THE TIMES-HERALD T he Best— Gives The News RDVERTISIN SUBSCRIBE. Job JULY 22. 1896. tha bay with the big guns of her prising to hear within the next two fore turret of the earthworks with days that it had been executed. Admiral Dewey was heard from great effect. Soon afterward a bat Attorneys King A Saxton are in SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Chicago, Feb., It).—A special to tery bombarded the place from the this morning to the effect he had One Year .................................................. f‘2.00 i receipt of a telegram announcing to the Tribune ftotn Washington land side. Six Mo*ith8 ................................................ 1.00 found it necessary to clear out all Three Mouths.................................................. 75 a deciyon in favor of their client, says: Iloilo is now being Lorn-, armed insurgents at a little village The rebels reserved tht ir lire un ­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Mr Emery Cole, of Dell, Malheur Larded by a portion of Admiral which commanded the land ap­ STATK—OREGON : county, in the case of Eastern Ore- Dewey’s fleet, unless the native til the bombardment ceased, when proaches to his naval station at | G r- W. Senators W. McBride. AlCiiridC. r 1 j , Joseph Elman £(>n Laiid Company vs h;n -ry Cole, have surrendered on the demand they fired volleys of musketry as Cavite. The action was thorough* jThvB. Tongue. ! involving the t»th to 200 acres of made by General Miller, whois in the Montana regiment advanced on iy aproved at the navy department. .. ( W. K. Lilis GtingreshineH ............... Attjruey Geueral ....... the jungle. The Kansas regiment ‘ y uiyTo"" very v' r-v valuable farming land. Mr. in command there doveruur ............... Secretary of state ... on the extreme left, with the artil .. ini!!. 'Leisehiii! i °'e 'eHlrd on the land many years rteasurer R General Otis advised Secretary ' lery deploying to the right, charged .. G M Irwin 1 l C. Wolverton eminent land, when the dispute be- essee infantry to reinforce General earthworks, cheering under a heavy ) F. A. Moore ¡tween the land company and the I' Miller and the commanding officer fire. Supported b the artillery at’ Cr . bore Squire company of this NINETII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. city, has been incorp 'rated with a D .......M.D. C lifford • S. thould be full) settled in favo- of that organization carried ir.struc- 0 - trict Ju«ije the church, the troops father ad C. W. Parrish. ¿Hs.ritt Attorney gen- lions to him to demand the evac- vanced, driving the enemv, fighting capital stock of $1.000,000 to con­ Joiui• Representative IR) ..O. L. Patterson. ol the government which was m J jiut-àsaator............. (R)-- .... A- w'GuW*u ¡erally predict' d would be the final uatiou ¡erailv predict' d would be the final nation of Iluilo by 9 o'clock Friday every foot, right into the t -w:i lim duct a telegraph business, The COUNTY—HARNEY ! I outcome. . but to the surprise of a morning. and p netrated to the presidenci promoters of the company state ....... James A Sparrow bounty j aigs............... ............11. KichartlBon great, many people, the U. 8. courts; I' ‘ demand was notcomplied and lowered the Filippino flag at they wil[ adopt a new system in- ¿lurk .......................... If this J . C. V.’vlc-ume Tr.'usurer...................... (R) Whiting in 1SS9 decided against the govern '„¡th immediately, the instructions iur/eysr ........................ ......... A . G J. o. vented by Messrs. Chrehore and McKinnon 5:30 p. ta. sheriff......................... ’ W Buchanan „ w c ll>ru ' ,nP| t allu * n f aver the land cor Wfrfl ( Q begin the bombardment Squire, which will revoiutioniz ,.M W C. lurd iehool riupennt-'u-lent The enemy’s sharpshooters in th- A. K. Kiehariisen 1 PoratioilS. Itoek inspector and continue it until the rebels ran jungle on the right fired at long telegraphy. A. Venator • . i>q ; o tu ml sàio atti» Geo. ilagey i- » This decision did not affect the up the white Hag. “Wo expect to put lip wire range on the Pennsylvanian regi status of the settlers on the land, as . through the country, ” said Colone office : The navy will of course co-oper ­ l.AND MARXKV V. ». meat but tho rebels were soon ...... Ge->.*W Ha* es the statute of limitation had run in a.glsl.r ................... ate with the artny, which will simp silenced by sharpnel shells and th ' Albert E. Squire, one of th inveu ........... Chas. Neu eil i.eelrer their favor. lifv to a coti'itb rable degree, the Pennsylvanians remained i;i th tors of the system, today “ ‘ i and in a The 'and company brought sn work noiv laid out for the two short time the present system will trenches. against Cole in 1896 to eject 1 bi n ‘ . r anches of the service and it will societies . As the Americans advanced tliev have bvcoaie a thing of the past < from his I n d. Mr. Col« in l h.i cover the landing of the troops. bur- - ' t! -- native hut*. The rebels I Our invention is called the ‘sign Syt.VA REBEKAH I'esrce No.SS case relied on t’:e question of above al Tne Boston, Baltimore and Pet­ v.ert ". . . .1 like grass, but the ‘wave system. Wo have sent as Ue»t«ecery - audid x Ml. r- Je'jlill 1 . : cell F > ■>’ (>oss< ssion. as a ; . guns of these ships will be turned j . W ba. (.r. live. j time. The receiving instrument i The case was brought in the U S l on them and followed by up by the prints the message out on pep r.” Circuit court at Portland and tried 'ro-ps who have been lying in t he ». Washington, Feb. 9. — All that XARMHY LOSSE, S lie said the invention will great­ I iiarbor for some time past. ’ Ut.misj-1!>' Judge Bellinger in D< .le-Msat “Hd Fello** General Otis had to rep >rt to the ly expediate communication. I I v p i«. In vi wi>f th success which at . LA. I1' '" fii I ’ ir ' ■ War department today rt luted to , Among the incorporntois of tin Mr ’o' Ti. ■ 11 ■■■. !!ri . i f I l> d ' he uc:' of the American the ca-mahie-- that have occured Bo|con,r,anv ¡s Harry A. Garfield, 11.1)11 .<• \ x--n on ' 1‘ I force« at M nil a l.'-t Saturday and far among .he American troops j ,-hl<-Ht son of the late President Gar- t- A- d ¡iiíx, ii iv. Gen rid Otis di sir- d to r<- id i amp ì : >• a; p d to t : the result of the actions since Sun- (ie;J Circuit Court of Aprs 1?, V. hi. I reduce II ilo at once and have an day night. Matters in Luzon are ! A ITONNEY AT L aw , ______ _________ ■ wis argued bi U S Semiior Sim- uipli isai.t duty over. Army of- now in a state of temporary quirt err»»». , . .... I >st . < )l lit •( ■ :it I ]( >i 1< > Barn.«, appeared m pa rson î r tl e Mi it.>r> ii. i rs here say he is pursuing the aparently, and one of tho*.! Road Uonipriiv and \'torni . Wil per course in Minning his vic who knows as well ns anyone what Washington, Feb. 9—Ten postal » ' R 1C ng of th- firm ■ f Km.’ A- Sax -.i v nt the beginning of the wet-k is going on, said this afternoon that employes ar>'now en r< ute for th.' H i ton, i f this oit v. who nppe l’ i to i. ke pil.e insurgents in Manila he ilidnot expect to li'-ar imp• rt.iiit Philippines to ai l Directors of ki a 2->.-' "¡Mr. Cole. imi Iloilo on the run and ir. this developments in the Philippines | Posts Vailo in' stnqli hing a mod agent . 1 rr-. Tiie decision in favor of Coin will drive ail thoughts of renewing the for the next four or lived ya. ■ ««’ service. This numl er includes NOTARY PUBl-V* . biing good news to many s tilers in conilict from their heads. Secretary Alger repeated his s v('" H'g'thir bonced postofiici Malheur'r' lity and other’ irts of ■tat laeut made yesterday that l>e|‘,,ork» “n >.*tal service nt Cavite. ' land but hi id the legal title through on Caloucan and reduced it in short Lave been given by Otis for it had PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON mere technicalities of the law. th< order. At a signal from the tower r.ot gone trem the war department. | I Gold seems to be required to the The impressi ju prevails, ho vver. i make the keys with which the c................ Residcne ¡ general i entiment of the people is ■»f the De La Lome church, at Oilice i in favor of the settlers.— Baker 1 Unit'd States double turruted mon- that this moveoieut is already un ■ | itc-r Monadnock opened fire from <1 r way and it v aid notbe . ur-1 OREGON City Record. •(URN* If “Buck” (..rant had used more 1 of his mothers letters, and less 1 of somebody s money, he might have done better in his d ish for GEO. S. SIZEMORE, attorney . ihe senate. I OREGON FORWARDING CO Ontario, .................... O regon . ' '(•( lieL’.wn-,’ l-aml Í!‘‘7,dn¿'1 ’U“' ’’ Land l>u-m<-»- Lítale inaner |»roin| 'I' a-ieniled to. OUR PATRONS We sell everything you may want and our stock is complete in every line. ----- AGENTS Studebaker Wagons, sVscOormckHarvesting Machinery, BIGG TURNER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Bargain Column. LIVE AND LIT LIVE” 1T0TAB.Ï interests. SEASONABLE GOODS -AT— h our MOTTO. JW interests are our Burns, >• I in this column arc w'rirtly «foiily the wetk of J fkuc . These I strait * ai;d | rices. ro « h ! s and k L.r ibernaci’, »w. ? »» many of • re •**!raw< plan, mak< s i stimuli *, etc ligurgi vci.o ii»“ dtiinati’H. dentist Buildings put up witbin the amount of J :7"Sntisrac(ion guaranteed.' Brick Laying Plastering a and Specialty Br ek and lime always on hand at the yard c R7"ltesi Hanley bouse. VOETLY ■ DEALER IN— HA TINWARE. ♦ ♦ GU»S.c=l , AMMUNITION- I Bicycle», Mowing .Maukine», Gun .’ i ACHIN'E SHOP I' N CONNIlt TlON, Cheap tor Cash. None <;f the publislicis who are bi ing 1 ongr ■ t > t.ii.c the duty off of w od pulp and white papci JL_S- c.m consistently advocate a pro­ tective tariff, in their papers, but \\ IIOLESALK hl! \f,ER IN (hat will not prevent their doing- it. Fino !t is not surprising tint Cubans si. . . J object to our military ofli- c al* granting perpetual comes,inn ol value during their tempoiary authority on the island. If we intend giving the islan 1 up to its inhabitants, we have no right Io be granting conecssi ns that will lie binding upon them after our authority has been withdtawn. Keutuc Whiskies j Ant Cigars. Harney \ alley Brewery. OsstlON. >9 f WHlTf . Vrct eM««O«iV From week to week (¡ml avail yourselres of the Low P RIF ES. CAI ;WELl, IDAHO Er. E. Burchie rf p-ilia Ur-Ill 'V roth ef ol! Î •’ 3?abst Beer. 1?SF-W rite us for Prices. Everything 8. W. MILLER. FOR----- Tile country would like to know'el»- repaired promptly and salisfictorally the true inw trduess of the evident1 hatred of < Jen. Miles and Ad-1 miral Scelcv by the administration.' j. w b:s«s, III UN'S. Oregon. We solicit your tra I and guarantee FAIR TREATMENT to all Dr. W.L. Mars den, ) r Printing BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. FEBRUARY 15 IS'.)'.) SETTLERS WIN BURNS, — — — °B Practice in all the courts of Ore. Collections promptly made. MEDIUM \ f , ; ON & LCND • Jt I