T . .(• ä i- J -•x.- A Alia XT3 P-cv To tke E ditor :—! have .- y for Consuinption.' n'■ ¡¡-‘; inas of hopeless cases have be. utientlv cured. So proof-posltiw r >•■. -;• V.: •. I C M :.:e,- ¡, nly d.Jty ¿Q ■ ■ . Jthi.se of your renders C eumpH n.T.ircat, Bronchia! or .1, . 11 2hey WHI wit" me t!:«' ' _ ■ < ; tss, ..Tr‘?earl r:- yrek i uncr G' jjj 3 ECAUE •Vr?- A,l,:a Robtrhcn p, ■' U l I.K EDITION. ~ ’JJltCO». , 'ls popular ho»«eig rU|] Fed fertile comfort of FOR OXE DOLLAR. ,•'rs,• : . C'" Tl • a week—150’papers a'.vear . c°*totB. Good tai > r!1, G « fi 1 It h.isalltlw H hiM c crcr ,f ¡5- 1^7 j unii Trr jf in 1 n? ,nC"llof Which’t;.,;;.”:?." a record of prosp-nty. HEi;.\ rsr.- 7'"' i,1 'y > incrrH«ed - ir yM7.?:te.Ce'’‘^»-um.aft;Crr; )IV g r ( .• t ■’ *■ -¡I nt the pr;CC of a tar v. c< r 1 of c .. ï f an '.j-' r ured b/ ‘ir?. Il H S ’ I'ublishesa , valttabla « work on 1 this did. ea3e,-wliicj Jo fiends * tellky d □ C\ ¿Ai . , p 5 rtr-* proved bj Jng drt.s,. that the people have In Hood's Sarsaparilla couudcaco OQ- ' ¡AND—rrrr— Arnvt-ü at l'f einlde | ‘f-’enfs of unusnal interest Veofl.-r tl-is nnerpafod ,,p,vs. folev . I L'I N ■ Fs political news is !’" rapt, empiete, accurate and im­ partial as all its readers will tei t':f. It ¡3 against the monoplies an(] for ■ Hood’s Pills Through freight T vsïap notice at ai,y P. O. on v« ]D T? A Tx»» •• ** READY sale t —- ~ for ~“■* *■*— ..EVERYWHERE EVERYWHERE ___ ... wx^ JANUARY Jst, , 1899. '-^ U furuielttJ for pasf,a„gPig J» \ v Or -a J* u-*n Francisco. Together with • ï The Battie Calendar of the Republic. Và Läö a. R, ’,-?? /« T L « S I ABLE Complied by EDGAR STANTON MAO Historian of the U. S. Navy. ay dU«j» Cn the Cenai- fouth < f tl. I Î I î Î ' T r » » • \\ • Il the standard AMERICAN ANNUAL. Vi ( LA IX A v. ! I J.; i v ,<•»». 1’,,, '■ '■■ 11 '- lUj.L HT Or v,-„ FRIGE 25 CENTS. Forfpafd to any address. FHH WORLD, Pulttrer Building, ’• «-H-a.'dfr «r NEW YORK. • - ¿.Le*. 3 ß 2 irre : ' 3 ' kind» • OISE, t ul to hr “ad natural «Tills, bat fi no-called«) «cnij.ounds, I pari« ■y Imre i rpornry, slopping not Cl - I-- Tolaivepura il EV O ì -w M i, take ?od u ’ tfarfwna a H r •st, last, and end an til that ^t > :cd'e ne -"r!';::^ha‘ili3- ’ r Ei.« Mood ever ■ ’- ^»•wwss In curing Scroi ucim, Rheumatism, Cats .’I». Ncrvvus Iroatratlon ‘rea feeling, h*rc r.:at;e •-* '-'--a-ç,-Sr-® re.I casi! u. a. Gov't Report W .1 T3 v't go it actual u c • < urta w’.t !’â b itii! m ion of th rated ft. !UE IH ISSO. £ < Mt * *»r, llrn«> . : ' , '•'. ' 1 !iOnfy lae Pricing Instrument. -d Li Aft • 11 HOOD r, K f ■ •“ » < ., , $ er the d.,in„ cl r' -i c -ch w 'ck. ?.-r for then me.ndSre- cnUtiuQ in erc 'r9 columO< ■y State and . . •• • ■ r • r.lt, u tru. at« >U| mia * rin . . V®r . 4 ■" )d*s Pi FT’ n •' r» r .. I. I iloud’j P- !w U "aMrrfptlon Tri». . «' Scad for sant dì . D»*r Tear. * • • ■ ï»-alswarned. . th ■ . ■. ’ r.- . ........ : ’’ J ”***>*» the "'»e.- bniftht PubthMng Co ; ■ 4 •• *■• î «a» *x v\ Y a JOHN F STRATTON'S TlStrififs ,b« *> B 'a ' "»« tA>* ana* V" '’•a t%ftt ■ r «-»m* «-*■»»> 1-IH< U» ; *t*aD