäsgoit riot cease to do wrong, he should be and some of the finest ar.d best ETTT:??,*'. Vi ’ ' - ¡..o t lu lets t i;e I'd va TUITION ; rie . tiñóte fr'’.™ V»’ i-hín^tcn. :<• Practico b.far» V- » I sail Oiler bounced, as he will be ro soon as cattle ever marketed were taken . 1 • . ■- • rii rto « Ri Sept IX I ¡99. ’.icn. V. • i. ¡f ¿H»- ■ r m l. fr»« the American people can get a from a pasture in which ran a1 Fir»t terms beg r.s . t Our Í- r not <1 ttil p-.trr: i» •cenr' 4 in Ancient and j A P." .Hit. ’ !!<>w '.> ' Hi ¿ .tenta, «itM Excellent esurses crack at him. In the interim, ctn- large flock of sheep. Perhapsi • ••• • i • fei-nce», Mutile- I Modern Lai punge«, tuwu, i vnt fr< c. Ad'ire»«. '.LSUHM, JSBMW.O»*BV grtes should restrain him from when the sheep bnstn.ss picksup' •? : w malie» i te , Graduate.« frosu the 10th farther expenditure of American a little more stockmen will realize grade and from all a •< r dited tcl.oob r. * i cvi.3 f blood and American treasure, in these facts, and on almost cv»ry ■ aduiiit J will out examination his career of 'criminil .> gn -ion’ ranch there will be kept a large n \f»t for ti.« 5 Physicians and Surgeons. Student» cot fully prepared to co for that is what lie himself d. fined herd of sheep in addition to the ter, can tale »'«die» in which they ar. nvr.xs, csEOON. cattle lh*t graze npou a thousand i i ‘forcible am < xstiou’ to 1». deficient, in the Eug tie ( i'y High ‘ If he lias not satlicient onursgo hill?, I School. 0« v at rrt-.itni-t. ¿ST Xo- ' » and -'oriitude and strength to resist l'< r catalogue* and further ii.forn.a preeure of the gamblers in human 4SD ITS lion, addreva the Prciidehl or lion J TO TM El lb • - 1 lie blood and lives, who a:e bolding J Walton, See. Eugene, Orc.O i rtr-/*y for Conitnn; ;. .a. E/ Us tim../ >* GIO. S. SIZEMQIiB, :r i. ■ . I. "* 'r him on this evil.and ruinoas cour e Portland, Or., Aug. 18.—It is ATTORNEY, P ^lrntly c .r.-.t. So pr wf-positlvs sm I the American ¡» pie will find a oi rt5 po-’-.T But I consider it ir.y duty to Bcs.s............................... Slated that Henry Villard, the well From the Canyon Nrws <'.!». ,■«!., Land k««ui««r «nil 1. « president who has. Il’s name, too Z-: ' ‘ z. I . . .- < . r . rs known rvlroad nmginate, and A, E.:«te ia*' «r prowl Hv »'.twi.ùrd tu. who have Consu:"[-t.' .n.ït.r- at, Br >:xhUI or it William Jenning- Bryan of Ne­ B. Hammond, pre-blent of th" .'.» Lung Trout if they wiil writs ma ttwt" W. J. Coleman hr.» gan» to ex,■'reis an.1 p .ttoffice address. Sincerity, braska.’’ ■ tori a A Columbia River "ailr-ad Burns on business' t. A. SLOCUM, M. C., Hl tVsil it., Tew T;:t. g*- Th« Fl.' rial end S bi I lsm M«n«reme’H «I a s.irasn and of the Co:va’lis r.i. l Ea> ern, I . w »♦»• U/Mir! --W Cbtw.^4 Frank Metchan is on the *i'k have obtained immens'1 tract- of list, at his home in Silvies valley. Sheep Shooting DIGGS & TURNER 1 Mrs J. W. A-hf>r! is rueticating During his visit here r■■ imtly. Reports have reached tl.i« < ty ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, The best way to buy any­ at th» Warm Spring» for a few days. that a band of sbeepj was fir- I into Villard went over Harttuond'a ■raas, — — — — ontaox. thing is to borrow it first. Mi-s Mayan- Cozi ! has return* d a few days ugi on Bully crc< k and line« and made a thcroi gh ir.ve.-t- Prs ti e in .11 the courts of Ore. a number kill» 1 and wounded. It Mtion of the cour.trv. While noth- frttn a pleasant outing at th' < U.t a package cf Sc/iil- Collections promptly n ‘do. is also told that the theepmen at ing definite i« known regarding the springs. ling's Be/ tea oi your the time were on or near the ranch object c f Villard , visit over these C. E. Kenyon and aife,of Burns, grocer, lie pays you your I of a settler, "Which caused the trou lints persistent rum r are afloat were in town sov< ral day s )a«t week money tack if you don’t I ble. Considerable t'«ullehas hsp '.list lie is w. .rk'l .1- th» in r< -tof Mr Kenyon is secretary of the L. 5. \T. MILLER, like it. pened in that section of country some trans-continental Un ■ which F. Co., at Burn». NOTARY PUBLIC. this summer between sltcep m»n in'eml» to cross southern I.lai o and Iz-on Brown a prominent Lusi-| "It is a startling fa t th-t .1 ■■ ’t Oreg»«. without eacepi.oti, the ail and the settler». The reperter did roach Portland by way . f the Cur­ Burns, n* s - tn- ■ of Burns » as in o'.r town teas are danger', is Io health • not learn the name cf tk owner ■: tail:.« A I. »tern. I'he Burlington H»t week on business Mr. Brown •I them are actaally j road 1 .» '■« • ¡¡cunt the eheep Cred into nor the a is on Lit way home from P< rt — NY Jira.’Z srrwr of datr.ag» done, neither d< es the coast and it is not improbable tl.it OviCOS. land. Villard's inve '.igatiou* are in the Eagle vouch for tho truth of the Yes; some- not all But J W. Bij»* esc - 1 * fr >ii the rumor, but gives it for what it is interest - f that road. that isn’t the point. You springs last SaturJay a id to It his niYSXCIAN A SURGEON. worth.—Long Creek E.igle. 1. kAYJ.uDY <1N DRINK GOOD BREN drink tea because you lik l f r «h ptrture on the H-ppn- r s*xg" “Hui to the 1-s it r«sitn e*- P iHand to lx- in atten iacc? at the it--not because it is goo 1 I w-rda by N. J Ju Borax Compaio \ Office Telephone No 21 7., M Brown ha.« Indicated bv District Court next w k tor you. md Plastering a Specialty c. S VOEGTLY MARSDEN & GEARY. PIAMO IMPEMENT8 longest lived and Lightest Oiatt ffiowirs, Raisf uí lirtiri in We Mill Harney Valley Brewery. He V01p, Quart B:ttb: <31.JO a dozen delivered in Bums. r* Compar«y hia rented the K¿< ¡ » uildirg. next dror J A nn’e undertaking eetabli*’ aud will u»e it f r a >!«< â • Wanted-Än Idea T-wr ‘4-w. *. yw w.% « - r ■'•f'fc --------------- um . • ♦ j- 1 ” bF*t< » P«»w^ W •’ - V* two Salem men t< and General k> will be donat 1 t nionnm-it fi.rd. burine? c f thB cot Wh»r y a g a tea. hi r's of the Fong w«» eng . ö WOLDENBERC & BF.RQ