cru- J. \\ . Shown was g.en on our streets today. SAB THE LARGEST CIRCCLATION OF any newspaper in tris county . WXONEWAY MARCH I lb ■, Local N ews. I. L. Patijade was in Burns today. Call up ’phone 1G fir job printing on short notice. School close# next Thursday. Don't ask us anything about the Oli, these weather prophets! Who weather. said spring was here? The O B stage arrives rather late Sam Graves and Walt Gray were these days. up from I.aiven today. Cal Geer is having a well bored 1 he nian that predicted no water at ---- h r.s residence. this year has disappeared. School entertainment Thursday Nick Barth and John Worlow evening at Locher's hull. are down from the 1. S. Geer Co — T he T imes -H erald and Ore­ ’ saw mill. gonian for $2 in advance. M lien you find an item of news David Cary was among the Crane call up 'phono No. 10. It w 11 be creek visitors this week. appreciated. ' There'll lie a hot time” at the There will be a chil-lrens Mask hall 17th. It's bound to be a good Bali at Locher’s March 25th. See dance. ad in this issue. Cotbrn'e»:oners court adjourned T ' , ¡Two Cold Feet bi :;i> ay bERVicss—I he regular] services including Sunday School, preaching and Endeavor will be [ in the Presbyterian chn-c'i.oii Sun­ day. J. C. Tempi, ten. I Sup! Bi rd informs us he is having some trouble in obtaining the annu- are common afflictions, so common, in lact, that I h ive laid in an extra sup­ ply of I. S. GEER & Co, burns , OREGON. All kinds of Machine-extras, Mowing and Reaping Machinery, HOT WATER BOTTLES Plows, BicyclejSundries, etc. for the aid and comfort of all frig- id-footed people. J. F. Mahon paid Burns a Hying The extra supply 1 mentioned Garden Seeds and Sporting Good». The only visit this week. means a good deal. You know The new town officers will be the difference between buying a Harnev Co. sworn in tonight. few cheap water bottles and buy­ Give us a call and wejwill Convince you that we can ffi.„ k „ Great reductions in our w hole Canyon News—Ren Cozad is ing a lot cheaply. I bought a lot prices than anyone. u b®tter 6tock—Boss Cash Store. Our Teas have purity, laid up with a severe attack of La at a low price. You can buy the Those who have turned their strength Mrs. Jas Brock is ill at the rcsi and flavor.— A'- Grippe. Doc is tilling his place on same wav. The the stage line. stock out are no doubt looking deuce of Mrs. Thos Dodson. Brown S- Sons. pretty blue. SEC BET OF SUCCESS The Masons and Odd Fellows Best Outing Flannels reduced to Do you smoke cigars? You can have advertised for bids for a two' A. K. Richardson at Harney ten cents at Boes Cash Store. get the best at G. W. Waters, Var­ ‘torv stone building, all bids to be I is often in adopting available has shingle» for sale. I, Wolden- iety* Store. S. W. Miller made a flying trip filed on or before the 2L-t of this means to certain ends. The hot berg Jr. in Burns has shingles. water bag or bottle beats the old- to Harney the first of the week. Buy your garden seeds nt I. S. month. The next man that pretends to Mr. and Mrs Dr Burchtorf now know anything about the weather Geer & Cos and save money. Tommy Britten has returned fashioned hot brick, and makes LAILEA A W ATERS, P roprietor ». from a business trip to Sumpter sleigh riding an enjoyable success. occupy the J. M. Vaughn residence in this country will be taken t<- Remember the 17th of "Ireland” The hot water bottle has so many and B iker List week. dance nt Locher’s hall next Friday Ribbons and Laces at greatly re­ Salem. uses—as a foot warmer, as a duced prices at Waters & Cal.¡well's We are informed the Blue Moun­ nicht. Guod music. ITixio Winos. Iiiquors nd Cigars ADVERTISED LETTBRS. 1 means of applying heat in’sickncss Millinery Store. tain Telephone Co will extend their sooiy .ystixof ■ even as a factor in sleigliriJing, line from this place to the Narrows 6ooia y easof '»jaded jpjvnjvA jno.C a.uas The following letters remained : L:it every family should have LET’Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage quaJ JOJ sax on this summer. -aid put: xoq yisodap A’yes « ]u >’j uncalled for in the P. O. at Burns, from one to half'a dozen. At IjBodap joojd j»[3jnq puu ajij O g ." shoe department is —If you want a piano or organ Or. for the month ending Feb. 28th ' tnv prices every family can. | ’ II. M. H orton . offering good values, at very write the Jacoba in Book and Music K890: Tie are agents for Chase Baker. Mrs W II Curtis. Mrs C H , Onrns-Ciinyo,. Stage Line & Sanborn’s Famous Coffee reasonable prices-A ’. Brown Co. Tiio Dalles, Oregon,for price3. Gardner, John, Hermann, Oscar CI TY DKIXÎ STT >KK- Son s. —N- Brown I the >Hute of iliomns N. B.iker }iIt (lav of March, 1899 TI ’ ’ are leaders in all —I. S. Geer it Co. b ’ 5 gl\en that i la Burns Oregon, is the* tiiuejaml place talking of going out to kill coyotes .Merchandise anil especial ­ undersigned ¡ h the duly appointed,' net by the Hon county Judge of said i for their scalps is no reason whv he zi . . J „ «• j • • . | county for the hi ¡»ring of o:ch final ae- ly Dr ied Fr uits.—.V. B/oum The patrons of this school district zinaiiH qualilied, ai.d acting administrator an.| up l>arn. A ¡n1 r d in said ff®“ Carriage Painting. Shop first door north of this office. should be called “Coyote Johnson.” j- Sons- should »how their interest by at­ of the estate of Joseph Zuchariah |c «c.-eiY'd an\l nppnwe.i !(1,d the uinler creek, spent a few day s in Burns er's hall next Thursday evening ing , . signed hxecuti jx be diwchargPd front fur ¿^“Residence Symes Hotel, Burns, Oregon. T imes -H erald office, will plen-e March the lti. hereby notified to present the same, ther administraiioii • f ».»id estate the latter part of last week. This return them without father notice duly verified as by law required, ,, , , , 1,1''Y’ office acknowledges a pleasent call. Tom Stephens, ex-coroner of within six months of the date of Gi;o. \V. II ayi s. JUST R eceived at Brown ii. Harney county, was taking in the • This office lias just received a this notice, to the undersigned nd- Atty fur l . itnte. Sons, the celebiated lei cti<>. j j npvv |o(.), o nve]opcs, letter 1 ,ead sight at Malheur county’s motropo new P stock of f e envelopes, letter heads . . x 1» 11 • hevls. . .1 _ cards, _ »_ etc . lis a tew days the past week.—On­ ministrator of said estate, (at his Hams, Leaf LardJ and Breakfast 4- statements, bill residence in Harney county, Oregon, B icon and can now furnish its patron® tario Advocate. or at I ho office of Biggs and Turner, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION with such stationary nt very reason- j 11 a re sclli n g eh oth i n g a f Attorneys at Law, in Burns, said L' » LAND OFFICE AT BITINS, OHEUON From the present weather the j able cost, a very close margin. .Vow county and Tinto. little folks will be looking for a sec- February 9, 1899. OREGON. BURNS, Mrs, Steve Woods, of Silvies, Done and dated this 15tb day of Notice I r lierubv given Hint tin* following is the time to purchase. — otid visit from Santa Clause this (Stuck ! a common pin in her hand nttinetl Kettl'T I ihb tlh I notice of Ilia Intention March, 1899. Dealer in to make ilnnl vioof in piij p.-rt of him iabn and .A’- Brow'1 <$• Sorts. season. i lecentiv, an 1 is now tinder the care 1 hat HHiii proof will be in nib* before I he HeRibler W. H ogan , a .] i \ er, i . ■ Land Office, al Bunt*, • tr • g.iu. oh Mn.-' h I- viz (¡porge (‘radilo' k, Our spring and summer of Dr. Mr.rcaen the little jirick of IL C. Bilger lias jest received a Admini-triitor. Hd- No .0 t. (•■■' th-1 • ', Nl '• ' ■ and fine assortment of ladies and gents \ ? t. NW , SW, • • IL K : J I. W M the pin causing blood p >ison. stock is now being purchas­ He num« k th'- billowing win cfb < h to prove i I gh contiri'.ioiiH n -idence upon and cultivation ed in the markets-JV Brown A S nap —A corner lot 100 x 100. w.’.'i lies of all sizes, fashions and < f Mti'l lai.d, \iz Hen ( oza-l. I ruuk II. Selh. Frank W . M< iM ’ han and i.eorr*- llaiihltia, all of prices. Call and see them. <$• Sons- Silvie«. Harney county. Oregun. geod two etorv house, barn and a GEO. W. HAYES, Remitter. SOMETHING NOVEL! Clyde Shaver, the young man F or S ale —Livery stable, with or fine well of water, for sale cheap without stock. Good business and Will sell for less than buildinys who was seriously hurl last Thurs­ A Eine Display of ■well located. For particulars apply cost if sold within ten day*, ( all day by a ).or«e falling on him. is to M. H. Brenton, Burns, Oregon on M. L. Lewis, Burns, Or. getting along very well. We are in­ Tn mentioning the s; hool election formed by Dr. Marsden the skull Fine linnen bed spreads, pillow was rot crushed as at first thought. live him a Call. French Hotel Building shams and comfortors that were last issue, the coirpo'itor twisted it The snow fall of Monday nig ht\ tip considerably which wo did not shipped to R. A Miller A Co by Tonsorial Artist notice in the proof. Dr. Marsden and yesti rday amount® tn between mistake, will be sold at greatly re­ wrs re-elected to serve as director 7 and 8 inches here. There are OREGON HERN’S, duced prices. for three years end W. Y. King re­ many stock turned out, especially Having taken charge of the II sheep, tint will suffering somewhat Robt Baker is over from Silver elected e’erk. Cheatham Shop, he desires his although the snow is very wet and creek. All are reported well on the Commie; loner Venator expects frit nds to call and see bun, not likely to lay on any length of creek with the exception of Del' to leave for home today. His wife, 4^"/;«!/>» at a l h iri. Dibble who has been out killing who has been confined to her room time. gff~ I have at my ranch in Wild Hor«e Valley. 300 head of Graded Merino Hains, one and two years old. which will Be acid from 15.50 to coyotes for their scalps and came for some time from the effects of Mrs. E. E Britten and daughter, Win D. HE EEMAN, I’ O Andrew», Or. $7 00 per head. home almost eaten up by sace the grippe, will remain at the resi­ Miss Frankie, left the first of the ticks. 'Vili be given dence of I. S. Geer for the present we■ 12 G5 ... <. “ I oj, »jaded ejqtinpA juo A umoujj h it $1 10 ing inexperienced in the busiins, fl 35... responsible for any debts contracted her mother wi 1 induct her into the st V uaqw Sutqiou st saxoq jisodap <4 .90 $1 00 ... •c by her after this date. jooj J js;3jnq pus aJiJ uo juaj aqj. 1C J. W. JONES A CO. Proprietor», ... >3 25 best mode of satisfying the hungry $5 00 ... I,EW IS S I A NCI.1 FT »5 00 miner»’ appetite».—Sumpter News. — AT — $6 00... Dated this Sill f pneumania. The deceased «in county and Chas carries an immen­ reports that thousand are dying. Lorn in Linn county this *«tate and you letter heads and envelopes se stuck of general merchandise as On a trip of nearly 150 mile not a was 42 year» old at the time of his print« ! >' what you will have to day for them not printed. was evidence by the qnaniity s’ 'red single dead horse was seen. A few death. Mr. Waters came to this Stationary. Tobacco, Candy. Nuts ®<°. cattle were seen that appeared to be valley in 1884. where be engaged in therein. the stock business with his brother in as goo 1 condition as usual. We received a letter from our old • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CICARS E. B. Waters until three years ago friend N. Brown this week, in which Rov M' Gee and Cha- McPheeter» when ha was elected a-.-< esor of he state* that after an absence of came in Sunday from a weeks hunt­ Harney intv which position h ■ almost two rears from Burns lie ing expedition. The bovs were oat h»ld for two years H- was a man was struck with a desire to see 1.1- for covotes scalp and told some well liked by all his associates and ruany friends in this county and they had 30, other» 31. while again Burn», Oregon. WALTON A GOODMAN. Pr< pls , at the time of hi» death was, in would arrive here from Pan Fran­ they said they did not get any. H • »M partnership with 8. Bailey, run­ cisco some time in April if nothing People will lo*e confiderice in those ning th- H 'el Burn« and -rilo.n- Fine Choice Wincj, Liquors, Cigars and cigarettes. V fellow» yet if they are not careful. He leaves a father, «'apt A W happened to prevent. A "Pie Social' was given at the Waters of the law firm Waters A Oscar Lund, of Cove, will pl*i manse last Friday i Gowan, one ba rut he r E B Water», Presbyterian this »pring a new kind of $otat evening under the auspice* of th* ixwtmaster at this place and two which he brought from Europ", »liter. Mi»» a Alice and Mary, who and which i» considered a T’1' Christian Endeavor. The event Cheek Resta rant in Connection Me tis at all honra wx-given in h'WOT f,f Mr L Hurt •re at present in the Willamette verity there. He a!«o Vn..- ?h‘ ’.»Iky Ti»ia e-.mmiinity f-el» the -d Mi«* Emm* A' i->n 1 >>'h > f anew kind of bl"ck pea. it f this til i n and tt.e fr rnda ,hntu are lew c-rri«'« An enjoy- ‘•Veker" in SweJen. aril »■ "wi' 1 • family extend th-.-ir art fell »1 |e evenirg wa» «pent in »■ ci*l nnt’. It g'oes on a vine • ' i>*r *. • ,’i I1':«/, i reman.* were in* toother |»a», ami i' »■ ’l .' ’ '’'em chat. * j 1 at I intrumen'al music terred in the Burr.* cemetary la»t etc. The rr fre«bLient* c " ei.«ted of in Sweden as a art.- '.i! of !• ’ Saturday ft-rn n I nie a .4 rf It:» very j-r lift • al reports from the virious district on account of the lack of blanks ! for that purpose which failed to ar­ rive from the State superintendent of public instruction. CRESCENT BICYCLES j in Shop in The Bums Bar W. H. KELLEY, HOUSE PAINTNG & PAPER HANGING A. V. RACINE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, GLASSWARE Here is Fun! FRANK MOORE, A Childrens Mask Ball March 25, 1899, are U j££ JESTM GKADED BUCKS! THE “HUB" GROCERY Burns, Oregon, CiJFL'OCKilFtIKIS, Green i ront Saloon. ISE FC. CO. Corteous Bartenders ’JPhono IVO' <3