I TIIE TIMES-HERALD The Be«r*- Gives The News ' ADVERTISIN SUBSCRIBE. Job JULY 22, 1896 ihe ¿iinc5-^uva(il I BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, MEDIUM Printing. OREGON. JULY, 5 1899 OREGON FORWARDING CO. Tu Carry Borax. the license. The board has not yet Indians To Work gle fever. The game is not worth laid down anv rule defining the the candle. ‘Benevolent assimi'a- limits in which the barbers may An experiment is being made by i t’on *8 ve:.v pretty to talk about Last winter C. L Taylor pre»:- _.„i,, - not ..... And a ...i .11 aussCJttrTioN ra/tits: scrape and cut. the Southern ... I’acifm eotnjanr a...« U •••**• ¡tallc«a«« dent of the Rose Valley Borax »..»j with the Indians in Nevada. When | b>’ ll,e f“ill,rc of an i'H'Jmpeteni .l.w i Work«, went before the Board of Ontario, Oregon. • G. W. Curtis, superintendent of'»nd corrupt administration to deal Eastern Oregon Weather. County Commissioners and asked of openly and honestly with the is- track and maintenance of wav c. MAL i for right ¿of way over the bridge th- Southern Pacific system, made landers. • PF1C1AL PiKLCTOKV that crosses the Humbolt ,river at The following is the report of the his trip of inspection over the Salt it A ft — Viti (.ON G s X ».riS.e, this point, to enable his company i weather for Eastern Oregon for ti e i Lake division recently he noticed Jutcpli Munn Forest rangers to the number j TUrct Cla*3 C oo; a to runj a traction engine hauling ,Thut. lungUc. I past week, as sent out by It. S. I all along the lin» large numbers t V». K. Ellis j of forty-five have been appointed i 1 wagons loaded with borax between C. M. Idleinan Pague. section, director: Atttruty uai.a •* • | of idle Indians. In California »nd ............... Wm i’ Lutti Rose Valley, Harney county, Ore­ by Commissioner Hermann, of ¡i i: Kiiicr.id The mean temperature, G2 de­ Arizona the railroad company em­ • ••(•vary «Í ........ fail. Mutscbau gon, and Winnemucca. The re­ .the general and oilice, to patrol prcMtfxM ...GM Irwi.t grees, 3 degre- s lower than for the ploys Poor Lo to keep the roadbed I lati. F ubila let: tciwu W 11 I..)- <1| quest was »ranted by the County n liai« Printer Mr Curtis a ‘ K ’ ‘'Uart^ ,^1c f°rtst ri‘sei ves of preceding week and 1 degree los­ in first class condition. I II. S. rtea.it. Commisssoners At that time th* 3>- . rtalvertun big bucks the Cascade mountain«. Each • er««» J« •«••» er than for the corresponding v. eck . A . 1 I o< ■ 1 e has hired some of the employes of Mr. Taylor who are We solicit your trade and guarantee FAIR TREATMENT ta all were 1 ranKer >s assigned his district and ¡of last year. The maximum tern »iRÄtl jf i . f ;¿ í 1UCT. of ths Piute tribe. They engaged to bring borax to this place ...MJ). CLl»?9t.u • J.t«ge were seen by a representative of rautged from 72 to Do do- started out this morning with 11 wiu b« •>'» dll’y to patrol it each C. W. Parriaii. >i«;rift Atl«»ra«r ... .0. L. Fatte!ton. ¿•ini K*?re«tfnl«tlve rt) grees in the Columbia River valllcy a hand car, seven in number, from ’(hiv. extinguishing all tires left by They then stated that A W .Gowau this paper. up to Sunday, when it fell toGS de-| Rye Patch and ere to perform the careless fishermen and hunters they considered the proposition cKiH-iikH'r : grers; over the Plateau region it duties of section men such ns is it and arrest all violators of the fed­ ' nothing but talk, ns it is practical­ . . A Svtrrow ranged from (!2 to 8Gdegree. The present done by Italians. tetti? j eral laws. For his services he li. KicitarUun ly impossible to run a traction en­ Jlert • ) j c. WclcuM'.e rrea^urer An engineer who arrived thia will receive $2 per day. These t, u Whiting gine o»er the road between Winne­ mil iinttm temperature in the val-' l«rv»y*r A. J «••rii V. l.uchauitn mucca and Oregon. It is said that ley rnnged from 48 to GO degrees I morning from the west said he rangers are given full authority liae«»»r e t .iA) .W c. Bird M11O91 S1P« •: •• • A. K. Ku ■ •!<- y ’ an engine will not work through a ami over the plateau from 36 t* 52 passed them on the road and they as deputy marshals of the United 4i»«k lu»p«et«r A. Venator I t l»ji degne.s. Rain fell on Sunday cv< r •til wore emiles of contentment. f • « •¡••«•»»•r» Ge». H«ge> sandy __ Jy country. Portions of the| • rl States. the greater portion of eastern Ore- Just ho.v long th»y a ill continue I read cn route to the borax marshes : >. L«.«» • ----- AGENTI FOR------ Ge«»..*. !’• •• is nothing but sand, and the pro-J i gon !n amounts from s trace to .10 to sort ».ill soon he demonstrated. ............. ULaii- Newell It is stated that “ Fighting 1 — Wint.t «.ticca Silver State. joe- gross of an automobi’.» with w .«.gons i of an inch. d to t<. th»* Phi n- * • of I Wheeler is to be sent the Plil p-, loaded with abyut thirty tons < aors. McCormick Harvestinc Machinery pines on a “ special mission. ” Just' borax woulJ be impeded. S» 1I.I1F.3. The grain crop is malii.g excel- what is meant by this is not ex- > It is possible that the tor Pabst Boer. 1'nt progress. Earlv sor.n fall |H! a •.tttKAll •rfret •e.«S The following is taken from the plained, but the Philipinos will company his decided to use ■ ••'••very • tnúld * edite* L a y. griin .«.nd barley are in places turn« £C~'Vri’.r ui for Nicer MiesJcuttiq .MePLcctr:* S Eoi.-e Statesman- traction engine as fir on the road a« probably get some idea, once this M •• Leona Zeigler, Kcc. , ing colur and will soon be ripe. Havana, July 2. — La I.uche will possible and hall by toam the b»l- human bomb lands in their vicini-' The spring grain is making good tomorrow pnbli.h » statement re­ ance of the way.—Winnemucca a ». t. W . Äurt« Lt.lfct, •* «7 j ¡growth. Many correspondents ¡re- garding matters which its cor.due tv. «• !« ;.*««.• «.A I liViSC” • . ■Silver State. a i i: .r: »*. M. » •port long straw and large heads on J a ta.«r,L«e. tors rav they have been investigat­ I the fallsown wheat and bariov. ing and carefully guarded for rev N otice —Harr you a farm for Sante C'ìinrning Suggestions | i he ruin on Sunday v. »• o' great lAl.Uî Lt»»-ul. A J. 77, Î. O A F. eral weeks, owing to the reticence sile or for rent, or do you know of Jf e«;a «i Q«« i-'eUo« • Htll.eitry .-a.i:r¿ay ¡ I borctit. Spring gisin needs more A E 1 ! i. • ■ • : i S . ' >. 1 Few. if any, really progressive l ruin; the acreage of spring grain is of these concerned and the desire any person holding farming lands K Ì a. 11:«-, >i cy . ! of the latter to avoid premature that they wish to dispose of? If d. irvmcn use any other form of JI j | larger tliau usual, due to the f.rr disclosure, leading io a possible so, plsase write to any O. R. n «f following nlviee: concussion. If there is crcsm enough lirerthc mere; eat ic»». chew more g so. *. size .'-’O!;.*:, stock. to fill the churn more than half full Absolutely Tur«. at :» ■rr, Poor fruit pr ects a-id cxeellei t ride le»». walk more; clothe leas, Bl'l*», ............................ 0¡:?.ófi«v. : time would be gsimd by making I athe more; worry less, work more; pro-pccts for all other p.rodtici.« are C»llec.!«n«, Land bi-ii ••’. and Kerl : two churnings instead of one with Ka'.n^ inaner pruuij tl\ aiuodcd tu. the conditions lodar throughout trnste Jess, giro more; write I»-ct», rend mort; preach leas, prnctice sn overfilled chum ea»1»rn Oreg n. V< ry frequently the cream from more. shallow pans hu a "lathery” con­ n»t xet set in, and untill they ap I W dition of its surface, which causes pe ar there is nt dan-.-er of ti e In a criminal prosecution recent­ BIGG & TURNER clots in. the cream which do not ilread'd het north or nortbea-t ly tried nt York Neb. the jury, AND erri To rst Coin « -Ifr-iii break ut> in churning and appear wind, which co quickly dettroi« or .after a brief deliberation, rc‘nrn» f, -i/e im I times of considerslle size This Ilin, Fall-sewn grain in its pr< ‘cut stage jury, in the abovennnied case do ut iti r- r that I Co. i-.trr it r. / duty to Practice in all the court» of Ore. (pqjcllpv Pan be partially remedied tito tcltln frtt to t!i- '.« of y r rr»l"r» will most quickly show the effect not brlieve one word tint the wit« anJ who have Coeuumrnon,Tliroxt, Bronchial or by stirring the cream occasionally J Collection promptly.made. of the Lot winds, and spring roan net»es have sworn to; neither do Lung Trouble, if they will ur'e me that,* during the interval l -f-.<»n skim­ e»rre»x and pf^totfice addre«. i «rely, grain v II de in tl e critical slay' we believe that nny < f the attor­ T. A. OXOCTM. K. C. ’»J Tetri it., rew T«rt ming and churning, and can be K»lt tor tai « b 4 B««.n»a« U«r> ag«>w»r*L gf •Iout July 1 Sth It it practically neys have J»rf kcn ¡the truth, nor 1 XT>>« Tw wua |H«rw I’r^ whollv overcome by passing the certain that fall-sown grain cannot that either of th»m could do S. W. MILLER, cream through ii coar=e strainer ns now be injured by the hot winds even if h* should care to take NOTARY PUBLIC. it goes into the cbuin. These white but it is probable that Ifire July trouble to try.”—Ex. specks contain much casein which 15th summer weather conditions Burns, - - - Orrgin. decotnp'>»e» easily and thu- causes • Th» Northwest H'-reld tells the butter to become quickly • off- injur'd by th» pt it is I rd y t-nlh wben its»}« “The flghting flavored.” On ■ oca. possible. Until stl:nm«r condiliora »1 Me: i i* ’ t *'«■ r and tbr:e dov» Ve • appear, »Lower« will ;r--v .;l »t in •bl h i»‘ O*'-» i (.• tot- ♦ *’ . • or •, Tho citizens of Ashland do n t tervals. Th- rivtif rise r-i; i lly i ct r<< i.i to 1c »: v j «.,l>alde ;*r.ce tnd Q-ff »»• « .. in ar r. ' rt f-.. PHYSICIAN é SURGEON. ■ sh to txkc any ébanos g ■»n.-if« Re id r.‘ w!el »* < nf or [*« » • « t» •-•rrtp • / *.%e advlre If potoBt.1 v slashed by a careles» bsrlier whom, ll.e highest water fir this tear lits a» t!.<- MeKinlcy «d*iiini»tratinn • lor. • • • t.r I bar,'« Uur ft* • : »• t .T -» st r»e ft: re. • r ti..- it vita A ■ O ■ » th'-t rllrge, indulges too frtely in • • i • « . • n at presa di«; atcln s the bsckix.ne uf1 Uz*b, arti free Aldmt» Tel’-phone No 21 that »hich intoxicates, ss- • an ex '.eights al ui their normal for change. They have petitioned the some v. erks more, yet it is thou,-’ t the insum-ctirn will loe nearl v brok- [ C.A.SWOWc.CO. 0*i « u fateit GL.c. A.* * • C »tale board to refuse the l.ibul >■:« that all danger of 1 igh water and i: -laiiy, but this can not g<> on for-. exrr—the people m]| awakeonedsy i Dr. H. 5irchtcrf barber a license to prertie' t. : ir finds are passed. «o the fact tliSt ther haré l>een de- faces The board a ill rive the man crived terñbly >>.• the .MeKinlcy, an opportunity to prove his •< rthi *5 14 X Lit ‘.ti ft. •« -, R» ■ ; ' •' ■ » - n dy«i-»ty. ¡vid reí' .ke the deeriier» ... ■ ■ - ¿'^•OOIISJIS j rpf f- 01»» «■••• ’r • ■«•e, a- 4 if h« coninrs bis sh«h- article to tl <(? ■••. th it J M I - Ti" «ir ei'h Aguinaldo m»y )x«t , K mt A ?*"»»% »*•* 4 n*9 W *•» *♦ !♦• «< »II e»»t thi» countrv i ? tn thi ordinary will not rev be ton is sb- to’c pliy an automo­ f< r ye»-» íl mid ' <-f tr*' • ” and -ntich h'» «SupiS ”!I°!A bile tri i-ry lr:.x from hi» Ore ­ ■ . l ««en»e. W<-supp-»e the sever« J»9 Vitug gon work« to ti: • f ine»-. The plan O • h- • •• • havo gurie d >Wn n»e!«-«»- •• < f an e»r or nose Wauld WOLDENBERC 4c BERC » - . • . I 9.NOXXVUA9 J NHOr dreru- i *ufli< ent eau*» fc-r ret king i« r.-t a n v tnc —Silv-r «bate I ¡THE LEADING FIRM OF EASTERN OREGON. OUR PATRONS. We sell everything you may want and our stock is complete in every 'line. Sfuclebnker Wagons, Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Builder and Plastering a Specialty. Dr. W.L. Marsden, PLANO MFG. CO. IMPEMENTS P@*«R longest lived and Lightest Dieft Rogers, Rakes and Birders io the War’d. Harney Valley Brewery. H. Volp, Quart B.ttles 81.50 a dszen delivered in Bums. DENÏA.3T. Five f nllon kegs $2.00 delivered at your home in Burns. To lop hone Mo. 3