The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 15, 1899, Image 2

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    £he iuinrs-Mimud.
wEnxt-ii>Aï l EitBCAity i.. i
- A»#»»«
J C 1.1A S II» no
M n iiRK«*r.
7X>.-- 71 ohu y 71Uh.
sec if it is found that artesian wa­
ler can be had in such c unities as
Harney, where there are thous­
ands ami thousands of acres i f
arid land, that the county will soon
be developed, all the land finally
taken up, cultivated and thereby
bring in more money to be appro­
priated to his ••bles ied” \\ estern
Oregon schools, salmon hatcheries,
state fairs, the II ix project, etc.
These two bills are more enti­
tled to consideration than a large
majority of those proposed fol
that secion.
tain, the present facilities for light­
ing lire is not w hat ¡'. should be ami
something ought to ba Gone to
belter our condi ion in that re
sped at least.
will put up a general merchandise
store on the W IL Hogan place on
Silver ereek in the near future.
That section is a very good locality
f .r such a business.
White Front Livery, Feed & Sale
The Detroit Tribue is very
»a tie concerning the proposition to
elect United State senators hv a
a direct vote of the people. It re
minks that “if that cannot be, how-
<-vi-r. it is certain that there should
be a Litv to compel cat; 1. I ites tn
use cash registers.”
Prof. Chas. Leonard, principal
of the Burns public schools, is
working to have the sell ?ol ca'.a
logi.ed for the coming year. This
is a move in the right direction
and should have the hearty stip­
pint of every patron ami citiz 11
I-i the district < o tit t) i m rn nj
of the district. The matter will
cforo Judgt Bonnifiel-l, James
be so arranged that the mone»
Sh t-.v and Leslie Bo.vie, the train
for printing t he catalogues wil1 not
robbers, nppcsre.l f r
In talking with some of the come out of the regu'ar school
D. S. Truman appeared as counsel
business men of Bums »ve lind funds, lmt be raised outside.
fir the défendants am) entered 11
that should the proposed neiv
to the indictment, the hearing for
chai ter "pass and become a law. it
A Boy On Masonry.
1-murer 1»hich was set for 1 o'clock
will have a tendency to slop tin-
this afternoon. W. S Bonnilield was
rapid impiovements now being
An I Hi noil Loy was ask <1
• ntered of rccoid as as-; -stunt coun
-<1 foi the slide.— Vi’innimucca
contemplated. It is claimed by ivri.e an cssav on M isonrv
many that too much power is vest­ here is wh t lie wrote: "Kit
Silver State Feb 11.
A letter to C. A. Swet-k ft
ed in the town couui ij, giving that onion was a man ivb i 1 veil so many
body the p >»ver and authority to years in the country that he was Winnemucca, states tint the trial
bond the town for large sums of the whole push. He was an awful of Shaw and Botiie has b eti set for
■.vise man and one d i v two women March 27th.
money for the purpose of water
to him. each holding to the
works, electric lights, street im
leg of a Icibv and ne.i-lr pulling it
provements, etc., which they con
two uml eacii <1 liming it. And
sidi-r should b : submitted to the King S demon wasn't ('.•< ling right NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION
w hole people.
good anil he said: ‘Whv couldn't
February 9, 1899.
One m.m who contemplated the brat h ivo been twins an 1 st< p Notice is lit relm given that the itllovrlnyt
ad notice of *' Ma ----- -
put'ing up a large brick this ped this ho'her?’ And 'tlo-n he j to make final piu->( in Bui'jmrt • f J ij '’ifi'm and
I : h i! sui I proof »vili be nitnie bufo,
spring, says: ••1 w i l not moi tgage ••nil'd for his mac1 e*e an I was ir > jan I Ke< < h er. >. Land Offîna a: JiitrnK, (.ir­
, ¡-g nt. on Ma:< it ti, is
1-»5 i.»,
». viz: G<-.-.
; 'I î. N.» .il.
.’-i I. for
f«>r : 1 Ju
he K’-., . Ni.
N E ’ !.i t
un! SW ,
my own business, and am not in . ing Io W> yli-rizo tin p. or l tt
N, N’A , w
W t , .-<•<•■
!■<•<•• ; ?, T IS
is > S !; 2 E W M.
H l * name* i ’he íollowinjí wi’nrFses ’<» pr.»re
favor of giving four or live other noc'-nt litth baby, and give
I his c intinti' > s retE.lence upon aa I « nifi »a.ion
■ • Fani Ian • I, viz: 1 et (’..ziri. F rank II. Sv’k
men the privilege to mortgage it woman a p'.-< <• of it. then the
nn uu<l '.eui«r* lltnuins, nil of
Fr n . W
. Oreg. n.
-•.* »uft, H m rii e.» t »11
for me. I shall 11 >t build if the 1 mother of the I a'w said:
GE ». W. B.» YÄ», Rogiti ar.
new city charter is pass <1 by the
■ Id h- g h ive it. If I can’t hi
legisl :tu e.
b it.v 1 wi n’t I any
All this di s itisfaction might
oomiiii tol 1 her to oik e th
ha» e been n m dii d had the pro­
1 :e v ami go Lome and wind 1 its
posed inc isure b -i-n l ead a’ a i
Li’-e. f>r In- k..ew it was h rs. IL-
mass meeting of the taxpayers
people buy Ilood’a Sarsaparilla fn
told the <>■ b< r <ld>:in t I ' K" Do
preference to any other,— in fact almoirl
a id r. ceived theii ; [ oval bef. re chase h:-rs< If. King Sol. mo.i
t(z the exclusion of all others?
bi i >g sent to our rep. e .i n'ati» v> Solomon's temple m <] was
at S dem.
I itlur 1 f Mas >ns
lie l a i t
hundred wives ami three lm.-i
They know from actual use that Hood’a
is the best, i. c., it cures when others fail.
that tii- nds, a:i I that’s why then- Hood
’s Barsaparilla is still made under
are so many M isons in the world the personal supervision of the educated
pharmacists who originated it.
the My pipi says King Solomon hiis a The question of best is ju6t as positively
ivnrm 1.11.uber and I think he was decided in favor of Hood’s as the question
comparative sales.
hot Hull mi self Th it. is nil I know of Another
thing: Every advertisement
or King Solomon.”— T m Ti ler.
of Hood's Sarsaparilla is true, is honest.
It was not difficult to make
several of Wisconsin's would be
Atldiltunal Locals
senators believe that the s a e lias
It will Boon be taxplying time.
just past through the coldest snap
The Maino was I loivn up on>-
it has lia 1 for y-eais.
year agi t idav.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. SI.
The Salem staff correspondent
of the Portland Oregonian has the
following to say injjregard 10 ap
propriations prop oed for this sec­
tion :
The coyote .bounty bill calls foi
,5*50,600', nf w hich about half is to
be raised by a special tax upon
sheep of 1 cent per head, and the
balance by general taxation. If
there is one good ai gument in
support of this proposition, 1 can­
not conceive it, and have found
nobody who can give it to me. b
would be too much to call it a
steal, for it is, J am sure, propose'l
in good faith; but, if it should be­
come a law it would be .male a
graft, pure and simple. 1 nder a
Jaw providing for a bounty of $2
per scalp for "vartninls,” tin- busi­
ness of raising coyotes for the 1
scalps would soon surpass even
other industry in the slate. 1 can­
not believe this absurd propo­
sition stands a ghost of a show.
The artesian well bill, calling for
.$42,000 to be spent in i-xperimen-
tation in the arid counties, bears
till the supei lii ial mill ks of a job.
and if at the bottom of it there
does not repose a company of po­
litical wcll-bori-rs with alleged
^kiilful service to sell, I am no
prophet. I do not pi etend to
know, in the sense of having defi­
nite personal inf< rmatioi., an, thing
about it; but lam willing to bet
a cotton ha’, against thesi.itehnu e
that this aitesiail well proposition
is a graft without mitigatiim. Its
whole appeal lies in the allegation
that “justice-’ demands that the
state “do something” for Easti 111
¿And here, truly enough, there
is somewhat of a grievance. The
whole public fund oi (he state,
barring the little appropriation f..i
the so called normal school at
Weston, mid a petty d slriitfa-i
appropriation, is expended in the
western countie'. Mai i<>11 has the
Capitol, the state “institutions,” lb.-
alleged state fair and the state of-
Jicials; Polk has the so-called nor­
mal school; Benton has the state
agricultural college; Lane tin-
state uni» ci sity ; Douglas the sol­
diers' home; Jackson lias th.- s >•
called normal silmol at /Ashland;.
Prepared only byC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Klass.
Clackamas has a hatchi-r» ; C at
El Caldwell, who has been visit
'Pile school board of this di: -
are the only pills to tak»
sop has in >st of the local benclit-
ing 1.1 t'iiiviia City, returned horn flood S rlllS w>Ui Hood's bar »»parili».
which come*',from the disburse tri t has levied a j mill lax for 'l:e
'.hi • Week.
ments of the lisli 1 nninission.! md I pu;a> ne of paving interest on the
Multnomah, in the end. gi ts them bunds. T'he people of Burn line
Poor old Gen Miles They iri
I'e coast counties, nutside to pay a ; |.7-lo mill tax this ye n . dter Lis scalp nn I from present in
^4 :7 j ! f '!
ot Clatsop, get little from the state;
dil ations are going to get it.
C- : E y.
'éM ir 4
but they have big slices of patron
age through state iidluenie in tin
form of government appr<>pi iatioiis formal votes of their legislatures, city mayor in the state, Hi' name
Eastern Oregon .done pays taxis dei l.ued ip favor of the elei
is Harry Dully and is 23 rears oh!.
n .'.:idallA‘ai*
cder»-e faea. •
but gets nothing back, and tlu of 1 . S. senatm s by direct
. - P iteti’ Office.
. Y s tir!c
people don’t like it.
of the people, but congress
The last paragraph of the above ignoies the matter
Call and see samples of our wotk
|i-.r<T.: r.«cured.
< • ..p I .U-.iir'. " with
shows who received the bcm tits
—... ■ 1 ■
I!" •
and get Prices.
j a >ute, »y, or
from looting the state treason
If fu i* trade in w noil pulp, for
••Eastern Oregon alone pa» > tin paper making is .1 goo ] thing Lu­
taxes but gets nothing ba-. I.
he 127 big daihes which sent rep­
No»», that’s a (act. I he pc >ple resentatives to Washington to .ok
of Eastern Oregon do not object for is, w hv wouldn't free trad.- in
to appropriating mom \ when it everything b - good for evei vboilv
is for something of benefit to tin-
state in genei.d,-blit when such
( icii . Mlles may console himself
appropriations are m ule foi the
» ’*
vLat vv. ry
with 1 lie knowledge that lie has
• - i-wt >• :n«cds. 'j h«« i jrr
benelit of a 1 ei tain localit», when
.1 • •- I •.
convinced a large majority of the
it is plain that it is not of equal
j&QT ci* Ml.;« h !•. ,•* I«« 11 I mt tP.<*
people bad beef was furnish­
if rvest .-»».,« » ... -,
,n • y, v.Mld.
beni lit to the »»link* state or e»-en
Ft rry ’s J••• d _A • r, i f vr
ed our soldiers, eten if the admin­
one-tliild of r, when it is to help
r X :k;c
'• •'• '
• i reo
'• th»« : 3k>ng.
istration refuses to be convinced
a town wlieic a so-called‘-state
I. Mxh.
institution is located and pa» big
It is a little humiliating when a
sala: it-s to certain "pets” »»ho get
Cuba, p.ipct objects to
the coveted prizes and graf >
our introducing there the monop­
whether limy have the qu.ililii-a
lions 01 not tiu- people of East­ olies which have been allowed to
accomplish so much ruin in the
ern Oregon don’t like it
ù 3
The assertion that should the United States
it is and is the result of ro»ds and
sudden climatic chancct.
bill providing a bounty of $2 on
Tt can be ctiroa rr a pit. «ant
•> : r.- rent,
dy which re .
coyote be,erne a law the
• ' are rvc’.y ntotl:.«’ « . B-.
bnjfntik'k’y a s irbedH vivee
business of 1 airing coyotes foi then
at on-
ie( atone..
p-ev. rr rc'ier
si alps »»null soon sui p.i’s evei» easiness that it may fail him
other industry , i. \cr\ >•!!» With His friends have been m iking
is nek- 'Vi'i :_cx| t» b.» E -
th. nwsh frurr for
N«>. a K a’arrh. <’■' t n lh'r.4 and Hay brver of ail
rv; ardiva, k • • •; «
» '
over J,000.000 In ad of sheep in ■ v eiicil threats al*nut what he »» III
pi > a-, i n rS • v. en, brait lha aurea» po*
che<»l a’ •Haya
Irctt» H k - mem -tt •
r«*'i*Mva tham «va
Oicgon and two-tliiids if them ti II. if h- isn't pn tected.
rftaen an I • ■■<• ■. Pr.. -«c. st l*r«i .-’«rscvl m.1
KL\ L«. X1 i'llr lis
War 'aiuxx-Ñc * ïctk.
1:1 Eastern Oregon it will !>•.- s< cn
that most of thy $5o,i*»«o »»ill be
Gov. M, Millen, of Tenn , has
laised by men in that business and the courage of his
over half the amount east of the
t >A\I> I VSTKt MI’.'.TS
C.isc.ltii s. \\ hu h >s more I ent- city < f Memphis to issue gold
' S\T i’KIMT’ » F
iinal to all sections the scalp boun- bends, and a n ounced th it he
\y bill or $100,000 appiopi i.ited wou'd sanction no leg station
W • were slio.vti a letter from a
to the state uni» ci sit» .
criminating against I . S legal captain at Iloilo, written to Reeeiv-
The aitesiail »»ell bill •■bears all tender coins.
er N- nd, of thi-_ tri.».-
I ',.- fetter
n a* an answer to an i . ¡uiry from
the supcrtii ial marks , ( a job," he
Mr V well In -< g tt .1 to ti: t 'n't<. ’.»
says. Well, n< w, il we »»« e m
Some of our ci ecus think the son who is under his command
b:s place, mil interested in that ideiof m water woik
IL * xpresw 1 liim-i- ; ,*.s i i . g p
section of Diegan, wltu- appro­ unpi .u tii ..b'e . nd tint it» m,|, ot
'*• d to ret si mug the I i>/p-'t «
priations for l >i .d affairs 11.»<-r lai. be accomplished (or leas than
to pas’, we would not hr e ■
5*50,0. o perhaps n.d .itti .it
tinned that mb) it. Can.u.t h. figure. Well, one th n
M. II. BRENTON Propinici-,
This Stable is located on the corner of Fist’ ami B, Streets, and keeps L»y
and grain on hand- Has competent help. Run» a Job Wag. 11, Take» pane,,
gers to any pail of thc-Couutry.
TRISCIJ it DONEGAN, Proprietors.
McC'LAIN it WILLIAMS, Proprietors.
Tne proprietors of this large and commodious House are experienced
hotel keepers and the public is assured good accommodations.
All Teated Alike. Table Sevice the Best.
fiTParties decir ig regular board are requested to consult the
Bums, Oregon.
“STAR” Saloon,
K. C. ANGEVINE, Proprietor.
Oíd f?cj.nson Euildin«*',
Ely s Creili b3:iü
Burn?, Oregon,
Fresh Beef Pork, etc. in any quantity desired.
Head Cheese
Bologna and Sausage of ail kinds always on hand-
Your patronage solicited.
j. W. BUCH A NON, Propt
SoppUrd with the Bf,t ,ht .Varket Afford,
Comfortable Lodgings.
Everything First-Class.
-T m. fur by the d.y, week nr Mcnth tn App)iMtiOn___
msient Trade uiven Special Attention.
Opposite The Timee-Herald Office, Burna. Oregon,