The new Canadian roller boat with which some unsatisfactory experiments were made lately on Lake Erie, did what was possi­ ble to deserve its name, after all Its own rollers of the lake rolled it ashore in very short order. Tll NEW YORK LIFE 5 / a •***>. *'• juât what every v f > - y» r needs, i Le mer- *-r 1 erry’a ^eedfaKM^ f tn the f >. ridatici) r on wL'in I« tern bunt the large»: >»4d Mur •*• In the world. Ferry’« Seed Ansasi for UM conta t a t:.v « iu and euLitaoce of ttt .*.4*1 farnutig knowledge. Free for the asking. D. M. FB*BYa CO., D:«roit, Mich. NEW 1‘ omptly »«cured. Trade-Mart«. Copyright« and Labels registered. iKenty-hve year« ea- s>er.ence. Wo report whether patent can b© •erti i ed or not, free of charge. Our fee not due luibll patent is allntod. 3*^pas© HooU Free. H. WILL8GW CO.« Attorney» a» Lew, rnA'.arkdw AAadmcTON. O.O. The morning paper which heads its account of a moyenu nt in the interest of the ne^ro race. ••Plan for uplifting the colored people,” should be more careful. I. a The worde were doubtless inno­ LOCAL cently used, but the first impres-i and Is ths reiu DISEASE ’l of «old» *nd climatic efianyts. sion conveyed by leading them It sudden can be cirea by a p.'eM*at which 1» applied t smone ; month on a; f.Iicatii a. ull'weikl'’ j njvra in »ir«. fro-( T »° doers vast of fetg M|, qto i r of publication,.nnd th« freah ' net“, m crac rnd variat of it« con- t. J» Through freghi Jjcta. a p«iiag. T • lira aatiaa at aar P O. au th« touta and cut* tj caaahra ba f«raiak<4 far paaaangart. ’"•••• ff-. • •• ) «9 8, 8. Williaoa, Prafr. .. us trot ’»* • R k r•*» If rôtir fct h ast joo3, w*y don’t you drink water? It is cheaper and better for you than poor tea. If it ts good, your »to.Ti- sch is g!«d to jet it; does I its work better. Sch:Hùt£ s Best Is food tea—at grocers’ in packages. A S<» '• M • < ••/..» I* W You know coiTee is used fresh - roasted. Tea ought to be—for the same reason I —the taste. Ours are the only tea- 1 firing works in the United States; Sc/::t!:r.j>'s Best is always fresh-fired when it leaves our hand». 1« • -'f • C-», ■«—T I V - i... FO THE EAST: ----- oiTtp T»f rtotre Of- Ti’iASSCOKTINÊSTALBWTK --i-‘ Frograitor» « J BANJO fl, l-...-.; ¿J.",*, musical r.:*rtr.'— ’s- Culi;:,. E ai | î .«, fz«ìdol!.-.e-,. V '«>•' y^al. i». .e., all cl Strings, '.■...etc. si.w teu;. ■S * • KANSIS C1TT - a ■w 1‘ • • • • • a a ae —s y . • . • • •A • V. • w • • •>.». OCEAN SEAMERS •••*■ »'.lit •J leave Portland every 5 dayi t. s Francisco. s r. IL V'X LU E J.ViUAT.Y 11-, lî^. to ti>Mn.|« For full d«t*il« call an th* t. t • N. «g»nt, al Baker City, «r »4 dre», Tb/ ThrJe Cd’rrJir ci thg ■— • W. H. IltJBLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. G«,». ». • • ! : AN ro.’f ?.tV3 A' c ■« .♦« ’ s I otb.-r eruption», f ::i U v iiully free from it, r::i. Fl e,i;>p*s 0 ”.v iotislr o »■ ■ :i;;i of s. rot.U.-r.- p T T t ! by iloud' r. L. j A. L. MOHLER, Vic« Preaid««!. F. left aline « a » C..c A«.\ branded a* above en left «hetiler ef C. A. Bean ait. Crate, Ora «•••»• sat « I . A . « A i -A »> f J ha proprietary of the Red Frant are well known horseman tally fitted for thnt business The l>eat ef driving taams are n Parties desiring rip* ihoulil give tbein a call. CHICAGO Togede» «.*.s > Te», boils, salt rhoum “ a» 4 .ID To al! Eattara «itiM n.iji, hke goitre, awrPi ’’ ; g > / LOWEST RATES mlVf.’T *VL> .‘*‘>o - V T> ctauift .1 t ibrtlX in ti •■=•■ .1 * Via SPOKANE BALT LUI NINNFAIOLIS DINVI ST. PAUL ¡OMAHA r ■'o r ri - O w- - - j / ea.Si3.61J.Sn East :Ci St.. New Ycrk. U) tha Carner Seulh of th« Troncb’Hotel, Main 8tre«t. Vi« musical m :?. cna »; ôiii :, alan. K a pu IV F R f r guod en J a Bo»w fU «<*2 tolr», HED FRONT LIVERY STABLE C * A À 9 V' , . . t.. i - i Lw.p-yrer e<»né Wh-.-iM»!« D.i’w Is •? » ■ •» of OREGON NORTHERN HCRTUNï • a * . • » . • r; fa « CUtTAHS, RE AT U A! on ,F.*r.AriD :.<*“**• a ÌC H e M i .•«•» i i Ui© * r UeCLAIN A WILLIAMS - It prints the news of all the world, having special correspondence from all important nens points on the "lobe. It has brilliant illustrations s i • • ' tv: t 1 1 •) • ri, .• capita) humor page, complete markets, de­ partment* for th» household and women’, work and other special d« partmente of unusual interest. We offer this ti"*qunled news­ paper and Tur T imks -H ekai > lo- geth »’ < fi f t‘ :! Th’ s’? ’a- •' •• ra tion price of 0 L t' • tWC pipe :« it 12 00 > *• CWe Tree Weed FueWer. 11 Freyered eaij hy G 1. Heed > LwH. ■<*< • hop «ppo»!t» <14 Fr.a.ry Bnrrif Ontario J Hood ’ s Sarsaparillfts I. «knowl. 1t.J « »• • m«t thrvoerh 5 ma I C.lA.-rh, Co'J :• lir.l «od ll«r »«’«r «f “I »•tnedici. It oj>e»» ■”d clean»*» the a pajesges, a’syi psta end in^ammetion. heals Ik« e^r»». t**- ie*U the ntembrsee from solde. resSerte »he »»naee jd‘.tatesade««ell. PrieeS*« a’.Des fteuerbymaL g’lQTH—Xlâ»- 44 hu Ely's Ely ’s GicSiii üic2iîiBaiinK^3 Balm • A FOLEY. O bmm Tenus fur U.-dt,, V^UCC0S3 itjqtAlek:»« r^rL©dit g;»es relief ator.c«» I , burn »cT^AM EÀ'JOj _ _ Thi« popular ho..a i. ful]j ped for the comfort of ¡u 1 r tri. yv.vM by »• v.Mfarr V/ U rCS K.nfa at •»<>«•«■ •< m 4 worn« *«w •*: «*■•».*'*• »» »«Sy •«• p K ed mere cases tbaa any Bh living Physfciaa; his j success is astonwihlag. We have heard ©f eases af ee years’ staadiag *1 eared by r * ■“ g him. Me W publishes« vaiati!» k werk •« R thia dl«. S eAie,wki«b r. heseads Aw i t h a large B© of h’s abusiate ew.-e, free te any sufferer« who may eend their P. O. aid Ciprea« aL'fifi ▼.’e advise ear ene within r a ewe te *ddr*sa fnL A. raXL Î. 9^ 4 ¿c4xr fi u E*V lori ’S if*3 Three silly Illinois giills organ­ ized a suicide club, took poison , and were only saved from ; eath I It li ai of tha Stroa ait Cotwpaii ia tha Farli, by the prompt use of a stomach I 1 putnp. To co np.ete their cure their respective mammas should ! ! now make an equally prompt ap- Il han a»er 1157,17«,401 in alien and a record ®f 52 years dm- ! plication of the old-fashioned slip-1 ingall of which time it han ateadily increased in strength and I per. BECAUEs LL.-.A11 L. ■W CT. FXi-S ?; c’?;r\ » : 1 / 3 r « $ • 2 HiiL Zi F^.vat a• v » < F, -a v v.i ;. i .1 r-.-. -!=-«r.,e j ¡y^,. y -, I. ,. «i » >'ISsA'.ÎO S?-Tr:?î2i 8’ P - Y » t* » • I j Tup » ,-p: r. P.. «:- * rw yob *. Th« World Alniannc sent FREE «ver CASH Sutacribvr. tn Hoob’s and er.iy IU.t.p v Di« »$ j r» iS ;i KOST. IRVING, Ï.r Prop : 1« i? Rich Red ORiGON n«>d w ataotut.ty |o bstttk. B h «cur.J va.ll/ at><] laterally by tektng Itood'a Sar»;ari:!a, but la I«- >oaa!blale|.t fl freru ao-ca!!asrl« •ara.” Tb.y bava tamforary, a!aa>taf aeart,»«tdaao»CUEB. Tahav.yaaa * I t <• CìtHrtlii ini Fripm Fin Xi|t (' Ile» Fi A K J ti; Safflj It All IgM. l' i Th© Wslty Quetoloa d!©r«fl»e© la (B© light of ©ap«eieac© «ad hiatory. ThaLva«:r.g «lavuillc /.pat ef a«vr>«. ABSOLUTELY PURE i »i TT>.y tnov fiora artnat ava tbat TTood'a fa ih. b..l, I. a., It curaa wben otb.r* f.!k Jt.vd’a Itamparitta fa aliti ma.’.* ueCtr W.< yaraoatl au^arvlala* of th.aducai«! pk.-ciarlila vbo artgtnalad II. Tk. qnrw'.foa of b«.l la juat a. poattfvaty dw'.Aad ta f.rorof flood'• aa Ib.^uaativa at eow(«?atlva ••'«. Ave'.'w tk ny tvvry aflvvrtfa.w«I 1 Hood a Aa.-w;vma U loia, fa bo-.«u a w>rrw-t amasi af tk. tota* »t CooftoM giv.n «eh wnk. a fami:. . .por torth. hoa. aad Ir». A I l • Importasi h.ppamag. of ih. —•-» eoa trsaart la a«*«colma. A tarar ■reataUoa la av.ry Buia aad T.rrttory. Wer©t© r -• ¡-f on !©r • :ia*. C«- > »»L •dH©rt?©ftbl© Mad©a h© -s t f o k©^a Itora© braid tt ©a l©ft ©h©aM©r. a’©» »•**• dott. . id ©hap©©f »detgl©,eattl© brssie« •*••* K. I. Groat Bare© Or. \ Kntfht Pubtlahlag Co, } ««UUNOTOX, n c. Z Sarsaparilla J F D!eh«r©o©« brand J F «••»•<’•*•* left hip Hora© braid anvil ©a l©fiatlla. P- • Law«a Or© Caul© braid ¿gar© 7©a ©Uber hip; ■•’> HwC w ©a r’»* ■ «’•• Kor©© brard « on i©.'t F« ,«,. h»JI«Ha;li; .gaaianai.4. *«« ©tie© U ▼&©<:!©y. >©i»•• Vfk V- a •■«■« W. M ITIttlT *!.tor. rrghaat «f al ia Leamiag Power —Ute« U.S.Govt Repart 4M«c«fl h.attb.taka Itoot'>Sva- taead. Ila auccaa la curlag S.r.fula, • j ’I Bbauia, Rb.uroatlam, Catarrh, Dyepapa’a, Jfarvoua rroatrstlaa and That TUad FaaUa«, kava u.ada ^©r»ebrand ( on left atifie. rattlebrail •• •• left h’p, mark tag file!, ear D M.MeMeeaaj Kurna, Ore. H©r©es sad Caul© breaded J F ©a d©r »•«• bread*© JF •©••••••© Flic© I wii Q m •’ KadSva S I « t > ttiifewt a k V: ;* b?»«' Y ’-M ? n A *■ JOHN F. STRATTON S .. .... <■..!..« B1M Instrwmiati r , Dr ^'PES Ficcolcs and Supplier JOHN F. STSATTO. *itit,i'1.11>itoe.kt JOK?.’ r. STRATTCN-8 A » l k ir ,\ f l k» Birrì-; ter StsiStriats lgr\ t •- C«.“a- VgedsHa rae(e » »t 5 • « Iktr» i ¡©re» I* w .c Va»« t . »Iken»' ««©g ter « at'| ' N F. ’ -• » C » *» ». r«»r* wd « W «r i •©.••’ .w * . 1 LtF M, d» y A P««e»aucv Hew : s Ob?*m Peteets. wttk < »et M a©u « • the V.S- and L*re\g© ecuatnee •eil treok A. ’.reae, . ............... * ~ 5 pr-? 1:1 •»« T.W5» ■«...< -WVirs •1-rnHJ '3SICHVH3M1W -laoisnw F njr-< « ». «-»rawQ r-ww»-,.^ Or. P.Jc«’»Cr«zm Ekfllrfl r.wvM/ O.A.Sf’OW&CO. > ©•• FetfNTCr» et w«©«>©©*e© © e. h*** .%* -*.w.». ( •1101 M4 i liîr