■-.•••.dw; NEW YORK LIFE. Mr.. Anna RoberUon. Fropri.^ A Swias poet nas just died leav­ ing an estate of considerable more than a million francs. The infer­ ence is that he ¡ran a tourists’ ho­ tel in connection with his rhyming machine. BECAUSE THRICE A-WEEK EDITION. ed with fifty Maxim guns ¡When lie has tried his little alt;u k on the American forces lie will have an­ other maxim to hand down to his heirs. It will be—“Don’t fool Il has aver $187,176.106 in aH«f>ts and a record of 52 years, din­ ing all of which time it has steadily increased in strength and with a buzz saw.” pr .sp'nlv. BECAUSE you can berrow money ftorn the Com pier at 5 p>-r cent per annum, after your Policy has been three Tin v arc savin n ’' a good deal r»«.rg in for»«. in New York just now about th ■ feat of moving a five-story brie!; building. There’s nothing little trick like Ihai. lli"U di. Y»j not havu to dio to win. If you live 10, 15 or 20 ycar<< able-bodi.d California eariliqu ikt y»u can settle your policy^in any way that best suits your < ir- • «■ubtan. es a tbe time—for eash paid-up ir.sura :s, annuity or tould <1 > it and never half trv. CAUSE : WINfi MAClBNt CO., this dis­ ease, which ho sends with a largo bot- llo of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send the ir P. O. and Express address. V. e auviso anv eno wishing a euro to address Proi.W. ii. £££££, T. 1?., 4 viudr£«.. Kew Y.iIs Factory, I.VJÜERE. ILL. _ proved by 1 be statements vt lead- Ing r> «•Caveats, a:,.I i : adt-M:’.rks obtained and all l’;.t-<' Jcntbi; iotss conducted for moderate FEES. S PO vr O ff ce is opposite U.S. P atent O ffice ' sat'd we can • r-. are patent in less time than those’ [ Srcmot- fror i Washington. p Send model, drawing or photo., with de scrip- ■* ydon. We advise, if patentable or not, free C; 4 ¿charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, t. f P amphlet . " How to Obtain Patents.” with> JJcost i f same ’in the U.S. and foreign countries? £sent free. Address, *? ' .... P’' ! <«' -¿¿¿i ¡Mi ; , Ary just a *: at c\ en- tho lifa U— A! od o Sarsaparilla^ lathe Ono True Blood PurlOur All drucslitt. fl- Prepartdonty by C. I. Huod&l'o., Lowell. Man. , ar" »° Uk,‘• 'aSIF Hood s PillS to operate- accula. c Ontario y»r« One way Í7.5O. Arriva» at Oiitariu in The World Almanac and Encyclopedia for 1899 O pp . P atent O ffice . W ashington , D. C. 42 horns Round trip ♦ 15.00. . JOHN Fo STRATTO?i CELEBRATED 5 If your tea is not good, why don’t you drink water? It is cheaper and better for you than poor tea. If it 7s good, your stom­ ach is glad to get it; docs its work better. Sc/n7liiig s Best is good tea -at grocers’ in packages, chi'liug St Company ban Francisco E -------- GIVES THE CHOICE or REAT OREGON V ia via SPOKANE SALT LAKÍ MINNEAPOLIS DENVRI ST. PAUL OMAHA AND ▲ ND CHICAGO KANSIS CITY . .-^=AND ■ e \ ■ Illustrated History LOWEST RATES of the Spanish- American War ft'paitar.ofr.Gd ’A hole*»]«B :ts power that I consider it my duty to ,r>z Z tzio bottln fret totliose cf your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bionchial or Published every Alternate Day ex­ NI e: »Is* ¡y Cent«. Lung Trouble, if they wi’l write me that" cept Sunday. express and postoffice address. Sincerely, Term, for board by th. w„k * r. A. SLOClTK, M. C., ’«3 Pearl St., Kcw York. The Thrice-a Week Edition of month on application. «7- Tho Editorial and Business Management ot this l’uper Guur&nteo tliU goncrcas Prupuaitiou» The New York World is first among ,ubl| ill‘ weekly” papers in eiz«, fre-; tfÄ“Two dour, west of ijuency of publication, and the fresh- [ /’rem r.i.J’rrrH'i .•« ness, accracy and variety of its con­ Prof. W. E. Pc:2z w'-o tents. It has all the merits of a makes a rvoci-lty ef Epilepsy, ka3 v.'ith«at doubt treated and cur­ great 16 daily at the price of a dol­ ed more er.sec than any Its political newB is . living* Physician; hU lar weekly. « k y success i3 astonishing. prompt, complete, accurate and im­ We have h: n d of eaMCi ci 20 ycai ir®’ standing cured by partial as all its readers will testify. him. Ho publishes a It is against the monoplies and for valuable fO THE work on the people. Aguinaldo is said to be provid­ I« ic » >e of the Strongest Companies in the World. City Hotel WORLD, YORK Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Historian of the U. S. Navy. For full detail« call en tie 0. K dr N. agent, at Baker City, or ad- <1 ess, w. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pas« Agent, Portland, Or. Scfiillings Best is fresh-firi hen it eaves our hand THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. j M j * Schii’ing . Company PRICE 25 CENTS. f Í •• » n r->. »1 5 1 Oci . »ti Ip du 11 i a cl STABLE j S j M Postpaid to any address. THE WORLD, PuliUer Building, NEW YORK. iorly l yc. 1. HorU&Co., L owj !!. Z'.'ss. • .re to get H ood ' s and only H ood ' s . A pop.rtM] a >- ‘ ■ every CASH Sul scriber ir Crtnpfssrr • ■ i 51 Blood Is absolutely essential to health. It is secured easily and naturally by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, but is im­ possible to get it from so-called14 nervo tonics,” and opiate compounds, ab­ surdly advertised as “blood puri­ fiers.” They have temporary, sleeping effect, but do not CURE. To have pure I t. •d i»» »txts* that the .1 durable striai ïuurs roan L . kil l IL importers c fr.r.d Wheltsa’s Dotlr-s i>i all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, HIS tC5.L17Esitii.USt .J.'cwYor’- FREE BRAND COLUMN. TV rs* brand , on left stif*«. ratti« brand <1 •« i-r h r», aark ragfalef. «ar D M Mikiiu«! Burns, t »re. H X - 5 ‘ - ïs - î - hs * » ° 2 a» ’■ ■" ■'SZ h ijr. *r-T3 ■' c And good health, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which has first, last, and all tbe lime, been advertised as just what it is — tho best medicine (or the blood ever pro­ duced. Its success in curing Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspasia, Nervous Prostration aud That Tired Feeling, have made i. a » S-c: t !>■> pcorto buy Hood's Sarimparllla tn l’r' ' rsuieo 1» any Ot a r, —In tact almoel exclusion ot all other»? à Money tbe Pricing Instrument. Horae brand harten on left »heuld«r; Catti« ■nr’en on njft hip anc upier rii» «n k«tk cara. T. A. McKiunen, Bur: a Or«. Ciriiizi'lo» »nl Proj'.st Hai» Kept S’o Wilk M îisj Sappi/ in All Ages. Ha; 'in ▲ Ril«y, hT>1 r 0n )eft af«e Hora« brand“ ieitaide. p ». Barna,Ortica Th J. C Foley, caul« brand »»on rlrh» aid«. Horae brand .ou lef;akou’der. Mwy QiesUon diacussed in th« l-.ght of experience and history. Ilnraea bran l«»! on left ttffl» rattlebratd. e.- • l.,n of b-jf |, ju,. „ poalUrety decided in f.vor of Hood's «» the question of e n-.|uratho laks, A.1 tier thing: Every advertisement of Heed'S • arMjMrill* 1. true, is hou.-su Sarsaparilla T c t.ading Bimttallic Piperei Amcrim. The One True Bleed Purifier. All druggist». d kJ 1» rwil arc purely regetab!-. 1 tOOa.1 S HlllS lull« and beneficial, ? GO YEARS’ . EXPSr.lENCE A Ml,. Hood’s Pills " . . Published weekly by th« . . W ashington , Ttsaec Mxnss Dniui C owvwicwt « Ac. S 1 cera»,r't!.'n cur e «M i an ra A«vt B í ^M ír Slid String 1 • • » » '< IS* • » »^ 1 «Is»,,. f 1 • w»»-, • . • » « « A A' CATARRH v. yrtiTTcj JOHN F. STRATTON’S 1 " . I e » ;4 • C.M. Tz-J iwlmairdt -I» t • F ».FIFFS SCl-S F. «TRATTO*. I «I« »1S..1? t IV V T’ a ;1 rr •/ Ç’n ri r ’ J - •' ' ' 7 ' HL m Loara PhU lai* Iwtt Q • t«4 Far ir«?k awal'.«w f«rkia rtgkt««« ar .« ilia «ft PO Barea Ora. ’» »V-M »• 1 Hora« brand •• ’«ft ah«« d«r S Staaclifu Burn« Ora. 9. Laofpehir« and tea cam« kraad JOHN F. STRATTON S Mr / H r«e brand bar wi on left aho«!d«r Cattie rr«- «rm <>n left h.p aud rib« Catkeria« Marshall F o NarrowaOre. Hora« brand g oa l«ft ahe«ld«r and ae»e «• LOCAL DISEASE ,-X-wsJ i . - • • > V« ! « 1 t •• ■'•■;-»• » • t ” H 1« brand anvil c»a Mt a: 18« P • e I.awen Ore 1 At:!« brand flor« Tee either hf>; m^rk light crop ea h ear. t ip in ta^h ccr. and watll «• eft jaw Her»« rand fgnreTnn either hi* J. H Hnovard.Barna Or«. *nac’« cf right hind !•« Or«. - rrr , J J* Picker«..« rattle hra-d J F ranneetedea ** d c . Harae braaded Pon rltht ehnrlder. rattle P onruhihi« fc A. Headricks. P O Law«« Or. n<»’»e brand M on left thoalder, ala« tbr«« a- rs 1-. s ••.•e«f triangi«. caul« branded ■«■«• L K. (»mat Barna ‘Jr. A correct account of th« doing» of Congjeiaj given each week. A fair an-r for the h me and Cre­ ole. Al. c itnnortant happenings of the we-k c. n «e l. in uewacolumn* A I •ir | .well M m *. V. S. «eus.or W. U. STKWAMT. Bditor. Sntxcriptian Prier. 91 Per Tear. Send for aaiEple: agents waat«4. X n o* -LT L 7,í’íi Sarsaparilla ? y lv.,. ’ * > •. • »........................... a V. • * - » r. / t y.»<' I r y. r - « ■ J —rf't“ ' * • f • . u a, -zri -/- t "":-—v".-- / ■ W •— - ■ »■ • F .» . ., ..... IltoM.M,», ■ L UV«¡. M. A. L. MOHLER, Vice President. WJ ’^,*3! - ; k i:<- < .» «-d « «it»c ahany««. C- M 7T»p ♦.-«ait • i - CY »... .. M al . L.....: — ¿ • ir»! tA »e tN« «o'"! — «tr- á Heraes a»