' i ’ I SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES. JVUAX BTRD — nsexx-x :sr_ ■ ' Showing, as bv Inw required the amounts claimed ti>d and re- corded i>< .inst the county of Harney, state of Oregon, and tne amounts rt'i 'H a T < I.AMEI’, AM' The U b phone polls and wire nOtV beiig put in place, gives our Win Miller salary and dilt atty fee» circuit court. Robt Irving two days as bailiff. little Jtv tpnie a inctropHitan ap- C H f.eonard one .“........... '* - • peni anC-. M I. Lewis 1«.......... “............ W J Coleman services as court reporter . M.-Clain A Williams 12 meals for jurors The Cm i.-itr.i.ts fe-iliwiies were •> ......... . 19.................... ’•.... .........ll ......... enjoyed very much by our pleas­ ure loviiij’ cit zees. Ever) thing OU dkins br.ard and lodging jurors I. A Copahall int.als for jurors .... was liri-tchis-i and conduit, d in a Bruss Byrd bailiff circuit court.... wav to pl. :t'c all. If Felton .......... ” ......... -..................... . Jas A Sparrow two months salary as county judge. Geo D Hagcy county commissioner............................. 'I'he pr->p'/sc«l school book law, II Rii hard.Hon two months salary as county clerk placing the matter of se'cction in F S Rieder ..*• ...................... ..“... deputy ...”.. A J McKinnon *'........... “....................... ■ sheriff............ the Lan Is of.i I'inmittee of live Sam Mothersbead deputy . . “................. .if.pnu'.r! bv the governor, will I (' Welcome two mos salary as treasurer.................. .“... .school supt....................... mean h saving of much’money to WC Byrd ...“■ “....stock inspector.......... W J King ... “ . the schoo JliooC trust. Q Here to- ........................ ” assessor. ............................. W 8 Water» .“. fore they have h id to purchase a ( J .-.h-,.-on witness grand jury May term 1898. majority of all the county school Ellen Wright. ■ ■ supcriutt lents of the state.— Bertha Talk........... Geo 8 Sizemore. . . Roaeberg Xpview. W A Gowan........... —J----------— Lewis Stanclift K Schubert ......... We .ue gl.i 1 to : laic ’Ji.it before James Morrison snow 11 <-H r -v'ysea on, Burns will M H Brenton . lie fo i i w i a g io J J iprea house (len ¡Shelley........... H Richardson . . . and ha ’ for a'l public? gatherings. Thos Hagers ......... The pte .-nt ball is not 1 rre W Kilteradge .. ? L ‘ - .1’ enough, .-old, poorly seated and al- Frank Wilson.... togetl er tinconifoit,l;!e. People Chau Bernard.... C H Lcyde........... e.irnot < r.joy themselves unles:- J R Gould.............. ’li) y are comfortable and more W W Johnson . . especially at’a hall whciejthe floor W R McGee........... F M Moore.............. (h '. Id be smooth, etc. E H King............... R E Reed ............... Claud McGee......... rhe pi es'rk-n' has appointed Cha» Allen.............. Ethan A. 1 lite!-.: o-. k, of Mi .mi, Robt Irving........... I> L Grace............. to be i Hitchcock is ¡it present ambassa­ I! P Wills............... F M Level ........... dor tw l-’.u--..i S<-< ■•. Illi- -, will re ' teplien Wright. . . tire upen thi-jpialification of M.r Chas Bernard . ■ ¡•tate T S weaver HitJicoc* which will be sometime W Kittwrado. .. i Gid Weaver......... i-i February '99 The peon!.- of Frank Wilson... TJ e on v -_c v'. ’mt ch in In C M G real i .. i- * , J «r -s Linger llermriu wC.uld capline He.- Henry Caldwell . ’ in's O’Brien. . place in the cabinet. John Wsrlow.... W A Gowan.“. .. Teos Sag"!........... T!i DaiLs i'.u:ya,'t ( iiy Rail,my.i llenry J McNeil ('•¡•is Bernard. ,«■ *• AT rr. j 4 - .L . -. p.orat'cn were ’ -• ! ' a itb tlie conti- W W ,l< hmioff’ . . t,v « e k ’ v h k'uliimbiu South- I.’ A McCoy.'.’. . ■ 1 R t ’ ’ t u : new ¡irti. Louis StanefiR . Dun.on Smith’ i cs - < 3 th vtcnsion <>f '' R McGee’.j' {J ' > ni !'.> ■ ’ 1 . .rei il.e ¡uni Peter <)ard. “. . .Etntc vi Fred Haims* 14 “ e » 4 y ‘ 11>< ; ’ Tu I ati < 1 <.’i;y, al; ,> II C Brawn ' ... 41 F M Moo’A ’..... ... Weaver nutli -, i - i the • • mpiny lo buy, Jasnu Benn. !t, . 14 .. Haines .. t , t r t . ■ I« (. -e <■ n Imi 1 a I 1 ale a line of E H Ki« ' ' : (I ; c. ni c. •-1 ■ ■ Columbi.1 a- ,1 Hobt Irvin/ .-. .. SnVe rive , • c supplì m n ' H P Wei’s ’ * . II Weaver... M ',■■■ . .did will E..I i F M I .oVei -,.. <1 i W J J fin- on . il ' -i < ■ 'p-. Ma' i n- «I >1 I ( Tins Geod’-iim . 4s ri^ii 1. i .'looic as < or- li ■ I’ JamesHli justice faon , s P'-f.ltOIA i-ij.g- 4 'iTlin -,- dist atty 11. H J M'-Kinnon'Aiin.-,table II John Werb'-.» Witness j ¡dice I court “......... 1* -st t’lic.’r a’tckhirse. » 'l *. |WR Met 'co' li ( U:i.’ Bernard .... «( Bo’> CspobinJ find Chas. Riley, Mii i-ln Level ‘ u il 4« (I wh " ) driving ,i i.n. ! i f cattle < , er If Volp ......... (»' II ic m Malli' r to « i t i la- week, W A Gowan . . . ’ i> tiro S Sizemore ' ii'ii.l it’':? '’ Tut in, uni ..ii it Ri"hard on ' K» 1 Cl Cl ' at tlielf r^’ekharn upon w hit h 1’ H Gray juror ie; h circuit court Oct 1898 *» Il II i-.ispu-'.: their hli g ¿ainpout J l> Mitchell.. John Ott..... ti» nnd fuc !. E J Martin ... . .* Tl.ev iii<{ not tni.«n tii" animal, daini > i'olrvell. . v. hi'-li r :> an of.’, y ,.t!i? p.icklior u-. I. C Bradfield ...” tiiit a.) a'w.ivH.fmh'tved with ut F G Stauffer....”' I'rdi'.g t 11 I i y were eamped for U R I’eterton . “ ■i <’ supper. I’.»h ro ielate in the night I II G L Buchanan . .“. i II.- 1 >■ l.i • il jl -. but cotlld CT Miller ...•*. b i r i <1 dneper Davin ...*'. a'l Lea beilf^smnd G W H-irkiii es w .a J W Buchanan Kungty camp for night. W A R«b. rtsan The 1- • carried an outfit wrtrtl. W B Parker. .. a mil i - ii - w • in--l on Tn---dnv, |c. w Young Kfth.but vnS .t--.r uv cv -iiing wh> n J M Barker *• Leonttnl I’-.mti-r nu.ved in Ontario, HC Brown “ he repotted 11.a: the horse bad been .1 C Simmons J W Jones “ found in the vicinit of the H ir;>er G W Curtis “ rat,cl t is A ’• e ite. riios G llowsar “ R P Muffii J W Ward R B J va ', son " J P Ue.irbart “ ' i e 'iiar.v f. i,l woo . a W in Bennett “ I !< Pji'.jsde •* • ih> ir . .-.r , l'i y 1 ai er t•> us i'i our r-e-.nt beri-ave li I Ilarkrr J mi - h Hutchinson ment -i- iiiet» return our-inevre Hiirve Dixon tbsi-' James (iilbett Evsrv ki•>.! • • -, si I everv J n..’* Brock eut sidéra!'’ - '? >»■ '■ " ‘-.i u-- h J I' William* J Jf’hmwn v« and m ' i - • th - : t - i ifsliin and ’ r«si Otiey ger.ero*itr c-- ld W 1 »■ J ' ». < M.v.'Ufi. »• F Aueuiuth H Burnt, Or !' • , 1 ■ • 1 N Oi.ieu « W II Gearhart M J B Craig i»ci 1 R A \ NOTLCS. «• < - • ' Wbiting H <• F- Oskerman Sep- A *n>..rs.v There cams U _y rv •< « <• It Umber, a b a * • -r ?-> ’ *nded1 If 1 it «I •• Own A 4.» I ittwU h*t *n left hip, »' t un t M •• «r cenie, pr'>ve p: , rty. pey Cl v. It » » 5 r. ' I U charges «rd iskc ht-r s- ,. It P. N M. er ww rs. «3 • my rsi.i'h icosri.'o I.» os to CL FA0B S arah H aixux I Ba ’ m O>., I» .• llv ' I . 152 c 3 54 1.50 4 6 3 78 39 48 27 166 21 400 1C6 400 166 116 50 58 20.8 2 8 8 12 12 22 50 $152 00 6 0 0 00 00 54 00 150 00 4 33 6 3 G7 33 78 GG 39 48 (X) 00 27 67 lfG 20 21 400 00 67 '■* 166 00 400 67 166 116 67 00 to 33 58 OO 20.8 2 20 20 8 8 20 20 12 20 12 00 22 J h !. . I i ! V ÀàdàA a of- m I V -~à / ■ ?! à ¿¿XZ3 Cl Baine. 0r«5*». M. 11. BRÏNTON Prspii -t' r, Thia Stable is lecat- d on the eoratr s’ Fisc and B, Btr.atn, aad Icatpa bay and grain oa hand' at’ -i';it h.’p, Hi- lb.*: a j '- j Vfaj'-n, laktapaaa.n- gers to any part of tha Country. (THE CAPITAL SALOON TRISCII & DONEGAN, Proprioter». i We have added several new tea- u res to our already large stock. Among these we wish to mention Ladies, misses & children’s cloaks,, Jackets and wraps, Ladies, Misses & children’s Fall and winter Hats, carpets, mattings, rugs & draperies, We cordially invite an inspection of our stock, wl desirous of mirchasing cr not ¡O* h iOeS. Un, hu» ' .« o»en mcrea’ed t> si”!! V»e ara ever thè beat peoplv fvr an «i‘enl th.it «a l.av net ntai th-, Situes to bsfoauJ in Eutem Orrevs at.,,-« to shew the mock and in e-'ese V’ <-giva thè te-t rio» f»r,tlis ».»»t ■ ¡aeui-e they sre raarkeà at viieea tl. ' niócxj-, Our ai ai is aut ir cct chea., McCLAIN û WILLIAME, trope..lo .. ».!! ii.-iure a quiek >--dc and reduction ouehy I ioih that ara a-t. chaap it isv Tin proprietors of this large and coairaolious Huu. t ar* *xptriene d of sleek Don’t buy a neiv suit until ; noe, bat to givi- a f.sed, hot?»«: Sks« you bava seen our line, ffs will tv et a reaeonab’e prie«. For geod issili- hotel keepers and the publis is assure- gjo-l accctnmeuatiens. piea -sd to show you, t’a.-cs v-’ù. •.?■•’r you .... ne.rest 5:jh;s ano hoBea; wcar, oir wish to purchase now or at som..- L»i<.r iines ranno! 1 ;■ banten. tirile. Vie bave everyihi-iu in 'Ve are ahowing all thè stv vtylev. Buys and ('lui-Jren’s I'isii.ir./, Al*s i a!’.o thè stapie tbiega m Meo « L»«;«>.’ JJ8F*Parties desirng regular board are requested to consult th? t-olo »geuts for M. Beiu & Go. Cuatcie ’•>?! Uhiidren's hhaes, ani ct.-ry ai. »«- Msde Claihiri.-. Landlord. J —-trnenl that casin i fail io p.easa all BURNS, F? W rappees. R. C. ANGEVINE, P.-oprictar. FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. 18.20 8 20 IS 2iJ 20 20 8 20 11 60 COM! QP.TABLE CLUB ROOM This line, inter—.3 the mb,er and G. SMTTH, Pr^t. 1 70 l 70 1.'70 1 70 1 70 1 70 6 40 12 00 15 00 2'50, 9 5t>' 10 50 15 OO 25 00 23 (X) 22 40 6 60 6 80 27 20 7 OO 2 20 8 t)0 24 60 26 60 27 20 31 00 25 50 31 00 27 ia ) 16 00 16 00 16 00 14 OÒ 19 00 38 20 32 40 18 00 30 60 17 00 30 40 16 60 16 60 3:1 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 12 16 0 9 IO 15 2.8 23 22 G 6 27 i 9 8 24 26 27 31 25 31 27 16 16 16 14 19 28 32 14 1 30 ( 17 < £0 1 16 t 16 ( 23 Ws î'ül nn.rit il. r?p«ta'i-.ï of esi- ryir.g !.'?» Mrt lin- < ! Und'-rwenr to b», fri.inù iu ti.:< part of thecruntry. i e i ca puttisg in this lise Usi fall we ta'l it il !..rger, cheap»r cr.1 betu r ■' with a pber.omioil stestie iw thm ever befosc, ir.-rlucmg lient» * »ale. Ti : < fill we hire laif dy ’ -, N;- ■■ -. .Lr,-,-j g ..' I' .i . ,t. ' in tiro prvr-. s a-.a union .-uîts. increased t.-u- ¡ins aad are now ehawUg G»- ts T i . q , • w ar :-ont 5*’ crnr.3 g- a «inst complete aseortMMt ia these L i .- i . « i ,i arc prepared k> the fiiia 3«t3er.N. .•--!i ( arpets at East.-rn prises anà frea Blankets were never shown is crest.-- A go- 1 sasortmem of patterns 71 ....... j »- e Lave them freu 50 c?nte >tt ti^ All Wool California Blank- yard np. eta. * ’so a fai! line ready read a Sheets Mattings from 23 cents per jars u, RD J PliiOW Befogs and Sâîtsaga of all kiiuls c'ways co iisnd- Cloaks, Your pa * Jackets and Cape3 e A 1 Tins is an an entire: new departure, hflMie that haal-ng been neer’ed' The system <>f ord.-ring those goods iron sample ha. not U an as satû'ac­ tor; es having ihe goods to try on and iaspect. Wc have put ¡B . TerJ « ass riment and will sell th. tn at prices ¡hit sanane be beal -n in any large city RICUARDôÜN, Pr.-iri-i.ii r tbess grods were b night to sell and Ma rc| tbfB1 u McKinley & Sparrow. ..w mi I ars marked at pries» that will IDiare , speedy »ale Lsdiea’ Gara»ot* from J3 00 up. \ ''”-:>nbc:g Jr. .blag!», on 'h.#d .t . lis,'* and Ch:, rea » Garments frOUi t2 CO up. A. K RlCUARD’ON Harney Valley Shingle Mill. A K P.rtle, ditirinl r.T 7 7 “is- Ms r*. ; . ui:t ir i’irue} r'”"r a •“* Dress Goods. In th ■ li-e weearry a very toatpleta «-sorttuent, iaelniiing »J| tl>e lalaal ■ c «* i : hh aa well aa elasls artiela. 1 ine ! .aid Checke al IC aca TU ceats per yard. Imported Broende« at ?t ecats ’-ar yard. Heavy Uloaking at 75 eaa'.a'per jd. Tr’mmings. In this line w* lre askiiywMpi Av rs. Tcia Fs.l we h»ve iserr-ssed on'*<:reaJy aae line. Now ¡* ¡nelidss • 1 ■ ■1 new »nd lending ibing, in O”»ps, Hrwid* »BJ rassmentrie«, ran» c in price from 5c ffr ynnl sp AH rite us for Price» ■>. BUl’HANON, Prept AURNKT, OREGON ."bed wiA t.U Nrrt t»e Jfarlet A/bwb raavs •la-KS. là» «»T 00 t IT.in».- r. t Ti-m,l<» nixea a 'pociMi Attwntion.