J * • fimmi JCLY qu« 1 os to tide vaquero saddles, tier and gave good eatisfactiod. i and Spanish bits; purst $50,00 i The players were: BU Entered, Jim Hobson, Cummins; CANYON Gowan, Rocket, Baker; Dew ey, Weather- Wood, cap 1 catcher Cate, pitcher ly; Sampson, Robertson. Jim Bt aslev, Cochrane, I G Smith, 1st base Hobson first, Rocket second. July 6, - Race No. 5, *•» mile ' A Smith. 2d base Triseh, dash free for all; purse $175 00. Overholt, short stop Smyth, ! Flanders, 3d base Sagers, eap Entries, Honest Dick. Cushman; I Stephi ns, left field Ysung, Bill Nye, Stephens; Butch, Buff­ I Cattnach. center field Deariis, ington; Red Top, Montague. Nye 1 j Robbins, right field Kennedy. 1 first, Dick second, time, 51. sr«RE. Race No. 6, % mile dash for; Harney County saddle horses that Innings, 1 23456789 never run for public money, I Canyon, 3 2 0 4 3 6 1 4 1 Total, vaquero to ride with vaquero I Burnt), 1 3 4 0 2 0 5 3 1,Total, The a .min str.it to ■ i not be .'.'■tti; b the intelligent public op r.i ,n of the country to dodge behind Gert. Otis, in case of dis- 1 aster in the Philippines. b Mar '«•r. /•LIA* BTKD It w ill be just as w ell to find out whether there was a string tied to A long felt want is at length I Gen. Wood ’s declination of «a $30, about to be supplied. Burns is to 000 salary to become president Lave a Flouring Mill. There is of a trust before throwing to many nothing so conducive to the well being of a community as a grist boquetsat him. mill. Tl:e people of this county, heretofore, have labored under Although the firm of Pingree great disadvantages by having to and Alger was formed to deal in travel from 150 to 200 miles to politics only.it might appropri­ get their supply of flour; now all ately handle canned beef and po- saddle«; purse $50,00. Entries,' Major, Mahon; Nellie, Robertson; ' this is about to be changed; N. tatoes as a side line. Duncan, Cary; Nettie, Moffit;' Brown and Joe Sturtevant have Jim, Bullington. Jim first, Dun- entered into a co-partnership for If the Rough Riders had j can second, time. 25. the purpose of making tlour. First say Gov .'“Teddy” would have no class rooller mill machinery has In the 1 mile dash for a purse trouble about putting Mr. McKin­ been ordered; surveys have been : of $200 the following have enter- ley nose out of joint. made, and the capacity of the ie and Ore- campaining. joni»:t for 42 in advance. I ----------------------- Notwithstanding American love for pies and cakes, the En­ glish consume more sugar per capita than we do. The Ccltbration. F. 8. MILLES Preptietor, OfPART Fur mail 11 21 a. ut. 3 26 p tn. YOUR THE RCÜI91LIK Fro« Baker L’ity Attrarr From Salt l,akc,D«-nver, Ft. Worth, Oma ha, Kansas City, St. Lou:», Chica­ go and East. Fast j «nail Î 25 p m Wail: Walla,Spo kanc, Portland, San Franeiico, Miuticipolis, St. Paul, Duluth,Mil­ waukee, Chicago r n«i East. ••« Ottjn Thi» Stabi» i» l»e*ted on thè eora»r ef Frst md B, Streati ib |’ l end graia ei haid Il«s competcnt help, Bua» » Job Wteeg T.i • > A****|U|(|. jer» to »ey pari of thè Country. OEM F a H I I UN l'ERTA KER. , — were please«! they expected tnotei Every 5 days. FINE BILLIARD AND rOOI. TABLES. 1 anil slioul 1 have l.s'l it. lolacibia River The usual sunrise snl.ita was 8 p. n. steamer« COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOM! Normal Term. 4 p. tn. ; omitted and thete acre no fireworks . Ex Sun Except To Astoria and 1 day. inti.» evening. The progrim in 1 Saturd'y waylabdiugs. | bundaj. The reader» of Tur. T imes H ekald furenann was good with the t xc«'p 10 p. m. ' remember a short piece from lie pub­ tion of there being : a vocal music Willamette Bivar. There i- . movement on foot lish« <1, probably, three weeks since mil the Lail not being Ititpeet auglt ! 6 a rn Oregon City, New 4:30 pm t » h rd . ournament here some treating upon the benefit«« our teachers, Ex er pt to nccomtr.odato the largo crowd | Except berg, Salt in and time this fall in which Canyon advanced pupils and school» Would re - I ¡'he oration of R. M Turner was ' Sunday. Sunday. Waylanding». City, Prinevill and Burns will ceive ficin 11 »bort term of normal pronounced good by all and the Willamette % TeiahJI 1 3:30 p tn 7p m hirer. participate. It is suggested that training by au «dicatnr entirely profi- 1 Burris Band »as highly praised for , Tciisd.iv Mondxy ci» nt in every particular to give such purses be hung to the amount of Wedo e- P. G SMITH, Prept., its music. T’lbr'd v Oregon ^Gity,Day Birci, Ortgu. uMtrutioas. Prof Kittndga of whom ! day and ton A \\ ay land s. 1 and $iooo for a series of base ball Notonlv f.as this county well I wrote a*, that time, will be I k F j th« { Friday Saturd’y gamps, foot races, high jumping, represented, but a large nutwber third Monday in thia month to teach a 1 4:30 p m j attended from Canyon and other 6 a. in. hose team contest, etc., the meet­ «liort term i f four or more weeks. WlUamette Hirer. Tuesday Tuesday ing to last for a week or ten days Thurs- j 1 have written to all the sebo'I [duct «. We are unable to give the Thurand Portland o Cor- T iik T imks -H eiiai . d is heartily clerks in the county apprising them nnn.es of our visitors on account Sat. | vallis and Way- div and , ''...... conti ” , ibu- , ’ ioflnekof space there being over Sa'.urd'y landings. in favoi of such a meeting anil of his coming »nd so! belting 1 tl>e Uarc ball ground Leave will do what it can to make the | tions from each district to help 1 iv 1 1 Leave j in the 'afternoon. Reste Rtver. Hiparia. Lewist’n affair a success. More will be' Mr. Kittredge for Lis »etvices. The ball in the evening was a daily ex Now he d ies not want big pay for Riparia to Lew- daily ex sai/| of this matter later. I this work and considering the oaatcria) • access and again the hall was , c .. 1 cept iat»a. balu d y | Friday ¡crowded for jKople to dance. We I b, rtefit our teach, rs will derive from training cncli uistrict wib 1 1 ero.romend that a stock company he The grain crop in this section , such rtesti taef fail c:c. ir. any quartity desired« eafl Chee* c. J M ill :«, General Age»t, will not comejup to the average, j rceeive trn fold ndvanlngc for the formed and put’up a large hall ¡that «¡11 r.ccomir.odr.te the crowd Iluntimtcr, Oregcn Hail the farmers known a gtisti «mount paid for the work Ec’cgca ard cf all kinds always on tab This money e.«n be paid to roc »nd I | on such occasions, which we think j milUvvould be in operation this W. H IirtLBUtT, will receipt for it or th* county tiens would bo t: pood irive«t»ient. fall ptore wheat would Lave been I G»n. P» m Ap nt, Portland, Or. urer or nt the bank and if more tha’i BASE BALI. GAME. sown; as it is there will not be hiifti.iiBl to jay Mr. Kittredge, t>< A L «OItI.tR, Vic* Pi»»id»»t. «nough to keep the mill running The base ball game in the after- i ecutribuled it will be addtd to the ipn^. Bouie, on the Martin Bros eouuty institute fund and used for a J noon bet we sn Canvon and Burns place‘js th«- only one in this im- like purpose next yeai •va» hstly conte.«-ted. I nieiliatp vicinity who will have art • It is unnecessary for me to dwell up Both teams made some ey­ average crop. on the importance of this kind ol train ¡itllent plays, as well as several Cali and see sample» of our work j iu«2 nil of our citixeus are iutelllgetit , '«ad ones, but taken all was a good ' tx. «" J. W. BUCBANON, Fr.pt. — — H a RNRT, O.TtJON. and get Prices. and know the actual bcm til accruing 'game for ani'tteurs. Burns was j Inasmuch as the vvat in the 1 from methods taught in lias »oil nl not a favorite by any means in the Tahiti Supplied with thi f!ril thi Varlrt Afferdl 1' lippine» is costing V. S. more ,t.hov|lt betting, the Canyon bickers giving il«..ti <1 million dollars a day, the 1 »ineercly hope« every district tn odds for a while. At the beginning i csi' enf the people to have it I the couutv will assist in supporting of the last half of the'Jilt inning —Term» for Board by the J»y, wsrk or uosth an App’icati»»—— • I hurried t«» a close is perfectly nat *'*’* ' *Y°rl seed « n» or mure ad the tally sheets showed : a tie. 21 • • but there is nothing ...................... vanced pupils who may become teach­ each. Burns made one run and Transient Trade viven Special Attention. lit al; in sight ers. W o want «lull attvndanca ul the game was over, the boys not mi . • ¡¡a,; - . to indicate that it will be gratified , »ar teachers. caring t<> finish the inning although soon. W. C. B yrp . there were no outs’ j t o. Supt In the nth inning W k Triseh of t Alger s.ty » he sees no reason the Burnt nine was .«lightly dis.tbl cd nhile trying to make home bore for his resignation from the Cab­ The Races In sliding in he struck hi« face inet in his deal with Pingree and «gainst the I'.itcher's knee, cutting candidacy for the Senate, but BURNS, We give below the result of the I? OREGON. In.« eye slightly wh'cli. from '.lie Seator McMillan will doubtless be • races up to time of going to pre.-.«. iti» liloiwl. prove:.toil him from taking Tbe New York Life, Norwich Union am) English A®»rican Un'frr- able to make Mr. McKinley see The dei isions in all races have any mote part in the grtne. “Baby” arile i, F.re, and Fidelity A Casualty, Preferred of New York Aeci- pne or two strong reason«. given satisfaction with the excep­ Angevine vv • substitoti«! in hi.: detnd the swell known companies represented tion of the halt mile dash tor the place. G Smith 1st b::-»inan in th» I 1 " ~ """.X Residences, business property and vacant iots in a” parts cf th* With ail due respect to Major $175 purse, winch was given to Canyon nine colltdr.l with a man city for sale on easy terms; also some goed laud near Narrcwn **f • ; •• Sam Jones, who ins the day of Bill Nyc on a foul .ti.d has caused who was running ard slightly La wen. ,-praie.rd hi« knee but he kept oti political parties is passing, we beg much hard feeling: Lots 2 and 3, block 44, and lots 4 and 5 in block 43, near Narrow* July J— Race No. 1, mile playing Necthir accinev : I ini n< w in j p m to pur«e $175.00. Evtvred. Red Cheik, McClain; Butch, Bulling­ ton; l.u ’ati« . btepl’in». Lunat’c tint. Knl Chr. k tc -nd. tune 50 My «teck <« ■■« ct <>f v I amber Suits, extension tables, h.iil trees July 5. Race No 3- 3 8 ch.i s of ill de‘Ciiption.«, w. a, ..n.l wire mattresses, window .«hades. mill dash fi ec to *11; punte 175 • «enter table« ard everythin. can d 1:1 a firji clas» fumitme-'or Eetrio», Dutch Mollie. II. Bead; A ou in invited to call and nn »lock .mJget pii«ex Bili Nye. Stephens, Paddy , Cu«h- Furniture «nd Sewing Machines R pairrd. man. Bill Nye first, Dut« h Mol­ I ( I I. LINE OF CA-’CETS. GENERAL UNDERTAKING lie ««•comi, time, 36. Race No ;. \ mile dash for H ne' County -.uid'e h :««• U-v «1 run f ir pr|l I < * 4\ « FURNISH A HOUSE COMPLETE CALDWELL, IDAHO A Cenerai Banking Susine» Trcaj acted CORRESPONDENCE 5SVTT1D C. S. BIGGS I