THE TIMES-HERALD Gives The News SUBSCRIBE. / »&““i CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. She BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 12 1899 Paste This in Your Hat. I hunt or kill before February 1, five inches in length Trout may Scott of Payette amputated the 11904. ’ be taken wit hook and - line only. hand, which was nearly eh 4 eff T” The following synopsis of th fLh Pheasants (all kinds)—Sale pro- ..... ......... ............. ............ .......... .. Eastern brook trout (salvelinus anyhow, the bones of the wrist be­ and game laws of Oregon has been lnbited until February, 1902, After I fontinalii,) closed until February SUBSCRIPTION HATES: i’. I ing terribly shattered. .1. Y»»r • • ••• W-Oil prepared at no small expi nditure : that time, unlawful to sell or kill 1902. Six Mjoth» ....................................... Mr. Clark has always carri-d ,.i, .......... _ ............. of time a.. , troui)|e ])y A j.. Gq!) >. for sale between November 15 of Lochleyen trout (ealmo trutta accident policy, and at this ti. it , liart, secretary of the Oregon Fisk , each year and October 15 of the fol- levenensis.) closed until February, OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY stands him well in 1:and. He i i - STAT»—out«» : ; ui»d Gaine Association, says the lowing year. 1902. ries a $10,000 policy in the Fidelity Ben»’.«» ................... I G. W. Mellrl.l, . ; Orc^ n an. Th rc an such a n m- 1 Joseph biman Lake trout or Red Fish—Closed of New York, by the terms of which Closed season, betwee:. December |Thcs. Tongue. O.a.ressmen .............. (W.K.E1U. ■ her of laws ■ n the statutes in r< gard 1 < f each year to October 1 of the season, between August 10 and De he will receive 'I'1) per week during fW. R. Ellis M. Idleniun tofbhaud - ' < . Win ccraber 21 of each year. '.hey have been changed following year P I.« ; 1 theperoidof disability from the H 1 K M«m'h Kincaid I el K rh'ii. “lJiS0 im I y ' times and so many sec Closed at all times east of the accident, and one third of the whole iii-jt Public Instruction............... GM Irwin I . , amount of the policy, that is Jests friuter R W ii L h -I b I II0D8 tit- been repealed, that on Cascade mountains. Must Pay the Tax. ) R. 8. Bean. * . • .i • » r . Killing of more than 15 birds in While this ........ •? > C. «Lu.rsvau JM‘1£CS C. Wolverton Wolvertoh ! BCCüll BCCuU.t ()( IL.3 EO kJUCll CUlJl’.SlOll I for the loss of the arm. > ) F. A. A. Mm » ■ I Moore a <• • 1 i nixeth judicial district . | cxis»3 tha. i. is Giuicult in tinny one day prohibited. The following letter, bearing up­ I amount will in no wise comnemcitr I __________ ______ _ ... Mongolian pheasan—Season clos- on the war-revenue tax, as applied for the loss of the valuable niendwt JmM" d M.D. ciirFoiju1 cases to tell what the law realiy i . ©¡strict Attorney .... . -. C. W. Purrlsh. > *;i the counties of Jackson, Jose­ to brokers, was received recently it is nevertheless a great assistance foi it ii »presumptive . .(R) . .O. L. PutturBou. i Secretary Gobhart has exercised Joi.»t-Senator........... (R)............ A. W.Guwau • much cure in the preparation of this phine, Coos, Curry and Clatsop un- by Coloi.el D. M. Dunne, collector since the accident Iris occurred — COUNTY—H ARNEY : i compared February, 1902. of internal revenue, from C. W. Ontario Advocate. A Sparrow ! synopsis, and it has been County aifO .......... ....... Janies Mr. Clark is well known in this II. RirLarilS'.n J.erk ................... ai d pas cd upon by state officials, Quail—Sale prohibited until Feb­ Wilson, commissioner of internal rreasaror ................. . (R) . J. ('. Weleoni • county, having been here quite of­ Go. Whiting i is believed to be absolutely corn et, ruary, 1902. After that time un­ revenue Surrevur............ ..... A. J. McKinnon iïeriii.................... .............. ’ W Buehuuan ■ .Useasjr .. This ruling will effect a number ten of late years buying slock. Hi- -tD) W U. Bx r -write for information on ..Guo.LW Ha’cs ie*i»ter ............ 1 of each these buyers occasionally ■ year and Oatober 1 cf the ' ef ... .CiuiB. Newell the mr.tlt r: I liceiver year, amounts to several hundred dollars Anthony llope'sNew Romance I Beaver — Unlawful to liut.t or kill.1 ’ " 1''' before 1919 1 (‘losed at all times east of the ! a day, and so far they have escaped | C tscade mountains the tax: SOCIETIES. Peer—Cosed sc-.’~ori between i Anthony Hope’s new romance “In reply to an inquiry address­ Killing of mure than 15 birds in SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 43 November 1 of each year and Julv ! ed to this office on the 14th inst. which he lias just finished, is call­ or..- day prohibited. ieeiseverv 1st and Rd Wednesday. 15 of tie following year. Us,, Miss Jennie McPheeteis N.G by Henri’ B. Dewey, county school ed “The Countess Emilia,” and Jack Snipe—Sale prohibited M.grf Leuna Zeigler, Rec. Sec’y. Idc-ga pro! ibit’d. Unlawfu! to hunt Closed season, between February superintendent, Tacoma, state of has been purchased by The |or kill between one Lour after sun A. f». U. V»'. Burns Ledge, No 17 Washington(who has today been Ladies’ Home Journal, in which 1 and September 1 of each year. sei and •>: !f hour before sunrise, at Heetfe’-’erv 2d and 4th TB uhm I hx ►. H M Horton, M. W. Swan—Closed season, between referred to you), will you please perodical it will immediately b<- J . W Sayer, Rec. | any time of yi ar, unless carcass is ..Match 15 and September 1 of each ca!1 his attention to the fact that gin. The story is about a beauti­ j used or preserved for food. S iln Lear the provision of of paragraph 2, of ful Countess. She has quarn li­ » prohibited. AAXNXY LOÙWE, NO. 77, I. O O F. Wild Turkey—Closed until Feb- section 2, of the act of June 13,1898 ■-.f’.b at odd Fellows Mall, every .>alurda.x ed with her husband, and they I Elk —Unlawful to hunt < r kill Irmirv 1, 1904 ,, m Y» E H ubiou , N. m . expressly require that all persons Y KiLg.tftcy I have decided to live in seclusion I xf * re I>< ■ ml er 1 19’0. ,whos<- business it is te negotiate f I (, Fi ll. in seperate wings of the casth . Fawn—U purchases or sales' of the securities I This the} do until Captain l)it ppi ■>■. tone named there in, or 'other securities I mon—(“Sal moii” means all I L ! M I regarded | " ho becomes a member of th • —- him -k, steelhead, blue- for themselves’ shall be . i • X L Y XI L as brokers; and it is held by this household, inadvertently opens a k . sdverside, etc.) Orepo iiarnu, : office that county warrants, city door through which are revealed I (’Jo-id seasons: warrants or school orders are 'aecur-, to him the appartments of the < x C iinmI ia r: ver and its tributaries ¡ties within the meaning of this ¡led Countess, with the beautiful • • tw.-ui 12 M . February 15, v /» î VT 1 î *1 •eiw 1 occupants standing in a doorway. a ’ 1 ' .1 , April 15; and I etween 8tatue- ! -1 * J 4 ¿A 1' .4 tin iohown g ■ :.r ui.d J-. “While persons who occasionally j The Captain falls in love with th. iilUâdM r_ M August 10, an 1 12 .XL Sep invest in these warrents without! , , . bibited Snip REAL EiTATf t: mI,er 10, of each year. , . , . , young woman, and from this Silvi r Gray Squirrel—Closed a making it a regular practice to buy I . . . Willamette river: Closed (except e r. . ... point there is not a moment s ces- NOTARY rUDLi: son. I ctwi en January 1 and Octo': t r thein for profit are not required to, 1 with hook and line) between Aug special tax therefor as brokers, thelsa,ion in ,hc ron’-'nlic adventure CH.ECON 1 <>f each ear. Z3 u ¿3 XT xJ ■ ust 10 and November 1 of each settled »tiling is that all persona, "''“^ensm-in the cartle. its gai ! b : rd 3 Practises before U- S. Land Office. year without regarded to the extent of. dens and neighbi rinj places < f In tho following streams only t) -e transactions, who hold them- rendezvous. Prairie Chicken—Clos 'd sens n bi tin . i. '!1 c.'Ui! er 1 of -: a ir houk and line may Le used: Chick- selves in readiness to buy warrants! amr.s river; San ly river; Wallowa . v, n 'for themselves only, anil are' and Octcti r 1 cf the following year. Alger’s dare still holds good, Cl -s< d ■ ■ < ast < f the C:r- a le liver (after hatchery is built;) known to the public as so engaged, I moui;tiii..r. between Novem >< r 15 E.igle creek; Tanner creek; above must be regarded as in this ‘busi-|and he still holds the Warportfi, SURGEON of inch •■‘■ar PHYSICIAN ano Si p’ tuber 1 of the mouth of the south fork <,f Coos ncss’within the meaning of the law lio, notwithstanding the increas liter; ai.ove the mouth of the north and rebuired to pay special tax ac- ling demand ¡for his dismissal,from Residenc the f.'.lo ... ; v. 'r. at Office Ducks—Closed season, between f rk of Coos river. cordingly.” I members of his own party. N< “It shall be unlawful for any per­ OREGON I March 15 and S.’ptember 1 of lath I wonder the belief that Mr. Mc- LUX' son or persons to take or fish for ' year. E Clark has his Hand Shot <>H. Kieley is afraid of is betominp n , lil salmon in the waters of any stream Grocs —S:;le prohibited ' general. or bay in this state (except the 1 February. P.'”2. After th t On Saturday afternoon Mr. E. * Cointnbia and its tributaries, and .(»• GEO. S. SIZEMORE, | nnlnwl' t' to n*U or kill f .r s;d the Necanicum and Cla.k, the cattle buyer, to>k a 38 “ • r ATTORNEY, tween Nov ,i. r 15 i f ■ ch

:n the 20th day Colts revolver and went out for a ... O regon I , , , ,r 15 of the fdi Brans, .............................. -.ion*«, Land business, and Ilea ■ i: art of November until the 20th day of stroll and te shoot jackrabbits': s l.e Estate mailer pr- m| tlv attended to. l)’ c’inter, nr between the 15:b day frequently does Seeing a rabbit I Closed season, hetw n Deci • I n hf r e.f April and the 1st day of June.’ hop behind a bunch of sag.-brush I | 1 ofri’ch year and October 1 < f tur I’or special laws governing ¡other he shot at it a couple of times, but r. M.Tfitsrn. I following y ear. J. w emus . streams in the stale, see statutes. failing to hit it, he started to move Cl .- d s- ason cast of the C. = Hturgeon—Closed between March around where he could get a better BIGG & TURNER .mountains, l‘tween November 1 of 1 and November 1 of inch year. i iew, and in doing so he stumbled Irsch v rr rod Avgust 1 of the fol- ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Ti mt (nil species)—Closed dur­ and fell, and the revolver being i ¡lowing year. ing months ot Noveml er, De- ember cocked, was discharged, the bulkt I Brass, OREGON Killing of more than 15 birds in January, February and March. passing through Mr. Clark s left Practice in all the courts of Ore. ! 0|æ j ,v j,-: ! it. ,l. Sale prohibited at all tim s. wrist, right at the joint. | , I’nrtrj li.»-< l >--d so.-.«.-'. '' :w -n Collections promptly,made. Unlawful at any lime to take, He tied the wounded member up ! Dcoember one of each year and Oc­ kill, capture or have in pos. cssion as best lie could and came to town tober 1 if the following yecr. where Dr. Pogue assisted by Dr English Partridge—( nlawful to any tr ait, char or salmon less than 8. W. MILLER, / si r\ V r <15 L ¿2 Tho Ztil-gO . W e solicit your trade and guaraut OUR PAr. j We sell everyth‘T and our stock is c line. ------ AGENTS FOR Studebaker W p csP AflcOormck Harr I jPSL iC ? - rite us for Prices. Contractor an BURNS’. Ru 1 ' Di ircs plan, makes estimates, elc. ligures given iiiostiniiitcs. ; if.-'atisf. ■Brick Laying and riait. Brick and lime alvrayn on bund at the yard. J Dr. W.L. Marsden, «AKIH» POWDER Absolutely Pure. NOTARY PUBLIC. Burns, - DEALER IN— TINWARE. ♦ ♦ GUNd. ( HINE SHOP IN CONNECTION, n„- - ¡ proiufttly »nd salitfictorully Lveryiking Cliei. V HOLE'ALE DEALER IN Fine V Oregon. I_-OrTnOM > KeutucJ V Ant Cig? Harney Valley Bi as PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Medical Examiner for 1"'1’ W.itaal Life Insurance Co. BURNS, 0R7G0N. ’¡See at residence. li-‘ Ü, Li&DGAY i'i : Cl eapcst Prices, Pi y-icau <• • ..oners'* T»'». Our OTice it On , • 'J ! PM* • Oti»*, tnd *e • ir ». - f | In less tiiur thhn these T.£hte fr<»rn Ws»hir:.'t n fe-.nd m«4el. drawl». • • r photo.. with rf*-*'rlp- km W-- *( itargr O.r for not t I ; >'• ’ A P H w to Of •”> P <;••*»• ’ n mm * * . ttud ci> ’■»«. In/vur Plu.«.. « »uniy. or luwu, Sent free Addr-.-««. fin •Or’ *• " > «■-4^ ‘LSiaMVHOf?u /-»»• . a, Latest Styles ■w r- ’•it,. J *’ to . w 9* •**—« 1 •\ Geni-fu. Banking Busi:.. CORRESPONDENCE ”