s. THE TIMES : HERALD The B< -r*.. Gives Tho News MEDIUM Printinff. Job SUBSCRIBE. CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY Gov. ‘-Teddy” has been persila-1 animals. All they »re good for in J.d to ■ wallow th/ I « p ll made I to keep the bunchf r: < fr m sp il- Malheur county's rreent big ;• 14 for him bv Mr. NL Kir.lcv. ir.g. and there is none too much Conspicuously displayed in th discovery is descr.bed by Civil 4L ■ • f r ' . , wind, v at I’rof m r Bach’s • .b -> 1 Engineer Foster to the Baker City •to- k de| r::din.: ’ o:i it fir su ’ temir.ei ’ • • • ♦ *»r its a two-headed calf, which on ac- King- have been eliminated s.» Republican as follows: His stock ranch abut» on th» Warm Tir«« M4Ukt» I count of the handiwork ci the taxi from the deck with which the Sa­ "The most wonderful ’and 1 xcil- rtsra i deriniil, has withstoi l tb.e sta:ey, Springs rc.-irvat n. »here the In­ iii» strike is that made two or three rno in game will hereinafter be dian punii s Live become tuch a ( vriii i «»«CIA I gize of an i: ¡ui.-itive public for played. nuisance Agent Cot.an has de- days ago by two strangers a fi w nr.it mimv years and i > a • nguine fi » » • I „11 ' ! . ’ " feet from tht^t ld Wilson ciaiii cn Jueeph >i!!t*.’i though unfitb rent manner, s the i TI kb . TtiBRue. Pingree may, notwithstanding he cat) get. Those animal- igh the Dalles military road in Mal­ Stock Gtowers’ Journa'. of Miles ( A. K. Eili»» heur county about 70 miles fri ni i.; ... C. M. Itlllin«» , ..is professions of 'ovaltv to Mr. from < ’ > ” 0 to 900 pounds each. raid ............. \S in 1* Lord | City, Mont. .. . li IL Lines l i ' are now !n good condition fui ti e here, l liis location is entirely in» 'em. cm. too. loo. louste the v.ay he liven pretty v.cll denunded of cat­ Malheuer and Willow creek. The compelled to write about the leg Aaaetter • , « 1 ¡.. T't . * 3»h»-jl •' v A. k. l-.ni •< ; mi.ile r. ». >s on xecoimt < f tl.» cr:t- tle and sheep, he says, within the rock is free gold uuattz. and ia liter- islatut e : ecretr, he learned fn the (PR A. \ el.xl<'l' j , past three months, a» nearly every -a r i <•■'». t;>«-:. 1 :er Imin two mir.: 1:8 and O' !;.• otic ranch had stock to turn l.T to E i - uiy stuck i't.l: of nuggets. Nothing senate, in order to sei! his .Huff at Ibodv. Inth ig, after a bird was ere.* foui.d in that vaciuify be— remunerative rate:-'. «. «• »1 ». • l. A • • •••'»: tern drovers, lie brought do».n ' » ' .'•■ "• ■’ stock was thin. fort, ai d as I s.-.ni I »fere it is en­ »•• • • ....... Ci.«S. Nc .< » .1 wintcr. ’¡.er. a, veral carloads of cattle himself H.’U’t turned his X rar- Uncle Billy, tirely outside of the mt eral belt. Newport society talks about out and in two this lime, to he shipped to Montana —Ontario Adioeato lmg Jobb' he from th; l>all< s. —O; < »onian sending Perry Belmont and his wrel s tlicy nould .»(!.’ h 1.CU0 nut wife to coventi v, while they are 1,7000 and Oring from 71 to 9 cents Cur® for Spinal Meningitis. in Europe, but will hardly have a pond. Why, U.-.de Lilly mu» just ju uiade all k:::ds of moticv. and tl.e tb.e nerve to put the talk into ef­ The Sim« mclown Democrat sai • return« sere btgger and quicker fect when they return. The following is th ’ report of the the potato cure for spinal menin­ 'thansh ep. But he h.id :» qt:it v.e.Hier for Eastern Oregon for the gitis was given a ¡>rai tie,il tcet in The inventors are pat ing t‘n r put seek, ss sent out by 15. S. that citp. Mrs. John Dorris lust Fn.l.iy with spinal meningitis. In full sh ire of the war expenses, the i he l::id it i:i for l ncl> 15:11 cn ae- l’ague. section director: the after noon of the same da,' Mrs.' receipts of the I . S. Patent oti c ■ 1 LkOut. XO. K. I. O » F-, Th 1 nwa «raturo foi tl count of uo'kin’ i:g''n "him in ihr Doiris’aged mother was stricken being more ihtin $5,000 a week *.......I •- • ■ ■ ieetion. U: ele Billy had ber» •.•.■il;-.'. • • . i * * • Ai 1 kill»'. 'vCJ .»¡th this dreadful malady, lb.-, ,;re ilei th. iri they wi re last tear. listi: ; his st ck at say ’!,< ■ k ns f r th* ¡iter. e.!i::g s ■ k la-t ca.-e was pronounce ! almost l.opj- nar. The mii.-.inmm temp: rattire s?Gr 1 eiittl»,’and t!::» and ibe relatives having s tn the 1 .■’.till u ntie h’.m put d r.»:i two for over the Columbia Riv:r valley N oto r— Hare you » farm for , and from G2 to SO ever the potato re.mody in the 1 liocrat,. one—jurt g!»" him tht'd i.i Lie c re i valley silo or for rent, or do you know of The tninirstim eonclu led to try it, wl.ii h they di 1 any pertan holding farming lands ■see? Uncle Billy • nt to las I’li'eiu region. I <1 «• ! terup-rature in the valley ranged , and a’ a result in si or < io.ht hour» a that they wi h to dispo • ar- of? I I about it but got bent, then thv. I'lateau ' -he was pronounced out of .my ( R. r i.a ! >.vs abmg 1 ‘ That's the fit st one I ever The grain crop continues in ft the »’.itial culumti. l'he r :r. id v Jim, as f :r : ’th .-.s thi’; but fie but n ; par- most promiscing condition, En! I I ir.a? i I bi i ■: tie..» s 1 i k « I i-wn wl-.i - it is ; »pi 1! y turning bas 1, r! g in i r -al's in 11.. < color cully it i. o i.■ .. < . h i nt dead, don't he?” and the l ’>. 81 S Oil and spring sown is ma'.-ing good c..-o : • J cannot inti rfi-re with any ¡ inside to see '.»hat brand r; ; » V : growth Tho »ho»»rs wero v»rv remedy given bv t tsp. • i] f>cniiiei?.l. The absence of e: :-Ur. " dan. mitin fully high t< :•[>< raturi s is Residence at able to the gr .»th of gram Otee A writing-paper tli:St, with T’.ro-11 ended Stock Cattle. (H'J'UON G SO. 5. SIZEMORE, XT: V, Bu»»» .................................. • (•»llecn.s., I»..! ’ , ' liiate intuir proiaph aiUtiued t . 1 1.9 »:••«. * BIGG & TURNER ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, oKF.a< s »vais, Prsctice in all the eearls of Ore. Collections promptly n.s >. J. \V. MILLER. NOTARY FJBLIC. Orefin. ùr «. H. Volp. PHYSIC! V< 4 1 • »• »i 21 DENTLsi' Ir. : . .• r-it lent condition. Unlr conditions prevail the ft ill I r »in 11 i t Tin I • coml.I :i of tl. g- . n i ; \Ve solicit your trade an 1 guarantee FAIR TREATMENT t« all OUR PATRONS We sell everything you may want and our stock is completo in every ----- AGENTI Studebaker J. \V. Howard. « ptomir.ent steck n i:-»r of Cr ok c :ntr, »."W in r rthnL thinks l! here aro s’il! too many wild csyu-T'S roan in J over "he l u< , t.»"3«• !. 11 • of ' E-.«’»ri> >f the ■ -.ntry Oregon for ! r »•« the Li. o Î • • ‘ ! 1.» Wuu! 4 .... f r th< ir « ■ry art up mi!«, be I» litt T‘. » n*Ii Willing ,9 ulcCoru r ' c Hcrvesilns t K .t » ;• i » ; * ' * ’ 1 . or drift a rth a few < omit in t’.e volunteers, net to mention rivi plums, and it prob.il ' , » À After Pin^rru h ud from Ab- ger, lie 1 I rn -1 1'. n i I rd 'ep ir- ter for m..king h.m nbu-e Me > Kinley and his prl'cy. Really,' » ■ , ' th Abiotutely Pure longest lived and Liphtest Cr&fî ITcr.ers, Pokes ad BinCers io the Y/u’d. The time for putting down Philipimis h 11 been oflicially tended until 11 xt fall, wl.en r.iir •. e 1 /1 w. 1 ■’.• .,ve: m.d 1 >cn. ro nt Otis i m ' 1 g • an ither c nr ayn rt- /'if rG<: , Sen 1 larney Valley Brewery. f I. 1. r -ctrrtly ct:-et -ji its por.-rf tint .ctd Ivo frti a g : m the ho bel».ng i- filmane e « <*“ ■ * thing is I ecommg '.musing. Congn s» ou ht w liethr the si ght c ,1. rra^e in p < 9 tVngens, a bi:ch bark. i.-r, P . I.,and " <• from the Senate It is : that no the ‘ » Inquiry f 1'1 Ilnying continues, cr >p is Lrit.g s ■' .re! stock country the cr. than it usu ally is. ., . , . ( orn is it : .king giou ise well. ....................... The r ri g< - RUH Too Muni Caytisf* t .* V her. Is II 'b v- ’¡el and gib 0 of the Grir.ite • ired. Vi ce'. -, de- are gr . .ring a . I are promiing. Point. There is no truth in tho report T fruit pr -peels »•» h*.: c- rr:» I | ■ • - ' <■ ■ • t1 C Iuru' .I! • • r T ’ b . J . , . . tation of bo:-a* 1° t'1“ Water station’ .•»t-efi’ »!• •' lpr.m»s r ill ie a v-rv st rt admit of that n o.!- of ccmr»M top, I i:‘. sppl •» oon'ln'.r V p-< r.. " Dr. H. Z-U-htcif -7 C T. Ti. 'or, sup intern! r.t if th« llose Valle, Bota» W«rl s’ is .«¡■ending a Er. dais with his re- l.itivrs in Reno, says the Journal. Mr. T ii iir and J. M Fulton are the i ro; rietot« if the Rose Valley pr,.;.f rty, ar.J clsn tha Granite Point I rax field and works lit ncr prop- Gr mite I’oir.t. Tim former : eitv is sitnati■! I in 1! IV'V Cl in the :.<:th- i O.eg n. i. I tie* li'-' s 1.-1 r ri .1 * (1 f H u m b 011 county The borax •: ade s' r.o-i Nr-t.’ub conveyed liv lea:, tl Va'îh V meca from « •11 Vi'i.'.r..:: shipped east. That from Granite Oregon. j >,o< r> 1 njMtal ha» 1» ■■ n foin <■ SUKG2ON. •P.O-.-N. Ontario, <•-, r -t- ■ a . . • . my auiy 10 ' /ar readrrt - ■' . 'i. ••.c,’n r-:ri i V - —. . --U • • - - -J * ' bu » a» Osile». --»ly, rewTirk •Í EVL'ft Yf!<)i>k CAN 1 RINK GOOD BEER ■'• art Edile; 81.50 a dozen delivered in 3arns. Five alien kegs $2.00 delivered a- your homo in Burns. Toloplicnc Mo. 3 WOLDLNÜERC & BLkC