V A limits f i- . I of'our troubles in ¿.the allowed to live within the w hieb of tile cob nv, the factories • re Philippines hc.it'4 over, th are t j furniji w.rk for the colo­ jipp ir< n r, ju< beginning. nists will be owned by the whites. Boss I’lat’ is too wise to boast ITyirg Machine will surely come t.f tin- ease with w hich Im controls some day, but they will hardly (Tov ‘'Te.li! . ”; Im just le s’things cotne out of the $25,0.10 govern­ - head of catlle’near Silver I.akeje- cently for shipiuent^to Dillon, Montana, and ( hii igo The cattle arc to he delir. red at ¿Ontario i:> .June. Prices were, for yearlings, #17; f-ir 2 year old heifers d.V e 'W-- i'22; cow.- and ealv. «.*#27; 2 year old .«tears ' y. .t n.u.- #30. Tiru. — Prineville Journal. Wall.. Walla,8po kane, Portland, San Francisco, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth,Mil­ waukee, Chicago r nd East. I NT'Ek TAKER. l’rsp i ! This Stable it l.eatcd on the eorrtr of Frat and B, Stretta, ini keeps ksy and grain oa hand Has competent btlp. R ubs a Jvb »Vage», Taits »»»»»». j-rs to aay ¡ art uf 1 lie Country. YOU R Ocean SteiMP.’S. Frorr. Portland. For Sun Francis­ co— Every 5 ¿aj’. Columbia Hirer Steamerw. 1 p tn ■ Kxcept j Sunday. i j ’.Ti fa-afttr Birar. | ----------- I I Ort".' B ( ily. N» > ■L.Ttpn. j bert*. Sah en anti I Exc Wiiylanding*. Sunday To Astoria and waylauding». Tim den th of Mrs It. A. Dicken ‘ on wiii: h ocecrre I last Saturday nip’ll has eatisi <1 nni'.'h tri k uml P., C. ANGEVINE, I’roprietwr. eotmia nt ! y tti ■ citizens of Burns. many uf wliuin i . nuire tl.e Christ Tim new -papers dem mstr.ited i -n Scientists fur the ma ner in Jiltaiuettf Jr Tamhlll i 3;30 p in Klvar. flieh liberality by ¡».tying telegrpii wl.i h th was treated. O! Ch ’»VINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. I Monday Tnisiixv t .s • ami gi iiig’fr'. e pace in thi i; Wi h ive mail'' partivular inquiry T1I11 : with parlies who know th • facts gonian fur .12 in »dentice. COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS \ ,, 'ii.l ! lot Springs. HOME find that tlm Haces Thuracil I Portland 0 Cor- | Thurs- Em/lish <- a ( ii-rm.lll j lil for speaking of j tions were carried out or not Four I Lu ney County saddle horses that th ■ lì rm.m Enrieroii, in a Ger- J I'"’11 days after the child was born ' nevei run for public money, vo- i b er garden, stiff” - 11 'loctui » jwas g.nimn, as a .1 big mg “ "Siiii —J long und his efl'ori* di ti d the well known companies r< presented. rules gov 11 r all races. I the same wav. wi re unavailing. T r« JuM what CTirj Residences business property and vacant lots in all parts cf tba I he board 1 i »liie ter- reserve gjsi.vwrrc rvl». i Er Tier The pi ■ ¡de of tlii- pl.; e are very city for sale on easy terma; also some good land near Narrcwn and a : nt th-- *»»..rcaiivn ­ the right to declar«. i ff a: tidignan .1 ur.d ci lativ i talk of pros- ii wutoi> for pu­ D M. Fr i.R-r A CO We know that we will be eritn ’ V is» able to run ami to substitute SWi sec 16 T 23 8 lì 33 E. This at a sacrifice. l' . > deslroycd in Cu a, vvlrcli i.i by sniue for publishing this “lini i a» es w illiin the means ad- entity property we have lot 2 in block 6. on Main St kr.own as tbn ll» 1 country is ask. d to pa» 1 stat» tin nt but everything can be Sturtevant p-.-perty. il'» foot front n C St in blr.ck 4. The Morrisow » : e » lamia ."re not legal ly vouch»! i’ •by g.od reliable people lots near the brewery and a number of splendid residence lots near th» court house and Hchool building. If you need anything ia rial eitits o'la d.e paper they ate wiitlcn md We think it right that the ¡wo- call on us aud g j price» No trauble to »bow prop»rty. i p.'it. but claim agents with nec- ¡>le ktioiT the truth. We could sav < ■ h v nu' ’ h.n e s< cured the a great deal more on the subject, ttv ’ oilier« equally as bad nut ate satisfini in giving the above facts. CI Y MEAT MARKET Prices ¡Your patronage solicited. it’ V 0.00 i Comfortable Lodging Everything First-Class a.Æ, 31». slj E twis :, Real Estate & Insraance. « FERRY’S ud ihe Bums Variety Store of the si »orni t of M aine. ■1 . : |o!m Sc.»tt a ..iati' t,i succeed III»- -il D:ng . v , ilei '.ned fot thè Chiiago ¡»Alfoi'in and »le- n leu ed McKinlcy ism for b .» ‘(»ventile country brillai politi­ cai btissism. relentlis- at-.. i > r : kd fruits . groceries CAL \ General Banking nus" CORRESPONDENCE INVITED “ík* " '' _ - ■ •> r»w» *i.•