SEMI-ANNI AL REPORT Che iimrs J ■ LI « M r. VII l> 51 a r am Byi an is unquestionably <»N . Merchandise ....................... right in holding that only these w ho supported the Chicago plat­ Road and Bridge i Pauper ......... .......................... form, which stands as the only of­ Criminal, circuit court, .. ... ficial declaration of party |>i im ­ t.'riminal, justice court, ............ pies until supplanted by the plat­ [ Stationery ..................................... Court houEc anil Jail.................. form that will be adopted by tin- Clerks’............................................ next National conv» ntion, re en­ Sheriff’s ......................................... - I Bailiff’s ................................... . titled to recognition by the demo­ ; School Supt h ............................ cratic party. There can be no County Judg«' .Iters have only to pi omi-e that Mi’cellan ous......... ....................... they will abide Mr. Hanna <; g d l ug i-xe u'ive committee Uas 1 e\l another mi t Of tlm'■'Uiitv Cl . i f Harney Cetintv. State of Oregon, showing the ing and issued titer batch of I »mount ni.d number of claims ale w< d bv the County Court of said t'oiintv, f.r what allowed, amount i.f warrants drawn, and amount advice to Corerc's, What phil- of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the l.-t day of O.-tol.u, aiitht i. i»ti i i are to pay Ls'. s to the 31st day of March, 1899, both inclusive. railroad and 1. r ! ill tn order to r < i.Ai't - Ai.t.mvEti V’ARLA.'- r. LrKAWN ; 190 590 1G2 I I ÓÓ 413 84 5!» 1721 18-17 IS 313 500 16» «42 18 1 750 60 350 p rpdiu.te the gold standard. O.r j course, they do it i;i ’ interest of tile “dear peopl- Prof. Dorcm n <4 New York, say s that washing l.icc curtains or any kind of cloth in a solution of] phosphate of ammonia makes I them so near fl. ■ proof as to re­ 12S -15 , f *1 SEMI-ANNUAL men.' Assistant Secretary of War Meiklejohn has ju t Li en Of tir'ninnunt of money mid warrant- mciiv-l f.--r t:: v-s. and m--‘” made a Knight of the Koval Or­ paid to the ('minty Treasurer by the Sheriff of Hartley County, Or— egnn, for the six mouths ending oa the 31.4 day of March, A. !> der of the Sword, by the King 18119. of Sweeden. 11 »> soi s he doesn’t To A-.I o I T Ilia I.IVI-.II in < , IN am » < t tlt’.ONl'Y. know why. It will require an I l.S'.IS- till act of 'Congress . to enable'] Mr J October........... .............................................................................................................. V c*! • November . . . Meiklejohn to accept the title. J II leceraber.... i1 ——— - January. . . . I i i■■■ I 'I ii I uni-1 li i \ - 1 I February.. . I March.............. h inds with himself wIn n lie read TO ANOINT Ilf. HIVED IN COV.NTY WAKBANTB. Gov. ‘‘Teddy s ChicagO-maki- . Ì17527 sluri ing remarks about ‘‘rc-j foi mi.”;2lfl'ltere ’. t ■ men who ■>o $ once thought that “Teddy’’ w .is a ••reformer”. We are confinent that the urig imiKidvocate of inniiii ipal i . wiici ship of street railways did not »’S IRISCH & DONEGAN, Proprietor», Sums ! I,111 40 i Tl.ll>:S(ll«Ul'I.KH 11 A3R1VP ! Fr »m Piker City 1 From; 1 I S..’t ia ikt Denver, j Fa«t It. Werth, Orna I I1.1, K-u :s City, 3 25 p .1. i St. j.oiiis, Cliica- po mid Fait. 1 i ail \\ alhi.Spo 1 knne, Portland, >'an Fran cisco, i 11:23 .Minn'-aprfi.», St a. id . I'-ilil, Bulutfi.M :l- Vi.v.kcr. Chicago i ml E.c t. Oman Etvamem. Freu. Portland. For Sun Frimeis- CD — Every 5 day«. noble­ no r* YOUR I a warm welcome from the tegu DRPA KT lars, but they must not expect to I Outstanding unpaid County Warrants on the .31 day of March,Ì89!»......... *57,854 84 1 Fur be allowed to dictate to the ma­ Estimat'd int--re»t accrued thereon j F»st jority. mail Total................................................. tf57,854 «4 $10,60') 0 11:21 S tate oi--O iieoon , / It. UJ. There are others besides Cotl- County of Harneyj gris-mau Steele, of Ind., w ho I, H. Ri 'i.iril "u, County Clerk of th-? Com.ty a . . would not object to seeing the of Oregon, do hereby certify that ti.e for< g-rli g stat'-ment of the number mid ntnotii t of e aims all.-i-.ed I y t'li* Cu:;:it 3 ?(i Philippines swapped for a yellow Court of Bnid (tounty for the six iimnthR emlitm on the ttlst day < P m dog. and the <1 >g killed. B it $20,- March , 1 S!>9, on what account the sanra v. a“ Il*»>> eil. -t.J the anm'ai of wnrrpntB drawn, and the amount of warrant- outst imling ami unp ii 000,000and several hundred live as the same appear upon the reennls of my oliice ami in my < t'icial cut not to mention the c: ippled and o -II. Witness mv band ami the seal of th1 County Court of :■ il.l ('mint diseased for life, is a ig pi ice to this 1 Ith day of April, A. I*. |8‘-)9. 1!. Rni: ako .- on , pay for a yellow dog. 1 8 p IT. ' Count; ('■< rk. Who said we had Tor Al. I-A!I> TtlKASt'HEB. contemplate carrying pas emo i on them forjnolhing, as Tom John­ son h.:< been' predicting will l e done. iy- 1 1 mi & \\ ay ' ;!id s. 1 0RIG0M McCLAIN f dll s. day and Friday ■ C. ANGLVINE, Proprietor. ar Prices are CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FINE BILLIARD AND FOOL TABLES. COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS Ca m. tuoiLis Ti.u-and Sut. j 1 1 1 pm j W Jhjo«*!!•» i:h»r, j 'Jm-s'lay ; Portland o (’or- | Tlmrs- 1 vallili un i Way ' day IIlid larding« | Saluiti'y 1 i. .... j 1 Lcaie Ruak* Lirer. Omari 1, 1 Lrwht'n daily ex j Ripari 1 to L. w- ' daily ex cepl 1 istmi. ; C» I t 1 ILi.lay j 1 Robinson Buildin CI. Y MEAT MARKET P. G. SMITH, Prop*., C. J 51 ÌLI. Is (1 ; , • ;»! \ Lrnt, I. unigtuD, Orcgcn. Burn., Orrreu. w. IL in I;:.;-. CRT, S tate of Oni uoN. | Cou ri ty of H n r no i i Senator Fairbanks, who thinks I. A. J M<-Ninnoli. Sheriff of a-iid countv. do hen I y < » rtify that he knows, says Hobart has got a tho for» coing st.-iti mi-ut ¡.«-«-or'iit ami true. cinch < n re: omina'^n, but tim» Miti I ■ m ' hand this 31st day « f M . - h, A. D ! 1 1 A. J. M< K !» n . \. others whojwould not bet a cent Bt S am Moi; ri 11 - ai >, Dtpuly. Sh. tiffof Harnev Count on that cinch. Levi I’. Molten Gen. a, Or. <■ ..!! and ace samples of our work A. L. MOHLER, Vi, e I’, c. yit >?.. and get Prices. once thought'he^liad a cinch, t. ■ As the lighting in the : EMI -ANNEAL STATEMENT I’hilip- Frosh Best Pork, etc. i pim sjis over, we si.pp sc that lb - <>! mg squadron under (Jen. I. iwt n is engaged in hunting Filipinos to 1:1 nei ; read tin Commis » »net's pi J.i- To nmount 011 burnì 6-mn l.i-t ri port mation to them. T nmoiint rm iv' I fumi nll .-“ur. <-s T > bui. ii'imunt i'v rpii-lon si 'I um 'I <-r-5- :« ST frolli <».-:>>!• r I. | '-""■ np : - 1 ii.i Imi t»g Dew » v paid a delicate c.-mpli March 3!. I''tu».... incut to Southei n democrats when •»nr M arks 3CSISNS Cup» RIGHTS Ac. n - sw. Hntr A *kcfs-c »jr \I tl > Scientific JU ! A bar. ’THPlr ■¡•jif«* a we.-kj». rs; a ■. . f ans artat-tie.* •' lie »aid, in'tlie course of an mli-r- •.«••»..• »t n Patema . at* ». j. .»- • r* I I mi J Comfortable Lodgings. If Gen. Breckemidge si/cj as It must be admitted that man ever wore a muzzle gracefully o< cheerfully Clmm cy M. Depew doe». According to Judge ger's three “R's,” ar la'shit ’ feu’s and rum W. BUCHANON, Propt. HARN RY, OREGON. TMrt Supplirà ui.'i tki Br«t t'.< Vnrirt ,1/brJ« —Tuns for Board by tbe day, Dewey would not have cabled S i a i l: ot Oie i .« n . ! Cour ty of HarneO for six month's cngnieei ing r»'p- I J C. W. le. lin-, do l en i>v » » r fy II. 4 tl p io to be sent to bun at Man ' i. correct statemciit cfthe nmomits t e vc I p.; if he had not been certain that his hand, in th»‘ county treiisury -f s.ii ' e ,-inty for fleet would have to be kept thete • n the '4 d.ix of M >-ih, \ D. 1 •- 1 W :t le - - I.. v ! a ,d h:- 11 ■ I d M I . A P I- ‘ that long. J. ( Wri > o *! (Yun: v in treating Gen Gomez whole thing in Cuba. Your patronage solicited. I ar?*t: h » V • Total administration has made a m;s- Boiogna and Saussge of all kinds always cn hend- *v, ^5 y Bu. ««;., u. . . t_ ‘ n-M i; •. I vicw in which he stated that he had no politic», in the patlis.i sense; 1 lived South 1 would probably be a demociat." the ( ' situati, n coirci t'c, I he T imes -H erald . Hoad Cheese SEMI- \ NN t Al st '! ASTP XT3 **«roiS Tomvin. • —; I- r.‘:"v.Jv f < Corr ar ;-t fL By it. U-. . ter i:Js c ! fi. > \ less casc ? Im a been ?!r?ady ...nci : • S' p .W-pssiti.? vn I | ■ r ttat l COOMler it my duty to rr... ,• : l.-t fttt t »t!i. 'j of v:-ur re.C -r v lx> fit.. <' iau.-np‘Ksi.Thnat. Br nct-.ut r Lun-; Treat'!?, if they will write me t>~’' v-ress i r.t-t. like .tJJ-.css. Sirica :i r. a . stvc.'t. n.c-. ro rwutSr..xw fat r?- TLc E«*itortol aa-1 Bnoinc-*« l . m t Mixr wMraatoe ttku 1 i. i .a-i \K' I'A I I 'I "\ !' Of the financial eoi.diti ■: of th ■ fomite of j.oA. on the -1st d iv of March, \ D. ! I I Mill ITIIS. Tonar lit» Jr inon tin C .nty IT,-»-u er, an t and unpaid....................... . . To » stimai» <1 amount of mt r st a- c.m d then . n n on Total n wtek cr nr nth *n Appiieition I riinsient Trade given Special Attention. BERNS, OREGON. TheNtw York Life. Nornich Uni-n aud Engl:?h American Under­ writer». Fire, and Fidelity à Caeutlty. Pr > rr 1 if New York. Acci­ dent and the n 11 known companies n pn wnUd. Total liabilities Hi sot R» Ï « funds in ha is . f County Tr •* ;r» r ; la .1 to t... pay- iTb'nt rf tt'untv warrant*» .... ............. enti inatti unpaid curicnt laxe* ap* lica'deto the payment of cou ntv warrants ......................... » «1 i 111 ite I unp ii I ib-bn | ;• r‘ t ix • baiar.» dur ficin Giitings' bondri Everything First-Clas nW (Al L'o-Ó is) !LV 1 - Residence», business property and vacant lots in all parts of the .city for sale on easy terms; also some good land near Narrown ar.d Lawen. Lets 2 and 3. block 44, and 1 it* 4 and 5 in Lk k ! ’> near Narrows The W j sec •« T 24 S R .32j £. Tbe SEJ sec S6 T 24 S R Û2j E, and SWj sec 16 T 23 S R 33 E. This at a sacrifice. In city property we have lot 2 in bb -k 6. on Main >t known as ths Sturtevant property. 35 foot front en C St in block 4 The Morrison lots near lb» brewery and a number of epi- r.did rr^idence 1 ts near the court house ar.d scl.xd building. If you need anything in real estate call^onjue mm ) g»t prices^_Nj trouble to ' ; . ;tv.