T »••••V. ----------T—-—-«—— ' - — iimrü-Muraid. WlilllSPAT. L E< EMUEK.I. 1S! h J 7 MAX RI lin — — — — Manager. On the expansion question Mr. Mc» le y is once more proving t îat he is a follower, not a leader. If tiv r . io<» if the bill now befarc congress becomes a law, claims to have spent in actual cash ,500,000; but that claim doesn’t explain that the money was mostly spent in paying big sit vii— bbvists and ornamen­ tal otlictals. The Best Christmas Present. A Fatal Accident. The best Christmas present we Oregon City. Dec. 14 — Isaac A’li-on. aged about 55 years, was an r ay without fear of contradic killed this afternoon it 4:30 o’clock tion in the majority of cases is a by fallingon a steam woodsaw while musical instrument. Musical in it was in motion. He came out of struments never get out of style, do the woodshed and attempted to pass not fall into neglect us the recipient between the woodpile and tin saw­ grows older, and are almost the table, when he slipped and fell on the only gift that improves under the saw while it was making about n • ig-. for in-tu.'.c if you give a fiiend t Washburn tiuitiir, Man 1er ef Fret and B. Streets, and keeps bay riid. The coroner’s jury returned a age. It ¡3 no trouble for u? to show and grain on hand* Has competent help, Runs a Job Magen, 1 akes passel* verdict of accidental death.—Morn­ atid play ou musical instruments gers to any part of the Country. Call in and see them. ing Oregonian' C ity D rug S tore . Mr. Albion was formerly a rcsi- I dentof this county. His son in law Additi liai Locals. F. M Jordon, received a letter from ' a daughter of the deceased in which V.Hauks is sojourning in 1 u city she stated that the fatal accident occured at their home where the | C. H. Vocgtly has received 1 woodsaw was at work sawing their j nice lot of ice skates. TRISCH & DONEGAN, Proprietors. wood. The last stick had been cutj Our ¡merchants are enjoying a and the owners of the machine were fine holiday trade. preparing to move it. The old time , James’ orchestra plays for the friends of the family here, deeply sympathize with the bereaved Xmas Ball Monday Dec 26th. family. J. W. Sayer.« and family aredown from the mill for the (holidays. 4k‘O. Marsden Dead. Clothing for Christmas to fit all i sizes and shapes at N. Brown & Sons Burt Frunch arrived from the A. K. Richardson and J. H. Log- P-ranch yesterday evening with gan came down from Harney today. the sad news of the death of George, OREGON BURNS, Marsden, brother of our esteemed I he T imes -H erald and St. ____ Louis fellow-townsman, Dr. W L. Mars- i Republic for 42 a year in vjyii.ce. McCLAIN & WILLIAMS, Proprietors. dell. . X’/nas cranberries, 75 cts- The proprietors of this large and commodious House are experienced About 10 o’clock Monday morn­ ! yer gallon at Mason á- Lon 4 ing the deceased complained ot’[ don’s- hotel keepers and the public is assured good accommodations. having a headache and said he Your attention is called to the would go up stairs and lie down. Xmas dance ad in this issue. Re­ At 8 o’clock p tn Burt French and memember the date, Monday Dec Manager South went to Ins room 26 fATl’arties deeir’ig regular board aro requested to consult the to see how fie was and were in­ Landlord. .\'jnas Neckwear, finest formed he was all right hut for the heailache and it was thought noth­ in the city,at Mason S Lon­ ing of. At 12 o’clock Monday night don’s. >5? V ho awoke some one who slept near There will be a Christmas tree in him by groanir g. when found he almost every schorl district in was unconscious and Dr. Marsden Harney county this year. R. C. ANGEVINE, Proprietor. sent for ot once; lie never regained Jack Darst, Bert Bower and Ja­ Consciousness. The doctor started son Bennett came down from Har­ fos the I’-ranch, thinking from’ ney last Saturday Jack is still JT’i.i’SJt Class. what the messenger said his brother, with us. CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. was siifl’ering from pneumonia, but | X’nias Sails, , best grade, , FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. was met near the Narrows by another messenger, with startling loa'csl /trices and largest COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS news that he had died y esterday stock ill the city at Mason <5- London’s. morning at 10 o’clock. Old Ro-ison Fulling The deceased was a native of Those dressing eases, photograph California, aged 33 year.«. He albums and other Christmas goods leaves a father and mother in Whit­ at Jorgensens are the finest ever tier, I.os Angles Co., California, and brought to Burns. Cali and see one brother, Dr. Marsden of this them. The prices are so low they place. His aged patents have been will supprise you. telegraphed the sad tidings and The finest line of Ch istmaa and asked what disposition to be made Burns, Oregon. New Years novelties ever displayed of the remains, which in nil profi ability will beehipped to California are now shorn by N. Brown «1 Sons. Crt'l early and buy your presents ini mediately. before the best are selected. Geo Marsden come hero last April I? ' ‘ili on a visit to his ¡brother, and also Frank James’ orchestra plays the to look at the country with a view liest ball room music ever (furnish of (locating. When F. 8. Reider'erlin Burns. Don’t forget the date resigned hisjposition as book keeper I Monday Dec 26. of the French-Glenn Live Stock Col July 1st to become deputy county | With every cnsh purchase you . „ are given a chance for a fine French clerk, the position was offered the doll to be given away Christmas deceased which he accepted. eve Dec. 24, 1898 a*l 4 I’. M. by N. It is a sad fdow to his brother, I Fresh Best, PoiR. etc. in any quantity desired- Head Chass3, Dr. Marsden, aa well as the many Brown A' Son.«. friends the deceased hail made 'V. N Jorgensen I ihs some of the Bologna and Sausage of all kinds always on hand- during his short stay here. finest Christmas cards and celluloid Dr Marsden is expected to arrive hanker.'hief, collar, glove boxes.etc with tl n liodv sometime today. | These goods will be sold cheap. Ail Teated Alika. Table Sevice the Best CI Y MEAT MARKET Keep ii.; 1 iistm’lv at it is the k v t< siu i r ■. ui . .It 11. iseing,sa\ s the Ihcioklyn Chronicle. You can uol spu't much and win. A business career that goes by tits and starts will not pay so well in the 1< ng run as a business that /pllcjw s 1 course mapped out for it and keeps increasing its adver­ tís as the' business demands it until the maximum is reached. There i< a maximum for a small L ater —Mrs Dr Marsden has > ’ I Ennis, of the Blue Mountain busmess bey.md which it is not just received a telegram from the' Telephone Co. is at work with a eci'ii '.iv or policy to go. Have crew, putting in local exchange you advertised from poli.'y be­ parents of the ¡deceased giving in-, offices. A number of our citizens structipns that the remains be in cause some one else did, or be­ are placing a ’phone in their place« cause yuu meant to get something terred here for tho present. The of business and residences. fuheral will take place tomorrow out of it t This will bear thinking | That reperter to the Oregcnisn' •vet. made a mistake in reporting the I A K lilt’ll AtlDSON, l‘r trrietor* the weather on Dec 13. He had it saw TOSE. An Iriahman, in order to cele­ 18 degrees below zero at Burn« and Partie« desiring shingfr« can get then, al McKinney A Sparrows naw mi l brate the adv. nt of a new era, went 18 nt Riley. The record of the , at same price a- at the Shiuje tail). In Harney Seth Bower A Co. will »tier d tspMtovs «4 W'lMo'oDe«l«e*’a Ab'.h'f out on a little lurk. He didn’t get I weather bureau here has ¡not regis­ to the wants ar my eu«tomera L. W ..Id- nb. tg Jr. keeps shingle« on band at MUSICAI. MERCHANDISE. homo until 3 o’clock in the morn­ Vl«Unt, Guitars. raafcH. Aceanhei««. H v « n < tered lower than 12 degrees below Ilia residence in Burns Call on theai for privet »nd t rms or at the Shingle CM. Ac.. ¡*!| k.nJacf ute., at«. ing, and was barely in the house this winter. Mill. when a liursw rushed up and un­ A, K RICHARDSON covering a bunch of soft goods pliuwpd him triplets. The Irish­ man looked up al the ¡clock which •aid three. and thcu at the ¡three of a kind in the nurse’s arms, and Mi I ‘’O’im not superstitious, but thank heaven that Oi didn't come J. W. JONES «t CO. Proprietors, home at twilve.’’—Ex. Your patronage solicited. Harney Valley Shingle Mill. THE “HUB” GROCERY. IS TRAY NOTICE. There cmue to my ranch in Sep ( lemticr, a large Lav ¡ni tre branded bat an left hip. scar on noee Own >r cume, prove pioprrty. par | charg. s and take her away. She , B.iinl by the day. w.ek (W wenth «n Applicati».____ Trattjsicnt Tmdc uiwn ¡^pi rial Attention. FORLICN AND DOMESTIC CICARS. purer, yr., Dec. 7, 189*. t and We have added several new tea- la res to our already large stock Among these we wish to mention Ladies, misses & children’s cloaks, Jackets and wraps, Ladies, Misses & children’s Fall and winter Hats, carpets, mattings, rugs & draperies, We cordially invite an inspection of our stock, whether desirous of purchasing or not Clot mug This line Ims Luu increased t. such an extent llmt we Lave i.ot near tin space to show Hie stock and in conse queiice they are marked at p.ices th: t will insure a qu ek sale arid reduction of stock Don’t buy a now suit until 'ou have seen our line. We will In pleased to s’ ow you them whether you wish to purchase now or at some lalrr time. We have everythin'; in M$ns. Boys and Children's Clothing. Also -ole agents fur M. Born & Co. Custom Made Clothing. Underwear. We are ever the lest people fir Shoes to be found in Eastern Oregne. We give the best shoe fer the lezzt money. Our aim is ant u get ehrap, trashy Shoes that are not cheap at »ny price, but to give a »end, huucet Shoe st a reasonable piice. For get d niatir- ial, newest styles and honest wear, oar lines cannot be beaten. We are showing all the new styles, also the staple things in Men s Ladies’ and Children’s Shoe.«, and carry an ai- sortm nt ibat caarot fail to pleate all I Ladies’ W rappers. We still merit the reputation of ear- • big the nest lino of Underwear to be found in this part of th country. This Since putting in thia line last fall we ¡foil it is larger, cheaper and bettei have met with a phcnoniinal aaee.ss in ban ever before, including Gents Ladies, Nissen, Boys and Children's their sale. This fall we have largely n two pieces and union -uits. increased the line and are now shewing Get ts’ Unde: w< ar from 54) cents up. a most complete assoitmeat in these Ladies Under " ear from 35 cents up. goods, including all the new and latest Children's Underwear from 20 cents patterns, at prices from 75 cents ap. up. Blankets and Comforters. This line interests the miner and stockman, as well as the housewife. We have always bi en the leaders in these good« : nd the ininirnse stock w. have this fall .vill only help to strength en our r. potation. We have a 11 an moth line of Com­ forters. from the eh. ap, heavy ones to 1 he Cue .«ateei.s. Blankets were never shown in great­ er abundance, from 75 cents per pair •0 the fine All Wool California Blank eta. Also a full line ready made Sheets •Hid Pillow Cases. Cloaks, Jackets and Capes. This is an an entire; new departure, but one that lias long been needed. The system of ordering these goods from sample ha« not been as .«atis’ac- tory as having the goods to try on and inspect. We have put in a very nice assi ruteni and will sell them at prices that cannot be beaten in any large city These goods were bought to sill and are marked at prices that will usure » speedy sale. Indies' G-irmrals from 13 00 up. Miases and Childless Garments from $ ? 00 up. Heretofore we have sold these goods rby satnyic, lot the time cnnsaarid be­ tween selecting and receipt of good» was inconvenient to those desiring car­ pet. This Fail we hart brought aa the Carpels by the roll and are prepared to sell Carpets at Eastern prices and from a good assortment of patterns. We have them from 50 cents per yard up. Mattings from 25 cents per yard up. Dress Gcods. In this line we carry a very complete assortment, including all the ¡latest novelties as well as staple article. Fine I’laid Chi eke at liana JO cents per yard. Imported Brocades at 20 cents per laid. Heavy Cloaking at 75 eeatajper yd. Trmmingi. In this line we are acknvwledged leaders. Thio Fall we have increased ourjalready fine line. Now it includa* all ths new and leading things in Gimps, Braids and Passanti ntriee. ranging in price from 5c per yard ap