The country ask. il c'ongri..t...x ■ d.i<; from this county for the on his way t , th? mill, found the] for the N'icarag: C .idi, i.d, and got ■ ve.-ir 1698, on or before May 1st body about yards fiom the road ' .mother governm> :> commission | 1899. the dogs lieii ;; »itli it. WIBXHSUAT. MAl'.CH 1- I. TLe body was brought to town In the matter of employing coun- •i 1 to the meander line mi l W J thia afternoon under lhe supervia We fail to see how it would JCLZ.% N ft J'KII .'! nna*t*r. Duan road- to the r-upremc court, ion of Coroner Marsden and an in benefit Mr. McKinley to get rid r tin- sum of $185. of opium, wh:-h habit he h..d been W. IL Grnv, supervise: of road trying to cpiit St ind.ird t.’.c.n iply may ib publican i: ct i w n in a weaken-1 it nei i arv •• go over and district No. 9. ordered to clean out ed conditori. tai i to be an ’important issue Ci hili, now that large depo. i s Wall up the weii at Windy Point '. .ejury brought in a verdict of j next year’s national c m p i: a. ■o't urn havi l.e.-n dircovcr- with rock arid build a stone wall <1 fr m i .turai > .use as there ‘.round said well and repair the -vere no mark.-; or indications of vio-. Germany and Sp in in­ said pumji. lence. It is supposed he got lostj to be again dickering ovi r the Dr. \\ . I.. Marsden employed ns in t|!O storm and in his weak Bale of the Caroline Island. The average white man would county physician for one year from •m d condition beennm exhausted object most «’eci .civ to st rving in da'e expiration <>f present term at and layed down urn!-, r a tree where tl, ■ t ime comyany with negroes; ■ present contract price. Congressional ; i <>! . ' he died. vet it is prop.,-,'e Cubans. Cubans mulattoes and Ami-rican A J. Wilson, No. 3; Seth Bower Ail.iltioiml Locals. i N:>. 4; .1. I’. Gearhart No. fi; Albert negroes is n z *t visible to the naked It is reported from . .. I.i.igtmi .'.¡¡now. No. 7. G. L. Buchanan No. James D titan is reported on the that several ex-m. mber: of (,'on- 8 W R Gray No. 9; Grant Thump sick list this '.reek. gress are afraid to return lo the:: son No. 10; A. T. Clark No. 12. S. S. Williams brought differ. e hoincH, Some i 1 them c> it .. y Tho shciil)'. eierk, treasurer, as stagey 'ay, the driver w Ought fo be. h it lii" charge i • on wl:i< h tin- .os.-ur mid school superintendent V. I’inmpeg police Imve arrcstid order? 1 fi J 'itver their book-', to U. sick. Deputy Sheriff Motbershead has We suppose the adniinisirat ■: v¡ atchley Ae' >: vitch DudiM-v: H.L' .m irdaud '.V. E Huston that A ny , been 1; pt busy tiie past two week cilictr of th" law ,-ut: id? of they may expert them. is proceeding on tiie the .y lha' lhe more Filipinos our sr.liber '' ui-sia or Poland would be at j U. II Leonard and 5V E. Hus­ with tax payeis. a i xi ns able for locking i.-n the ton filed bond, they were awarded kill the easier it will be I r < ur J. W. Biggs left to day for the be •.nerol th it name with some; iimtrcot ' .r expelling county re- railroad to med Mis Biggs who is missionaries to convert, the r« suspicion. on her .; iy home from St Louis Mo. muinder. She £unc‘i-$n;ii'L Win i Sc- i< tary «.. .. e pul said shortly* befotc Congrer ■ ; journt-d that he would ; -a Tri asm \ i ei iiiii.,t" , if the mom \ on hand was not sullii ient, he .
  • n when it lighted the wrong it had tiled to impose on Winticd S. ott .hlei but it did not do the tight thi" until compelled by an cxpn : >n by public indignation .mil 1 \ th, refusal of the Senate to Cl'tl -lilt to the wrong. Self \ is nnw a Rear Admit.d, two innubi i - ahead of Sampson. Mr. Dockery, who w.i? th tanking «lent ii.itic mcmb. . the hou-i- c ’mmittee on A-’pr. - pi iations, in •' s', «teir.e i'. dt p ling the < x.iav.i . mt .ip ;• lit na of the I fly-tilth c . out-i I«- of the w.u ippi . - calls attent n to th f.u t V estimate«! di! i it of the « u . tisc.d year w b. . ami that fo- th next ti . il x $ too,ooo,o«»), m d ig r. p that before the li t of |.u"...i'i, !<3>I the government wi'.l h.o e t' choose between a fut'.ei . in taxati >n, .moi,'"i b : .1 , V nnd the issue < I Tiei- .t v « i cates of im!«' t ■ 1 1 t mow}’ that will fi.veto ’ . This Stable ix located on the corner of Frst and B, Streets, and U»p«t,y aud grain on hand’ Has competent help, Ruus a Job Wagon, Take, pan, gers to any part of the Country. 1RL>< II -iie:; went to th • Narrows last Saturdav , of “'5 a id over will be :intvi'i l md ii. -'itut d an I. t). <> F. lodge I at 3 per cent per annum if left on .¡t th :t plat ii. M. L Lewis was ' • ■- c* .* ». ■> ’.»■‘AV«.VE'*.«* deposit six month ; and if left one -pi'ii.l ¡n»ti‘uting ofiiccr and the I year, | per cent. The b;mk u rtiii- led/e itirts off wi:li goid charter: ca'.e ai c kept J.y the teacher or membership. We were will treated and all l’at- principal^:, long as the pupils at­ liv the citizens of that place not | fCavc.Al < u ; i ' It aJc.Marks obtained Tt r'CES. f cur O ff cr. i j c .- pc ite U.8.P a . e . nt O ffice tend school. If they leav. the none of tip- party ’n.: ! a kick com L'i.l I.- | f r t in less time than those (remote from Waslii :;t«»n. si lieol tlm certificates will be i:ig nt an-, thing but the weather ’ Senti :• -di 1. : or photo., with de-crip- . ». ■ - t o’, tree of The new lo.l^o v.ill be known a given them. At i aiigimicnts will Our < t J x -cured. / q P amphlet . “ H. whOI tain Patenti,” with i.od.’o No 133 13 > with tho fol- Jca- t < f ..Tt, in I . S. auJ foreign countries be made to coi tii.ue the si stem Lake Lodge $se;>t free. Ad Ires-, ii-iwing .¡iieers f..- th.' present t- rm: throw di the sum ner vocation. ■ '• ■ Call and see samples of our work .1 L lieml.ree, '.. (!; .1. W. Curt s, S O pp . P atent O ffice . W ashington , d . C. S \ G; Guv liembric, Secy : and get Prices. ì he Moni Siiu.itioii. Sim non«, trea-uri r. ; :i> ; the idol situ itimi nnd price, i t us read :i letter fr. ni a ormili- neat v. .P. funi i.f Boston, dated Mutili Illi, of which the following in a part: ‘■Tiie market i< «¡rii'-iimit ."Jong mi about a |R t.i 12 i mt clear incurdii g to the amo'.inl of s'..plo there is in a lot. i l.e wav the sit- nation ¡'.there in viiv few lot- that it would pay to t ike th. tap.e out. as the baiatici salable, or tiring« s.i n: t don’t pay. 1.« inarkit 1 h n not th - expeiteil str. ngth, am! ! is eon-a qucntlv ra’.hi r e are no signs of nnv it in values; nnd if it the f.,ct Ihat domestic pniitively in ] rep ..timi lu> situation would I» T rack t.tARno ’ FF ot O ¿-AI-» O c signs ry.V« C opyrights 4 c . ■ n-' «entlfn« n *kct»*h anil deaeri pt icn mav 4*‘ < it ti»i « nr opinion free whether an , . '' ‘ i.nt ie. ( onimnntea- Hai » k n ; uenu * 't iT’-« ■ 1 I' M »kei l v for Kt-curiiitr patent« 1 "tent* t tk.-n t i:c , Mum A receiVe */• «/n ft -, » tl . , ¡.art',!, in the ,, I b.m.l— II' ... mt...j COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS Old Robinson Bulletins’ Eurns, Oregon. Head Cheese Your patronage solicited. À ............--...-.-v.,, rr-.pi, •.’I: . - -, — — IlARNRY, OREGON. TaMr» $wppb>d with the Beet the Market .Aff^rde Comfortable Lodgings. Fonti’ Dea 1 Everything First-Class. ----- Ter»« for Board by tho day. week or tcouth *n Application----- »-■r. ....stent Tm.te «¡ven Slwclol Attontlon III stnyin he w.. It I i' ' K r.’ at f>r hin w w b 1 JVT. XL«. LEWIS, Real Estate & Insurance 9UÀS Burns 1; r the •- f -r irt i ah riz'i ¡>1 r.o* risili th« h it er- nr ; n , <■ of »heej Lit CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. INE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. Bologna and Sausage ci all kinds always on hand- I I ret Ro! t Irvi' hardson, 23. a< d «.I« jf G E V INE, Proprietor. w i 1 V r d to « A Fresh Beef Pork, etc. in any quantity desired« filddi! ä Co.38'Br!”"'w»’-||8W 0.". ^orh «. : X II Saloon. i „rmt Hr <4 A jGiF* Parties deeir’ng regular board are requested to consult th* Landlord. Ulenmíc American. , I V All Teated Alike. Table Seviee the Best. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE . ... sites at 111 raid r hotel keepers and the public is assured good accommodations. p ■ :-.ic U;;trf. ex M. 11. BRENTON liopii Siici:;! MeKi.iiion and C. F. Me- Ki;;-! y returned from Saiem on the 0-15 stags today. They v.i re ac- . I'oiiipmii.-d ¡.y a little i B. Loudon, who will j e ia Burns for tiic present New York health inrp U ' or found clothing for s«-Idler-, "i.;;. ;i made under contract with tb.e war department, being u d a to the beds by the inmate of swi .u for E\ shops. Mme Algeri m, al, to the on Ifa congress with a republican majority in only one In alien i, apropriated more than a l> iii.;: The siliool savi ings bank sys- and a half, pray how much will '.cm. adopted in the ' public schools congress with a republ c in r of Eugene, has gc >ne into effect, ity in bah ::ppiop,. :■ and the lit-' day's r c.-idt i.i highly ’l’lu' request of the Cot. m hi t of the Canadian Militia I a: 1 ty to organize an army ‘‘to pro led the frontier”, wi I not 1 ■ i ' cd as a proof of glow in .ii'., between Engli h speaking : ■ i ; » -'ih hi AKER. i*«r . ective .? I. la you «I BURNS, OREGON. 1 he New 5ors Li'- , Norwich I i ion and English American Under- '' ’ ■ v • * ' i ;: • I'-, of New York, Acci- jder.t and the w«H know n cempanie« r»-pre«>-nt-d. business I ;-«riy and vacant 1< ts in all parts of the city for sale on rius; ]-o .«Hie good land near Narrown and | Lawen. I. is 2 and i . ' k 4 I. ri 1 1 •• 1 ami 5 in llcck 43. near Narrow» i: - M • • I 24 8 I i . 1 . .., . . . ' Il .'.2j E. and 8\V 4 -ic 16 T 2 > R E. T. « at a eacrific*. In city property we bare bt 2 in Id k'lni Mrin •’t known aa the ' Sturtevant prop-'tv. 35 foot f.- nt on C S. in td- vk 4 ; I >te i o .r the lr« w«-y er.d a i v n.b--r ol - p < mi d r»» deuce TU.' Aaorrbon b •» near ih* It you need ant thing in real e«‘4t« tr uh c to «how proptrty.