1 Wh I 1- y Ma Should Insue Mrs. Anna Robtrtsun, Proprietr«M Ki A > > wul ignore the prouL, of enn/alm- yd bvcf, pi t s« ntvd bv NEW YORK LIFE (¿un. M a - fo the E ditor :—1 have an : rrmedy f-»r Consumption. By its tiin..y use Hr- ’ndsof hopeless cases have been already v.nentlv cure.'. So proof-positive am i s power that I consider it my duty to .i-.-iJ t-j.0 bottle- free to those of your readers v. ho have Consumption,Throat, bi ironchial or Lung Troude, if they will write me thU‘ expre s and ; ■< >’toffice address, iincerely, as t o A ul. peel lh.it its ri p rt \t< BECAUSE M l Kinlcx i n 1 u d publishes r. v a 1 u a L1 a w o r k this d I s - ease, which ho senda with - , . , . large b«..- tle cf ;.is absolute cure, free to any sufferers whomuy send their P. re-a Fr.l.V,, Li. i’ir vv, r. , 4 ....lie-,, Yors C1 i zvr* proved by the statements of had Oct ICS ¡ng drip, ,< is •verywh-TC, s’.io'.v that the people have an abiding coQildcnce In Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Great ff** iîi /OC î proved by the voluntary »tate- Uf vS jnents of thousand; of men a ■-1 v/ornen show that Hood's Sarsaparula tuaily does possess over disease by purifying, rlchlng and tnvIgoraUng blood, upon which not only health but Itself depends, lha great Power Hood’s Sarsaparilla In Success of curing others warrants SHELLEY .V KOLEY. you in believing that a faithful uso of Hood’s Sarsaparilla will cure you if you suffer from any trouble caused by liupuxo blood. LU RN Shop opp'Hitu o] 1 hr ■ .; < ry Sarsaparilla Sijtirfictip:) C'.irtr..titer.! ’< Jive 11« a call. Istho One True Blood Purifier. AlldruguMe. »1. prepared only by C. I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Masi. . . ■« nnt arrt ea**y to uko’ eas* liOOU S l ’illS to op*.rate, üûcents. s Bairns Ontario «. ,» burue dulij, ul 6:3u i- 11. ie Ainves uk ^.Uiiu lu « ¡., teats. it has ail the iiiui: great -:6 daily’ at the price ot a do! lar weeklv. political news is prompt, complete, «a cárate and ím- partial : all its readers wid testify. It is against the monnplies and for the people. It prints the news of au tho world, having f-pecial c )rr“spondence from all important m ws points on the It has Lrii mt illustrations globe. ¡♦orits hy gre«at i‘.'lt i! T- capTta! humor page, complete markets, de- p.artments for the I.OlUt hold A’oinen’s work and < tin rspecial de partments of unusual interest. \V-‘ OffrT tl IS Ei paper and T he ó ‘ed" á L y . j sudden c It c ui be curen Dy a pl«.;it ■. ;.. -»istserl v rn !. ; ah w-ii-.- eh . ... iiey/ \ oik. If your tea is not good, why don’t \ oil drink water? Il is cheaper and b_tter for you than poor tea. Il it A good, your stom­ ach is glad to get it; does its work better. .S(is good tea—at grocers’ in pa :ka and Ti :ule-M:irks -'.btuiwcd ;-r.d all Pat- bi.-iiKX conducted Í r MODERATE FEES Ou.? O ft ce isofpcsite U.S. P atent C tfic in-.: pal nt ia 1 than the: zemoîe . Washington. otlel, drav photo., with or not. free ci jti.l patent is secured, Ächuigc Our u-c i to Obtain Patents; « . .;»» JA P amphlet . ” I f •.cost or : iitii' in the L and forcijn countriiiL? /»?•- .'.t fre ■ zki.Jre-.’ Opr. P atent office . W ashington , ' h,J l’HffUl Through freight notice nt any P. O. <. I 3JcU. a pout..}. the teilte and cuyep d < orictie I.c fiH nisl>,J for :>«■«-a »»{’»• r i. S 8. \yi!|i:ini» I’r- :
  • CHICAGO KANS1S cm Illustrated History LOWEST HAT33 of the Spanish- I’ .!! IMaat 31CAL F-T; nri .-l AM “ [SE', •> . -s i'U';.i .-c'a---» jX jC jX jt jt J l Jt READY FOR SALE EVERYWHERE JANUARY 1st, 1899. J. J» jX jX '» from bm.c I K •’ St PN» fl > Together with V The Battle Calendar of the Republic, 1 Lav 9 ( i • r i * it 1 1 Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Historian of the U. S. Navy. .4X»» THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. JU«J» v'je> forirtMxl an 1 a power- /J tul goo»: thing. Postpaid to any acidresa. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, NEW YORK. I hdvl, l-mpr» itp 1 « i¡ k I ■ ri ». Dear Sirs.—! hav- gi vot. /-n Russian Gut \ -1 ' ' ■ , • i ; i ! . ; - - nd am pleas- e.I to .tat" that th.-y arc the b t tuned Muù fuust durable s:. ■ _-s j ». ive t ,.r u. led Yuurs rcjp:.. L'A\ü LiiAIlAU Blood is absolutely erscnlial to health. It la secured easily and naturally by ?r i 10.» - è ¿.w r: - r • -JBSS” IV» people buy Hood’s Barbaparllta !n pri frrvnco to any other,—la fact almost t positively deckled in fa-. ..rot llood’eaa tbequeatiou ot comp : ii i . o sales. An. r thing: I'very advertisement of Hood's :i»r>>apuri.U h true, is bvuc.t. o d 6 I Sarsaparilla i- Prepared.>n!t 1-, c I I: If ■ c taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, but is im­ possible toget it from Bo-called “ nerve tonics,” and opiate c< ..pounds, ab­ surdly advertised as “ blood puri­ fiers.'’ They have temporary, sleeping effect,but do not Cl RL2. To have pure Audgood health,take Hood'sE.ireaparilla, which has first, last, and ell the limo, been advertised as j . t what it is —tho host medicine tor the blood ever pro­ duced. Its success in curing Scrofula, SiU Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, »!■. I'*, sis, Nervcue Pc - trot ion and That Tired Feeling, have r.-ada iSA?-3 kraperters < LV.MSICA Ü11.H13 u;,t £ SILV£R THE ISSUE IN 1900. Money the Pricing Instrument. CiiiHnlion sid Prog-Aji Haia Kept Swp W..!i Mene; Sappi/ in All Ages. The ?t nry Q-ii-alon to UETHERN SHuiíá LINE ' You know coffee is u ; 'esh - roasted. i ca Oil to be—t- >r rhe sr. ISt arc the only tca- firing works in th? United Stales; Sc/u'!/;;,v '5 AY-/ is always fresh-fired when it ives our hands, ¡.•hilling & C Sat; i ranc Round trip *1 • do. -------- GIX E8 THE ( HUICE OF the twe pupers «A Schilling «”< ( oinpany ban Francisco H«re One Wfly *7.50. EAST lin r one \ e.ir fol tí L OCAL DISEASE r-M.-'MPAi’’' and Is the result ol ( V'Titg qncncy of publi« at ion, and the fresh ness, acera ex­ no varici v of its con- Prcí. VZ nr a rpeciaity uc sy, has without doubt treated and cv.r- Tucasec than any ng Physician; .... s i; i- :<>nishing. i ni d i -f case i s’ standing cured by I ou do not have to die tn win If you lire 10, 15 or 20 years you can settle vopr poliev’in any way that best suits your eir- aunistaiiefs a the tini»—for eash uaid-up ¡risyru -i annuity nt i.rliee »pdione.t 1 his popular horse is fu])y , - ped for the comfort of it. c utio». Ciood tal>l!o rei vice. I!/.•», i ! ! cvkl ■« F. "..T-'.-.-r- dvinocratiL [).nty I BECAUSE 0 REGOX- NIc'itl.- l.iVC known in advance that hucouldn l It han over $187,17f|,4OG in awtp and a record of 52 years, dm scare democrats with his pig all of which time it l)as stpadiiy ineroA*nn eat*» brand EJ 1 •’ • i » ' V .'«ri in rtahi • lerbir >» eft, p, u harks Ore. / U . Emilie f' Tian ’ • ° rer • «wie . T .L f h.Af'.A • a 4 j p ' F m US «hen FERRY’S i?umi .• Phi, rml* B yp .J r 4'1' JOHN F. STRATTON'S C. «fe beared Bled iMlnasati or ¿FIFES >s and ba..«. Supplier JOHN r. strstton " »-I V>4rt