« -I The new refigvrator Oí ir-g provided fur the nr? iaïf; ■I :i t'.orilits at Mai.il.: nvn be u: in reducing t'ie sv.eiiiag < f A nal.lo's head, Gi’ce he is ca igl » Ile i lobahlo lias “c-?d ieet Wh Evy Ma Should Insue z--------IN THE — i -Mrs. Anr.a Robutson, l’ropri tr« 1I1KK E-A-WEEK EDITION. CO nr- EW'- Of:—I hive an i re dy for Corrum; Vr. Ey its tim..y use :>• r.ds ' t ¡r -. 1 ■': have been already C 1 So proeHxisItiw ml i .-■ ■■ iiI consider it my duty to i-:e,5. ■ to-.: ■ ofyourieMen v.-ii-j h-.ve Ci T'lroat, Bronchial c-r Li'Tt '’rout:.-, if the;' wilt write me th»’" express ar.;! t .stoffice address. Sincerely, r. A. CLCfSI.',;. C , ”S r.’itrl St..FcwYark r r Tho E'dtor’-i and Boeiness Managemmi oi ibii I'upor Li ai ^uc?ruos Proposition» An inu vidua! i:l ' e .' was convicted <-• ennspira-v i . now brought suit for damage ayains' the jui . th.n. found i BECAUsE li. ili ìe of the Strongest Companies in the World. Tiie ntxt ■' '■ j will BECAUSE for sorr.e strangl' d murderer to back and sue the hangnia-i VGfT It his «ver $ I ST, I TC.-IOfi in assets nnd a record of 52 years, (lut­ ing all of which time it has steadily increased in strength an 1 prosperity. BECAUSE you can borrow money fiom the Com The Philidelphia drug e'er paar at 5 per cent per annum, after your Polic has been three 'who has ju->t been j-i-.-d f..r year* in forte. < k » o damages by t'e \ovig i o ! I and ii • • ■ tzed too h should row 1 avc a realizing |Of the beauties of the old Mo-. 11 - i. 1 An e\ c R..; • -. for a 'noth’ — and a squet at.i al i for a soucez -. & WAGONSHOP. h . r^ectlve ;o. cured c / l.im. Uo j •iLlishe*'» a valuablo v/ork on t: is dli. case, vhlc’.i ho sends ^v/ i t h n largo but­ tle cf his aMc*. C”.r*», f- ?o to any st.f* re: j wliomavse: 1 th< .. ?. > . r . 1 IL.prc. ; r. i We advio anv <■•.« \ ' .hinij nemo t • eddr-r.-j fr;:. U. i. 1-. . > .Cci-r.... i,.- .sra H.IEI.LEY A FOLEY. •v; burn 1 dirai 5 Shop oppo-tite oi l Br.iw tr I All work dona with n<-nt.,e.-n and dispatch. Jive um a call. Burns Ontario 'r«s turn» daily m Hatisfach'o-i Itself depends. Th« great RlirrPCC of ,Ioo,, s SawsparlUn ! i UWCOO curing other« war.-1’’ » you tn believing that a faltliful use of Hood’ j Sarsaparilla will cure you if you suffer fro:a Any trouble caused by Impure blood. Stag© b • LOCH »'■• A*7 and Istha reeulfcte^d« and sudden t ijratic changes. i pleasant >. : 2Atv.\ 1'011 ONE POLLAR. > ? . J ] F, £’ÍT 1 *»:k , fre I Cl” ! < . J p■: i .■ i in. nnd the fresh i. :' ■ - rn d > aiirt of its con­ i ' t< nts. ic litis fill the merit« of a griit ; C dad at the price of a dol­ lar wee kJ. Its political news is prompt, cot::,? ' accurate and im­ partial ; " ali it- readers willtestif . it is agai: t th monoplies and for the people. " It prints the news of a'l the world, having special correspondence from all itnportar ! nows points on the globe. It has brilliant illustrations s’ tr Mb great authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, de- pat tments I. r th-- household ard -.rctnen's work ar 1 other special de partnient3 of tint: nal interest. We ofT»r this vtttequaled news­ paper and Tut-: T imes -H euai . ji to­ gether )■' e ear for $2.25. The regular sbscrintiou price cf the twe pap’is is $3.C0 “* < 1 feed »tall, 2 - 7 R A K S C ü 7 j « EN?ALü CUTIS I'i OEî ; ¡¿R N SHÛET LINE ..... $ cd tn be the most thernngh acre for I n Heal and l’ay l ever of all ttd cler.nFP3 the n sal pr.-s»-< i, mmation, lie,-.’s the sert ' '•o-n colie, restores t’ This popular house ii fully equip, ped tor tho comfort cf its cnetcm- Ge.od table amice. Pub’i.-' ÿ rr=s. y' Dm visr.Y. - - O kiwcm . 18 pages a week—156 papers a .year The World Almanac and Encyclopedia for 1899 OMAHA AND AND KAMS1S CITY — AND î TGK’S . CELEBRATED . Arnvv* at Ontario in -12 hou18 ,, ,, nr/ Factory, I ELV1DERB. ILL. C? a - I axq proved by the statemenu of I - •* 0x4 1 tv <3 Ing druggists everywhere, s'. that the peoplo have an abiding couLJeuec in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Great proved by the voluntary s^te Ml '-.>S menu of thousan !s of men women show that Hood’s Sarsaparilla a. tually does possess over d,sease purifying, er.- c- ■ wWCl rlching and invigorating ti.s blood, upon which not only health but IL'o WORLD, VOLK Illustrated History of the Spanish- American War Sarsaparilla Tc ei'ics I, Ui«One True Blood rurlftT Alldrugfiter J-reparedonlybyC. I. Hoo JANUARY 1st, 1899. hood’s Pills U operata. 2d coûts. Through freight 3jell, a pound. Two day» notice at any 1’. (). cn the route and coverti tonchi Le furuiïkià far passangera. S. S. Williams, Prupr. AH 1ST, J:.' .c? iv i.-dcimpi. ‘..vordt r. ., aii cf 5tt!na% etc .c*.. l.tVi XU1Æ« n j» J» j» j» J» J» J» J* J» J» J» > J* J» jfjfJk jf J» Together with ? Ci«v The Battle Calendar of the Republic. c For full it N. ng*-: dress, Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Historian of the U. S. Navy. BED FRONT LIVERY STABLE _ _ _ _ t W. . ; ; !! rn tic O. P r City, or n i- II. IlCRLEURT, G.'n. I’, s A^riit, I’ortl.n.il, Or. »Y I.. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. Vice Frew¿»»it. J» J» J» Oi> the f’ ruer South of the Fremili Hotel, Main Slrctt.’ Mot i.AIN A WILLIAMS i < » h. • • ( -n :• . lui Nul : lu rn ‘ t*- n le’t shoulder «r i. < rai e. ore PRICE 25 CENTS Pro:-r The proprieto-s of the It "I Front arc «ell known hirsr-m-n IV» •pec'«ll.V fitted for th.it hiieim-tM Til« best <»f driving t<’i|nn are !;• ». |r. Li,io I'.irtii - di 'iring rig.- »houli! give them « fall. Postpaid to aoy addrm, THE WORLD, Pulita« Building. NEW YORK. I ? i-K-*? wiû 3 kOtíí IRVING, Prop !f* ■ > * I V ' Dealers in al’ kinds of AUSIOAL f-’S'ÎCHAHDISE, cw York Violi»» st. rd to state that they at Run ¿untile strings I luura re Blood is absolutely < - .i;.l to health« It Is secured easily cud ncturally l y taking Hood't S.-.i ."’ arilla, but is im­ possible to get it fr nt.-'-called ° nerve tonics,” and oj c».: j inda, ab­ surdly advertised is ‘‘blood puri­ fiers.” Th.-y have t "nporary, sleeping effect,but do t . ’111. TuLavcpuro Highest ci ali in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov1! Renoil Do people buy Hood’s Far aparilla H prvh rvnce to buy i . . r,—i favi alui< I t< t l.e exvhKk’ti cf nil otlu : >? They I:now from actual use that Hood’s hl ho bed, i. e., It cures when others fail. Uood’a Sarsaparilla i. still mads und r lb« | rr ni I «a pen bi m ot the« d......... 1 phar '. . :«• giv v i r . l i e ■ .• . u of b< .• t i I j’i«’ p potllh < d elded in f x . er of Hood’s ai the quc< v-a of eo;np.irali\e sales. Another thing: Every advertisement of Heeds .u japurilla is true, is honest. MANHOOD RESTORE.’! . ,,TT‘. ruttici •« t ».<• .rr a. r>-r»< uadiM-a-«- •< . <•- \% . al | , I ' aer llrnda«*! a l.ost Ma> ..-•« .t N .i.t.y h . .. u. x, ,« < ”♦*» * -l «tr-n»< « and l< •• of po«r r In tic •»♦rat < » * a t « f r't..»r in* » < 11 I » « uri*' •'»». « rrai-a. »« . t !>«e* i luni r • H iro »turi l< ad t.i It rtrmtl« . tjw. wa»pi n *•: I. «anti» <'nn I • r.tr V-.l , . let »1 h. « «I f r ^.1. I V I. »Il ■ rei , • M „ Q.-, llvr a « i lllmuaruhler imarr «r rm l Ih» rnnurt. lm.. 4« lull« X fe.ru«.V.»-. 1/ to M UUto.Vh L 4. .*. i Hood’« I jarsapa! i M t î I Prepared! • t \ (’ I ll.s 4 A <’•». ! I ìlOOd « _,«• S iviit Pills are a . t*. i «.St ' - • - t a--’« t » -ip ©□ bo-.B " * Ore. • b-F»d Caen •> M. 34cMeataay ' - I T an lift t’ie e herí «.Orages J. Fulrv. Horse brand Cîiiiiutio» and Prig;»« Ha»e Kept Step With Monaj Supply in All Agni. H.-rce t FF-., i J- r* <»n right hîp. R. a . lie •’-< rìde,, rtfj« p • ». T O. Laven Or. H« f . ”.n! * < tl •»«.-. in F'tiipe-J • E. E. Gruut i ’.irr» • r. Tnr.h’er. «>n tkret t’.e brandeda**!«« J P ; i< »■' • ta P. v • - » » • » ' h ci?, «nd Wtttl e Ho-re ’ rat ! ! P? • ¡ brand bar tn <»n left ‘ • ÜArrhall I ti - ’• rh. Cittife - 'i r:'-«. C«th«rf«« Hor| J •w’e uf ri Ore. F '«rar.l Pt to . •»« • S, Lamp» I. rlfklM. Î JOHN F. STRATTON’S ‘ BiiniAihaStf el Strings * ter Vi«lln. Cw‘!ar. Stwtltl taaie .FITES, vrciTt lUkmg Powder fx! ar J ?-• ma •• l«!>l £ aree Z» - • ’ JOHN F. STRATTON'S .H >rx»in> » ■vanelift. e»m-»«rte-t an lerbit in »tot X ’r.-r*' CT. p "ff e. hf- r jj Hurt« bra r. ! CT,-k • fjrd Tiwrr« Or«. Su ter ri pt tea Price. Si Ter Year. Seu J for «ample : agent« wanted. Silver Knight Publishing; Co., WASHINGTON, DC. ' r»?CT an left ’ . iri tura. 1.a\»e-î Ore M. STEWART. Editor. A correct ac? mt of the doings of Congress given each week. A fin» I;, pap r b r the h me and fire- «< All the important happenings of the week, condensed, in news columns. A large circulation i.i every State and Territory. i 't- Ct’fJsbrtnd, a Cattie ¿i; ahunhler. n eta I he Paper of America. U S. Set. a en rifht iîdf. Ho-scs br.i cd )■( «i. le The Money Question discussed in the light of experience aud history. •• t he M H« r«rt brand r bar ten oxi - fr cara. T. A. J.. Bar !’t. ¿ R| Home bri — w . t • ’ ■ 1 ' r* ulkad. J *'■ ' Money the Pricing Instrument. And good L. r 1th, take II- I’ Sarsaparilla, which has first, last, r.nd ell tlu lime, beenadverih la« just wliat it is — tho best medicine f r Iht blood ever pro­ duced. Its sue * m in curing Scrofula, Salt Ilhcu’H, Rb.euma ism, Catarrh, Dyspe: i, N s Prostration Cbd That Tired Feeling, Laio made aparilla Tb.?Onc Truc ri-.-U n . All dnictljt*. et “!1 SILVER THE ISSUE IN 1900. • rxx. ? ;nr 1 left h p, mm k i Burns, » »re. Piccolos and e. iuppliea. *»-• ■>» JOHN F tTK»TTO» ■ in.in in.i'’t v.-.r .n