I THE TIMES-HERALD Gives The News ¡ ADVERTISING CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. The Hackman • • • »FICIAL MK^CTöRY ■TATS—OR tti®N : G. W. McBride. t BURN’S, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST 16, 1899, INPORTANT DEDISIONS. Case. The coroner’s inquest which was A Number of Harney County in progress as we went to press last Cases Affirmed. week was finish* Friday afternoon, i The testimoiv ; not been made In the Oregonian of August 12. I public nn<’ ,ot be given out un­ we find supreme couit decisions of I til D strict Attorney Miller has been importance to this section, Espec- |K “ ATES: heard from in regard to th-* matter. ’ >®Ry the land cases of Springer and Deputy Dist Atty. Pi-.rrish stated Colwell, which were taken up to ‘.he University of Oregon. Miss Ollie Frye wishes us to an­ nounce that she has dispensed TUITION FREE. with her rooms up town and those First terms begins Sept 18 1899. desiring mending and cloths clean­ I Excellent courses in Ancient and ed can now find her at heme. Modern Languages, Science», Mathe­ matics etc , Graduates from the 10th Al Southerland, who has been grade and from all accredited schools in the city for sometime, started admitted without examination- for the Harney country Friday, to Students not fully prepared to eu— be absent ten days. Upon his re- Joseph Sintau that the case would be fully report- supreme court as test cases in which ter, can take studies in which they ara he will accept a position with J. A. jThoe. Tongue. (M. A. Moody D. R. N’. Blackburn ed to the district attorney for his in- a11 the settlers on the south »ide of deficient, in the Eugene City High Lackey of this city.—Ontario Ad­ AU»rn»y U.u.i-.l • ................ T.. T. Geer S.T.ru.r School. Malhuer lake are interested. ............... Fl Dunbar structions and action thereon. vocate. .1 S“te r rrr.tut.y ...»vwr.................................................... C B Mvare For catalogues and further informa­ i •O* rnl.h. le.-.r.euon J II AeR.rrn«.. lût. Frimai Below we give the verdict of the i R. 8. Bean. jury: ..> C. tfolvertou 5 F. A. Moore VERI.ICT OF CORONER 8 JURY. I er.«« Jilt” THE WEAVER CASE. James Weaver, who killed Will­ | ................................................. iam McKinnon io a saloon in Har- JIISBTH JiDIClAL BISTRICT. .. .M.D. C liffokv In the matter or the inquest upon the ney C0Unty, September 28 1898, and . .. Win Miller IoJyof the infant son ot Laura who was convicted of Murder in ........ BN Da nelly ............J W Morrow Hackman* second degree, though indicted ß -ftrXJuAje................. J j . riel Attern^y j«int RepretenUUVc. j*iut-s}»u*ter ............ We, tbe undersigned, the jury sum- for murder in the first degree, will I CtrtTT—AARSF-T Î ... JaineR A Sptrrow moncd to appear befor W. L. Marsden, have t0 gerve hig eentenCet The ........ 11. Richardson iicnaruBou . z, ,, . . r n Welcome - the Coroner ot the county of Han ey, i supreme court today, iu an opinion ' (R) J Gto. Whiting A. J. McKinnon state of Oregon, at Burna Oregon, on written by Justice Bean, affirmed! J W Buchanan j..»iy ja « x * ultra rreatintr ânrveytr ... A6S«E**r ... MEDIUM Jr riatillg. Job SUBSCRIBE. Ì T he Best*»- Here is some of the terrible things tion, address the President or Hon J. which according to a country ex­ J. Walton, Sec, Eugene, Oregon change are likely to befall a delin­ quent: Last week a delinquent Additional Locals. subscriber said that he would pay up Saturday if he lived. He’s dead The cool rainy weather contin­ Another, ‘ I'll see you tomorrrow.” ues. He’s blind. Still another one said : Thus Bain was among the Har­ “I hope to pay you this week or go to the devil.’’ Ho’s gone. There ney visitors Saturday. are hundreds who ou;ht to take C. T. Miller and wife were up warning by’ these procrastinators from Lawen last week. and pay up their subscriptions now. OREGON FORWARDING CO. Ontario, Oregon. -First Ctcios C.oo¿a We solicit your trade and guarantee FAIR TREATMENT ta all OUR PATRONS We sell everything you may t ; and our stock is complete iu iine. • court in * K' a !* vtnaio'r i >"to tbe death of file above naond in- his case. The opinion says: , j> .[ Ge.. Haney I Ge.. Haney having been duly sworn according “We have carefully read the en-1 The favorite with thoughtful, cultured to law, and having made such inquisi­ ----- AGENT« rot----- people—The Oregonian. lit.'»! • a. LA«» .snet: Geo.tv. litre» tion, after in-pccting the body, and tire record, examined th" several »’.er.................. ___ ___ Ch»». Se.tll assignments of error and briefs of When yon find tn item of news tl* wiver hearin; the testimony adduced find, It will be ! counsel, and in our opinion none of call up 'phone No 16 that thi deceased was not named being . the alleged errors are sufficient to appreciated just born, and heinc the son of Laura SOCIETIES. ilackmar, an unmarried woman, was a justify a reversal. The answer of Commissioner Venator and Chas «V1.»A Í.KA1I iegree Sa.«S native of Hurns. Harney countv, Ore- the witness Lyde to the question i Peterson were over from Crane f»a ...try .at and Id Wedneaday. ter Write u» for Pricaa. • Tillie jordan ». <’■ gon; that ho came to his death on I he propounded to him by the state’s ; creek the latter part of last week. Frankie Brenton Rec. s.c'y. 7th of August, 1899. by criminal and attorney was immaterial, ttn‘t The farmer to attends eptcia) i extreme violence but by whom infl cted hencs the error, if any. was harm-, meeting of the county court, the A. ». ». « tUau tboffi» they cannot put out lumber at the done *cinote froiM Wrirbingn ¡-^Practica» bifore U- S. Lsnd Oír»- to voluntary intoxicatim of the running the mower three days with beati iuod<:i. druuìmr or pheto.. ** ith descrlp- prices formerly charged at a profit. Ìon '.Ve adv'fcc. li pufcut-blo tir noi. frwe ni i birre Our fee noi due t111 i>*itrnt h rerured. defendent is substantially the same but one wheel. * Hereafter the prices will be as fol­ A PamahM. llo-.v t. OtHi.f l' «tenta «uh as thxt approved by thit in State N otici —Have you a farm forj B. -.in'ie <»ineunti Client- iu juv- Hlatt, cu«ltf,« to ad , t-. : i frcc. Addrett, lows: vs. Zorn, 22 Or. 591 and is, in our sale or fur rent, or do you know of Rough lumber per thousand. $10 opinion entirely sound. ¡any person holding farming lands 0;; • » ».•«.*. « .’. • t Rustic.................“ 20 ‘ It is only when th« actual ex- they wish to dispose of? If 1x6 tongue and groved “ ............ 20 SURGEON At«» t fur tbe- Am ¡Btance of some particular motive, ■ so, please write to any O. R. de N 1x4 .“................. “. " 9S purpose of intent is a pessary el<-, agent and he will send you a circu­ Residence Double surface “ at Office ment in the crime of charged that lar th«t will interest you. Single surfac’ “ the intoxication of the defendant i OREGON Our old friend J. T. Barnes was I y » 1 becomes important, and when the' ! up on land business Saturday. Mr. ! Canyon News: tg AXD XT» essential ingredients of the crime ' To tsp EnrrcrI I: vr i u irns, passed B informs us he had a stroke o', J. J. Donegan, r are implied bv law from the man­ «nvdy for Consumption. By it. tiirn.y w y evening on paralysis on Monday of last week tir. mils of hopeless cases have been already through town ner of its com mision. Tt was there­ GXO. St. SIZEMORE. hi* wav u * or...»nd. which effected his left side, He p gently cured. So proef-pr.ilive «m I fore perfectly proper to instruct the i oi its power that 1 consider it my duty to ATTer.NT.Y. mJ /wo „ totlvne 1 !,lc j i .tnJ two M:ln bottln tr fret to those of yojr reader» Dr. Marsden came over from jury in the case at bar that U[K>n was greasing a wagon at 'he time ............ O beso »'. the ' who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Bus»», and was struck with a pain in Land barin««. and Keal Burns last Sunday to consult with <'»llec.i«a«, the question as to whether the kill­ | Lung Trouble, if they will write me th»1- I.tale niaticr prouir rlv attended to. Drs. Ashford, Fell and Belknap, on ing was done with deliberation or left hip which apparentlv went , eaprecs and postoljce address. Sincerely, A. SLOCUt-I. M. C m IM Feert St., Lew Tert. down the leg causing it to give way. T. >•- *n>w KdilorUI Bad Baain«»« Manac.mwo» «g ¡the case of John »lul'irick. premeditation, 'lie intoxication of Uu WufMia» uu« caatzwc« 1 r Hie left hand was also somewhat the defendant could be considered Misses Mabel Gray and Annie a M.TceNEt j. w rm«. effected He was bitter Saturday Metschan, and Messrs Cattanach, iu connection with all the other and able to h alk. BIGGS & TURNER A. Beasley and Metschan were facts in the case, nor was it error to 4’.r ■•r,k et pr,,o5e' ___________ Judge Hazeltine ar.d Judge Clif­ ford. with tbeir famlie», left for tbe Warm Springs, last Monday, to rusticate for a few weeks, enjoy the dvligtful mountain air and feast on trout and huckleberrie«. Even the children are infected by the constant discussion of Or» gon in the coin i Northerr. nates The following comes fr >m Minne­ sota: A Sunday school teacher, tracing the lift of Cbr.st, asked bar — i - - class, “and »here next did th* ...------------- — aw» Savor go’’’ I know: I know.' a Wanted-An Idea I little girl hastened to answer, went to Ore, - ' b* IMPEMENTS The best way to buy any- , thing is to borrow it first. Get a Cuitis Bartlett of Drawswy, who ling's 1 has been attending the State nor­ Longest lived and Lightest Draft Ftoweis, fields and BinCers ' grocer. mal school at Moi m >uth, arrivad in the Wcrli. in thia city last Friday an bia say I money home to spend the vacation. Curt like it. The Weekly Oregonian and thia paper give you all the news of home, state, the Northw»»t and the nation. paid us a call Saturday afternoon “It is a startling fc*..t th it alnvrtt and informs us Miss Maude Ragan without exception, the adulter it*' I who is attending the S'imm«r »or- (cas arr ' IkmlJ stair LAND CASES. this place start» when she will re some -not The judgments of the lower ccurt turn and take charge of her depart , t the in the case of the French Glen ment here drink Livestock Co., appealxat vs. Alva Last week 240 Indian horse w«r» Springer, respondent, »nd the —not because it delivered at the steck yards al the French G'en Livestock Co, appel­ Tbe Dalles for shipment to the lant. vs. JamesjColw.il. respondent, l.iantcn ranriery where thev will tea from Harney county, M. D. Clifford le ronverled into canned horre ; also the -St judge, were affirmed in opinions They were delivered by Takima rendered byChief Justice Wolverten ling s Best grocers Indians, who have eo.-itraete 1 to The main questions ‘at issue were packages. furnish the cinnery with l.OllO practically the same in bclh cases. • horse, at 12 5*ip*r head The ani­ ma!» were not io first else, condi­ STATE VS. JoHM I.aVEBT. tion. but will no doubt make pretty State of Oregon, respondent, v. fair cxnneu me.t —Ex John Livery, appelant from Har­ C»ll "» j ’ ' 1# for j-*b printin, ney county. M. D. Clifford, judg on abort notice. affirme*!. Opinion by Mœr«,J Harney Valley Brewery. —A’ I Yes; all But that isn’ point. You tea ljecausc you lik< it- is good for you. The wholesome is best-tasting; lul­ —at in • r>«*a<3«. EVLTVBODY CJN DRINK GOOD BEKIt Quart Bottles 31.50 a dozen delivered in Burna Five Gallon kegs $2.00 delivered at vour u. home in Burns. Telephone Mo. 5 WOLDENBERC