70, to 40 per cent, that crime has increased among “ them in about the same propor­ tion that illiteracy has decreased, 9 1*99. is a hard nut for the sociologist to M auver« crack. Jhc Ones-Iicraui. r WEÜNKHDA Y. AHil’ST IAI El KH LOCAL DISEASE and is th» result ol colds and sudden climatic chtngss. I’I PART Fur mi M(Rr.»ci.KH Fr«.m Beker City Aanvr From It can L« cured by a pleasant remsdy which ist| plied di- r©etly into th» nostrils, r.t- ingmitckly a sorUdit x tm ran«? store*. SHELLET A FOLE Y Proprietirs, Sall Lal., .Denver, Fast Fast Pingree will find the job of Late Supreme Court Decision. B'IXS, OREGON l't. Wurth, Oiua mail ,u... . . eping Alger’s martyr halo on 3:25 pm In, K mana City, The supreme .court recently 11:21 ;.ight the most diffucult he ever Shop epposlt* »Id Är:« St. Louia, t'liica- a. iu. handed down decisions in the fol­ l_o and East. ■ertook. All wert dose wich neit.uic sed dispatch. lowing cases up from this county: .'’atisftxction jsirmt ad Wail Walla,Spu ■u - -- "'■ “ i The Fiench-Glenn Livestock kaue, Portland, jrX~ ’ , i¡v3 ns a call. Senator Farwell, of 111., is 11:23 San Francisco, .3:26 'be head of aratile trust which C'onjpar.;,, appellant, ts . Harney .Miiinea] iilia, St. a. m. p KU Paul, Duluth,Mil­ . tna' to round up 600,000 Count v el al., respondents. '1 he waukee. Chicago ■ opinon in this case says: ¡Till Eaat. i “The record show s that the Ores» Maamri». ¡terminal point of the road, as es­ republican friends are Fron. Portland. tablished, is not near the point a» 8 p » For Sun Francis- 1 p. Bl. hard to set the gold dem- , ,. , . . , . . , , , designated in the petition, and this co — ,ie man of straw upon Ins feet; Every 5 day*. invalidates the proceedings. The 1 • is an old : partner of i! Coiumhln River I judgment of the court be'ow will 8 p m. Ntmmeni. •Ex Sun t p. ni ¡therefore, be reversed, and the 4tily it 1:80 r «. Arrit»{ tt Outer:» i» { To Astoria and Except day. 1 he average man who sneer s at cause remanded, with dii ectiuti to ri tu ni y Sunday. wiij landings. certain Cubans they are suspect- tfic COurt below to vacate the or- ¡0 p. ir. ’ J of a desire to hold office w.quld der of the count» court in the es- Willsineltu Elver. jump at a chance* to do so him- tablishment of said road.” F»rc *»y *’ *"*■ l«t«î tri» t: Oregon City, New 4:30 p m 6a. m. Exe« pt Thii case involved the proceed- Except birg, S.d'ni .".nd Sunday. Sunday. Wuylanding". Through freight ijetc. & f * j ings in the establishment of w hat WiUuiuetti* X YtfcihlH T«rc iti.fi nîtieeatany P. 0. an the route and co: «. r- caaer.r: 3:30 p in Jfher. And now the annexator cranks is known as the Dunn road, in “p m Monday Teusday jt (itfnilktd fai pai'anjers. wish to saddle upon us San I)o- Harney corjnty. Wedn s. Oirgi'ii G tv,Day­ Tn Lr'ii y day and ton & \'v ay land ■ningo and Layti, j" I as though and State of Oregon vs. Fred j Friday we didn’t already ; vi too 111111 ' Haines for selling liquor without Sutuid y •1 30 p in •’nigger”. 6 a m. licens; Will>m?tie Iilv»r. '•ueiday i'ucxlay Thurs- Thuniiid 1’oilland o The opinion says the legislature Mr. McKinley n.tilii not do a 1 having created the office of recor­ | day and valiis and Way- Sai urd y landing’* wiser thing than to order the new I der for Harney, and invested that secretary of w ar to restore Gen tribunal with power to heat and L give S'cLley a squadron hasn’t , deprived the circuit court for (’. J Mlt.Lls, Gi r.rra ?. ^rut, been re edce.ned ' yet and there is ¡ Iaf(U.y co„„ty of ..p po. w er there li u ti i ¡jt'< n, Ong- K t oil.in;; in sight to indicate that it q in except to review the judge- < I- Ht’ILBl’tT, w ill be soon. 1 ments of the recorder, and hence Gin. P isi A «i t, Portland, Or. the circuit com t was without jur- Of course the Federal office |¡sdiction to try defendant for sell- A. L M0HÍ3 L • ce President. jiolders endorse the Philip ing intoicating liquors in Harney t»«n, rm.««., ». r. Vfc w. «. i>ir :r, e.»!«. pine, or a ty other old policy of “It follows,” the opinion con­ the administration; they know cludes, “that the judgement is re­ wh.it tlicv are there for. versed and the cause remanded, I with instructions to discharge the ■ ’ .> -i Anna Robrr’sni, Fropr'iter. L« r-ic" Ç » New \ 01 k City is doubtless a défendent.” i-i.' Da: vsrr. - - Oitzoox. >cry wicked place, but it is rather The French-Glenn Livestpck i va LUT/ li LL, i pilling on the punishment for the I This popular hi • i» fully ejislp- Company, appellimi, is llarnev Mazet committee to have resum­ County el al , respondents. ped for tiio comfort cf its «cstc-e ire ed siltings tim ing the dog davs. Gol tati» t ■ tic« This is in regard to the open ing of the meander road and the M<*.-di ‘J.’. < ’enti. Yellow fever in the Soldier’s lower emu t is affirmed. . . - i I ionic, at I lain ption, Ya. is caus­ ing a quarantine w: r between tn Portland August 10. pent by \ a. towns. With Nor- San Francisco, Aug. 2. folk it i a ( a«e of a “burnt child” speaking of the return home —etc. the Oiegon volunteers.(>en. St cis said: •ZV. “Old expectations” is tin- ijew- “About 850 men will go on the pst nick h .une foi Gen. Olis, w ho tpecial train starting on Aug. 9. liotwiili«'..-inding his long string of The train will be met at the state disappointments, is still cablin'’ ¡line by Govcnor Geer and his stall his i xpictations of an early end of . Company 1» will be dropped Roseburg and Company C Eugene, t ompany K mav stop If Sei u tary Root w ill do a lit­ at Salem, but^wc hope it will go \ j tv ;• • tle 1 igoroua rooting in the w ar through to P01 tland. '1’1 ie pro- > i <>n left nt: «. cs * vu fie p.a 'r mt lie may mteover some gramme is for the nun to dine at «S'- 0 V I..,,.», starili' g things, but that is pi rob- Ashland, take lunclmn at Grant’s n • i . -n .. -, ... c,.,., '. •' '■ : : » lip r.it, nbly j.,t what Mr. McKinley Pass, and a late supper at Rose- • - * >m. I urg. Preak'ast on the second do« m t w ish him to do. ” ’ • t-l« ■ • -. , ft > . SS.I». r 1 L, ■_ day wil de sirred at Eugene; sJAAx is t . I. .Multord, of the Mi braska dinner at Salem, an 1 the tr lilt will • > * • • • •> r’et: affi» • tb - • reach i ’ oitl.ind al 2 o'clock in the # .r A Z- jt „•* w regiment just returned from the ••••r. It'- • •< ’’rf.JÎ after.loon. There t . ill be a par ­ Philip] ¡ ies, says his boys have all » - •• ?'•» ' ! ctfl . *• V ’ they want of the Philippines, and ade ai.d the colors will be turned • tn :»rt 3rua ar» that only one man in the regiment over to the- state officals at the I 1 ) Aimory. The men will be uni cou .'. I e persuaded to reenlist. formed and will go through all < • fo • fl'uii e >f ; ’ •. • 1 • - • t: a...j t.• j PcanRsetoíen c nm 11 oi w i’ll the (.'level.mil • • » * • • ? » ••About 30 men will go north mi ret r.iilw iv strike, thought ts » ¡«'Ll ff/rrt 7©ae:;l.erh'r; «r>rfc bi b< a', and preh.q s roo will re N a T.ZNH. SiA~ ' It. •”.ip«'5ca h •• . » ip in each ear, and wattl thru i obbit, , i< ivci v wag >n of main hire. I’nree of our olliccrs • i, 3«0 > S. «»:». * ’»itjsA . Merer brand figure 7on »líber th icr cromi was ialculnted to in­ have been assigned to the Thirl v- J. H. Bu: ' Eurt.s Q¡* »n l»'t th. » !< r»’ « a e the strikeig rçspeçt foi tiftli regiment. T'h.y aie Cap­ *' ‘ ’• r>-s Ca’btri». • > <» '»rr^waor». tain I ’re'i olt.of company 1). Reg­ in.ental Adjutant Crowtie and ' •• Ilf.. « ■ Mr. Hobart is getting dvcidud- Battalion Ae.jutant Brtnec, all of t* 1 •’’-*« • lit •«•« ,s h even to the extent of giv­ wlv in will have the rank ol cap­ »'■•. r • •» ?» tain.’’ ing Sunday clambakes, Î • health must be getting up to the «kart’ t rlil; ta< renomination standard again, not- ( ■ ••lie ot l!j Goni l)«ij »• -'%•»’ will 'funding the Roosevelt warn- Ate. i Burins Ontario Ely’s CicSifl Dab] I: * ■: to»«•knoir?»i'.£»d te I» i* » »rh » X am I C'Altrrh, Co’«l < : ’.ty MiatditS. It ri •«.! • i fl-« t f .1 j ?. vj ;« Aliar» pain tr. ‘. • v t ••!» it» v j-5. torta ’he rmUu» .*'■ » It. rw arftMi»»»'l»n’» l. P- .•• •• » ft a:»r le a, .fl BLÌ ** ©a-. xX i .Ara J-.»- «▼err,-»-' «I'••.<*:• ■ f.l-, 1 bt y.si-. 'Y« «IR*» oí l eí ry'.T ftciedsH«] lot uj the foundation u[»- en \s hielt has Lrm lni:-, iba Ui«eM I i y.iüt» tn the world. ítrrj’:: d ‘.--.r' J w I im centros ;!:♦> »ad au «.suce of th© lattai fxrm’.iig h . Ero» for t».e r.ttir.f. D. V. PF KILY ft CO., DtCc-.t. ‘r Star-© YOU R A 1 Job I ¿Caveats, and l r*dc-Maruobt*.»».I »r«J a'.l Pat- sent business conducted Xor MootF.arr Fret. 5 O ur O ffice is ofpc « ite U.*. P atent C ffi » k ■ Jand we can secure patent ia laaa tirae th«« Cacea I Sremote from Washington. j J Send model, drawing or photo., with ¿escrip jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of I ¿charge. Our fee not une till patent is secured. SA P amphlet , “ How to Obtain Patents,” with i U ‘ icost of same 'in the U. S. and foreign countries [sent free. Address, M 1 r U E --(2 I O.A.SNOW&CO. __ _ S O fp . P atent O ffice . W a « hirst © w , D. C. be Prop lEVWG, V t t t ». • • •- L •. t XILVHTiii i;vj:i2 uoo. Th» MoatyQ'trtka 1« tie light oí •*; »;.4»d« »x.d kitosrr. I’4c ?»,»: o! A •«.* • ' • I<:»C::| 1 • V. t. •»”■» ‘»rTT. T. JTt’.tAtT. • Prices l»r. A. correct aeeoant of th« doîîfs of Congres» giten each A family ¡ ap-r for the I: ,•-? and Är»- « If. All li t important 1-» ppen in* »of th« w«; k, CG&.lented, iu newt columns. A lar» - •rceUtioB in »rerjr ftfate and Territory. Sabocrfpt!»» Price, f* Per Tur. S«udfora«Bple; aj« u Lxwxaied. PebHC.ed • i .-tly ?jy the Silver Knîjî.t WASHINGTQX, D. C. W te A a a « ♦ V w wr W J .• wt P. ’*' Pref. Y7. IL r: make» a rue Epilepsy, ha» doubt treat»! end cter ed mere case • than anf living Physician; 1 » rr.cce»» is cstonishis.j. XV© bare heard cf e.*.srs •1 yef.r»’ «■•.r4.: J eared \f him. K» publi^ie^ » v a 1 a k. • • ■work mi tk Ic t!». e.’.-:», r. hi,» h f 1 r k d • .-V ! l k • ., . . l»x- b . a »r.«®lute «¡re, free «ny • e who wi.-.y »end their 1». o. 1 11 t.^rc-.e a 1. •’Z’ • e c'lhi-.raei tf« JraLXL.3.1—Li. ff. 9w4ihdrr it. 1^4 •.nfl Latt > re »’»nonce. W» o.* nn<, until n- ;g- >!. r$. WtH ' U i r-r. A - » * > - » ¿5 » i*. a . j > a ice samples of our »ork Irr^rt' and get#Prices. i*!» c Tn? Ti’fpv n rn i î n 111L lhiLò"il EHALD, l'« P.UC V« w, w JOMfJ r. STrîATÎCK”S cllllrated Blrsiinrl'sniStzcl String Ct.Uar, tfandoll», Pan,» j » lx:-» ! ,-e ’A e-ri- » j -t (o rut S«r.d lor JOHN F. CTCATTCN. X' -i.';.-: - _.,J TU.na.'i r-« Sli.NIJ. 813. 81 J J. < f»r V!c » Frank ¡1.Glenn, «hila out hunt­ ing in the hills tifir Will,is t're. k iilxmt two miles from t i Sunday, found a cannon l.i’l l «li in n eitv. “swevt little thing’ for a w ite rv.ii,»> nhtch weighs 12 ; .mid- nmv l’md hei in the boj pound the sui> >i|..>n >s t':, .» « a* Bird Lnlifornia girl Mis. Lucia lh-i ir.'i-i o • of I ncl ' II! s crudi !<■ can h i< not lie. ersari tn see Ihi» non then in use n In n Gen I I'rit k voiing ladv in order tp tcstifv to nns waging war rg.dii»; th Ne: 1‘rre» ¡mb ui« i . Is ¡ s . i: asliing power. This makes th* third one f und in i Í t.ite.r nt « f ■HRS' -4TK ÍT 2 fV*D li#-..- u ydÄi .1 -i •* s’ Taser F." O. -.IONS aOiir. CoFvniiHTa Ac. A"* ' t atlArr’ c- v *4 «nain . ,-r . • • ...» frrx w ¿ u a, i. ••”• r ■ il. •* t : . . , - I’«’.- :• i - v ' K>jt < r«. -, » .’ . hi » --g, SCWailX . k. n < Al . •’G« ; « e  UV. t v»» F. STRATTO.Tô a)t Cetoferatad A Bj- 4 InHrui's!! W» O ■o'.-j .r • $ irrt1 •-« JOHN F. »TR« V" »u •'» I’U'l, ■■ I >&