Th«-“ County Official Pap:r The Best— ADVERTISING MEDIUM —roR- Jiarrey County, I Job IS»» Í CONSOLIDATED JULY 22, 1896. TV.'Kl-Lblkh’l J- r BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, Printing; JANUARY -I —r— Cubans Tear Down The American Flag. 150 leading Cuban lawyers,doctors America Has The Whip Hand in Josh Billings un Insurance ami business men, at a meeting The Money Market. which lasted until 4 o’clock this I kum to the conclusion lately Chicago, Dec 20.—A special morning, decided to yield without New York, Dec. 29.—Foreign that life was so uncertin that the i L ASCRIPTION RATÜS : i , .“le to the Tribune from Havana reservation to the wishes of Gener-1 bankers said to day that sterling onlijw.iy forme to stand a fair ........ Ca jae Tear .1.0> sav»: ,;x MrastHB Oregon. i al Brooke and General Ludlow in exchange rates were sc.fliei.'ntlv low chime with other folks was to get ____ • • • ------------ : S'.’irtli: g rumors are flying about the matter c.f postponing the six to permit the importation of gold my life insured, so 1 kalled 011 the' .»riCIAL PIBEeTOKY toripht a|iJ are en cred days’ ceii-bration and approved a and tbit it was not unlikely that agent of Garden Angle Life In­ c w. McBride. ! crowds thronging th»* streets. manifesto to the Cuban population some more wou’d come in January surance Go., and answered the It was r< ported this evening that ot Havana on th? lines of General and that imports really depended iThvp. Tongue. following questions which i \\ ere ( Y» . K. bit IN ■j4»gr«’nnea 4 . 1, lutcman General Mar iiano Menoral a-.d bis Ludlow’s reply on the str ject of the now on the rates for money here. kttoruey kienvral pul to me, over tne top of a pair Win P lxH«l uar I If there was need for the gold h re. li H Kiu^eia forces at I. i l’ava had been asked proposed celebrations. lo»r«ury «1 Htet« Phil. McUthan spectacles, by a sleek old fellow _ rr-tuutsr _______ . _ K Tlio Xiargost Stoolr The Cuban citizens in Havana home would undoubtedly come. It G M Irwiu to take the oath of allegiances to the 4 Ì iibl _r. Y * u • i< iMMtrurtiuu B ............ W 11 Laede w itli a round gray head on < him iUv« frimer and the Cuban soldiers outside the will be easy, the bankers said, to ' United State.« and had refused. R. s. Bean. Tb.o Lcwsst Prices . Wo!ve Tan iapreo»« J«dge3 The news that Cuban soldiers re- city are intensely excited, but the ■¡ring in $50,000,000 of gold if any ms evvr was owned: Are you a k . A. Mao re mail or female? If so state how WIXKTM JliöICIAL , DISTRICT. j fii-ed to t ike tl.e oath of allegiance patriotic committee and military such sum were needed . » . ,M. l). CLIFFORD Me >- »licit your trade and guarantee FAIR TREATMENT to all *i«tei«l •• chiefs of the Cubans think they can long t’ou have been so. Had you was cheered bv the crowd and ................. C. W. f ’ arrish. 3m. AU. , R U. L. F t X»aios«iRAlivt« A Pendleton Loy found same a father or mother? If so. which? insurgents clattered repress this feeling and prevent vio­ . . .(R)............ A . W.Gowaai mounted (•iat S««*i«r lent incidents. counterfeit nickb’s Saturday at th e Are jusubject to tits? And ifsa, i through the town telling the people eevNTY harnfy : c. P. It Hherfori. in the street that General M mocal foot of a tree. Some children were du yu have more than one at a R) ii. Kell lark .1 C. We1< = from 1.1 pl.iiing in that vicinity and acci­ time? What is your precisi filing lrja«urer 11 MIS FOK f.EI’ATKIATIOX. T A. .'¿«•txillHolt ir>r«r dently unearthed the coins. The wate? Did yu ever have any an­ A . J. Mi ’ Ku noil Pays and had taken tie- fi 1.1. - ■ . \\ . f. Walr H \we»»»r Madrid, Dec. 30—The cabinet coins had probably l>- <•:> buried nt A r. F;.rf the tr- <■ 1 v one who has1 . m -aNs.a-.«.'» Geo il a gey Du yu have any nitemare? Are r \ for the participation of Cuban troops to Cuba for the repatriation of the . t-eii tnakii g them. They nre of yu married or single, or are you « a t Y V. • LA N »> office : Spanish troops remaining there. 11,-ad and not piirtieularv good .. Tii niftfi lane» ' in the exercises of evacuation day. Ititi I«'«T A. A. cawing Atre:ver The government considers that ' counterfeits. One theory is that a bachelor? Have yu ever com­ The fieling in Havana tonight is AGENTS FOR----- the prospect for the release of the :someone made tbe nick les for the mitted suicide? If so how did it intense. The United States flag was torn Spanish prisoners in the I’hibp purpose of using tbein in the nickle- I effec yu? After answering t '' Studebaker ’Wagons societies . pines are very discouraging. ! in the slut machiiv s of which there above questions like a man, in the I down from manv houses in the SYI YA REBEKAH BegreeNo.U ! aro so many in Pendleton. | aflirmative, the slick, little, h, McCormick Harvestin, [ lov.-cr districts of the city tonight. ‘ ' -' a . 1 old feller, with gold spectacles on, Upp-er class Cubans sent cable- ’ j as -*ec-®ec • ’ Big Coiti l ind In Mexico A peculiar suit is to be brought said, “I was insured for life, and grams without number tn President! M«F“Write n» for Prices. in Atchison next week. The proof A ô C. V. Mur h« L--JV, N« 47 probably will ratnain so furyears.” ■ McKinley today begging him to in- reader on a certain paper in town 1.1 Paro, Dec. 30. — Considerable i thanked him, smiled and retired. I terfere. Cablegrams have been J . V. Se ) «r, Ker. excitement was caused in mining will bring suit for $1,000 damages ¡»ent broadcast over the United and smelting circles here today by igainst the proprietor, complaining Dewey is Senior Oílicer ’ States asking for public meetings that he is compelled to read the üa IÍMST l.O»*K. »>■«■ ”, I. O ® F-_ and app»aling to the csinmon sense the arrival of Authentic in formation proof of all patent medicine adver­ ofoneoftbe biggest gold strike- rrtpia, F, ¿«¡ and justice of the Ameriran people. tisements; that in reading them, h 'i Washington, Dec., 27. - Ad­ vet made in northern Mexico. E ulv r here are doing The Cuban leaders ¡s convinced that ho has all the af i miral Dewey is now the senior who arrived everything possible to prevent an U. Benuclemp, fliction described, and that his | otiicer of the Ann ric.m navy, hav- c ¿ à EK, outbreak, but they sav if G-neral today from Bacerac, Sonoro by way health has been ii jurei by his im-1 ing reached that position without of Casagrand.s, Chihua. reports the 1TTURXXÏ AT LAW, Prink’s command is carried out not discovers' of an immense fissure igination tc the extent claimed.— 1 congressional action through the only will they be helpless but they retirement Sunday last of Admiral; vein of free milling gold ore 22 Western World. : Kara*« will tliie.k whatever happens to Bunge. Ho will continue to hold ‘ miles south of Bacerac. 1 he ere have been caused by what they con Recruits For Dewey. BURNS, that distinction until December 26 I ORk.ON, is reported to contain 13 ounces of sidor the arbitrary and unjust act 'next year, when lie will go upon gold to the ton and the vein has ion of the United States. Philadelphia, Dec .!•>. H10 nil . rc(jl cj ],st( UI1it.Ss congress ex- Brick »nd_Liae cnntiinlly^on hand, al the ,ard in eatnra». A The development« of the next l.e, n traced for several miles. ill ,rv cruiser Yosemite (formerly 1 , , ■ , .. r American prospectors in Casa- * cept.s bun from the operation of of work do»».------ Terms on application. gálk HSl'ATS AGENT. i few days may mean peace or war lift League, , . grandes and the surrounding dis­ ibeMorgan liner , Etson) , • , the law, and alter 111 iking him X'iTAKY PUBI.I 1 between the United States and Cu- Island navy vard tins morning for , . trict are «Hiving on the scene ir Norfolk. Afte being fitted ilit !lt! a‘’”> the navi . provides that I ans. The second battalion of the Sue- large numbers. the navy yard there she will pro- hc !nay 1,okl th;lt <)H|CC acllve I .¿ÿ“* rg.-ticu* b* foi* U *• L*nd < ’*■ ' • olid Illinois baa been ordered to cetd to M -niia, via Suez canal, with " bliout age ¡imitation. Santa Clara province. Lar# st oí Battleships. supplies and 400 no n for Dewey 5-; There has been some rioting in , fleet. | “A conflict of arms,” lie replied, that district and?the Illinois troop.« San Francisc , Dec. 30 — Work --------------------- 1 ‘-is a terrible thing.” i were given hurried orders « on the battleship Ohio has been DEALER IN - I Tutt T imes -H ehald is clubbing “Of course e,” she replied blusli- I One-battalion of the Forty-Ninth commenced nt the I nion Iron with the leading outride papers and , ing prettily , anil so inexcusably, ARE M CXlOOZavy SURiEON . Iowa ir ordered to C»enfu’ros. works. The Ohio will be the l.irg oilers good inducements for cash ton. “ - i - hold that th’ disposition PÏÏSICI5K AMI> I cl BANS WII.L POS'iTOSE CELEBRATION est ship ever built on the coast and sub-eribers. Come in and get v>ur Resident reading matter for the long winter la man inak s of his arms is none| at Gitte I Havana, Dec 30—The Cuban one of the three biggest to be brill evenings. : of a girl's business.” Chgo. Post ; TINWARE, GUNa.czz: RMMUNITIOM urkgon 1 atriotic committee consisting of in the American navy. Of ännes-lkratd OREGON FORWARDING CO. I OUR PATRONS. V; e sell everything you may want and our stock is complete in every line. SMITH, & PEARSON, Brick Makersand Contr actors « ÎITM c GKO. 3. SIZEMORE, attorney , ....................... : i i —qy A | etition is bring circulated on I the other side of the John Day for r- I the formation of 11 new ceunty nut of parts of C.'ook, Grant and Gil- L iism.of which Mitchell is the pro-j posed county «eat. Grant and Crook may soil themselves in the mat'«-r, Lilt the hw< r-l , f (111 firm is “expansion,” not “contrac­ tion,” pays th<- Fossil Journal, and our pe pie wi 1 not tolerate the ro , liriquirhmmt of an inch of territory • X i—-..------ X O kboon Land till inssB. and »;‘a! manor pron.l ■ pu».I’} «,**% for th» rtter.e« * debv «Í .hete«; 11 'a »«atoU r tn < *• t.» •:» t»e ran. «>* tx-tifl. or1 , y teli Iti quantities to any otte run-î>aa*r. H. Voip, PHYSICIAN Je SURGEON. Medical Examiaar f»r th® «Ml Muta»! Life Inanraaea Ca. Clearance sale of Clothing kSyOfíe» »t ratidenaa- We are desirous of closing out our entire stock of Clothing and I- D. LINDSAY, « Physician & Surgeon. BURNS, ► J .- 'A PENNY SAVED, W A PENNY f AR.NED.” for the next 30 days will give un precedent ed bargains in that line f r CASH. UKEGON. r *| Watch these prices. WATCH THIS COLUMN Hr-(HK«. firs» door »oath of aid Peel S a.. MAt III N E SllOi-’ I- N CONNECTION, Bicycles, Mewing Maskioi-s, Gan ta. repaired promptly and saiisfacterally Everything Cheap tor Cash. WflQLESALB DEALER IN Fine Kcutuc Whiskies Ant Cigar Harney \ alley Brewery. This country is rich, but it isn't rich enough to make it» military expenditures in lime of peace ex­ ceed ih>s«: of the European nation« which maintain great standing armies. That is what they wi! do. if the administration bill for the increase of the regular army be­ comes a law. From week to u'cek and avail yourselves of Loir FllICES. —T he T imes -H erald and Ore­ gonian for it in advance. B am » I vsthumi vts mriMirr MASON & LONDON I* CAI DWELL, IDAHO A Genera’ Banken j Business Iransected TWB •'TFÌ ATTTO^F Er. ÏÏ. Burchtcrf DENTIST. r>► 7 the i Rev. Biidgrr has been holding protract**! meetings at the Liberty I schoolhouse in Morrow county dur 1 ing the pssi couple of weeks, and ' on Thursday of last week be broke three inches of ice on the Rhcu cre*k and immersed four converts, three men and one lady. The weather at the time was so cold that the water froze on their clothe* they emerged. VOEGTLY •w* •♦«» g I«»». 9» » *» ■« Sai /OHM r STRATTON ■4« -* w««. »•• r*«A a.RPESFONOENCB INVITTO