THE TIMES-HERALD i Gives The News The 'Rest*— ÄDVERTISIN Mît, ’M Job Prûitir >. SUBSCRIBE. i Ki. asllilie-l iss? 'i C08S0L1MTEI» JULY 22, 1S96. BURNS, IIARREY COUNTY r" teâe ïimr^kvaül I Indoninity L.tttls tho Paghnnjann : nd at Lambun at the mouth of the itvcr. After leaving t wo comn.'.i.i, s of ti e l' regiment to guard th? entrance« of the river, tho troops marched to Longas and fund it deserted. Furniture which had been dropped in tho flight of ■the natives was scattered aloi g.thc ' ' trails lending t » the hi)t3 state lands imar lhckla.i l. be ag the fam ■ t. n ice when cases ar« eventually Salem, Or., April 11__I tried. N > blame is attached t.> SUSSCKli’TION RATES: atice ot the decision of the secretary Judge Clifford, for he believed h 03» Tesr ................................ t.'.O'j tlx iluullis ..................................... 1.Ü1 .of the interior, dated January 3 l’uri.e AÍuuihi.......................... .............. his work being attended to Oregon. 1 ?9. in the case of the state ofCali- thoroughly by a competent jurist, OFEK IAI. DtUECTOK | form i (2S L. I) 57), the cotninLs. .'.nd on tie-other hand Judge E.«kin STATC—OUKOOS : inner ot of the general laml iflije track on t!:r e mile- . f + ■1*0 uni.c^h’ws.rib,-, and sour' slips R. S. Bean. | lands in hen of school sections 16 ran upon a tiesl of eei Is in 4-.atreaxe Ja laos.................... ¿ < (.’. Wolverton i tuk i to prelude th? [«»s th it extend. 1 west from Tiia Iiowoat Price > F. i . A. Mu*.re and 06, which have been embraced thick bushes which nfio binding ¡ding opposite 1 station Tho ¡ability of a future repetition of thia XINCni JUDICIAL DISTRICT. after survey, within the boundries st h-nil'd cover. Fivotnui iKttriet Ju¿se ............. D . . .M.D. C liffoku present proecedin g in court i ? I o- e .bimity, which will in time grow Din riet Attocuey ............ . U. W. met/L. p.... : ' We .»licit your trade and guarantee ¡'AIR TREATMENT I» all a f‘,rcst reserva.tion, , mutt desig. N. r'h Dakota r. gim. r.t v, r-. Joi :t K -pref hnuilivo . .(R) .0. I.. Patters« 'ieved to be a resumption of the burden.-enr to thee.. r patient tax- itiiiit-.Sa.ialor ........... (H).......... A. W.Guv.u í .G u .-. i ... ‘ FI)t .ci(i ,j |PL ,,| subdivisions and t ro were wounded two speeiti.'d ieg.,1 work that w.ts suspended d oing 1 .;■< r.—Ontario Advocate. I the bn. is in lieu of which indemn- .former dying after having CO0XTÏ—UASMST I the depression, Tl.e original plans ..... James A Sparrow County j idgo.......... ......... H. Ki- haï soi i ity is ti< sired. The n.< ter designa- I fought to Longas church Clerk ....................... of the companv wi re to afford open Treasurer ................. ( R) . J. C. Well om ■■ Aiilhony Hope's New Romance . . G o. w hiring I tion ot 40, SO or other nt imber of àtin-eyor.................. riv, r transporta tion by way of Th ? ........ A. J. McKinnon Sheriff..................... . .......... ' W Buchanan i acres will not be accepted Assessor N fUl j Dalit.- porta, W c. Ju. rd which is to bo con- à c a jo 1 dupei » r. te nan t 1 ... .if»; A. K. RichariiPtn i licit nt description. Stock inspector ..... struct«!. V. hen The Dalles rapids (L>)i A. Venator Jjiu.aissio.ivifi ............. Anthony Hope’s new rom ance t»eo. litige; •i’.» 2. The state will be require«! to ■ L are ov , navigation will open which he just finished, is call file with each Ji.-t of sections a re- HARNET U. 3. LAM) ON F ICE : to lid. water freni l.iwi.-ton am! id "The Countess Emilia,” and . Gct..;w 1ÎP. VS litiqiibhrneiit to the United Stabs,, &egie:er ....... ........ ... .Ulins. Nev. di Asotin oil the Upper Suak '. Cap- ¿aceiver.................. Ims been purchased by The' by tin' < fliccr or ui'icers charged tain J S. Choi lirene. who was le ----- AGENTS FOR------ Ladies' 1 Ionic Journal, in which with the care ami disposal of such Cl yin Golii, adulo in a tour of | state hinds, of all its right and title SOCIETIES. insp: cti in, i.« cimi to be interestci peiodic d it will iinmediatcly be-1 $ gin. The story is about a beauti-1 designated as 1 Mirs Jeunit Mel’l.eeieis N.G. M.63 Leona Zeigicr. Kcc. Scu’y. cd with husband, and thev • that the state -mn.itiim r.i ■ ■ itincs v. ill b? I.? have decided to live in .seclusion sold cr dis- £^r\v rite us fir Prices. A. i. (J. W. Burns Lodge, No. 17. , mi» u. i.iesaid lands, and in seperate wings of the castle. Ret isu very 2d and liLTUursthtyp. : of them are in p ' ssion ' 11 M Horfon, M. W. I bis they do until Captain Dieppe J . \V sujt r, lice. bird party under any law v. ho becomes a member of the Iv uscho'd, inadvertently opens a NAKNEY L03GE. NO. 77, I. 0 O F. 3. Tho said lilin JIceis e.t Odd Fell jA’B Hall, ever/ ijattirday door through which arc revealed' County Clerk Georg? Ruttrr on 7.dC p ui, V. E il’.ib »- I N. <>. were after \\ Y King, Suey. must le rxe.’uttil, ack to I dm tb.e app u tments of the ex-| i and recorded in the sam » mam t Tuesday received from the county i.'ed Countess, with the beautiful I as conveyances or real yr p ity i.r. 1 p clerk of Grant county the > C A- SiEEEK, ia impants standing in a doorway. rtquir.d to I e excctiti d, a cl: now 1-1 mi nt r »il of th. territory The Cap ain falls in love with the edged and ricorded bv tl.e law i f S Wheeler ATTOKNET AT-LAW, young woman, and from this I the state; ami am) therew therewith must bet in Grant CCI C.-ri.ei. filed a cernii .'at by the recorder of; in i R xs, I , .here is not a moment’s ces-| OIUuOJI. Journal, » Army rati m in tl.e nan..ntic .idventtne-' from that sccti n is deeds oro!!ici.:l cast, dian of the re Pr.iw j. -n, m ikes estimates, etc. HniMingji put up within lha Btssntl of about twice the amount genera cords of transfers of real estate in ‘ which ensue in the castle, its gar- | Sntisfaction guaranteed. ih-ns and ne'ghboritig places < fl ■i ' ,v ': irv - . inestimatrs. cxprcti 1. Perhaps for ):alitt no instil)-< reasons, the Grant comity shi r: ■ ment. purp: rting to convey rendezvous. have I i e:> very cine'.: in c.'lle ting AGENT. any of said lauds is i n tile or ----------- . | taois, and mere tlm'i half the :n ov.' i cord in his oliicr. f I 4. All applications pendi ¡un .unt is delli.ijtii nt tax', s of fir­ A piiina! Io has re ¡red to the I mer y< .trs, going iiaek ns the re.': date of tl.e receipt her ■. f by 11 co '.".:i v for a summer vacation. I H.-.vml n April 1’..-Twclvo gr n- IS'v!. Most i.f the back I" '. ' - £^*.’radices before F- S. l ami Cfliee. Ispettive icen! land oliicm mu and is iu,t at home to visitors, par--1 Ill ' k an i lime al.ip on In nd at the yard. 7 j 7~R elide.• io llinl.-y hoou < r:fs and :. iny «th r oii'c-rs o:: ti." cur. <1 by real : am! c.::i ' ■ : mad • to c .nforin to the forguit ti. iil.ii? those w ho come in blue, i lirst and srcoiid army co',’ of tl c< Ri tf 1, and our sl.erhi' will I < gin i quiri meats, and f'r that I ill.' as ¡I is. Cuban forces me! -.1 y'< - col!< ctintr ili" s.".:ne next w.? 1:. As I 1 ' reasonable time will be a ii rda v and dei'id .1 to m: no Gin l y the terms of the bill Wh eler : amendment. Í This d i i. i' n efthe rec ret a ry cf i '.;] Maximo G mi z as the rt pr • c .'.untv f.dls heir to rill unpaid I ; This oflie has just received a nativ" i f tin» Cn!;.'.:i army to th ■ c ■ the ir.trrior, allowing he state of ithin i:? ttrri'.-.ry, this «till be new st el: i f envelop; ■. letter f eeds PHYSICIAN and America: s with full power to t'.'at quite a windi'.i'l for tho new county. s',.!, o :.t< hill Leu!.-. cards, etc., gon to take iiidemnit hinds f r , «) "juti 5 r the army. ami c "I no'V furnish its patrons in the Cus Rc -idenc I the surveyed sections at O ff.c with such 'tationary nt very reason­ T!ie Cuban generals this afm- DEALER IN— ca le res .-rve comes to? bit ) to l eno- able i. .i t. norm waited upon General Gomc-v ¿lAÍIDWAÍUi Ul’N.» : lit tl.e people of this st ite for the i Cno JE or 7 ;officially and ii.f.rmeil !::::> they summer tho e SCO“ .reason that I di sirml him to re. resent the arm . ; to some 4» i Li/) I lions, a mom. in :.ty iwg.'t ..' s willi tl.e Ciiuitid i : I to sprctil.-ih) TINWARE. GUM a . 3ICMUN i. E Slat's inidtarv authorities in Cuba GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, ju f half ef the Gi m ra 1, aic pt14 tile trust' ATTORNEY, c< ::'d be d fur .UA< HIM. SHOP IN ( ONNF.t T1ON. ClCjclcS, .'J m LICI, êta B urns , .............................. O regon after uiiieii ail v. :itid up'm G v r- (’«¿leccio!»'*, Land business, und lira them now. In this ciis« the much- ■ ¡■•■».rial pruniptlj ia ; ^luif.iterally nor General brooke to di?' u.'i with F ar . if matter promt th attended to. Hilary‘ f governimnt did not pro. I'irt’ tb.o (l:‘.’«i ; « . < 11 it. ,t Hit : 1 mote the general V r I emnplait t alleges that tl. .' right of way is aciom tin e.lcfl.iml between crdimi"v bleb water m irk and lew water r. ark in the Collimila liver in front ef lots 1. 2 and 3, in s etioa 17 town ship 2 north, range 13 cast of Wil laiji« tte meridian. The land to be appropriated is about 12 a?-. . . I t I OUR PATRONS We sell everything-you may want and or stock is complete in every line. Studebaliei* Wagons. Pabst Beer. Harry C. Smith, Contractor and Bilder Brick Laying and straws :ialty estaco: Dr. W.L. Marsden, C. ÏL VOEQTLY Everything R M. TVIIN ER. J.w RlniUS, Plastering a Cheap lor Cash. r Company Tlicrv BIGG & TURNER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Brass, — — — — oiiE.i Practice in al! the courts of O. Collection? promptly made. w hole - a it Fino dexler in Keutuc 'whiskies 8. W. MILLER, Ani Cigars. HOTAP/f PUBLIC. Burns, Oregon. I Iarncy \ .dley Brewery 1Ç/1 ■ - I- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Medic»! Examiner for the ’•na Mutitil Life Co. BURNS, ORECO 'Jia.’e at residence. E oeh Q v . r D. LINDSAY, --Ä7/' Physic au. & Sorg'. i> i. in r.' s. OREGON 1 Dr. H. Burchie; f DENTIST. I^OS., Srit d r i rth of P t f 4 4 < ! 4 Complete Stock bi h VS *