a irrtEs Buy your garden seeds at 1. S. 'ticer & Cos and save money. W. II. Shirk is again amoung us. J r Mahon et al« V3 W S Waters L. Loldenberg jr. is court bailiff- et ids—dem to con-; Liint . railed. —T he T imes -H erald andOre-i HAS THE LAUGEST CIRCCLATION OF J 8 Bowen vs Norwich Union g inian for $2 in advance. Fresh oranges and lemons at the amt newspaper in this covnty . Ji. , li s-.ranee Society—Gem to com­ City Drug Store. Fresh supply of Chase\ WEDNESDAY APK1I.H lS.u. Sanborn’s Co'jfcc at N. Carpenters and builders take no­ plaint lirgued. overriih 1. TORS’“ - - - 0RBC0S. Cha* Newell vs School Di ! No 2 Brown S' Sons- tice that Voegtly Las all kinds am! And some have not—most of —dem t > complaint argued, over­ Local News. Rol't Hart aud wife and Mr sizes of nails. i:s h ive. If you are troubled ruled. Misa Clare Swain is visiting in Brown ami wife came in from Lake- ■. Gave your measure taken AU kind» of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machiasry, with corns—hard or soft < CIJI.SA! view yesterday. I> - -........... ••••' Burns. drop in and buy a bottle of Plows, Bicycle’Sundrie«, etc. State of Dreg >n v- J P •.err- d— If you want a piano or organ call, \-lgency ojthe Royal Tailors , Call up 'phone 16 for job printing ■ • i n id ph a i gu I ■ • . Citv Drug Store , Miss . OJie Free has , procured on short notice. or write the far ..... , HORTON’S CORN CURE ° rooms in , the building , north of \\ el , tencs-d to pay a five •: 100 an 1 costs prices. , . J. C. Freeman and wif are over in di fault of th” payment of sii ! it come » drug store and is prepared will surely give yen relief from the Warm springs. All sizes of nails in stock now now at at : to clean an I repair clothes f r i fine the deft be imprisoned in the Garden Seeds and Sporting Goods. The only much more satisfactory re­ county jail one day for every $2 tons of them on the •' gentlemen anil ladies. Bacon, ham and lard at Lunaberg thereof not to exceed 50 days and lief than you can obtain by A Dalton's. Strictly cash. Tin Shop in ilarnev Co. that the state Lave a judgment the use of a razor. Our lines of Staple and • It is impossible to make mention L. Fo«ket is over from Lakeview ' Give ns a call and wcjwill Convince yea that ws cm giTs bstUr agaitift the deft for the costs. Fancy Dry Goods arc c ni-\ prices than anyone. of ail those attending court. and expets to leave foi home to- ! II. M. IIcRTOX. State of Oregon ys John La-, e-y plele. — N Broivn ^'Soiis. morrow. Miss Ella Pratt, who has ' Gentlemen s fit mi sh i n Messrs II. pkins ?c Hunter, the] :—April IS, deft arraigned, copy err Y DliUCr STORE q>ent th • past winter with friends | at A* Broivn Sons are up new saddlers, have receive«! a part furnished, morning to plead. April here will accompany him. to date- of their «lock and can be found at ; 19, di-m to indictment, argued.over- S; tin £ goods arc arrivin ; their place of business in the Me-1 ruled, deft pleads not guilty, ad - The spring apportionnn-i.t of davit an 1 motion for postpan m?nt school money for this county is daily by express for <• I Gee milliner store building. I'l'tition ini' Incense. if trial filed, argu 1. Brown o unJur.-igued legal voters oí has shingles for sale. L. Wolden \\ cdn< sday mi-rniiig's stage enroute prices that you cannot help Nannie Bycrl • v- *4 A Byerly — Drcwsex !>;<’. ii et, Ihunev ui untv. Statp BAII.E'i A WATER3, PiiopBiivöB,. ci Cheron. Cair.cn City. — but ■ - l purchase. ’ y. Brown th promises to be one of Chas 111-1 I «Í Jake Comejtvs, the Tailor, has a dismissed. A W Winters come left today for the Pueblo gold Burn».Canyon Stage Line ,! 11 Hid) the ru >»t enjoyable affairs of the fine lot of goods from which to I) N Vari mfvs E C Tayler— ¡'red Kingsbury Allier' .'ob" 1 ■' mines to try their luck. Wo wish season. Baker Wm South make suits and his prices are rea judgment and d ’ivo ■ • s wr «rife n N W E I> ¡hincan Metschan A Ccrad, contracter». them success. S ti olí .i.«ri «J E Gilliam 'c'I' iiftnif, foreman, J. H vith such stationary at very reason­ dem to complaint, argued. O. U. W. ha3 succeeded in put’.ina Ne.-.l, C. Cummins, Dan 5 aiim, J able cost. Burns Lodge on its feet again and W. Showen, E. Olsen, Geo M.iupin Petition for Ilicense. What Shafter didn’t tell the j secured about 15 new members. BaliffR. J. McKinnon. To the Honorable County Court of H.irncy ( 'ouuty Oreg m : Court ot Inquiry may have been , Tarties desiring jewelry cf any Tail ts of all eolers and complex The trial of tun allr-g «1 trail) ''c ‘Uid-rs./a d lrg.nl voters of very important, but what lie did J robbers, Shaw and Bowie, progress Drewscy fpiecinct ben by petition your kind will find it to their interest tc ions for your house, or for any kind -- - ~ ~« t- v XV a. uu IIIUIUUIUI h noialdi body to ¡¿rant a lirin-e to A call on H. C. Bilger at the City of painting, and oils ami varnishes tell wasn’t. cs’sluwlv. The forenoon sessi' n of I John: •:» And It. I». .Johnson, of Bren £^~Carrir.ge Painting. Shop first door north of this edice. *«■■)•, Oregon, to retail vinous malt, and galore at C. 11 V cgtly's. Drugstore. He has a,fine line. the Court was devottd to the ex im- »pint» 1.4 liquors iu left» quantities than *S x —Carpet« laid for $1’00 to 11 50 Each.— inatiou ami erm - ■xumv.at:••" of one gallon at Jhhrir pl.ice of burine'» at D iei —Ou Cow creek, last Mon C. 11. Leonard stepped on a naii Oregon, lor the period of ii S. II. Kitto,'w ho pav > exj.i rt t. -ti- a few days ago ¿and is now laid up day, the S year old daughter cf Mr • outl k fiorn May Jib, A. 1). 1899 ¡and Üá5~Resideneo Symes Iloti 1, Burnì, Orejón. Central—Hello, 16, did monv ns to a tignature brought for wbich wo will over priy: for repairs. Dr.»Marsden was call and Mrs Jos Lamb. The remains NAMES. lown from Hurns, Oregon. It sec-ms XA M ES. ed today and.Mr. Leonard is now were intered in the Harner came- hear of the v. ashout on the 1 ; T If Curl II A lted.ling 16—No, wait a minute! (( that oti .a cash book which has been resting very well. Mai lie w Plico J A Barile: i tury Tuesday. We did not learn Eouk on July 15th. It F MofM E 1, J.rede hibited to the public in a Jones Chain Mowers. This mower, No. I re I Linvth iry V L I arbor If Bowie wase.t Burns en the 15th ! due A Howard eng::: W A Ki.bcrts.n few days- Novelties in every wherever used, takes the place of How much was the engineer ofJuly.it is evident I c co . d n it I r Moflet BURNS, Jill *r< wilt ORIGOI. I department- i»on all others, because it is not made hurt, and the number II F ,Maste Ritfht I < > loti left the traikr ------Dealer in------ We received a letter from W. II. up of a lot of complicated gearing I T!io expert kr.i.eked this idea on . W I) ¡taker \V .1 S.nilli Ila, Ila! Ha!! S U Coutil which is constant^ ’ breaking in tin- A Allnow Hogan last Saturday evening stal­ however, an far as tho sigmitur • i- ’A in A !’ m> w W A Younyar What you laughing at? tbr* cash book i< cone; med. by t 8 S W Hamilton ing that he would leave on the 17th other makes of machines. J< Im <>lt A HasMi M i Howard The w ash I spoke of w as (last Monday)for the Willamette Messrs Hanley it Thompson tifying that there bad I-on an «John D Daly N E l'lineari , > valley to be absent about three started a band of about Raise, one and two years <>l«l. w bi« h w ill i.n e< Id fr< ni 15 50 io I m- at ,1’urns On g : . «1 J y veri- ntRss, — — obi Burn«, — — — Oregon who will be sorry of his departure. j dear young friend, it would do tny teaches us to give honor to tho fimi as by law re<¡air« 1 v ■thin “i". Daily Papers and morti Ir ri • 1 heart pood to lead you to the alter " nocc:cf youth, to do our duty by Harney Lodge No. 77, I. O. O F. irais on ».air. I’n; r- de •>rcd nt -nonihn fr.,;n this dato. I The editor hesitatingly replie«! he our felloV man and live fir the April 10 1890 will give a Grand Anniversary Ball your doo*. Lev.«- orden for nnv .'appreciated the honor, but as he goo«l we can do. And it tut nmlrcs I. V!I »AIRI:. at Lochei’s hall April 20. Fl or magari m tanti d. was engaged to two girls he could us the more anxious t > so live that A 1 ■., ¡ni-it at ■ manager.«, I'd Lnmpjhire, I. 8- Bowling Alley »Iways op** r. — we may meet him whin wo pas. Ge t . Geo Hayes and Geo. llagey. ' not accommodate her. Lndi-s night* Ti: rd «y and Fridj Mrs Tone Whiting haring parti­ aero«» the river. We extend our evening- of «ach «, k. Grand march 8 o'clock sharp. Mu­ - . u pa' hi t i th« r-a-. i 1 ; -.« . » Lía V L a sic by James’ Orchestra. Ticke'..- ally lost the use cf her right band ».ill i* • • 9 ♦ 1. Supper at the Burns 50 cent- which incapacitates her from han! f ♦* . a lal«or and not having grown rich in I i er plate. Circuit Court Proemi I iirs. Jake Welctime arrived las* Sat ' the service of Uncle Sam, fin 1» her f urday on schedule time Jake ha» self under the necessity of engaging ••' ~ r Wtl 11 1 f<41 iwii g are ttrt proceedings spent the last 9 months in Chicago in seme busineM to earn a liveh«»?«j f ft «4 f circuit court up to the time of ami ha* undertaken the one of pil ­ attending school and comp!’ted hi* VA going to pre»«: Tcnsorisl ’Tst court« as a pharmacist He went ing ; ul iic exhilnt. • of views f the late war ami various other sub , LAW. on to Portland liefore coming in oarc tic ' I t'. and passed a .successful examina­ je ts. Sbs respectfully a-ks the! Fred Hsina v» A J M-Kin'.on- W« vfw • taken charge cf tl, tion before the state board and is patronage of her many friends and I deft n. -.ed Lr a non suit, motion tnt.w.M.i’zm ' ‘ ( ' h«p >es her efforts will meet with the I argued, «ustaii.ed. now a registered pharmacist. Shop. U d««im 7 lake's many friends here ari glad approval cf -II who k: cw her an l. 8 V Jerkin« v« E i. B. le—r-t- ■al) snlire him, ’ ’rith goo ! bcr t" K«ve him with us »gain. •r nt¡ . rf. tled a.- d di«mh>«ed f • g r tVr «I •• W. H. KELLEY, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, ETC. GRADED ~ BUCKS! Dennis & Green, PRACTICAL PAINTERS Paper Hangers. ELU: Wanted-Än Idea