THE TIMES-HERAI.D The Rviif*.- Gives The News ! ADVERTISING MEDIUM SUBSCRIBE Hy'£«.’ Eiublißlwd 1€iI CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1396 CTT» $he iZimeS’getaid. r___________ --- ------- ----- Sugnr-Rert Imlustry. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AUGD^T 2, 1899. against Louie and the cost bill tax ed at $120. It was taken lip to the circuit court on a «rit of revie w against Fred and this time it went .................. ............ and the cost bill took a correspond ing increase. We neat hear i f the ease i’i the state supreme court, v.hero Louie again ;• tsthe worst of it and the cc «t advanced to $450 iis’dt for attorney fees. It has not vet become public whether or not the case will go to the United States supreme court, but if it doll it is Fred's time to lose. Eastern Oregon Weather The public will wait most xinusiy for the product of the The following is the report of the Root Mr. McKinlrv has planted weather for Eastern Oregon for the in the Cabinet garden. past week, as sent out by It. 8. | I’ague. section director: The Cleveland sti eet railway Bright sunshine and high tern-■ strikers will not tied wrecking p: ratures prevailed up to Fridaay cars loaded with passengers, by the 21st, when cooler and cloudy the use of explosives, a good weather set in. A few sp.-lnkln of’ route to public sympathy. I rain fell nil Friday. The mean tempemturo for the week ¡aleraged I’ingree wants Alger to work G9 degrees, which is 5 degrees lo.v- the martyr racket in his senatorial er than for the proceeding week and race. Michigan voters know pol 3 higher than for the corresponding week last vear. Tho maximum itical gold bricks when they see temperatures rang: d from “4 to 98 them. in the Columbia R ier valley and f ern 04 to 94 over the Plateau re- By dying “Bub” Ingersoll es igon. Tho minimum temperatures caped a lot of very bad verses in the valley ranged from 52 to 70 1 written about him, even it he and over the plateau from 42 to 60 ' di.l not find things as he expected fi!” winds .«ere northerly and light ¡them 0:1 the other shore. m force. Secretary of Agriculture \T on Lis recent trip through Oregon has this to say: I was very much .1.03 .. .75 ; pleased with what I saw of the *<F Fugar I ret industry in the great • H i I ‘ : Grand Ronde valley, I ».w *0 ,* I » I : . - acres in sugar-beets near L;;Gr !e r. ...... .•«»* » -i I Jvíeph siman ' consider ilio in! 1st I Thee. Tongue. I M A Moody Ce«f?»84.a»« succe*. 4. But it tb-.ul l be done in .. U. 11. N. Blackburn At.f• O• Utt41 • T. T.Gcur conr.ectii n »ith dairying. As icon • • .... FI Duul ar .»• * try «Í Sl«:e C >..•». « as tho dairy xien find out th.-.t the YiílíUt«»’ J H Ack« » j it!, f ; • « 11»:.» :Ucn W H LOtdS sugar but is worth raising for the itti« Priuttr ........ Ji. 8. Bern. r.'nlvertun pulp alotio fur dairy cons and li.r. i f! F. A. Moore Baker City Democrat: The peo- ■ the sugar for clear profit, then it . ca ’ tk j raici AL AIHllilCT. pie of San Francisco were not in- | will be demonstrated that we can . .M.D. Cl.I! ?5M> a» •»• ' ,<-.» .. .. .. Wm Millet prodrice sugar as cheaply is ia ilia fluenced solely by nioti es of p:it- J.I . I'eueily l«i. t :■ ».’’rt:«. it tat IV f riot: ni in th ir z.-il to hav* tho ......... J V.’ Morrow tropics. Uiai. ca .»lar I Orc . :i regiment mustered out at C«:•rV— AiRSit: All land east of tho D.:l!i s I the Presidio. 1 ho soldiers ». ill be .. James A 8ptrruw raise sugar Leets if irrigate .11. KichnnlBoii « h paid uIT and will rec ive a mounts (A) JU. V. elee e found the Gr.nnd Rondo 1 rre«»tu«r .. .......... <j u. SV ii it hi f, Öarv» »r. .. • • ranging from * 100 to ? 1500 i.t li, . A . J. McKinuun tine condition and the peo-jle 8âir: •«.................... ................ ’Vi Buchi.uàn making a .■»Mr* :i aggr»;a‘e sum of orer < .»>) .SS C. lijrd are j oing to make money. ’ ■ • U • ! 1 . •• • • ' • X. K. U h' ifctn «C ;1«X i :.t- i or a million dollars to be disburse 1 doi A . Ve i a:.'.- is no < tie thing I have seen o . (bjl <’Rej 1. 3 G<. •. ii «k'-y Pingree is trying to get Alger • i»a nearly at t one time, After 11 I .co.istthxt pleased me more In sections thè grain empi» lionized by Detroiters as a step hs r f privi months rf privt ’ J orn the boys »ill « • «»•» r. • LA?» tin fight of tin).*.beets. Í». • «r naturally feel disposed io loosen in good conditi n. Roporls frolli toward’, pushing that Senat 'rial Failure to realize profit a« «..«r tip'’ a little in t he * ay of new cloth- Wasco, Morri.»., , Gilliim and Uina boom. The lion is not the anim year was bccuuse of i:.caper1 it.j and other iss.-ntial luxuries. till* counties im rcato that thè hot al Alger resembles most. Such first f:i!t:r»s occur every . , This sill be* wonderful stiniulis r. imis of the early p.irtof thè week st :rHl The < cn1 1 did some dan mnge to spring ¿own s : to tho trade and the beneficial in- «I : i a T. : a i: • »rt- « > .<3 of ci.nut r; j vh. at and to th at which had been Judging from the announce J»« t eferjr It! and Id •. dr<?<!.•>’. .. fiurec:•.« ofe.tpansi.m « ill be directly perfset. Tillie Jordan S. <♦ reseeded on run imisr fullo.v. The ments of his numerous junke..-, s, Frt.ikie Brenton Bee ,. felt by many of the San Francisco lack Lug. extent of the damage cannot le de Mr. McKinley is always “seking . shop keepers. duOO fl:g.’ finitely stated at the present time ». f. • . Äurr.» L» rest.” He may find all the rest . ter for tl:< 1 Spring .-o'.vn «heat is turning ytl- • ; • ter J i’’rl 4«} . i a r s::nr.i lie now so vainly seeks after Mar. must co! 1 w/iud, although the «•rm ninth ! trims prevented tilling to s >:rm ei- ,|th, 1901. Many persans w!i > have feen the, , a fair crop is i xpected. The : ». l.e 1 l *d < i f. r.hich Ed .ie 1. | cool weather during ig the latter part “Corporal” Tanner says Alge * J kl.K K' lly is exhil iting on 5i x th Street of the in < k w is very beneficial, i began life as a bare footed boy. art dun.founded at the fiet that \ few scattered sections report the animal is alive and ea»l, runs signs of rust on fall-sown whe.'.t I .Now, will the “Ct rp.u al” kindly C 1 llliJ and plays after the manner of all Harvesting fs.l!-fo«:i grain contin infotin an anxious world which of i in its prominent began life as a Joe Stur'.er. ’ . nt, who 1ms acted calves. It his C.vo distinct mouths ues Alt. U^B I in II Umatilla V 11I<1 11 I 1.1 V county, ‘ 'Uli l Ji , ii an •» I 1 I reports ’l'iJI I.' 1 the capacity of foreman at the t anti eats ».¡th both of them, and indicate that it r. ill be general by hooted and spurred 1 oj . Agf.ney ranch the ; *-t few years three ey« .4, an- right in th th" middli the xticdleof next wer-. .1 hi' ; of the forehead, uhero «hero tho two is turning out fairly • 1 II (len. Otis is 1 uying the sor Leads ar: j: j. i: i. cd r d togethei. 1 The ap- . -r-7 Parley is in excel’rnt condition ;> ::ance of ih« L:nt is nut L r-pul- • tai harvesting the same continues lender ci the Filipinos by tite I p iimentof thirty Mexican doll.11- * te, l.-itt i- verv pteuliar. Il i» fed in many sections. front bottle, and also 0:1 griss, | «£‘.L ESTATI to each one of them v. ho surren , I I! lying is about < v»r, The crap ». hiehitis 1; gi’.ning to eat an ders himself mid a gtm, it is not NOTARY PIAI.I • is onr of thè lnrgrit a:: ! In >t < v r t:t at d :ke. srcureJ, xi.d it hai Leti! nfely snrpri ing he should insist up Mr. Kelley ha« everv reason to juthered. The s.torvi crop of on cinsoring carefu'li'all uiblt- eli: »•■ that it will live. ', and has al- ■ ilo’.ir il beiiig cut in Wasco c uriti gia ts. A’iv ccmmanchr would r: :. ‘y refu.-s 1 an i.Ter of ?10,000 I Stock is in excrlltnt condilion be :t- h imed of sill h a p t. A fxwn is kept near the* Il ::ig" fùod is rcp irted to he ji’en t i pr< vent it fr rn bt Coming fui. lout some —P.>:tlun<l Tfb’gr sin. Pasture» Lave drie f tip I 'The calf a sve mention’d is th» Corn and potutile» are doiug nell a: ■ .1 ,>r: rd by M»'s:s. Keenly A" 11 ut rain would Le of gri al 11 ne tu l’>,i-Ki 11,of Crteliwbo now oft E. Kxnyr In some s< .tions curii is in thè siik ... 1. k. »per Lr the I’. L. S. Co, i4 on h's hr.»;: i, on exhibition in Portland 1 Sugar Leets continue in excell.’nt • :iv l.c ms fro :l thr Klo:i<':ii* .».nd erudition and food riporti arc re- Bt *NS Las p'ihaps arrivi-I ore th.*, . lr ecived r»l»tive to tlieir growth. Kinyon sent to D.-.«- in early and Garde:.» are in nell uf rain. ¡«.•cured souii g ■ d mining pn pt rty Th»'' is no thing’’ 1:1 the fruit • < . r * i r p of e.mtirn Oreg-.a Cl.iTy and sold for a good figure. Mr picking continues in Ha- Colutili ia Kenyon «ill probaulj Lave a quar River valley, end a fair crop of ter of a million dollars to show f : Royal Am.e» I1.1S Le n sicurid pnimpli »..««led to. his tso years in the far n rto. Pe 1 !:• are ripening rapidlr- V. rk I I » » C l> « T stiinistcr lien.’ r< t- of the Nir- I n i:i X U.TUtN ’ r ueS. row.4 Harney counti. b-.s j. w r «it. Absolutely Pure- th - city for eeteral days BIGGS &: TURNER li t arrival of b:s ding birr Rose LEITER LIST. fr m her home in Kansu City. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Sb. has 1 rm sic’.: f o ,d is looking quite Practice in all the courts of Or. i bt r arrival Lore ;< Collection« p-o:;:p'ly_n.í le. 1 with li r fither 5 •r’ h : • nllh. The cM gentleman r< 1. ♦ M1U • pleasan th d*» r’;. I f».. t Ontario .• «. 1 < I 1 « . • Burr;«, .if SfCRiPTIOS ftA'lES: •I OREGON FORWARDING CO. Ontario, We solicit your trade and guarantee FAIR TREATMENT U all OUR PATRONS We sell everything’you may want and our stock is complete in every line. ----- AGENTI * Studebaker Wagons, McCortnick Harvesting iVìachinery Pabst Beer. gO*\Vrilr ni ft r Pricir. Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder BVP.I», Draws plan, molt'i eitimabi, etc. figures given ieestir.att s. : T r Y >*.<*!• 'L zI v< Rtililitga put up wiihia thi twiiil • {¿?*&iti«faeti<in guaranteid. Laying Brick Plastering a and Specialty .’. c»l ligi t'vi’i en Und st ths j»»d. t V~Eeiiter|<* fliiley belie. C. ÏÏ VOEGTLY - Aj Kt for it» PLANO MFG. CO IMPEMENT8 longes! Lived and Lightest Draft K meís , fiukes and Bioflnrs ie tie tetid. 1 Iarncy Walley Brewery HUR NF L\ L’?.VBO!>y CAN IH’.INK G(X)¡> BKER ». its King ' fr? •* OtlwOl. Cvait Bettles $1.50 a dozen deliured in Bums. To nr E: it i — I hive i i » • ir ( Wanted-An Idea ?'.**■ EDU------ r.. • a * < i. . ; i / 3 It à 8 C;riU F. TcLihor.oNo 21 Oregon. .rst Ci ass Goods 3 y rr. E Printing Job « ir avvìi * mtn tVlTfl* I’ H f < rv Tkll ■ f a-11*’. • V. 31« havl be'n iiril.ff .jientv c : f l S» r C' un I oi -t, ;• -t t ,t I c n >l-r it r.’.y duty to wntf laol tin frit t- t’> «of y. ur read'rs wii i t.-.îCz e- m;’. n,Thr’>:t. Broncliisl » ■ ' . . M» flat* lepre« snip, lotlice address. Sirxrr»l’f, t. A. rux-cx ;i ' . • i »'.« ft., c-w v»r*. ar- tv— K4WWWI ..i r ». • IM t IM. «.««r. ««» •»• »• 5r. Prie*’» Cr*i;n B-klag Pawtot - W •-***< KJ. mm »♦ ’« *«»*•• Five f alien kegs $2.00 delivered at vc-v.r home in Burns • rt WOLDENBERC <L BERG 4